QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY JOURNAL VOL. XXI. KINGSTON, CANAD)A, NOV. 4TH, 1893. No. i W, King, '95, Rý F. Carmichael, '95, F. Playfair, '96, Qiteen's 11niversitg 3ou1rncil W. IB3 onrtlloe, '96, R. Burton, 'o6, received proiiies of contrliutions Pîtblis.hed b5 the Aima -Mater Society of Oîteen's Univer We have ais) sity in Tîvelve Foi tnightly Nîîmbers fron nearly all of thec Professors aod froin inany of year. during the Academic tlie gradnates. * * - Editor-in-Chief. WALLACE W. PECK, '93, litbe followiîtg, frin ait editorial in a late edition D. tCG, G xNDIEAZ, '94, Assis.tant Editor, of tlie G1asgo7c J.veinzng Niees, not only tells wvîat J. S. Sîtettr, '94, - - Managing Editor. otheis think of lis andI of Our worl<, lot also shows S. A. -MiTCNî LL, '94, Buîsiness Manager. have heen re- E. C. WVATSON, '95, - .sst. Business Mianager. how thic Sunîday Afteritoo Addi'cses cejved hy thiniking illil in otiter landts. Tite coini- The annual sîtbscription is $, oo, payable before the înjittee et publication, aloitg withl thtese wvlt St) end et January. rtnselfishly gave thecir tinie in prepariitg flic ad- contributions should lie adcdresse te the Ail literary dresses, slîoîld teel eiicttiraged as to lthe i'esttlt of Editor, Drawer ii09, Kingston, Ont. titeir laltor, by the hit given 1) tlie aitiietities of SboOL1d be AIl commuînicatiotts of a bilsiness nature Glasgeov Uiversity : addre',sed te the BusinessMnae -\Ve have juti receivetl a fine volumine of dlis- couîrses wvlîch <lees iîtfinite ci-edit te titat colontial SHE QUîEN'S UNIVERITY JOURENAL Staff for uiversity, whîese intelleetîtal pr'gress dtring flice 1893-'94 sîibrnit te Iheir readers tlie first past 25 years has jîîistiy attradied ituclt attenttion it ituitiher for flie etrrent acadeittie year. Wlîei xve tlic ac'adciiic world. The book is entitled ,Slll(ntay read tlie naites of ail otîr predecessers iii office, Afterîtoeî Addresses '' thtese having ht'ei deli\ ercd aieng wt lih brilliatl stîccesses that Iliev acîide l, it Conivocatieon Hall of Qtteeît's University, Kinîg- antd when w e reitieniber that during lthe last few stoni, oit Siinday afterrîooîîs during thec sessiotn of x'ears Otiiecenis bas greally developed, lhierebv i89j3. I have carefillyIý grine ever the book~ anti fitd miakiîtg Otur positiont more respotîsible aitd difficitît, the addi esses te le tif a very high order. lIn con- we feel flie hîtrdeti cf office. As a statf' ve aie licteitoî w'itlîQieeit's College, Kinigstont, it wviii be iiiodest and advaiice ne high sotinding dlains le rettitlei't-'(, with iîîter'est and pleasitre, titat Prin- disinction. We dIo net clajîti te have a iîteîopely cipal Gran~t. alttng with Ouîr formter townsitait, D)r. cf tlie îrtt or of beiîîg able le fully refleet the ianyx Watson, is an a1linnus, anti aise a gi adîtlate, *of sidediiess et ttiiversily life. \Ve.shiall siiiplv tir' te Glasgowv Unîiversity. I caîtîot refrajin froin threw- do otîr best and ask te lie jutdged solely by wht intg ont a hint te tie atuthorities cf our owvi A1lmta îîlea- of art anging foi- we accoitî 1 lish. Otîr position is nacle mtore NIaI,'> wlte have file resi)onsihîlity satl when xve