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Pirozhnikov 27 Implications of the Navigation Surface Approach for Archiving and Charting Shallow Survey Data - A. Armstrong, R. Brennan and S. Smith 36 Establishing a Seamless Vertical Reference along the Tidal Segment of the Saint John River- J. Zhao, J. E. Hughes Clarke and S. Brucker 45 Canada's Offshore: Jurisdiction, Rights and Management, 3rd edition - Book review by B. Calderbank Editorial StaffiEquipe de redaction regular features I chroniques Editor/Redacteur en chef: A. Leyzack Layout/Mise en page: J. Weedon 2 Cover photo I Photographie en couverture Translation/Traduction: P. Page CHA Directors I Directeurs de I'ACH B. Labreque 2 News/Nouvelles: CHA Branches 3 Editors' Note I Note des redacteurs Financial Manager/Directeur des finances: J. Walker Distribution: E. Brown 4 Message from the National President I Mot du President national Every edition also receives assistance from the CHA Lighthouse Committee. Go F.I.G.ure Chaque lidition est realisee grace aIa collaboration du comite 34 lighthouse de I'ACH. 44 CHA Academic Award I Bourse d'etude de I'ACH Views expressed in articles appearing in this publication are 46 CHA Corporate Members I those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Canadian Membres corporatifs de I'ACH Hydrographic Association. News from Corporate Members I Les opinions exprimees dans /es articles de cette revue ne 52 sont pas necessairement cel/es de /'Association canadienne Nouvelles du Membres corporatifs d'hydrographie. 53 Lighthouse Puzzler I Casse-tete du Lighthouse All LIGHTHOUSE correspondence should be sent to Announcements I Annonces Adressez toute correspondance au: 54 CHS News I Nouvelles du SHC LIGHTHOUSE, Canadian Hydrographic Association 56 867 lakeshore Road P.O. Box 5050 58 CHA News I Nouvelles de I'ACH Burlington, ON Canada l7R 4A6 64 Rates I Tar ifs Telephone/Telephone: (905) 336-4538 Fax/Telecopieur : (905) 336-8916 E-mail/courriel: [email protected] Visit us at: www.hydrography.ca Cover I Couverture Originally built in 1843, Pictou Bar Lighthouse was destroyed by fire on July 5, 2004. Soon after, residents of the Pictou Landing First Nations, the town of Pictou and surrounding area formed the Pictou Bar Lighthouse Restoration Group with the intention of restoring this landmark. Rod Desborough, a resident of Braeshore on Pictou Harbour, has written an article on the light which appears in this edition of Lighthouse. More information on the restoration project may be found at: http:!l wwwpictoubarlighthouse.piczo.com PICTOU BAR liGHTHOUSE Pictou, Nova Scotia Photograph Courtesy ofjanet Francis of the Pictou Landing First Nations Community irector National President: V·P Section du Ouebec V.P Ottawa Branch: Andrew Leyzack Bernard Labrecque Stacey Kirkpatrick 867 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington, ON L7R 4A6 53 St. Germain Ouest Rimouski, PO G5L 4B4 615 Booth St. Ottawa, ON K1A OE6 Bus: (905) 336-4538 Fax: (905) 336-8916 Bus: (418) 775·0600 Fax: (418) 775·0654 Bus: (613) 995·4475 Fax: (613) 996-9053 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: labrecqueb@dfo·mpo.gc.ca E-mail: [email protected] National Secretary: V·P Pacific Branch: V·P Central Branch: Terese Herron Dave Gartley Fred Oliff 867 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington, ON L7R 4A6 P.O. Box 6000, 9860 W Saanich Rd. 867 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington, ON L7R 4A6 Bus: (905) 336-4832 Fax: (905) 336-8916 Sidney, BC V8L 4B2 Bus: (905) 336-4501 Fax: (905) 336-8916 E-mail: [email protected] Bus: (250) 363 -6314 Fax: (250) 363-6323 E-mail: olifff@dfo·mpo.gc.ca E-mail: [email protected] National Treasurer: V·P Prairie Schooner Branch: Scott Youngblut V·P Atlantic Branch: Paul Sawyer 867 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington, ON L7R 4A6 Andrew Smith 336 Douglasbank Dr. SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 2C6 Bus: (905) 336-4836 Fax: (905) 336·8916 P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4A2 Bus: (403) 279-0293 E-mail: [email protected] Bus: (902) 426·0574 Fax: (902) 426·1893 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]·mpo.gc.ca 2 LIGHTHOUSE Fall /Winter J, Automne I Hiver 2004 Editors' Note I Note des redacteurs True to the diversity of information which our Journal delivers to its readers, this 66th edition of Lighthouse combines leading edge research and solutions with lighter reading of a historical nature. Many a conference has treated recognition of our past with future themes. Perhaps this is not due to a lack of creativity when choosing a theme but merely a simple yet necessary message to all that, while we continue to develop practical