european review of private law european review of private law VOLUME 15 NO. 4–2007 revue europe´enne de droit prive´ Articles/Articles/Aufsa¨tze europa¨ische zeitschrift fu¨rprivatrecht 483-513 HANNES RO¨SLER Hardship in German Codified Private Law – In Comparative Perspective to English, French and International Contract Law VOLUME 15 NO. 2007 515-531 MARCO B.M. LOOS The Influence of European Consumer Law on General Contract Law and the Need 4 for Spontaneous Harmonization EUROPEAN REVIEW OF PRIVATE LAW 533-553 ALDO BERLINGUER The Italian Road to Trusts 555-599 ANDREW P. BELL Abuse of a Relationship: Undue Influence in English Law and French Law Case notes/Annotations/Entscheidungsanmerkungen 601-616 SARA MARTI´N SALAMANCA Cour de Cassation - Ass. ple´n., arret No. 519 du 29 oct 2004 - Une cause contraire aux bonnes moeurs 617-628 PEDRO DEL OLMO Cour de Cassation, 1e`re civ. 3 fevrier 2004 - Un preˆta` usage` a dure´e inde´termine´e consenti pour un usage permanent, le preˆteur pouvait y mettre fin` a tout moment, et si oui sous quelle(s) condition(s)? 629-633 Index 2006 635 List of Contributors VOLUME 15 NO. 4 PP. 483-636 2007 european review of private law european review of private law revue europe´enne de droit prive´ revue europe´enne de droit prive´ europa¨ische zeitschrift fu¨rprivatrecht europa¨ische zeitschrift fu¨rprivatrecht Contact Subscription Information M. Schaub, e-mail: [email protected] Volume 15 (6 issues) will be published in 2007. Institutions subscription price EURO 506,– j USD 632,– j GBP 372,–(including postage and handling). Editors This journal is also available online. Online and individual subscription prices are available on E.H. Hondius, Universiteit Utrecht, Molengraaff Instituut voor Privaatrecht, Utrecht, request. Please contact our sales department for more information at þ31 (0)703081562 or at The Netherlands. [email protected]. M.E. Storme, Universiteit Antwerpen and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Subscriptions orders and requests for sample copies Kluwer Law International should be sent to: c/o Turpin Distribution Services Ltd Editorial Board Souscriptions d’abonnement et demandes de nume´ros Pegasus Drive W. Cairns, Manchester Metropolitan University, England, U.K.; Be´ne´dicte Fauvarque-Cosson, spe´cimen doivent etre envoye´es` a: Biggleswade, Bedfordshire Universite´ de Paris, France; B. Fages, Universite´ Paris XII, France; J.F. Gerkens, Universite´de Auftra¨ge fu¨r Abonnements und Anfragen fu¨r Probe- SG18 8TQ, United Kingdom Lie`ge, Belgium; A. Janssen, Westfa¨lische Wilhelms-Uiversita¨t Mu¨nster, Germany, and Radboud examplaren sollten an folgende Adresse gericht werden: Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands; R. Jox, Katholische Fachhochschule NW, Abteilung Ko¨ln, Germany; D.R. MacDonald, University of Dundee, Scotland, U.K.; B. Pozzo, Universita` dell’Insubria- Como, Italy; S. Whittaker, St. John’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, England, U.K. Individual subscriptions originating from North Kluwer Law International Central and South America should be sent to: 7201 McKinney Circle Advisory Board Frederick MD 21704 P. Apathy, Johannes Kepler Universita¨t Linz, Austria; C. von Bar, Institut fu¨r Rechtsvergleichung, United States of America Osnabru¨ck, Germany; H. Beale, Law Commission, London, England, U.K.; F. Bydlinski, Institut fu¨r Zivilrecht, Wien, Austria; R. Clark, Faculty of Law, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland; For advertisement rates, prices of back volumes, and other information, apply to Kluwer Law F. Ferrari, Universita` degli Studi di Verona, Italy; A. Gambaro, Universita` degli Studi di Milano, Italy; International, Marketing Department, 316, 2400 AH Alphen aan din Rijn, The Netherlands. G. Garcia Cantero, Departamento de derecho privado, Universidad de Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain; J. Ghestin, Universite´ de Paris, France; M. Hesselink, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Aims and Scope C. Jamin, Universite´ de Lille II, France; K.D. Kerameus, Ethniko kai kapodistriako Panepistimio The European Review of Private Law aims to stress the strong practical as well as academic impor- Athinon, Athinai, Greece; H. Ko¨tz, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany; O. Lando, Juridisk tance of national private laws in integrating Europe, in the face of the current overwhelming Institut Handelshojskolen Copenhagen, Denmark; H.L. MacQueen, Department of Scots Law, Uni- emphasis placed on European Community Law. Cross border research will become increasingly versity of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.; B.S. Markesinis, University College London, England, U.K./ important as cross border legal work develops. There is a need for a law review which focuses on University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.; M. Martin-Casals, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Girona, legal developments within a broad European perspective, and which provides a platform for debate Spain; V. Mikelenas, Teises Fakultetas, Vilniaus Universiteto, Lithuania; A. Pinto Monteiro, Univer- on