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Supplementum 24 AZO 0001-7272 Acta Zoologica 25 ADD 0965-2140 Addiction 26 ADB 1355-6215 1369-1600 Addiction biology 27 ADSP 1524-6817 2161-0029 Adultspan journal 28 2578-0727 Advanced Control for Applications 29 ADC2 MJ00-0036 Advanced Control for Applications Pkg 30 E707 2199-160X 2199-160X Advanced Electronic Materials 31 2528 1614-6832 1614-6840 Advanced Energy Materials 32 2266 1438-1656 Advanced Engineering Materials 33 2126 1616-301X Advanced Functional Materials 34 2087 2192-2640 2192-2659 Advanced Heatlhcare Materials 35 2089 0935-9648 Advanced Materials 36 E706 2196-7350 Advanced Materials Interfaces 37 E298 2195-1071 Advanced Optical Materials 38 E820-Pkg MJ00-0837 Advanced Quantum Technologies- Pkg 39 E820 2511-9044 Advanced Quantum Technologies 40 2258 1615-4150 Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 41 E343-Pkg MJ00-0803 Advanced Theory and Simulations- Pkg 42 E343 2513-0390 Advanced Theory and Simulations 43 E313 23663987 Advanced Therapeutics 44 E313-Pkg MJ00-0802 Advanced Therapeutics- Pkg 45 AET2 24725390 AEM Education and Training 46 ARBE 0001-9852 Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial, and technical series 47 ARBP 0001-9844 Africa research bulletin. Political, social, and cultural series 48 AFDR 1017-6772 African Development Review 49 AJE 0141-6707 African Journal of Ecology 50 AFS Pkg AFS Journals Package 51 AB 0096-140X Aggressive Behavior 52 AGR 0742-4477 Agribusiness : an International Journal 53 AFE 1461-9555 Agricultural and Forest Entomology 54 AGEC 0169-5150 Agricultural Economics 55 AIC 0001-1541 AIChE journal 56 ADAW 1042-1394 1556-7591 Alcoholism and drug abuse weekly 57 ACER 0145-6008 Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 58 APT 0269-2813 Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 59 ALL 0105-4538 Allergy 60 ALL-Suppl 0108-1675 Allergy. Supplement 61 ALT 1549-4373 Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 62 AMAN 0002-7294 1548-1433 American anthropologist 63 ABLJ 0002-7766 American Business Law Journal 64 AMET 0094-0496 1548-1425 American ethnologist 65 AJB2 1537-2197 American Journal of Botany 66 AJCP 0091-0562 1573-2770 American Journal of Community Psychology 67 AJES 0002-9246 American Journal of Economics and Sociology 68 AJH 0361-8609 American Journal of Hematology 69 AJHB 1042-0533 American Journal of Human Biology 70 AJIM 0271-3586 American Journal of Industrial Medicine 71 AJMG 1552-4825 American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 72 AJMB 1552-4841 American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B 73 AJMC 1552-4868 American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C 74 AJPA 0002-9483 American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75 AJPS 0092-5853 American Journal of Political Science 76 AJP 0275-2565 American Journal of Primatology 77 AJI 1046-7408 American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 78 AJT 1600-6135 American Journal of Transplantation 79 AJAD 1055-0496 American Journal on Addictions 80 ANAE 0003-2409 Anaesthesia 81 ASAP 1529-7489 Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 82 PHIB 2153-9596 Analytic Philosophy 83 AHE 0340-2096 Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 84 AR 1932-8486 Anatomical Record 85 ASE 1935-9780 Anatomical Sciences Education 86 AND 0303-4569 Andrologia 87 ANDR 2047-2927 2047-2927 Andrology 88 2001 0044-8249 Angewandte Chemie 89 2002 1433-7851 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 90 ACV 1367-9430 Animal Conservation 91 AGE 0268-9146 Animal Genetics 92 ASJ 1344-3941 Animal Science Journal 93 2257 0003-3804 Annalen der Physik 94 NAPA 2153-957X 2153-9588 Annals of anthropological practice 95 AAB 0003-4746 Annals of Applied Biology 96 AHG 0003-4800 Annals of Human Genetics 97 ANA 0364-5134 Annals of Neurology 98 ANEC 1082-720X Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 99 APCE 1370-4788 Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 100 NYAS 0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 101 AEQ 0161-7761 1548-1492 Anthropology and education quarterly 102 ANHU 1559-9167 1548-1409 Anthropology and humanism 103 ANOC 1053-4202 1556-3537 Anthropology of consciousness 104 AWR 0883-024X 1548-1417 Anthropology of work review 105 ANTH 0268-540X Anthropology Today 106 ANTI 0066-4812 Antipode 107 ANS 1445-1433 ANZ Journal of Surgery 108 AORN 0001-2092 1878-0369 AORN Journal 109 APM 0903-4641 APMIS 110 APM-Suppl 0903-465X APMIS. Supplementum. 111 ACP 0888-4080 Applied Cognitive Psychology 112 AOC 0268-2605 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 113 APPS 0269-994X Applied Psychology: An International Review 114 APHW 1758-0854 Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 115 ASMB 1524-1904 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 116 AVSC 1402-2001 Applied Vegetation Science 117 YGH2-Pkg MJ00-0042 APT/GastroHep Package 118 ANU 1353-5773 Aquaculture Nutrition 119 ARE 1355-557X Aquaculture Research 120 AQC 1052-7613 Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 121 AAE 0905-7196 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 122 ARP 1075-2196 Archaeological Prospection 123 ARCO 0003-8121 1834-4453 Archaeology in Oceania 124 ARCM 0003-813X Archaeometry 125 APAA 1551-823X 1551-8248 Archeological papers of the american anthropological association 126 AD 0003-8504 Architectural Design 127 2019 0365-6233 Archiv der Pharmazie 128 ARCH 0739-4462 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 129 AREA 0004-0894 Area 130 AHIS 0141-6790 Art History 131 ART 0004-3591 Arthritis and Rheumatism 132 ACR 2151-464X Arthritis Care and Research 133 AOR 0160-564X Artificial Organs 134 APHR 1038-4111 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 135 APV 1360-7456 Asia Pacific Viewpoint 136 ASEJ 1351-3958 Asian Economic Journal 137 AEPR 1832-8105 Asian Economic Policy Review 138 AJSP 1367-2223 Asian Journal of Social Psychology 139 ASPP 1943-0787 Asian Politics and Policy 140 ASWP 1753-1403 Asian Social Work and Policy Review 141 APEL 0818-9935 Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 142 APJ 1932-2135 1932-2143 Asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering 143 AJCO 1743-7555 Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 144 AJFS 2041-9945 2041-6156 Asia-pacific journal of financial studies 145 AU 1041-6099 Assessment Update 146 2228 0004-6337 Astronomische Nachrichten 147 AEC 1442-9985 Austral Ecology 148 AJD 0004-8380 Australasian Journal of Dermatology 149 AJAG 1440-6381 Australasian Journal on Ageing 150 AUAR
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