tools and technology for safe and efficient navigation, we must constantly be reminded of how things were, so as to stay on track with our progress. Initiatives such as the FIG Permanent Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement and Steve Ritchie's "As it Was" are valuable contributions to the development of our understanding of marine geomatics today. This edition talks about the Pictou Bar Lighthouse, its value as an aid to navigation and its intrinsic value to the communities of people who knew the light. You'll also read about the circumstances leading up to the wreck of BAYFIELD II and then leap forward to the development of electronic tools to aid in safe navigation through ice- covered waters. El-Rabbany and El-Diasty present a continuation (albeit more technical treatment) of this topic, first introduced in Lighthouse 65. We also present an article which describes how both a traditional paper chart and ENC could be produced from a common data structure. An article from NOAA on the Navigation Surface Approach for Archiving and Charting Shallow Survey Data examines its impact on traditional charting "rules". Finally, we look at UNB's Ocean Mapping Group's use of GPS elevation measurements as a means for developing a seamless vertical reference datum. We would like to acknowledge the assistance of Ruth Adams of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office for her review of this paper. Speaking about "As it Was", on behalf of the Canadian Hydrographic Association, the editors would like to offer belated best wishes to the "Old Hydrographer", Rear Admiral Steve Ritchie who celebrated his 90th birthday this year(2004). Andrew Leyzack www.hydrography.ca Fall I W inter J.,. Automne I Hiver 2004 LIGHTHO USE 3 Message from the National President Mot du President national The CHA has long been affiliated with the The Hydrographic Society (UK) and our members may be aware that in recent years, the Hydrographic Society has been in process of transforming itself into a Federation of national hydrographic societies. The existing regional branches of the Hydrographic Society have become autonomous national organizations and in turn have joined the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS). The Hydrographic journal has also undergone some changes for the better, boasting a new full-colour layout and apparently lower production costs. Benefits of membership in the IFHS include a quarterly subscription to the Hydrographic Journal and the IFHS annual Diary. I became aware of the Hydrographic Society's restructuring plans two years ago while attending Hydro2002 and have since communicated with our directors the potential benefits and opportunities for CHA if we were to join the Federation. As I write this message, Hydro2004, which is to be held in Galway, Ireland, is less than one month away. I have been informed that the IFHS intend to legally formalize their transition from The Hydrographic Society by then. I believe the timing of this event to be a key incentive for CHA and other national hydrographic societies to seriously consider joining the Federation. Hydrography is international in scope and personally I see more benefit for our members from tapping into an international network of like-minded organizations. I believe, that through our Association's membership in the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies, our members will enjoy increased access to educational resources and career opportunities as well as a better awareness of current events, technology and leading edge developments within the field of hydrography. L'ACH est depuis longtemps affiliee a la Societe hydrographique (RU) et nos membres sont sans doute conscients que depuis quelques annees, la Societe hydrographique est dans le processus de transformation en une Federation des societes hydrographiques nationales. Les sections regionales existantes de la Societe hydrographique sont devenues des organisations nationales autonomes et ainsi, ant joint la federation internationale des societes hydrographique (FISH). Le journal Hydrographique a aussi entrepris quelques changements afin de s'ameliorer, arborisant une nouvelle mise en pages tout en couleur et apparemment a moindre cout de production. Les avantages d'une adhesion avec FISH incluent une souscription trimestrielle au Journal Hydrographique et a !'agenda annuelle de FISH. ]'ai pris conscience du plan de restructuration de la Societe hydrographique il y a de cela deux ans lorsque j'ai assiste a Hydro2002 et depuis, j'ai parle avec nos directeurs des avantages potentiels et des opportunites pour l'ACH si nous joignons a la Federation.
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