the desirability of a unified private law in Europe, as a complement to economic, monetary and sidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de direito, Portugal; R. Sacco, Universita` degli Studi di Torino, Facolta` political union. di Giurisprudenza, Italy; D. Spielmann, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France; The European Review of Private Law will have an appeal across the academic/practitioner L. Tichy, Univerzita Karlova, Prague, the Czech Republic; F. Werro, Faculte´ de droit, Universite´ divide. By providing accessible and comparative surveys of legal developments in a number of de Fribourg, Switzerland; T. Wilhelmsson, Helsingen Yliopisto, Finland. countries, with summaries of articles and case notes in French, German and English, the Review will provide a valuable source of information for lawyers wishing to look for new ideas with which to tempt their courts to innovate in private law. The impact of European Community law has made ISSN 0928-9801 national courts more receptive to importing new conceptual devices and legal techniques directly All Rights Reserved. #2007 Kluwer Law International from foreign case law, not always waiting for the legislature to act. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilised in any form or The European Review of Private Law is indexed/abstracted in the European Legal Journals. by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Style Guide A style guide for contributors can be found in volume 11, issue No. 1 (2003), pages 103-108, and Typeface ITC Bodoni Twelve online at http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/europeanreviewofprivatelaw. Design Dingo j Peter Oosterhout, Diemen-Amsterdam Printed in the Netherlands Index An annual index will be published in issue No. 6 of each volume. european review of private law VOLUME 15 NO. 4 – 2007 Articles/Articles/Aufsa¨tze 483-513 HANNES RO¨SLER Hardship in German Codified Private Law – In Comparative Perspective to English, French and International Contract Law 515-531 MARCO B.M. LOOS The Influence of European Consumer Law on General Contract Law and the Need for Spontaneous Harmonization 533-553 ALDO BERLINGUER The Italian Road to Trusts 555-599 ANDREW P. BELL Abuse of a Relationship: Undue Influence in English Law and French Law Case notes/Annotations/Entscheidungsanmerkungen 601-616 SARA MARTI´N SALAMANCA Cour de Cassation - Ass. ple´n., arret No. 519 du 29 oct 2004 - Une cause contraire aux bonnes moeurs 617-628 PEDRO DEL OLMO Cour de Cassation, 1e`re civ. 3 fevrier 2004 - Un preˆta` usage` a dure´e inde´termine´e consenti pour un usage permanent, le preˆteur pouvait y mettre fin` a tout moment, et si oui sous quelle(s) condition(s)? 629-633 Index 2006 635 List of Contributors 481 European Review of Private Law 3-2007 [555-599] Kluwer Law International BV | Printed in the Netherlands Abuse of a Relationship: Undue Influence in English Law and French Law ANDREW P. BELL* Keywords: Contract, Gifts, Wills, Consent, Undue influence, Captation Abstract: This article compares the protection provided by English law and French law against the abuse of relationships where one party places trust and confidence in the other or is subject to the other’s authority. It focuses on the English law of undue influence as it applies to contracts, gifts inter vivos and testamentary gifts, and it identifies the function- ally equivalent French rules, in particular those based on presumptions of suggestion and captation. The first part of the article looks at the problem at a general level, while the second concentrates on the treatment of particular relationships (parent and child and analogous cases, sexual relationships and religious relationships). The study notes some common ground and common heritage, but sheds light equally on the distinctive strate- gies of the two legal systems and highlights the impact of the different social contexts. Re´sume´: Cet article´ etudie de fac¸on comparative la protection que fournissent le droit anglais et le droit franc¸ais contre l’abus des relations ou` l’une des parties met confiance en l’autre ou est soumise` a son autorite´.L’e´tude traite de undue influence en droit anglais dans son application aux contrats et aux libe´ralite´s, et elle de´couvre les re`gles en droit franc¸ais qui y sont´ equivalentes du point de vue fonctionel, notamment celles qui se repo- sent sur une pre´somption de suggestion et de captation. La premie`re partie de l’article envisage la matie`re sur le plan ge´ne´ral, alors que la deuxie`me partie conside`re des relations spe´cifiques (parent et enfant et cas semblables, relations sexuelles et relations religieuses). L’e´tude note des traits et un he´ritage communs, mais elle´ eclaire´ egalement les strate´gies distinctives des deux droits et souligne l’influence des contextes sociaux diffe´rents. Zusammenfassung: Dieser Aufsatz vergleicht, wie das englishe Recht und das franzo¨- zische Recht Schutz gegen Mißbrauch eines Verha¨ltnis zwischen zwei Personen bieten, wo die eine der anderen vertraut oder wo die eine Macht u¨ber der anderen hat.
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