4/22/2021 [Amend-1]Annual Report CR02749-2021 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 17-A, AS AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SECTION 141 OF THE CORPORATION CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 1. For the fiscal year ended Dec 31, 2020 2. SEC Identification Number 11840 3. BIR Tax Identification No. 000-100-341-000 4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter SAN MIGUEL FOOD AND BEVERAGE, INC. 5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization Philippines 6. Industry Classification Code(SEC Use Only) 7. Address of principal office 100 E. Rodriguez Jr. Avenue (C-5 Road), Barangay Ugong, Pasig City, Metro Manila Postal Code 1604 8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code (632) 5317-5000 9. Former name or former address, and former fiscal year, if changed since last report N/A 10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount Title of Each Class of Debt Outstanding COMMON SHARES (FB) 5,909,220,090 SERIES A BONDS DUE MARCH 2025 (IN 8,000,000,000.00 PESO) SERIES B BONDS DUE MARCH 2027 (IN 7,000,000,000.00 PESO) TOTAL DEBT as of Dec. 31, 2020 (IN MIL 144,463 PESO-CONSO) 11. Are any or all of registrant's securities listed on a Stock Exchange? Yes No https://edge.pse.com.ph/openDiscViewer.do?edge_no=b3e88bf8a8cd0d095d542af6f1e997b9 1/4 4/22/2021 [Amend-1]Annual Report If yes, state the name of such stock exchange and the classes of securities listed therein: PHILIPPINE STOCK EXCHANGE, INC. – COMMON SHARES PHILIPPINE DEALING & EXCHANGE CORP. – SERIES A BONDS DUE 2025; SERIES B BONDS DUE 2027 12. Check whether the issuer: (a) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 17 of the SRC and SRC Rule 17.1 thereunder or Section 11 of the RSA and RSA Rule 11(a)-1 thereunder, and Sections 26 and 141 of The Corporation Code of the Philippines during the preceding twelve (12) months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports) Yes No (b) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past ninety (90) days Yes No 13. State the aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant. The aggregate market value shall be computed by reference to the price at which the stock was sold, or the average bid and asked prices of such stock, as of a specified date within sixty (60) days prior to the date of filing. If a determination as to whether a particular person or entity is an affiliate cannot be made without involving unreasonable effort and expense, the aggregate market value of the common stock held by non-affiliates may be calculated on the basis of assumptions reasonable under the circumstances, provided the assumptions are set forth in this Form Php 39,815,052,118 as of March 31, 2021 APPLICABLE ONLY TO ISSUERS INVOLVED IN INSOLVENCY SUSPENSION OF PAYMENTS PROCEEDINGS DURING THE PRECEDING FIVE YEARS 14. Check whether the issuer has filed all documents and reports required to be filed by Section 17 of the Code subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan confirmed by a court or the Commission. Yes No DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 15. If any of the following documents are incorporated by reference, briefly describe them and identify the part of SEC Form 17-A into which the document is incorporated: (a) Any annual report to security holders N/A (b) Any information statement filed pursuant to SRC Rule 20 N/A (c) Any prospectus filed pursuant to SRC Rule 8.1 N/A The Exchange does not warrant and holds no responsibility for the veracity of the facts and representations contained in all corporate disclosures, including financial reports. All data contained herein are prepared and submitted by the disclosing party to the Exchange, https://edge.pse.com.ph/openDiscViewer.do?edge_no=b3e88bf8a8cd0d095d542af6f1e997b9 2/4 4/22/2021 [Amend-1]Annual Report and are disseminated solely for purposes of information. Any questions on the data contained herein should be addressed directly to the Corporate Information Officer of the disclosing party. San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. FB PSE Disclosure Form 17-1 - Annual Report References: SRC Rule 17 and Section 17.2 and 17.8 of the Revised Disclosure Rules For the fiscal year ended Dec 31, 2020 Currency PHP (in Millions) Balance Sheet Year Ending Previous Year Ending Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 Current Assets 103,040 106,119 Total Assets 276,282 265,967 Current Liabilities 84,309 73,072 Total Liabilities 144,463 122,786 Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 69,735 66,963 Stockholders' Equity 131,819 143,181 Stockholders' Equity - Parent 82,406 95,093 Book Value Per Share 13.95 13.55 Income Statement Year Ending Previous Year Ending Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 Gross Revenue 279,290 