- 5mw. k' i -A'ri t; -A' _ ILESand '1-;;; j0 r MORTON GROVE 0 att toms nema. I is I d&mn.e.dwA!hr ; . 13db R ale Apto! N 05 011(1 PIgLIO LIBRARY U.S. leosluge 6960 DARTUN IT. e A II) tILES IL 60714 BogIe News o CENTS . PER COPY 7451) WAUKEGAN lSD NILES, IL (,0114 THURSDAY, JUNtO I, 2000 VOL, 43, NO, 49 Morton Grove to lose area's largest appliance retailer; Niles joins O'Hare New location will be on Milwaukee Ave. south of Lake St. Noise Commission byLis AohkornoCroko Aftcr months of negotiations vilk, DosPlainos. Park Ridge, hetweenactivist gronpr and trus- and Resalte. space, tec.s, the Nibs Village Beard vet. ABT, needing Trastee Robert Caliere acid ed -te join the O'Hare Meise Ébat the Cemmissiee will attempt CoetpattbilityCotensitsiee. to detrrreteereite compatibili- . Pnnded by the City etChicage, lyand adeire Cbiaage on noise tite Commission includes repte- reductien pragtatns lee OHere. tomoveto Glenview teetntives from cemmunities and Acceedieg la ae intorgeeern- public school districts concerned mental agrceetenl regardieg the tu cltttout offictrt.After re- tandseepingplans,which oho tiret he declined le vete boccone ebeet the level efneioe pollutior Coterninsien, such teceetreendo- ceieieg approval from the Glen- fools should melado a proper net- minoren from the Plan Commit- coming (rem air trefIle al OHcre tient include the use ofnew tech- creee Village Beard, Abt LIce- hack frew Milwaukee Averen. rions May 9 hearing where rési- AtTore.therearccceeoetty colegies and flight patterns. pref- tvttiusis ero step closerin TecnIco Jolts Crawford told C entinon 4 un l'age 38 twelvemunicipalitiesivthe orential mnway osege, the tracing frew iln Motten Grove Commisstee, ieclading Benscn- Contieuntt on Page 38 lircility en Wenkegan Raed. end huttdtng t langer venshioesl show Second man nabbed after rotvt /evarelteuse in GIerviescoo Nueswomen contacted by Milwaukee Road jast north ef soliciting minor on the Net tite Barrear Zenith boitctlrg Policy h asuareoste d asecee d The lutes tsuspec t,47-year- caller posing as police With two trustees eppesetl, tttlteioaolrtte rnetvttog de.old Walter Ramevny of Gruyson, by Lisa Ashksmnz Crnke rho Glerview Board opprorc'd nigoed to catch sexual prudaterrGa., was areonled on Muy 20 aI rIrePlan Commission.creeore- Police say that threeNilcu ha toenu orn ever theneceet smf childron. tite GlenGravoplayground weteutt did the tight thing when string of heute ievaeinnn by a rrrnrdutier to dIem Abt le mm- Beth suspects traveled from whore ho thought he soas meer- s tree t a 50.000 eqoare-feot they netiftod pelico after ecuh man identifying himself at a po- eat-of-stale IOsteel underage ing e 14-your-oldgirtwith reunived callslent week frem live officer, prompted her to no- showroom and 270,000 square- girls at Glenoiows Glee G e000w Item ho had IO eomnputer eon- - sateeeno identifying himself es tifytie Miles Pelice Deportment (ccitt wareh oureen Iced owned School. Inbetlr cosos, seder -s'e mations with since April 6. hy Ttmmvn arrd C000try Mewes. e Conk Coenty petice efface whey ehe received e phene call cttver police officers penad as Ramsey arranged te meet the .In oech ecco, the women wore frente toan elciteing te be a po- Tnrtvtee Ottooc Poppe seid nhe yttttnggirlsioInterneteher'girl,' saying that he seos attend- dccltrmedto cote bevoone Abt told thet they were the subject of