Copyr ight lSi S-1885, by Beadle & Adams. Entered at Post omce. New Y" rk N. Y .. as second class ma11er. Mar. 15, 189!1 THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. N o.15 Cleveland, Ohio Vol. II DEADWOOD Dr, CALAMITY JANE, The, eroine of Wh~JJp·Up. DICK 117 THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. 1 No.15 Cleveland, Ohio Vol. II DEADWOOD Or. CALAMITY JANE, The DICK Heroine of Whoop-Up. Deadwood Dick on :Peck. "Yas, a woman," replied Colonel Joe Tubba. !.."Docking the ashes out of bis pipe, and refilling It -/~-Deadwood Dick .on Deck · with chipped plug. "At least they say she's o' the OR, feminine sex. fer w'lch I can't sw'ar, purtic'lar. An' ef she's a weemon, thar ain't many bettf>r Inkers 'twixt hayr, D Padwood. an' therrisin' sun." CALAMITY JANE, "What r •ason have you to doubt that she Is not a won1an, colooe!?,, THE HEROIN"~ OF WHOOP-UP. "Wal, Sandy. l ken't say as I Nally doubt et, !er r s'pect et's a solid f ac' thet she ar' one o' ther lineal descendants o' thet leetle fruitful scrape in a certain .£. STOK Y OF DA.KOT.&. garden. yeers ago, afore ther Antediluve. llut ye see how it is: in the gelorious State o' Ohio, frum BY EDW. L. WHEELER, which I war Imported ter this side o' ther hemi· Af1Tl!OR OJ' u DEADWOOD DlCK" NOVELS, ETC., ETC. sphere, ther femnle sex ginnerally war begarbed in CHAPTER I. petticoats, an' left ther male representatives to wear DARKIN' m> THE WRONG TREE. ther breeche~ t" "Humph r• and a little smile came to Sandy's lips, ''Dashing along thro' the valley and vale, "then t nis nightingale whn has just favored us, From early morn till the day grows pale; wears the breeches herself, does she?" Jnto the' p ockets ' framed in flowers- "You pile up yer chips an' bet thet she do. Sandy, lnto' the wood land's shady bowers; and ef you warn't en Eastern chap. a n' but leet1e Stopping anon by bo,bbling streams, used ter sech weemon as we h ,o v in this delectable Then darting on into rvcky seams; Black Hills kentry, I'd say, 'Sandv. galoot, pile yer Free as the eagle In its flight, frm1t foot for'a'd, an go In for Janie." Fearless Jn daylight, happy at night; "J·miP-t,hat is b ·r name, eb1" Ever unfett~ red to roam about-- "Wal Ir ·ckon-Calamitv Jaue for short. I don't Such is the life of the g lorious scout. allow dis.r's m fl ny who do know who sh e Is. aside ,. 8 •arcbin or for golrl in the waters cloa ., from h er ti1le. Sa ndy, tho' she don't cum no furcler . d oil' than up in N?vada. She's a brick. Santly, ancl Running a race with t h a moun ta10 eer: jest let "'t '>OP right inter y.r noddle ri,'l"ht hayr, tha ~ Profiting well hy th" miner's abuse. she ain't no fool ef nhe do wear breeches. An' ef '1'amiug with1 spur the buckin' cayuse; ye ~ ve r have occasior ter m Pet ther gal, Sandy, jest .£-aying on13 ...; w:iy, ta.king no ' slack' "' b cl c 1 d J T hb Rlting cold lea<!, and sendin ~ It back; rememcar t er wor a uv o ora o oe u s on Fiiendly t o friends, b11t deadly to foes, ~~:sd~';:;reb~~~~~!~~1;,-' Ther gal ain't no fool ef Gay as a r'lbin, hol.rdin~ no woes; u 1 ill dn I d •t b Such is the 1 re of the scout, gay and free, w • p-ir er. on ruppo<;e ecause a WO· Such is the life that is suiting to me... man wearn male attire that sbA is necessatily a fool; though why a female must l•)wer her sex by appear· Oi< the clear air of an August night these words in~ in man's garb. I see not. She must h" an eccer.· werP. distinctly warted in ;nelodious song-a wild, ttic creature-rather a bard case, Is.