Borzoi Club of America 2007 National Specialty

Borzoi Club of America 2007 National Specialty

BORZOI CLUB OF AMERICA 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY April 23-28, 2007 Warwick, Rhode Island BORZOI CLUB OF AMERICA 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY April 23-28, 2007 Warwick, Rhode Island JUDGES All Regular & Non-Regular Classes: Ms. Barbara Binder Sweepstakes: Ms. Laura Hyatt Futurity: Mrs. Kimberley Horn-Janek Obedience: Mr. James M. Ashton Rally Obedience: Ms. Elizabeth Chase Junior Showmanship: Ms. Jill R. Bregy Best of Breed/Best Veteran in Classes (Veteran Bitch 7 years and under 10 CH. SKY RUN CATERA, CDX, AX, AXJ, AXP, OJP Breeder: Barbara Skinner. By Ch. Sky Run’s Along For The Ride – Sky Run Victoria’s Secret Owners: Paul and Christine Danker and Barbara Skinner 2 Conformation 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Best of Opposite Sex CH. OSDOW AV FJASCHO, JC Breeder: Bjarte Lien. By Coverdale’s Dimitroff – Fjora Av Fjascho Owner: Karen Murray (Dog) Best of Winners/Best Bred By Exhibitor in Classes (Bred By Exhibitor Bitch) FC GLADKII VETER MATTER OF TASTE, SC Breeders: Roy Silguero, Mary Childs and Dora Childs. By Ch. Yegorov Sea of Change, CD – DC Wind ‘n Satin Ty Kaa, SC, MC Owners: Roy Silguero and Curtis Judd 3 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Conformation Winners Dog (Open Dog) PHAEDRA DRACUL Breeders: Carol Kubiak-Zamora and Kevin T. Shimel, DVM. By Ch. Phaedra Rafiki – Ch. LeiCro’s Russian Ztarshine Owners: Carol Kubiak-Zamora and Kevin T. Shimel, DVM Best Puppy in Classes (Dog 9 months and under 12) GREYHAVEN WIZARD’S CRYSTAL Breeder: Marilyn Polsfuss. By DC Windrift Believe in Magic, SC – Ch Seabury Cameo at Greyhaven Owner: Marilyn Polsfuss 4 Conformation 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Reserve Winners Dog (Bred By Exhibitor) Dogs, 6 months and under 9 JANTAR DARK SIDE OF THE MOON AURORAL’S SINGING’ IN THE RAIN Breeder: Rita S. Walker. By Majenkir Jantar Anam Chara – Ch. Breeders: Jon and Jennifer Steele. By Ch. Auroral’s Across Time Jantar Shepherd’s Moon Sirius – Auroral’s Alyeska Owner: Rita S. Walker Owner: Pat Hardy Dogs, 12 months and under 18 Dogs, Novice FOXCROFT DRUSUS SOYARA’S ACE OF SPADES Breeders: Angela San Paolo and Peter E. San Paolo. By Ch. Entwood Breeders: Prudence and Dr. Gregory Hlatky. By Ch. Soyara’s Titan Seventh Son – Ch. Foxcroft Fomishka Pilar of Blackmoor, JC – Ch. Soyara’s Chantilly Lace, JC Owners: Angela San Paolo and Peter E. San Paolo Owners: Prudence and Dr. Gregory Hlatky Dogs, American Bred Reserve Winners Bitch (Bred By Exhibitor) WIND ’N SATIN FLEDGE V COBURN MAJENKIR SILVER FILIGREE Breeders: M. Childs, D. McDonald, P. and S. Shaw. By DC Wind ‘n Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Majenkir Nearctic Satin Ty Slezi of Zemny, SC – Ch. Coburn’s Silhouette, JC – Bookstor Vanity Fair O’Majenkir Owners: Mary Fisher and Pat Toy (Agent: Dora McDonald) Owners: Elizabeth Cologne-Szymanski and Karen Staudt-Cartabona 5 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Conformation Bitches, 6 months and under 9 Bitches, 9 months and under 12 MASKOVA ISADORA OF MAJENKIR WIND ’N SATIN ZIG ZAG Breeders: E. Cologne Szymanski, K. Staudt-Cartabona and Kit Breeders: M. Childs, D. McDonald and S. Moore. By DC Wind ‘n Kirby. By Ch. Majenkir Proud of Himself – Majenkir Bella Conbrio Satin Ty Slezi of Zemny, SC – FC Avalon Rumor of