m*m !t A. '-'i Itevlew rl^ulatloii 1» paid rlrcj|IMi»ii .... (hut j Id th« kind that routi!*, <?•[» ««f i>iini..r i- Li * r- <-«+tjr. at afS M Ml IKK W ;$a,50 A YEAH IN ADVANCE, SINGLE COP IKS, FI1 K CKNTH i" i 11.' i i •' , _ j 4 •Monday Of IfcrrmbJ™*: Army Spot Lights Add Service qiuls Wilt Con&iitf (hen ; ^, whorp n a\ Inquest |S Largest Dirigible, 12 ' IJxpefct Favorable •" 'f JS fi Splendor to Heavens Confidence and Enthm iasm Program Miles Away Is Seen by * n-Jam^ said-estate nrJ i v: f |1 i-«.rt for adjud^on^ fjfSclniol Almost Consider) ble attention of resi­ in Harrington Thursday, Nov. GooseC tiase Several Local Persons Results as y of 4t'>*R st>I)T UMISY.'., dents of Hi rringtou and vieiiiity i <•••-. I"-; 0,-t 5, 1031 ™4i5; has been arrested during the past, The new F. S. Navy dirigibhj, wick by tie powerful beams of An inspiring lecture, ,n program of meetinj.P , Tfoe exe .'utive committee of airship Akron, largest alrycssel Drive Appioaches PHII|>I( 30 Figure light playi ig the heavens from entertainment, alid possibly an edu- Ithe L« ns i club mt t Wednesday nijjht littfetospajMirlrfen in the world, xxiis'secn byifieyer- i lj>.|j f^I ( ITION'lvoTlc, north' of tie village. cational moving pieturfe show wlill! to stai t the plan and ask' the Bnr- al Barring'ton persons at- 1:30 >* hereby |givrin. ,".f Figures for A cumpuiy from the Fort feature an open business confidence rfngtor (thamber of Commerce, the p. .hi. Saturday afternoon when it Sheridan i riny lost have been meeting to be held in Barrington I'ln Barrin ;ton Womi n's dub, and the Tcjrch Death Inquest JFormal- flew along the north shore to- Itelief Committee EiWects •-. Keveals Large undergoing li cot rati in ohsexva- the ni'nr future under the auspices'of American (Legion to cooperate in the ly Closed; No "Litters • wnrda |Chieago, returning from Ample. Funds or All ' ' i"-Nl me Probate JoSi ••• Retirement tion and < eteeti ig night fliers, tha lending civic clubs of the village. enthusiasm! fest. ' ' Milwaukee. Five, powci ful spotlights are sta- The date has been set tentatively . as The ^ejneral purpose of the busirtess fioin the Grave" Although the giant, craft pass­ LocalfNe€Is, !J , '>|_»he (Wt'House inf Thurstlay, Nov. 5. | confide iic^e' week s to restore confi­ ll,i Wauv tione'd at ir tcrvals at the eneiimp- ed oxjer the nortli shoro commun­ .-* . i ,. M t'ourtty. o„ the first ment two tnilcH north of Bar- Although the program for the even­ dence, start moiuy circulating, and ities,' it xvns definitely visible tijt- I'JivtPmljfT next 1031,j t lusher qchool rington wit h a detachment of.ob­ ing has not been drawn up, nn effort creatc'l employmei t. The slight , in­ liix Chi ago and Wnuk?gan news- from Barrington, appearing Varied) nnd omitraVrtIng reporlH are |ylmre alj persons' L it) being made to bring W. K. Braascji, crease of general i-pufidence following somewhat like ai1 light .colored fifing j before and the servers sta tained at elicit one. pa| ie* rep >rters found tin mselvfis at Icing recl'ivcd from the squad lot team. -.»||rjsc said j,estate, are] noti- The postrf are linked by commun­ vice president of the Sleboygan Chair Presidt nt Jloovcrs announcement of igtir shaped cloud." (i«|tfains "who are working this week \\ li'nh <lid not !• the end v of a wild -oosc chase niienteil j to present thai ication and when a plane in the Co, to Harrington for the principal the ph n to loosen up credit gencrilly outer Among those xvh'o ' reported in the Barrnigtbii Belief fund drivf' •, inns." the Bur- | '|'l Court] for ndjudi,Lijation . detected the signal is address of the evening. Mr. Braasch in the Knited Staljes showed n defl lite in Barrin :ta|n Wednesday afternoon, viewing the craft from Barring- rylnj: to renoli the quota ofr$3,rT ''•f-H«« -LOIIMAJr. \ -.lein' is in bet- | transmitted to the five posts recently spokii before I ho Harrington renetioa iu< inennise in fiusiness tnd whlcn the InJil hearing in ho Otis ice ton xvero Mr. and Mra. A. L. jtor chawit.v work. | 0<rt. 8. IfKtl. i ihaii nt any I and the pri rrtture of combing the Lions club and deliveicd an address decri'ine in uuomployinoi t. Fun her hot [se ton li murder inqtii'tlt was held. Wiedenheck, Prairie avenue, Mm. Most of the reports have Iflk'U fa\ which many of th'o niMnbers termed