The weather Cloudy with chance of afternoon Inside today showers. High near 70. Clearing, windy and cooler tonight. Lows 38 to 4). Area news Editorial ........ 4A Friday partly sunny and cool. Highs in ............1-2-3-4-B Family....... 8-9-A mid to upper 50s. Probablility of Classified . 8-9-10-B Obituaries ... 12-A precipitation 30 per cent today and 10 Comics........ 11-B Sports........0-7-8-B per cent tonight and Friday. Weather Dear Abby ... 11-B map on page 9-B. Secw, No. m PRICKt HnM EN CK«TS Carter standing firm against water projects WASHINGTON (U PI)-President And, in a reference to the cutbacks Carter also mentioned his new session closed to reporters. Carter today told a group of House he has proposed in federal spending energy program and said “it’s dif­ It was one of a series of meetings Democrats there is a big for water and dam projects, he said, ficult to please all the groups.” Carter plans to hold with con­ “inflationary difference” in the level “I think we ought to quit wasting gressional leaders to set a timetable of farm price supports and the money on unnecessary water He then took questions from the for priority legislation before he minimum wage he favors and the projects.” congressmen for about an hour in a leaves for London next month. amounts advocated in Congress. Carter also told the group, assembled in the state dining room of the White House, “I think we ought to quit wasting our money on un­ necessary water projects.” United States, Cuba 2 The President has proposed farm I ■ ' price supports much lower than those sought by farm groups and some members of Congress. He also has proposed raising the sign fishing accord minimum wage from $2.30 an hour to $2.50, while the AFLCIO is seeking a WASHINGTON (UPI) - The fishing territorial waters off the agreement between the two coun­ $3 minimum. A bill pending in the United States and Cuba today an­ Florida coast and is also expected to tries since the United States broke House would put it at $2.85. nounced agreement on fishing rights allow Cuban boats limited fishing relations with the communist Carter told the congressmen there in waters off the two countries. rights elsewhere within the U.S 200- government of Fidel Castro 16 years is a “tremendous inflationary The two-part agreement, reached mile limit. ago. An anti-hijacking agreement difference” between the level of in face-to-face bargaining between Assistant Secretary of State lapsed two weeks ago. farm supports and the minimum U.S. and Cuban officials in New York Clarence Todman, the Carter ad­ The fisheries negotiations became wage he advocates and the amounts and Havana, is seen as a significant ministration’s top aide for Latin necessary after both the United espoused on Capitol Hill. step toward better relations between American policy, returned from States and Cuba approved a 200-mile But he said, “I believe we’ve got a the two countries. Chiba today and the announcement was fishing zone on March 1. Their new good beginning for White House and Details were not immeditely an­ made a short time later. maritime boundaries overlap in the congressional relations. nounced, but it covered overlapping It was only the second bilateral 90-mile-wide Florida Straits. “I’m grateful for your advice ... and criticism. I’m trying to carry out the promises I made during the cam­ paign to you and your constituents.” The president said he has had to Experts make progress, address a series of “controversial problems,” adding, “It is my hope and expectation that the budget will be balanced by the end of my term.” hope to cap well today STAVANGER, Norway (UPI) - the sea daily could be choked off this Officials said so far damage to Boy hurt badK Oil disaster experts battling a morning. wildlife has been minimal. Love Lane sewer being installed runaway well in the North Sea say The two Texans, Angser “Boots” Archimbeault said the plan for cap­ A young boy is reportedly in they have completed the first stages Hansen and Richard “Toots’’ ping the well calls for hydraulic As the trench for a new sewer line on Love Lane is extended, a critical condition at Manchester of repair work and are optimistic the Hatteberg, used sparkless tools to pressure to close two “blind rams” bulldozer fills in the dirt to cover the completed work. The Memorial Hospital as the result of 120-foot-high gusher may be capped minimize the danger of fire as they inside a blowout preventer valve, A project, which includes the installation of about 1,300 feet of injuries received in an accident today. worked Wednesday on the Bravo now in position on top of the well’s sewer line and a pumping station, began about a week ago and, this forenoon, a hospital “Practically all the preliminary