Angels, SC YBrik. Owners: Elisabeth Cologne Szymanski and James Szymanski Owner: Mary Childs Bitches, 12 months and under 18 Bitches, Novice MAJENKIR BOOKSTOR GLAMOUR GIRL FC NITESHADE’S PHENANTHRENE OF RYHKA, MC Breeders: Karen Staudt-Cartabona and Karen R. Spey. By Ch. Breeders: Diana Darling and Paul E. Anuta. By Wind ‘n Satin Majenkir Nearctic – Ch. Majenkir Whimsical Escapade Niteshade of Ryhka, SC – Cesium’s Iodine of Ryhka, JC Owners: Karen Staudt-Cartabona and Karen R. Spey Owners: Diana Darling and Paul E Anuta. Bitches, American Bred Bitches, Open KORSAKOV NEW YORK DIVA ROSCOMMON MAJENKIR MY VIXEN ALEY Breeders: Jane and Morgan Bishop. By Ch. Tufftoo Amadeus – Lead Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Majenkir My Way Vogue Sky Run JP Carry – Majenkir Mirabella Owners: Colleen Boyle and Pauline Coe Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona 6 Conformation 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Dogs, Veterans 7 years and under 10 Bitches, Veterans 10 years and older CH. MASCHAS RAW VANILLA CH. ADAIR N’ HUG CHANEL, DC, JC, CGC Breeder: Ralph Jamison. By Mascha’s Aeneus – Odyssey’s Columbia Breeder: R.A. Rommel. By Casimir’s Tamoruski – Adair Chardan Owner: Ralph Jamison Porsche. Owners: R. Smith and Karen Murray Award of Merit Award of Merit CH PO DUSHAM ROYALIST CH. MONARCH SYLVAN ZORRO Breeder: Alice Reese. By Ch. Po Dusham Blackjack – Ch. Po Breeders: Christopher and Patti Neale and Tammy and Shawn Dusham Heartthrob Smith. By Ch. Oaklara Shadow of the Moon – Ch. Monarch Chrystal Owners: Alfred W. Edlin, MD and Ron Williams (Dog) Chandelier. Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale (Dog) Award of Merit Award of Merit CH. AURORAL’S ACROSS TIME SIRIUS CH. MASCHAS MATRIX OF THE WILD HUNT, SC, RA Breeder: LaVonne Novakofski. By Ch. P.O.S.H. Echovesna’s Islaev Breeders: G. Ariel Duncan and Robert DiSanto. By Ch. Maschas – Ch. Sirius Reach For The Stars Raw Vanilla, CGC – DC Odyssey WWW. Of the Wild Hunt, CD, SC, Owners: Jon and Jennifer Steele (Dog) NC, NCJ. Owners: G. Ariel Duncan and Ralph Jamison (Dog) 7 Conformation 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Award of Merit Award of Merit CH. SYLVAN VITRINA FINIAN’S RAINBOW, JC CH. RISING STAR KAJAI ARIADNE Breeders: Valori Vig Trantanella and Christopher and Patti Neale. By Breeders: Nadine Johnson and Kathryn and James Wright. By Ch. Warwind DC Sylvan Seabury Virago, SC – Ch. Vitrina Zoetrope Journey into Night – Ch. Rising Star Nofretary. Owners: B. Tyler-Lord, K. Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale (Bitch) Wright, M. Lord, F. Lord, and J. Wright (Bitch) Award of Merit Award of Merit CH. SOYARA’S BEAUTIFUL DREAMER CH. JUBILEE DUNAMAI SOZO, NR Breeders: Prudence Hlatky, Karen Shepard and Mary Mazur. By Ch. Breeders: Cynthia and Paul Gredys. By Ch. Wind ‘n Satin Komazuar Soyara’s Titan of Blackmoor, JC – Ch. Soyara’s Mystical Dream, JC – Ch. Kyrov’s Jubilante Hallelujah, CGC Owners: Prudence and Dr. Gregory Hlatky (Bitch) Owner: Cynthia Gredys (Bitch) Best Stud Dog Best Brood Bitch CH. MAJENKIR MY WAY CH. SEABURY CAMEO AT GREYHAVEN Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Majenkir Tsuperlative Breeder: Dr. J. Sillers. By Ch. Greyhaven Stalking moon – Ch. – Majenkir Firefly Seabury Sylvan Nadia Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona Owner: Marilyn Polsfuss (Bitch) 8 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Conformation