reiticitiber lthe huberaI spirit aîtd kind- Our IlUniversity Serinons.'' These IlSuifdav Afler- ness that ever and alxvavs cltaratSlerizes studtlîs of iteon Addresses " in thec Convocationit Hall of Qtteen's, for we feel conîfidentt titat both stidenîs Otteenis University, Kintgstonî, are on flie saine hunes and gratintes wilI in every possible way assist ils in w'jtl otîr ttniversity serinons, but of a soitewItat ntaking lthe JOURNAL helpftil te ourselves and cre- higher level of intelleél, witiî, cf course, flice excep- ditable te the oniversity we ahl love. ton cf Ouîr dîstingîîished Principal, and a few others, annually, who inight be counted on erîe's five fingers. It is in the power of or university te hriîtg Subject te change and addition the staff for the intellea5 cf Scotland te ils ptlpit, year is as follows : the theological be accemplished, net only in- John Millar, M.A., N. McPherson, M.A., W. H. and, if sîîch shotîld the t oîîtry Davis, M.A., F. Hugo, M.A., T. H. Farrell, M.A., A. E. telligent Glasgow, bot the best minds cf Ross, M.A., T. L. Walker, MLA., A. E. LaveIl, 13.A., wjll read thec discorses." Miss Marty, '93, Miss McMalus, '94 Miss Snyder, '95-, IlWithout change there can be ne life, and with- Miss PoIson, '96, T. J. Thomnpson, '93, W. L. Grant, '93, changle is meaningless." And yet J.- R. Fraser, '93, J. D. Stewart, '93, J. M. Mowat, '93, ont progress wilI soînetitues G. R. Lowe, '94 C. F. Lavell, '94, J. R. Colin, '95 W. wliere life is most intense its change 2 v.,. ., Uic pleasurc cf secilîg their pnrpcscs at least par- take tbic forîîî cf regress. But wliat appeai s at first tially accenîphsbied, wbile futuire, genieratiens xviii sigbt te bc regress and wtîicb, 1eolkcd at iiîdepeni mocre fuilly realize w bat a bccn bas Iieen conferred, dentiy cf the past andi future, woiild qilite riglîtly l)e ilpon Eastern O)ntario in tbe Kingston Scbooi of teried sucli, wlien takcîî in its truc relations is Miiiiig, and Agiriculture. feint(d te be, progress. i s oif liffe (j îîceci s lias n ot liee îîxitlîouit lier si Comîplimient te ur country is taken dmi thile hast year. Maux anîd IPr yîgiait xvitl 1Tbis liigb Chicago In(rwî W are net sc alîxicus nueaiiing aie tlie chianges wli&l lhave takcii place iii frein tbc as we are te sec scine cfilber anti about bier prciuîcis. N otable aeîoîg ruein are tc annex Canada te this side cf tbec border. tlic cýles"ing tof tlie \Veîuîal's Medîlcal Coîlcegc aud goed idcas transplanted extexît ot lier vast western the uieiliiii of lue Selicol cf Miliiig alo Arcul Ihreniglieît tbc wliole xviii net find an ouîtlaw or bear cf a turic, bttl iiidie ati e cf the lIîiglî id cal foi- wLîi cl domiinions von Lt is net becanse sbe bas tc deal 9iieeîi's and lier allies exist. Tliey live neot fcr case cf ix icbing. cf frcutiersiricu se different frcin tbcse tlieiiîsclves, bnt for the welfaî e cf Canada. seiuie wjtb a class states, but becanse sbe lias laws and years ago wlîeî ail etber Cariadiali Colleges siîit cf mlir wester'n Yeu eau go newbecre, net even in tbeir doors ag ainst wt)iiel seelkilg ilîier ediica- execuites theni. Reekies or tbic isolation of tbe tiens, tiestbrew lîcis witLe openi, believing that