University of Colorado Herbarium (COLO) 1201 Record(s) Page 1 of 322 COLO Type Specimens Acanthaceae Family: Acanthaceae Beloperone fragilis Robinson Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422655 Bar Code: 351023 Proofed: none. Location: San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Las Canoas. Habitat: Limestone ledges. Collector: C.G. Pringle #3933. Date: 30 October, 5 December 1891. Miscellaneous: Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: = Beloperone tenera (Rob.) Turrill. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 27:183. 1892. Beloperone pringlei S. Watson Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422657 Bar Code: 351031 Proofed: none. Location: Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Hills near Monterey. Habitat: none. Collector: C.G. Pringle #2548. Date: 15 July & 1 August 1889. Miscellaneous: Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: = Justicia straminea D. Gibson. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 25:160. 1890. Carlowrightia glandulosa Rob. & Greenm. Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422658 Bar Code: 356568 Proofed: none. Location: Oaxaca, Mexico. Monte Alban near Oaxaca. Habitat: none. 5500 ft. Collector: C.G. Pringle #6276. Date: 5 December 1895. Miscellaneous: 1-3 feet. Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr & Frt. Annotations: none. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 32:40. 1896. Carlowrightia ovata Gray Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422659 Bar Code: 356576 Proofed: none. Location: Chihuahua, Mexico. Ledges near Chihuahua. Habitat: none. Collector: C.G. Pringle #932. Date: 30 August 1885. Miscellaneous: Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr & Frt. Annotations: none. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 21:406. 1886. Page 2 of 322 COLO Type Specimens Acanthaceae Carlowrightia pringlei Rob. & Greenm. Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422660 Bar Code: 356584 Proofed: none. Location: Oaxaca, Mexico. Tomellin Canyon. Habitat: Dry slopes. 3500 ft. Collector: C.G. Pringle #6261. Date: 30 November 1895. Miscellaneous: 3-5 feet. Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: = Siphonoglossa pringlei (R. & G.) Lindau. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 32:40. 1896. Jacobinia stellata Rob. & Greenm. Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422610 Bar Code: 371864 Proofed: none. Location: Jalisco, Mexico. Barranca of Tequila. Habitat: Under dry cliffs, barranca. Collector: C.G. Pringle #4573. Date: 16 October 1893. Miscellaneous: Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: none. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 29:390. 1894. Ruellia pringlei Fernald Type Status: ? Accession No: 149778 Bar Code: 406298 Proofed: none. Location: Guerrero, Mexico. Hillsides, Balsas Station. Habitat: none. 2000 ft. Collector: C.G. Pringle #10071. Date: 27 September 1905. Miscellaneous: Fls. white. Plantae Mexicanae. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: none. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 67. 1907. Family: Adiantaceae Hemionitis elegans Davenport Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 424347 Bar Code: 369868 Proofed: none. Location: Jalisco, Mexico. The barranca near Guadalajara. Habitat: Shaded banks and ledges of barranca. Collector: C.G. Pringle #2585. Date: 24 September 1889. Miscellaneous: Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Annotations: Bommeria elegans (Davenp.) Ranker & Haufler, det. T.A. Ranker, 14 July 1991; Amer. Fern J. 80:1-3. 1990. References: Garden & Forest 4:484. 1891. Page 3 of 322 COLO Type Specimens Agavaceae Family: Agavaceae Agave brunnea S. Watson Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422986 Bar Code: 339705 Proofed: none. Location: San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Los Charcos. Habitat: Calcareous mesas. Collector: C.G. Pringle #3745. Date: 2 July 1891. Miscellaneous: Plantae Mexicanae. Gift to Herbarium COLO from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Frt. Annotations: = Polianthes brunnea (Wats.) Shinners. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 28:156. 1891. Agave chihuahuana Trelease Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422981 Bar Code: 339713 Proofed: none. Location: Chihuahua, Mexico. Hills near Chihuahua. Habitat: none. Collector: C.G. Pringle #958. Date: 8 September 1886. Miscellaneous: Originally identified as Agave wislizeni Engelm. Plantae Mexicanae. Gift to Herbarium COLO from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr & Frt. Annotations: = Agave parryi Engelm., det. Gentry 1982. References: Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 22. 1911. Agave guadalajarana Trelease Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422990 Bar Code: 339721 Proofed: none. Location: Jalisco, Mexico. Near Guadalajara. Habitat: Dry rocky hills. Collector: C.G. Pringle #4473. Date: 21 June & 21 July 1893. Miscellaneous: Originally identified as Agave megalacantha Hemsl. Plantae Mexicanae. Gift to Herbarium COLO from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr & Frt. Annotations: Agave guadalajarana Trelease, det. Gentry 1982. References: Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 23:123. 