live officer last Wednesday. rtmorrts. C entinan d on Pago 38 dreg ineestigetitms, end te en- The weman rcparted the call- hodyottopruvideeetstpletv , peat o hence visit by the'eCO- er had an Askbacca nt, and eId err.' her that he wen coming te uearuh A 67-yar-oId woman Svir, Contiecod on Pago 31f Oakton Community College recognized on lh7700 block of Ne"a oaid Two youths die by National Education Assembly , INSIDE: in unrelated car accidents Two seharbenbeyswere Community killed cv unrolcled truffle auct- Calendar doers Sunday. Police cru ievostigclieg te roe Pages H-13 if alcehel pleynd e rolo in the deathnfli-yuan-nIdWillietrt Dcshok nf Park Ridgo, who wet killed Seeday mernirg eher he Dining! eppaevntly lent control of his Entertainment cnn, croehing into two trees on Riverside Deine. A 15-yoar.otd Pages 14-17 passengee wen criticelty injured ucd leben te Luthewn General Hespitol in Park Ridge fee tenar- moot. Home Style That some evening, 10-year- Pages 25-27 old Nick Travelos efShokio was ulroek and hilled by arc oneem- OakIggCemmugi'CeIlege wasrranneda Be!Iwub'tet'AwardFlrrallolle the Flwmiog, Ggvemartceaed Ing schiele aflae he eushed into l°htunce catognryat lhn2000 Cammuoi' Callagn FoluensAoeemblyheld recnollylm GOnade, Florida, reaflic frein boIsseau two parkeul Ouloton was nncagolzed!or l/te nuccessful wails gRils ndmhrlofralucs, tneuteos and OuhIon Educaliegal Classifleds caes ee LeCtairo Aveeac. Medi- Fegndullen bgurgimetotberulg oblaielggligang/ulaoppoet farcollega programo (rem gracIe nod private cal persoeoel al SL, Francis Itou- phlle.nfhmplr3llrnd(ng. Pigttetedatlheeventere (Ieftfnniglrt) Gei-areioGonzalez, dean, Cgnllege of Educe- Pages 32-36 pifai woslund on he ceitieully io. jornal boy foe about an hone, He lion, UnlverallynfF!otïdu;Joaera, Hall, membernfth9 Qeklon Boardof montees,' MarilyoAppelonn, di- noccumhcd In his injuries and (ecmIoro(College clevelopmertfat QaMon; Mat9aretbee, Oahtggpres.klent: andPefevKrupc.eak, Corn' dlcd nI 6:49 p.m. rnunItyCnlIegeBuuBgessOfficer (CCBO)mpresentegve, PAGE 2 TilE IIUGLETIIUISDAY?3UNE 12OO slag EU0LE, llwnsDAS'iavnge 50601 -. e, Movies, Popcorn, Lunch & School children examining Nues Library wins $1,000 Village of State funds SkokieSwift Bingo for disabled persOns 'Civil War'eraquilts in 3Mpromo. drawing Morton Grove improvements Spociaociactivit for dis- Piaga wilifollow a classic box Blood Drive abled persoos throughout Maine lunch including o sandwich aleng The Village of Sknkio mill ce- gruntedforthe The Village of Mnelnn Grove inlprovemelll Township Continue thrnugh June with Chipa and cnokie will be drive 0la $143,000 for im- pnajcut. The state owardod 5ko- will sponsor a bland drive coo- with two deten open to dinebted available for $6+25. The cost foe peonoments Io the Skekin Swift's kir $133,005 in1998, which docted by LiteSnance Blood Ser- pensons looking for o bis nf fon Binga wilhoutthe lunch in $1. "Kinn 'n Ride" dnbp nfl/pick ap went towards the punchase of and cnmpaninnnbip. vices on Macday, June 5, 2000 land jttst south nf tIte clotion Os Tuesday, June 6, from 12 Per n050rvutioao en fer infor- tram 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. 