tbe fastuesses cf tbe witlicnt flnding tbc scarlet nniforrn cf flie non e sb uildillc (1011ied tbhc oppe rt uîîi t ef ile vtl(tp - Selkirks, police. Yen ted deverywlicrc tbe presence ing thieir liigliest lioners. A littie Latui xvlicl Uîi- iîointed mîaini- cf pr itecting law. Yeti arc made te realize tbat ycu versity Iedeî atieii mas 1 reposed, Quieeii's are în a lanîd cf erder, and tliat yorir person and tained tlîat tbe wcitare cf Canîada de(iiiaiiulcdl a proerty are uniir tlic care cf tbe Commuoniwealthi. niiiiver-sity, iii Eastcrli O ntario, aiud rel îsed te siîb 1 Lru toe inauy of cmr ccinîîîîînities xve arc fast re- ilierge hos' ii olîr great Provincial Uiviersity at laj-,sOig iîîte tlîat bai barisin iii wilîib private revenge 1oreiinte. IBuit îew, w he o onlto ai d Monîtireal eicse the iiiiserale subIstitelte fer pubiilie' jiIStiCti. have adtiitet woiiiî, ,nid imade pirovisionii for buc in se far as we de tbis we aie cenîturies belîiiîd. mir tbeir iiiedical eclicatiuii, whvlib for tlic pi osent scouts amiple, tue lriends at Kiingston, rcj uiciiig ini schl au accoinpiisliiiient of tbeir original purpeses, and for- Lt is painfîil te read sortie cf tbe doe5trineis wlîicb getfili tof tîeir. on glorx', step) cit cf tlîis pai ticîîlar fiîîd a place iii tbe avcrage clîiireli palier. Lt is îiot field, leavin- uthers tu reap) wvlat tlîoy have scwn. iiecessary iliat oîîe slîoild be a biei etic, iii evuf a Thiis, bouvever, dos îiot ineail that tfi-y arc te 1)0 disciple cf ig7lier Criticisuî iii its îuiildest forîîî, te less aétive, but îîerely that their activities are te bc sec that Cbristiaîîity has iietbing to tIo witb tbicecx- dirccted iîîto iiew cluancs wlîere there soeîis te be cluisivec attitude of tbcsc wle tbiuk tlîat tlîey are in greater neetl. possessionî cf tbc wboe triiti and îîotbiug but tlie Sncb a Channiel tlîey have aiready foiiintl in tlie triîth. An cxaîîîîlc, lîowcxer, cf tis well îîîeaiit Setioci of Miiiig aindi Agricutltutre. Tlhiis sel icl is bigotry lias Iuîst ceile te liglit. An ci gai cf crie cf lit loniger a tîing iif tbe fuiture, but, thlikls te flic cuir ciîircbes firids satisfacticiî in ceîîtemîplatiiig îîehiagg'iig zeal and ltong centincti effort,, tif Princi- *that Ilby far tbe larger part cf the Protestanit pal G ranît, siipportcd 1w otlher truc frit'ds of Iiigbier Chbristian wcî id disappreved cf sucli a Congress education in tlîis part of Ontario, bias alrecady enîter- (i.e. tlie Ccngrcss cf Religionis receutly field at cd( tipon its flist session. We coîîgrattilate tlîc *Chîicago) on the gronnid tbat Cbristianity cannct, te Boar d cf C overliis ipouî tbecir good bc;iiiig 1 r be trac te itself and its Head, put itself te that 'l'le uibjeCt tif tbic scboiil, as statt iii tlie Calcîilda r extent iipen a footing cf equîality witb otiier se before us, is a wortlq oue. Toc lonîg bave oii -called religions ;that tbey are faise wlîile it atone farîîîers bceîu wcrking on iii ignioranîce oif the îîrder n is truc ;tbcy represenit muan's efforts te satisfy the priliciples cf Agriculture as a Scienîce and ai iyiîg y restlcss longiug of the seul, wlîile it is God's revela- art.
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