restoration of coiifidencc will cause 1 Expect! ig ,tluit one or inoro letters "»'". •'•»« * Mtrfirthy, A s ears. There sKies, for | ie plane is started, Ilcuhcn Hieke, F. Ii. Waterman, iliriibbi xvhile othera have lieeualiHCOur Attorneys •t of the practice is lo the most inspirational and interest­ iiitied improvement and ml \vr tteu bj "Mike do Pike" Holder, be- Mrs, Itenhen Plngge, Bobcrl i|tging, n inetnher of the gcnefjtl com- ] jj The ohj( ! luiml wiili no i ildiers in locating the ing one they hud llste iod to.. to lust re a steady vet urn to noi^nalI'dlt , I'UM ed to ho tho toi>eh v ctlm, prior Plagge, Noel Mtnyner, ,Mis« ij'e said. A to'tal of $10850 was i\ (lain (he s to rll plane in the least possible time, Natlouii,! Mm]'incut . ' many business ..leaders believe last Al 20, would he read at tho Veriia Covey, and Miss Olive *p*|'ted late ThunMiiy fiom fthe re»- jj liif irrlngtoh, sc arnl of tho Whin. I report will he, The elicil lilimoiil Is located here The Idea of the ImLriess confidence J nvlfo Slorif Codpenitlons lU'Rt ill II idiMkTs on one, Ntu|i street.. Last year, } nn Iropollt mi dally iiewHjiapoi'H Kokit Henry nnd Frank Dorwaldti he -11111(111011 xvas .5^2fi. CupiO-nsled'1 1; i-u' next Week, io gel ayv i,v I't'om I he Interfer- nieeling, nrlniiHilcd with the i/lous Me liandising 'irnift in Hilii'liigloii IV| orlora liei i'. Instead >f dropping viewed the cwlft nt I lip V. H. (linlKM) per ceiit iinprove|i|cnl re- [j i nee in (iiniiuuiiicMlijm expcrl- lulcruatioual, It will ie promoted by IIIIHI- >•'•! will li' Invlled tu foiipnriito In il !n llrie re- In to III. d Hinulic un I'll I'd lug of a Naval Training station^ 'Great .ior) Was one from iiiinihi'rjjl' street j{i i in ed Hi e Kurt t^heridnn post Lions clubs all over the cftmilry al n iiifideucii v eek by •linn «: xinne nes's ( nAVrln|( for »).v Klery tor ,', the visit it's ineroly LakcM, 111,, when it mniicuvered vhich iip|H)i'eii)l,V vxUI fall ||l*irt ,(»f |! lYacllec III coiitvinni 11ir ahmi tiipc when the period! • (lepressiiiu is lllle pu die lliereha ndise in money HltV- 1 foi nd tin nsdves coverlii' a formal over that, station and saljuted the ts ]»it*l yenr figure. WJhcit ijic drive (| Iwn nimi ACCIVK, it has been Ir- louleittly at an end i|m when nothing I a sacrifice ol iik' pr ces, e\en tl pro- elo flng ol tl|n> Impiest all which the commanding oflicciv Henry xvns U completed, .ll|e fominiHee ft'iji'i Hilr" i" . ,. I'III- ihe ye.ir pnrVed. hut ii' return of genj't'iil eoiil'ldciice Is il. Tin1 plan will not he OIKI by which jilt ofh>l L 11 ,\ found (hat he mini, l>«*- visiting his'br.ilIHM', Frank, who Itigton" xcfll lilive gone over She -lop ' J needed In Marl eeotnlmlc cottdillotis on i|he pi die will ,ln,» asked to patriotic- ij| i( \M re $5(1,1 P.).- e •ed to ie Helllcr, had > to IJIIH Is siutiniml there. ixlth a Idggcr jf«litl Uw clmrljk' work the return road lo' prospf'rlly. Al- iflly r'slore niomiy in cinMilallon by 4: •HI l.l \e„ fill' tile as 1 l esuH of iniii|liji -nn lin­ hau was reitU'/ed In llltiO. V Jllioiigh Oct. -S> lo ;i| IHS been iiesigr II will lie a ]>hi)i in whij'h i | r.i',1 win-syiii,. in.init o( 4-1^11 e<i|licl islon reachei by all | ualed as uaiioinil cohl'i lenee week, the Tin. Hnrrliujlnn Relief C-AmiHloe the sejlers will lake I lie initiative and Digit tot' last'spring. 1 ins been aslted'to join the .loliffl Miner* *••• •ili'ie. the amount I llarriiiginii Limis idttb has decided to Hie buying public by given val- award Wnui'ondu Youth Struck jency Relief Fund organ\t.mIon of y • I'', Tlifw sharp Painting by llocal jt'iilist the wipiiort "and (""oo^erJitiojn of: wcctiMH (if tjde jiriiies. Kind Jlullet l lies in Vaik county.' Should - this |l->|i lin ti jtlie otlicr llnrriiigton hie ot galiiza- details of the plan will he mi­ Out) or tw t new""deveIo iment s were )|y Autompb Ie; Dies pi- is due tu the : Kti|ll akei). Harrington -will have tl$*-bindi­ tlons. In prepat -ugkfcj' ut at t)t«; f'itB( A bullet " In effect ami fo >!K a rousing pep noun ll' in The lllevimv next week. Arttstf Is Picked It wiiii Oil iid on the grctiiul.by M,r«« . •'-George..' Llebengttod, Ift-ycar-ohl ng- of Hie (jo^niy group and e|p draw ronflhe general fund If Its ox*|i funds • <<j.111 iif taxable ' Kollfn .
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