10496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE June 13, 2000 CONDEMNING IRAN OVER THE DE- again. In the hearts of New Jerseyans, earned him the coveted Conn Smythe TENTION AND TRIAL OF 13 JEWS in bringing this Stanley Cup back to Trophy as playoff most valuable play- (Mr. FOLEY asked and was given per- New Jersey, these Devils are our an- er. mission to address the House for 1 gels. It is a great happy day for New Jer- minute and to revise and extend his re- f sey, for the Devils, and again, after last night, a point of relaxation for the marks.) PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, today I Congress. We deserve it. rise to condemn the actions of Iran in (Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland asked f accusing and now trying 13 Jews for al- and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise IN MEMORY OF REVEREND legedly spying for Israel and the United MONSIGNOR THOMAS WELLS States. and extend his remarks.) All 13 have been jailed and isolated Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland. Mr. (Mrs. MORELLA asked and was given for more than a year without being for- Speaker, Republicans believe that no permission to address the House for 1 mally charged with anything. They are senior citizen or disabled American minute and to revise and extend her re- now being formally tried, again with- should be forced to choose between marks.) out formal charges having been buying food or buying the prescription Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, the brought. drugs necessary to keep them alive. Reverend Monsignor Thomas Wells, 56, Mr. Speaker, we are talking about a Prescription drugs have become a of Germantown, Maryland, pastor of group of people aged 17 to 48 who are major component of quality health Mother Seton Catholic Parish in Ger- among the least likely to ever be in- care in America, and they have saved mantown, died Thursday, June 8, in the volved in espionage. We are talking and improved many lives. parish rectory. He was the victim of an about a rabbi, a student, three Hebrew But these miracles frequently come apparent breakin and killed after a vio- teachers, a shoe store clerk, and a ko- with a substantial price tag, one that lent and bloody struggle with the in- sher butcher. many Medicare recipients on fixed in- truder. They are now confronting a judge comes cannot afford without insurance. This morning, at 11 o’clock, a funeral who has it in his power to execute Republicans believe the way to solve mass will be celebrated by Cardinal them on grounds that are unsupported this dilemma is to create a fair and re- James A. Hickey at the Sacred Heart and without evidence. sponsible prescription drug plan that is Church, which is one of the churches All 13 were arrested by the authori- affordable, available, and voluntary for that Monsignor Wells served. ties of the Islamic Republic on the eve all Medicare beneficiaries. What can I say about a man who was of Passover in 1999. They have had lit- It is the right and moral thing to do. in his prime, who was a shepherd to a tle access since then to either family By making prescription drug coverage community, whether they belonged to or legal counsel. accessible to everyone. Republicans his faith or not. I talked to some of the congregants Mr. Speaker, I think this Congress want to make sure that no senior cit- who made statements, such as, ‘‘He was should rise as one voice repeatedly and izen or disabled American falls through only the pastor at Mother Seton for repeatedly to condemn this trial and to the cracks. demand that Iran release these people about a year and a half, but he touched back to their families and to freedom. f so many people in the 2,000-member This trial is a sham, and it should be CONGRATULATING NEW JERSEY congregation, just as he touched those treated as one by the world. DEVILS ON WINNING STANLEY in other parishes that he served.’’ f CUP He had served in 5 parishes within (Mr. PASCRELL asked and was given the last 3 decades in the State of Mary- NEW JERSEY DEVILS ARE NEW land. The churches where he served JERSEY’S ANGELS permission to address the House for 1 minute.) over the past 30 years had been filled in (Mr. ROTHMAN asked and was given Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, early recent years with people who loved the permission to address the House for 1 Sunday morning, throughout New Jer- priest for whom they now pray. They minute and to revise and extend his re- sey, one could hear screams of joy com- are overwhelmed by grief. marks.) He encouraged a lot of the young peo- ing from thousands of homes, diners, Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is ple. He inspired all who knew him. He and bars. Jason Arnott had just scored my great pleasure to rise today to was warm, friendly. He had a tremen- the shot heard around the Garden honor the New Jersey Devils as the 2000 dous sense of humor. He always gave State. Stanley Cup champions. very exciting sermons, motivating peo- After last night, we have some levity The Devils play a brand of hockey ple to be the best and to do the most and relaxation. I think it is good in the that typifies New Jersey. They are for others. tough competitors led by their captain House this morning. One can see that the light of God was and playoff MVP, Scott Stevens, whose I rise to congratulate the Devils. within him. He was a very holy man, hard-nosed play shut down the best of- This is a prize that has been given to not just by his position in the church fensive players in the game. In the the best hockey team in the world. as monsignor, but by the way he helped finals, they were the underdogs against This year, we will have our very own people. the defending champs, and we in New New Jersey Devils inscribed upon it for Articles in the paper pointed out Jersey love an underdog. the second time in 5 years. story after story of how he reached out With a stone wall for a goal tender in Over the past season, the Devils, who and helped the community. The com- Martin Brodeur, the offensive firepower practice at beautiful South Mountain munity grieves for him. He preached a of Jason Arnott, Patrick Elias and Arena in West Orange, have taken New lot about love. He remembered that Peter Sykora, and a quartet of rookies, Jersey fans on a roller coaster season Thornton Wilder wrote, ‘‘there is a including the first Hispanic American we will soon not forget. land of the living and a land of the player drafted in the first round, Scott We have watched the break-out sea- dead, and the bridge is love, the only Gomez, the Devils fought late into the sons of potential rookie of the year survival and the only meaning.’’ night in sudden death double overtime and, as Congressman Rothman men- Monsignor Wells will live on in love. tioned, the first Hispanic national on Saturday. In the end, it was the f sweet passing from Stevens to Elias to hockey league star, Scott Gomez, as Arnott for the game-winning goal that well as the short-handed goal prowess DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ASLEEP brought the Cup back to East Ruther- of former Wolverine John Madden. ON THE JOB WHEN IT COMES TO ford, New Jersey. No player he faced or hit will forget HIGH-TECH JOB CREATION Mr. Speaker, the New Jersey Devils the awe-inspiring and inspirational (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was are the Stanley Cup champions once play of Captain Scott Stevens, which given permission to address the House VerDate jul 14 2003 08:05 Oct 22, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H13JN0.000 H13JN0.
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