~ not?" with a rollicking harmony or weirJ music, such as none little curl of the lip. but a cultivated voice co:.iltl produce. Mountains "'Hard case,' Sandy!" an 1 h ere the veteran have their peculiar facility of carryinl\" and retain- paused to clos • one eye and blo v out a cloud or i n~ sound. and it was Jong ere the last quivering fragrant smoke; "wal, 'no, whe·1 YA ask m y jedg­ notes of the midsummer night's son~ bad died out. ment in tber matter. She's a woman, Siindy, an' The tone of the singor ha".! been one of those pure, tho' thar's many who lay claim ter tnat n~m e whn intoxicating rivals of the flute; clear and strong ar' below par, I don't reckon Janie ar' qui te thet m th power of suslentation. and capable ot Instant fur gone. She's a dare-devil, Sandy. an' nn mistake. modulation to the softest, sw~etest degree. She ar' the most reckless buchario iu ther Hills, kin E ven after the sin ger ha'l ceased in 1be song ot drink whisky, slmte, play keerds, or sw'ar, ef et the gay mon'ltaineer, it s"Pm0 d as it the Jo;ig comes ter et; but, 'twixt you an' m e, I reckon tber gulches and ghomy •11ountain defiles bad become gal's got honorleftwi' her grit. out o' tl:er wreck o· a <'nthus•d with the glnrious melody, and the spectral young life. Oncet an' awhile thar is a story whls· pines sighed a weird peculiar sound as If in a diapa- pered about thet she war df'serte l up at Virginny son accompanlm~nt.. City. an' tuk t er thes rovln' life ter hunt down h er The screams of the ni~h t birds bad been hushed; false lover; anotlier thet she heel bin .married ter a the noisy streams and leapino; cascades wore seem· Neva la brute, a n' kim o-ver intPr thes deestrict tPr ingly l 'ss boisterous: 'W" mPn sitting down In the escap• him; then thar's bin sum b a•·d stories o' her bott.)m ot a narrow wiu Ii~~ canyon or gulch, bad- up at Deadwood an' Hayward. but I n ever b'lievPd ::eased smoking, to list,' n to the SOD!\" of the unknown 'em 'case they were ginnerallv inventeil by n guug ni g htin~al e. o' touzhs who hed ' · g rudge ag'in' her. I neve. A little fl re was burnln~ in clos9 proximity to a b'Jieve·I 'em, Sandy, becansa she war a woman; an' sharp ben1 in the course of the canyon, and near bv once I heel a wite an' little golrlon·haired dau.-bter­ was a single m.i,.9uee of c:invas, and a couple of s'ie lukerl like vou. Sandy-an' I know'd 'em ter be super&nnnatcd-IM.dng mules stretched ont on the itond: t.hP,t's why J nevver kim ter heli•ve a ll about grass. A few yarrls t o t!1e left, as you looked up C!\la mity .Ja ne!" and the old mRn b~wed his head on toward the bend in th., ~"t nvon, rolled a wide, shallow his Rrm, at sn"1e sad recollection. stream of water. con ft.n r->d in its course by nearly ·•Nol no 1" be went on. nftPr a fe\v moments of perpen1ic•1l rr r Wlllls of rock, that towered aloft In silence. "Ja ni?'s not as bad as ther worl.1 would rugged piles. unt!l m natural ·gran<leur th~y term!- have her; becau:;~ she's got grit an' ain't afeard to nat0 d Ill misty mountain peaks. The two men al- , •hute tbn galoot as cro~ses her, people condemn luded t-0 we'e sitting upon the bank of the stream J h or. T reckon ye kno' how et is, ont ha.vr in tbPr and tb,y di1 nnt move until thP snn"'"Stress haa1 Hills. S"tndy-ef a femal"' ken't s•Anfl up an' fight fer ceased her melody; then tbey loo ~el up and e-x· her ril!hts. et.'s durned littlP a id she'll l"it." cb.an~ed glances. - "So I sh onM conclude rrnm w'iat ohs0 rvations I '' B1.:uiu*'i rul. wasn't 1 ~, s ~nrl .v?" have bt-1P. n nble to make, ~;nee I no:tme Wec:.t ." was "Ye•i'' replie<l the youn~Rr of tlie twain, as he re· t 'ie r ?plv of the ynnng miner. "ls this Calamity sumed 1's pine: bis eyes roving out over the noisy JanP n"etty. colo ·el?" river. rlrea1 niiy. "l was not aware you had such "Wal, snme might say sn Sanrly; I am not pa:r­ mnsic'll stare; ont here in your niinin2 districts. A tial te-r givin' opinions o' ther external merits or woman, wa'n tit?" ther female line, o' late years. Heci sum experience Deadwood Dick on Deck. 8 In thet llne a couple o' ye.ars ago, atore I left Anll'e­ support In yer old agef Lordy! whar'd thei"h&'r be lina my second, ter come out bayr-war just tellin' tli.enf her how purty a certa1n wldder war, when-well, I "Then, here's Sandy, too-squarest galoot In tber never quite k"llew what struck me, but I finally bills, an' i'll beton't-tbar'slBandif; lorterleave him waked up ter find myself caned up inter st eak's, an' a leetle mite when I sbuffie off, fer I got a peep at tber ba.'r on top o' my head gone.
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