Dogs, 12 months and under 18 2 AASHTORIA’S AUCASSIN MASCHA. Breeder: Robin K. Riel. By Mascha’s Achilles – Ch. Aashtoria’s Aurorae Borealis. Owners: William Claus and Elizabeth Denning 3 TIARRA MAJENKIR MAJAE ALLIANCE. Breeders: Kathy A. and William Norelli and Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Tiarra’s Rembrandt – Majenkir Tatiana II. Owners: Karen and Kevin Miller, Karen Staudt-Cartabona and Kathy Norelli 4 CAROUSEL’S HIGH FIVE. Breeder: Maryann Conran. By Ch. Rising Star Conquistador, CGC – Ch. Carousel’s Shuvee, JC, CGC. Owner: Maryann Conran Dogs, Novice 2 FC C’LESTIAL HIGH ROLLER, SC. Breeder: Liz Green. By Ch. Osdow Av Fjascho, JC – C’Lestial Midnight Fire. Owner: Liz Green Best Brace 3 LEGENDE’S PATRICIAN FIRE AND ICE. Breeder: Patricia Sargeant, DDS. By Ch. Staraja Russa Dushil Legende – Ch MASCHA’S MICHAEL MIA MASKOVA & Legende’s E-Baronessa Pearle. Owners: Kathleen Kelly and G. Ariel MASCHA’S TAJ MAHA MASKOVA Duncan Breeders: E. Cologne-Szymanski and R. Jamison. By Ch. Mascha’s 4 MASCHA’S MICHAEL MIA MASKOVA. Breeders: E. Cologne- Raw Vanilla – Mascha’s Maja Mia. Owners Elizabeth W. Denning & Szymanski an R. Jamison. By Ch. Mascha’s Raw Vanilla – Mascha’s William H. Claus/Elizabeth W. Denning & E. Cologne-Szymanski. Maja Mia. Owners: Elizabeth W. Denning and William H. Claus Dogs, Bred By Exhibitor PHOTOS NOT AvaILABLE 2 SOYARA GANDALF AT DANA DAN. Breeders: Prudence and Dr. Gregory Hlatky. By Ch. Soyara’s Titan of Blackmoor, JC – Ch. Award of Merit Soyara’s Chantilly Lace, JC. Owners: Prudence and Dr. Gregory Hlatky CH. KSAR MAJENKIR MY FAIR LADY 3 TIARRA’S BACK TO THE FUTURE. Breeders: William and Breeders: S. Pennington and K. Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Majenkir My Kathy A. Norelli and Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Zcerlov’s Way – Ch. Ksar Majenkir Gifted Reactor – Ch. Majenkir Tiarra’s Gracefulpose. Owners: William and Owners: J.M. Roe, S. Pennington and R. and J. Zucker (Bitch) Kathy Norelli Award of Merit 4 GRYFFYN-WYVERN’S SPEAK O’T’ DEVIL, JC. Breeders: R. CH. MAJENKIR MY FANTASTASIA Lynn Shell-Whitlock, Victor Whitlock, Margaret Lucia and Sara Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Majenkir My Way – Majenkir Whittington. By Wyvern’s Absolutely at G-A, JC – Chataqua The Mirabella. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona (Bitch) Fire Within of Kyrov. Owners: R. Lynn Shell-Whitlock and Victor Whitlock Placements to Dogs, 6 months and under 9 ho i p sk 2 AURORAL RISING STAR LAKOTA. Breeder: Nadine Johnson. w so a By Ch. Auroral’s Across Time Sirius – Ch. Rising Star Liberty Belle. K m o Owners: Jon and Jennifer Steele T 3 AXIOM KRASIVI RIURIK. Breeder: Angela Berger. By Ch. Majenkir Krasivi Voischebnik – Ch. Lara’s Axiom Divine Madness. Owner: Yoriko Dixon 4 KIROV HEAT SEEKER. Breeder: Barbara Ewing. By Ch. Avanturin – DC Kirov Monoceros, RN, SC. Owners: Ellie Goldstein and Barbara E. Ewing Dogs, 9 months and under 12 2 WIND ’N SATIN KING OF MEMPHIS. Breeders: M. Childs, R. Silguero and D. Burkholder. By Ch. Gladkii Veter New Year King – DC Vento Danza Infinity, SC. Owner: Mary Childs 3 PO DUSHAM RED RAGTOP REFLECTIONS. Breeders: Rhanda Glenn, Frank Murphy and Cherie Hunchak. By Ch. Sylvan Artesian – Ch Po Dusham Scarlet Ribbons. Owner: Alice M. Reese (Agent: Rhanda Glenn) 4 AUDRUID BREMEN’S ZINC OF RYHKA.

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