Appendix: “A Note on Art” by Rainer Maria Rilke First Version: Fragmentary Art is the dark wish of all Tings. Anxious words long to be in the poem; poor landscapes are completed in the painting; sick people become beau- tiful in it. Tis means: the artist lifts the Tings, which he chooses for his representation, from the many random, conventional relationships, uni- fes them, and places the lonely bits into a pure, simple communication. If he loves a Ting, then he carries in his shadows many silent confessions and confdes a hundred secrets in it. But his intimate sentiments grow out from behind the one, narrow Ting and push him to add a new sub- terfuge next to this frst, narrow one and to build out in a [second], third, and fourth this wall, behind which his life beats in waves. And the Tings that for him will little by little become a subterfuge feel curiously related. Deep connections, not recognized by the artist himself, close them sol- idly on one another. Tey have become similar to one another. Teir dark silhouettes carry […] © Te Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 241 N. C. Reynolds, Sense and Creative Labor in Rainer Maria Rilke’s Prose Works, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74470-0 242 Appendix: “A Note on Art” by Rainer Maria Rilke Second Version Art is the dark wish of all Tings. Tey all want to be pictures of our secrets. Tey enjoy letting go of their faded sense in order to carry any of our deep longings. Tey thrust themselves into our trembling senses and thirst to become subterfuges of our feelings. Tey fee from convention. Tey want to be what we take them to be. Tankful and submissive, they want to carry the new names with which the artist endows them. Tey are like children who plead someone to take them on a trip: they won’t understand everything, but the thousand scattered and incidental impres- sions become simple and beautiful on their face. 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