Jewish Community Federation the OF RICHMOND in this issue RVolume 59 | Issue 8eflectorAv/Elul 5771 | August 2011 ISRAEL FOCUS Visiting Richmond Community Since 1975 Israeli Scouts Spread Friendship and Joy ince the summer of 1975, the “Pisgah” Israel Scouts shared their SRichmond community has wel- lives in Israel through song and mu- comed the Israeli Scouts Friendship sic, dance and stories. Each teen is a Nefesh B’Nefesh Caravan. part of the International Scouting Celebrates 10th Eddie Lapkin (OBM) planned Movement, some 60,000 strong. Summer and organized the logistics for the Representing the State of Israel, Israeli Scouts perform for residents and guests at Beth Sholom Home. PAGE 2 first Israeli Scout Caravan visit to they visit camps, schools, festivals, Richmond in 1975. He devoted Jewish community centers, hospitals, the next 27 years of his life to tak- nursing homes and also many public AGENCY NEWS ing care of the Israeli boys and girls gatherings. Since the early 1970’s, along with their American and Is- they have entertained thousands and raeli leaders. thousands from toddlers to those New scouts and leaders have 100 years of age. traveled to Richmond every summer Their performances are com- to entertain, teach about Israel and posed of songs and dances in He- become part of our families with brew and English that bring Israeli their love and devotion because of culture to North America. During Eddie’s love and devotion. He also the show the audience participates was instrumental in securing an Is- in the dances and cheers led by cara- “Burgers for the raeli Scout for Camp Hilbert every van members. summer during that time. In Richmond, they performed Boys” On July 13-15, this year’s group at the Weinstein JCC, Camp Hil- PAGE 6 Residents and guests of all ages welcomed the scouts. of 10 highly talented 17-year-old bert, Beth Sholom Home and at the VCU Health System (formerly MCV). They also connected with SYNAGOGUES many families who hosted the scouts Danielle Aaronson Joins Federation in their homes each night. The Israeli Scouts visited Beth Sholom Home on Thursday, July As Young Leadership Director 14 and presented a performance of anielle Aaronson has nine through twelve. songs, dance, and history. Residents Djoined the Federa- Among her responsibilities at the school, Aaronson from the campus and patrons from tion as young leadership developed a curriculum for and taught two upperclass the community visited the home to director, effective, Aug. 1. leadership courses, provided administrative and orga- experience the joy the scouts exude Aaronson, a native of nizational support to the Student Life Team and cre- when they visit. Rabbi Dovid Newark, Del., is a 2009 ated, reviewed and edited communication for students, Everyone sang along, the stu- Asher and family graduate of the Univer- parents and external supporters. She also created an dents recited history of Israel and sity of Pittsburgh, where employee orientation guide and handbooks detailing the hour- long program was enjoyed PAGE 9 she received a B.S. degree student and staff responsibilities. by all. in Psychology with a mi- While in high school she was an active member of On Thursday night July 14 the ISRAEL 2 Scouts entertained at a packed Israel S nor in Social Work. She B’nai B’rith Youth Organization and served on the re- T FEDERATION 3 Danielle Aaronson also received a certificate gional board as regional Sh’licha. In college, Aaronson November auditorium at the Wein- N FOUNDATION 4 in Leadership and Jewish served as a BBYO advisor in Pittsburgh and for the stein JCC. This show was open to TE AGENCIES 5 Studies. past two summers she served on the BBYO Leader- the entire community. For the past two years, she has been an ad- ship Staff at a conference focused on Sean Covey’s “7 Following the show, the Scouts CON SYNAGOGUES 8 ministrative assistant of student life at the Ameri- Habits for Highly Effective Teens.” and their host families went to of NEXT GEN 9 can Hebrew Academy in Greensboro, N.C. The AARONSON ISRAELI SCOUTS HADASSAH 10 Academy is a coeducational, pluralistic, Jewish More on page 4 More on page 7 TABLE COMMUNITY 10/12 boarding school with about 150 students in grades israel Calendar Aug. 14 - Richmond Chamber Players Interlude with Music of Leo Smit Bon Air Presbyterian Church Nefesh B’Nefesh Celebrates Its Aug. 21 - “Reel Theology, Congregation Or Ami, 6 p.m. Aug. 19 - Summer Cookout and Shabbat Services, Congregation Beth Ahabah, 6:30 p.m. 10th Summer Aug. 22 - Beth-El Annual Golf Tournament efesh B’Nefesh, cel- Aug. 28 - Richmond Chamber Players Interlude with Music of Erwin Schulhoff, Nebrating its tenth Bon Air Presbyterian Church summer since its inaugu- Sept. 9 - Richmond Hadassah’s Shabbat Under the Stars, 6:30 p.m., at the home ral Aliyah flight on July of Hannah and Allen Cohen 8, 2002, kicked off this Sept. 14 - Shalom Richmond, sponsored by Jewish Community Federation of summer’s first chartered Richmond, Weinstein JCC, 7 p.m. flight from JFK airport on July 8 carrying 245 