platform in the center of the North pipe. work has been implemented and we with good weather and soil conditions, will be completed in spokesman said. Sea, attempting to bolt down a ’The boy, Scott HarHey, 7, was can get-nn > Ith lt*i nsiH ’^^-^tinicial cutoff valve to the spewing “If they close successfully and if about a month or less. After the sewer installation is completed, reportedly run over by a car while said Robert Archimbeault pipe. they hold, the flow stops then,” he another group of engineers will move into the same area to in­ he was playing with friends in the engineering manager for Phillips The repair team was, in effect, said. stall a water line, all of which will be a traffic handicap for vicinity of Hartford Rd. and Petroleum, Norway, at a Wednesday trying to put a faucet on the pipe so In that case a navy-sized flotilla of several weeks. (Herald photo by Pinto) McKee St. night news conference. that it could be turned off. Since the clean-up vessels would be left to get Two Texans from disaster well blew out Friday night it has P on with mopping up the oil slick while 16 specialist Paul “Red” Adair’s created an oil slick — now shaped work on Bravo platform returned to Houston company and their daredevil like an artist’s palette — that covers normal. crew “got everything in a state of 580 square miles of ocean surface. But if the “blind rams” do not hold, jir vent. readiness” Wednesday, Norwegian navy officials said the the three-piece assembly would have 16»» Archimbeault said. Cummings hits district, slick, now stretching 45 miles from to be swivelled into position across Three more pieces of equipment the Bravo blowout platform, was — already assembled and weighing the jet of oil spewing at a pressure about 150 miles from the nearest near to 5,000 pounds per square inch. nearly four tons — need to be put in coasts, those of Denmark and place “and we will be in a position to Even this, he indicated, might be Norway. The well in Norway's done “with good luck.” praises work on budget close,” he said. Ekofisk oil field is almost midway Archimbeault said that with luck, “1 must emphasize that much between the Norwegian and British depends on the people out there.” the 28,000 barrels of oil spilling into coasts. By GREG PEARSON has to be approved by the district have to complete by the end of next Herald Reporter residents. week. The Manchester Democratic Town “Just think of that,” Cummings The mayor called the budget Committee Wednesday night heard said. “We (the town) have to ask process “the most important work its chairman give a tongue-lashing to Uiem if we want to put a sewer on the board does all year.” This year’s the Eighth Utilities District and the their property because of some budget from Town Manager Robert mayor say that budget work will foolish act called Special Act 200. B. Weiss proposed a 9.43 mill in­ Urban Democrats face test produce an acceptable mill rate and We’ll take care of that in the near crease in the General Fund tax. The level of services. future, you can bet your life on that,” directors have been working for the Town Chairman ’Theodore Cum­ he said. past two weeks to reduce that figure, in their budget challenge mings, who has frequently been at “We’re through subsidizing the dis­ as well as the overall proposed $25.5 odds with the district, crltized the trict,” he added. He said that the million budget. events surrounding the proposed project is being paid for with federal “I can say the mill rate will be an HARTFORD (UPI) - Urban Baldwin-Concord Rd.-area sewer. Revenue Sharing funds. acceptable one to everyone,” Democratic and some Republican ’The Town Board of Directors has api “If they don’t want it, we’ll put it Moriarty said. “The level of services lawmakers, apparently willing to proved $110,000 to begin planning to use where someone will use it and we will provide will be one we can dare Gov. Ella T. Grasso to veto the, work for the project, but the district it will be appreciated,” Cummings point to with pride.” budget, today faced their first test of has not yet taken a final vote on ap­ said. Cummings also mentioned that the strenth against the spending plan proval of the project. Mayor Matthew Moriarty’s com­ town Republicans have requested a offermd by legislative leaders. Under Special Act 200, the project, ments concentrated on the 1977-78 The legislature’s budget-making because it is north of Middle ’Tpke., town budget, which the directors —See Page Twelve-A Appropriations Committee was scheduled to vote on the $1.91 billion document submitted by the Democratic leadership which calls for a 10 per cent Increase in welfare Today’s news summary payments.
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