310,785 Gross Expense 245,878 263,004 Non-Operating Income 698 892 Non-Operating Expense 2,322 2,566 Income/(Loss) Before Tax 31,788 46,107 Income Tax Expense 9,387 13,828 Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 22,401 32,279 https://edge.pse.com.ph/openDiscViewer.do?edge_no=b3e88bf8a8cd0d095d542af6f1e997b9 3/4 4/22/2021 [Amend-1]Annual Report Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent Equity Holder 12,476 18,278 Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 2.08 2.95 Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 2.08 2.95 Financial Ratios Fiscal Year Ended Previous Fiscal Year Formula Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 Liquidity Analysis Ratios: Current Ratio or Current Assets / Current Working Capital Ratio Liabilities 1.22 1.45 (Current Assets - Inventory - Quick Ratio Prepayments) / Current 0.68 0.83 Liabilities Solvency Ratio Total Assets / Total Liabilities 1.91 2.17 Financial Leverage Ratios Debt Ratio Total Debt/Total Assets 0.28 0.23 Total Debt/Total Stockholders' Debt-to-Equity Ratio Equity 0.59 0.42 Earnings Before Interest and Interest Coverage Taxes (EBIT) / Interest 9.07 15.78 Charges Total Assets / Total Asset to Equity Ratio Stockholders' Equity 2.1 1.86 Profitability Ratios Sales - Cost of Goods Sold or Gross Profit Margin Cost of Service / Sales 0.28 0.32 Net Profit Margin Net Profit / Sales 0.08 0.1 Return on Assets Net Income / Total Assets 0.08 0.12 Net Income / Total Return on Equity Stockholders' Equity 0.17 0.23 Price Per Share / Earnings Price/Earnings Ratio Per Common Share 32.28 28.82 Other Relevant Information This is to amend our previous disclosure on the Company's SEC Form 17-A (Annual Report) for the year 2020 to attach the Company's Parent Financial Statements for the year 2020 as filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Filed on behalf by: Name Alexandra Trillana Designation Corporate Secretary and Compliance Officer https://edge.pse.com.ph/openDiscViewer.do?edge_no=b3e88bf8a8cd0d095d542af6f1e997b9 4/4 SEC COPY C O V E R S H E E T 1 1 8 4 0 S. E. C. Registration Number S A N M I G U E L F O O D A N D B E V E R A G E , I N C . (Company’s Full Name) 1 0 0 E . R O D R I G U E Z J R . A V E N U E C - 5 R O A D , B A R A N G A Y U G O N G P A S I G C I T Y 1 6 0 4 M E T R O M A N I L A (Business Address: No. Street City/Town/Province) ALEXANDRA B. TRILLANA (632) 5317-5450 Contact Person Company Telephone Number ANNUAL REPORT S E C - 1 7 - A Month Day FORM TYPE Month Day Annual Meeting Secondary License Type, If Applicable Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned ____________________________ File Number LCU ____________________________ Document I. D. Cashier - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S T A M P S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Remarks = pls. Use black ink for scanning purposes + SEC Number 11840 File Number ______________________________________________________ SAN MIGUEL FOOD AND BEVERAGE, INC. and SUBSIDIARIES ________________________________________ (Company’s Full Name) 100 E. Rodriguez Jr. Avenue (C-5 Road) Barangay Ugong, Pasig City _____________________________________ (Company’s Address) 5317-5000 ______________________________________ (Telephone Number) December 31 ______________________________________ (month & day) SEC Form 17-A Annual Report ______________________________________ Form Type _______________________________ Amendment Designation (if applicable) December 31, 2020 _______________________________________ Period Ended Date ___________________________________________________ (Secondary License Type and File Number) 1 + SEC FORM 17-A ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SECTION 141 OF THE CORPORATION CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 1. For the calendar year ended December 31, 2020 2. SEC Identification Number 11840 3. BIR Tax Identification No. 000-100-341-000 4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter SAN MIGUEL FOOD AND BEVERAGE, INC. 5. Philippines 6. _____ SEC Use Only Province, country or other jurisdiction Industry classification code of incorporation or organization 7. 100 E. Rodriguez Jr. Avenue (C-5 Road) Barangay Ugong, Pasig City 1604 Address of principal office Postal Code 8. (02) 5317-5000 Issuer’s telephone number, including area code 9. NOT APPLICABLE Former name, former address, and former fiscal year, if changed since last report. 10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Stock Issued and Outstanding and Debt Outstanding (As at December 31, 2020) Common - P 1 par value 5,909,220,090 Series A Bonds due March 2025 (In Peso) 8,000,000,000 Series B Bonds due March 2027 (In Peso) 7,000,000,000 Total Liabilities (in ‘000,000) P144,463 11.
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