Visit www.jewishrichmond.org for a complete new Olim (new immi- calendar of Jewish community events. grants). They were among over 2,500 Jews mak- ing Aliyah from North Kirk Douglas Receives Honor for America and the UK this summer on two . charter and ten group Some of the over 100 children and infants making Aliyah Actions in Breaking “Blacklist” Aliyah flights in full co- operation with the Jewish Agency Tony Gelbart, co-founder and chairman of Nefesh sk Kirk Douglas for the proudest his decision, but in cursing “the stupidity and the Ministry of Immigrant B’Nefesh. “It is inspiring to see how Aliyah has in- Aaccomplishment in his 94 years and of it all, in which some of the most talented Absorption. creasingly become a viable option for North Amer- the iconic actor cites his actions in breaking actors and writers accused of [having ties On board the July flight were ican and British Jews, growing from 510 new Olim the infamous Hollywood blacklist. to] communism couldn’t work anymore.” 45 families, including over 100 on our first Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flight in 2002 Douglas did so by giving writer Dalton children. Over 50 singles also to almost ten times that amount this year.” Trumbo full credit for the script of the the made Aliyah on the flight, 15 of Hundreds of families and friends as well as Is- movie “Spartacus,” normally a routine whom will be joining the IDF. The raeli dignitaries gathered at Ben Gurion Airport to acknowledgment. But in 1960, openly Reflector Olim ranged in age from 2 months welcome the country’s newest citizens at the arrival employing an accused communist or to 81 years old. ceremony. communist sympathizer was an almost By the end of summer 2011, Those present included: Israeli Minister of Im- guaranteed career killer, even for one of How good & pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity. Nefesh B’Nefesh will have brought migrant Absorption Sofa Landver; Chairman of Hollywood’s biggest stars, and required an the Jewish Agency Natan Sharansky; CEO of ElAl extraordinary degree of moral courage. over 30,000 Olim since its incep- The Reflector is published monthly by the tion. Eliezer Shkedi; Vice Chairman of Nefesh B’Nefesh “I was always an impulsive guy and Jewish Community Federation of Richmond. “As we celebrate our tenth Erez Halfon and Co-Founders of Nefesh B’Nefesh young enough not to pay attention to the Copy must be received two and a half weeks summer of facilitating Aliyah, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart. possible consequences of openly hiring prior to the date of publication. The Reflector Trumbo,” Douglas, now 94, recalls in an reserves the right to edit or refuse any copy or it is rewarding to see how west- advertisement submitted. Views expressed ern Aliyah is continuing to grow JAFI is supported, in part, by a generous contri- interview at his relatively modest, art-filled by guest writers and reader’s letters do not and is having a tremendous im- bution from the Jewish Community Federation of home in Beverly Hills, Calif. necessarily reflect the opinion of the Jewish pact on the State of Israel,” said Richmond. The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Community Federation of Richmond. honored his deed on July 24 by presenting its Freedom of Expression Award to Call for information about advertising in The Reflector at 545-8623. Acceptance of advertis- Douglas “for his courageous actions in ing does not endorse or guarantee kashruth. support of artistic freedom.” Douglas Enterprise Circle Networks accepted the award and then introduced a Ivan Jecklin, President 50th anniversary screening of “Spartacus,” Samuel H. Asher, Chief Executive Officer bout 35 community members gathered at an in which he played the title role and served Matt Langsam, Assistant Executive Director Enterprise Circle Networking Happy Hour on A as executive producer. Raymond (Skip) Kozakewicz, Editor July 21 at Capital Ale House Innsbrook. A near-fatal helicopter crash and a Sara Rosenbaum, Director of Operations For information on Enterprise Circle events stroke in the 1990s forced him to relearn and programs, contact Matt Langsam at 545-8652 speaking. His memory is as good as ever, or [email protected]. and he clearly recalls the mood and details The Enterprise Circle is designed to create both of the red-hunting McCarthy era. networking and lifelong leaning opportunities for “Though people told me I was crazy established as well as new business professionals in and would never work in this town again, I our community while at the same time extending Jewish Community Federation (From left) Among the attendees was so disgusted with what was going on in a Jewish community welcome to newer members OF RICHMOND at the Enterprise Circle event were the country and in Hollywood, that I had who have relocated to work in the Greater Rich- 5403 Monument Avenue • Richmond, VA 23226 Ron Felmus, Roy Zeidman and Larry to do something,” he said.
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