1920. Agave potrerana Trelease Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422989 Bar Code: 339739 Proofed: none. Location: Chihuahua, Mexico. Portrero [sic] Peak. Habitat: none. 7400 ft. Collector: C.G. Pringle #802. Date: 10 September 1886. Miscellaneous: Originally identified as Agave. Plantae Mexicanae. Gift to Herbarium COLO from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Flr & Frt. Annotations: Agave potrerana Trelease, det. Gentry 1982. References: Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 23:138. 1920. Page 4 of 322 COLO Type Specimens Agavaceae Agave vestita S. Watson Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 507604 Bar Code: 339747 Proofed: none. Location: Jalisco, Mexico. Near Guadalajara. Habitat: Dry porphyritic ledges. Collector: C.G. Pringle #2432. Date: 8 November 1889. Miscellaneous: Plantae Mexicanae. Repr. Status: Flr & Frt. Annotations: = Agave schidigera Lem, fide Gentry, no date. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 25:163. 1890. Dasyliron inerme S. Watson Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 422717 Bar Code: 361295 Proofed: none. Location: San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Las Palmas. Habitat: Limestone ledges. Collector: C.G. Pringle #3108. Date: 27 June 1890. Miscellaneous: A tree like plant 20-30 feet high with few branches and 2-4 feet thick at base. Plantae Mexicanae. Gift from Colorado College 1984. Repr. Status: Frt. Annotations: = Beaucarnea inermis (Wats.) Rose. References: Proc. Amer. Acad. 26:157. 1891. Family: Alliaceae Allium brandegei f. viviparum W.A. Weber Type Status: Type Accession No: 442565 Bar Code: 342311 Proofed: none. Location: Routt County, Colorado, USA. Along Fish Creek/Long Lake Trail just above upper falls on Fish Creek about 1.5 mi above the lower falls (the popular tourist site). Habitat: Wet areas, rocky meadow along trail and even in trail. In a pop. of normal plants. A. brevistylum also present, but not A. geyeri. Collector: W.F. Jennings #sn. Date: 24 June 1989. Miscellaneous: Bulblet-forming plts. The bulblets in present collection certainly belong to A. brandegei & are distinctly different in size & shape from those in A. geyeri, rubrum apomict. Repr. Status: Bulblet. Annotations: none. References: none. Page 5 of 322 COLO Type Specimens Alliaceae Triteleia ixioides (Ait. f.) Greene ssp. anilina (Greene) Lenz Type Status: Isoneotype Accession No: 405827 Bar Code: 823377 Proofed: none. Location: Alpine County, California, USA. Just beyond Lake Alpine on Ebbetts Pass rd. Habitat: none. Collector: Lee W. Lenz #24869. Date: 27 July 1971. Miscellaneous: Abundant, anthers white, short broad throat, mostly green veined flower parts. Based on Calliprora scabra var. anilina Greene; Erythea 3:125. 1895. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: Triteleia ixioides (W.T. Aiton) Greene ssp. anilina (Greene) L.W. Lenz, det. J. Chris Pires, Feb. 2005. References: Aliso 8:233. 1975. Triteleia ixioides (Ait. f.) Greene ssp. unifolia Lenz Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 405826 Bar Code: 823385 Proofed: none. Location: Mariposa County, California, USA. Road from Coulterville to hwy 120 north of Greeley Hill. Habitat: Cutover yellow pine forest with oaks; growing in loamy soil. 3400 ft. Collector: Lee W. Lenz #24859. Date: 26 May 1971. Miscellaneous: Unifoliate. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: Triteleia ixioides (W.T. Aiton) Greene ssp. unifolia L.W. Lenz, det. J. Chris Pires, Feb. 2005. References: Aliso 8:243. 1975. Family: Alsinaceae Arenaria lanuginosa var. longipedunculata Duncan Type Status: ? Accession No: 71689 Bar Code: 347922 Proofed: none. Location: Fulton County, Georgia, USA. South side of Chattahoochee River, east of Marsh Creek. Habitat: In shallow soil on shelf near top of granite rock cliff, in deep woods. Collector: W.H. Duncan #9701. Date: 5 June 1949. Miscellaneous: Plant with diffusely prostrate branches. Plantae Exsiccatae Grayanae 1421. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: none. References: Phytologia 3:282. 1950. Page 6 of 322 COLO Type Specimens Alsinaceae Arenaria rosei Maguire & Barneby Type Status: Paratype Accession No: 118144 Bar Code: 347948 Proofed: none. Location: Trinity County, California, USA. 1 mi. sw. of Peanut. Habitat: Open serpentine slopes. 2500 ft. Collector: Lewis S. Rose #55126. Date: 17 July 1955. Miscellaneous: none. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: none. References: Leafl. West. Bot. 8:56. 1956. Cerastium variabile Goodding Type Status: Isotype Accession No: 332271 Bar Code: 356733 Proofed: none. Location: Utah, USA. Dyer Mine, Uintah Mountains. Habitat: Moist bottom lands. Collector: Leslie N. Goodding #1246. Date: 3 July 1902. Miscellaneous: none. Repr. Status: Flr. Annotations: none. References: Bot. Gaz. 37:54. 1904. Drymaria anomala S. Watson Type Status: Isotype
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