01 the Aeaordrd ut thin month's Vil- frem Union Pocitic Transporto. Aunneïcae Legion Memaniul seen te 3 pen., Maine Township wation on riffler of these pm- IngeSntird meeting, toe Co., whcnr the new lane Iiuilding 6145 Dnmpslrr Street Ihr im- Dinobled Services will present grown deoignod to help dinoblod pnovementnwillincludethe will bc baill. in Manan Oenvc. A camplimea- the monthly Mevio & Popcnrn por000snojoy an nfnnrnaan of fan eneation of u16-cor latenfar nhowiog the action filled [brillen and romponionnhip, call Dina- lacy dioocr mill ho cerned to all commuters using [Ita C'lA bauen douars. Please cull Nancy Re- The Regional Troospaotalion Tire Moak of Zenro. A modent bled Services at (847) 297-2510. and mienattheSkokie L- Astharity IRTA) pInes ta fund - yooldn ut the Village Hull (470- SI ehnags, te cover cost of re- 'rl-y is(847) 297-1335. The station. 811 percentof Ihemtimated 5246) lo multe an appoinlmenl. frenhwnnts, will hr payable nl Ihn Maine Tewmhip Temo Hull is The fundingisIhnlulenI 5150,000 study. nor handicapped icccnxiblr, und no Gar camalonily ca-sponsors Tuesday, June 20. from 12 iotcnpnernn will be anailobte apoo : 2LDJll/f5Çtlirp for the Jene blend deivo will be nano to 3p.m., an afternoen nf pniorncqucnl. Jemsnlom Evangelical Lathonas Dedication ceremony for Chonch, 6210 Capulina Avenue ' in MarIon Grove and the Menton newly remodeled Oriole Pool . Greve Ameduao LogianPant #134. We thnek lhnm foe [hole The Monten Gnove Pooh Dis- as childnes will enjoy Ike wanner nappoel. InnI in ochodaled Io opon ils now- waten daring the early ncsnivou, Ip renovaled OeinIo Pool no Sal- and on thom cooler creaming and Every IO seconds oomonne in enesieg lessons. Ihn Unitod Stalrumcnivno a urday, June 3rd, A new pool 011er hlned Iransfusios. Anyone who hon bene installed as well as a PVC peel liner and ponI goIters. Pleann join us u I 1:30 am an Cheey!Deitz, 3Moafen repreoamtaltva (loft) and Tad Pt-zybyla, givm blood knows how impor- tant u single dnoalion mill he to Abc, aectiwas of the pool deck Sutatday, June 3rd foe the ribbon 'R. Sfedenls offheelghfhpracie duna offlf. MarTha Schneldispfaylheqeiltlheymade dot6nga viSlllc the praoidaotnflhe BoardalTruolees. NilesPublicLito-acyøis[ricr. bane been ropluecd and n grassy cuttiog cernulany. AI 12 coon the i Many annuity owners lose over 75% of Ihn pnronr who moeinen it. Q Morbo Greve HfstodcaI Meseum. Palettes were quilted together Ley Shame Hollhan of the Morton The Neles Public Libre0 Dio- area added. lmprovomeaes were pool will epos for a "SupOn Sala- 'We were nery happy with One pint nfblood yielding red wude la Oho pool building to woke the value of their annuity when it pays Greve Hislorica/ SooloOc. Pictured: Beffam Ruwl Jaml Sheahan, Sanee Great', Heoty Ranola, Palefok tcict mas awarded $1000 feera ehe occulta," said Libmny Public ei" good timol Games, giveaways Tannant, Ereilen Lamorena, andteacher, Mro. Paoz. Middle Row. Kevin Guevarra, EileenZara. Tiffany 3M Libnaiy Spnlems fer partIal- cells, platelets, plasme aod it mare accessible to individuals ucd more await, Hopo to see ynu off! Will this happen to you? Relations Coordinator, Valnrie with disubitilies. The eew Fool Kong, Kelly?en'afato, Megan O'Mally, MellnoaLata, Malt Uhtik. Top Rane Magao Bias/the, Mall Wiora, palIng Is Ihn eampany's Check- Stern. '1 think we meen the only coynpercipitaln (u clotting cam- all there! For mote details cull the pnoest) eau benefit us muny as 4 healer installed will be n groat od- It's true.
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