Faculty Details Proforma for DU Web-site-Updated July 2021 (PLEASE FILL THIS IN AND Email it to [email protected] and cc: [email protected] ) Title Professor First Abdul Last Urfi Photograph Name Jamil Name Designation Professor Address Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi (North Campus), Mall Road, New Delhi 110007 Phone No 011-2766 7125 (Department Landline. Office available in office hours only) Email [email protected], [email protected] Educational Qualifications Degree Institution Year UG Aligarh Muslim University 1980 PG Aligarh Muslim University 1982 Ph.D. University of Delhi 1988 Career Profile Jan 2009-present Professor Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi Jan 2006-2009 Associate Professor Department of Environmental Studies Dec 2001-2006 Reader Department of Environmental Biology, Univ of Delhi 2006 (March-June) Fulbright Fellow Department of Wildlife, Uni- versity of Florida, Gainsville, & Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Jan, 2001- Dec 2001 Lecturer Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi 1996-2001 Scientist SD (MoEF Centre for Environment scales) Education (CEE), Ahmedabad 1995- 1996 CSIR Pool Officer Department of Zoology, University of Delhi 1994 (uptill Sept) Higher Scientific NERC Institute of Terrestrial Officer Ecology, Furzebrook, Dorset, UK Jan 1993 – Jan 1994 European NERC Institute of Terrestrial Commission Ecology, Furzebrook, Dorset, Fellow (Marie Curie UK Fellow) 1991 Lecturer (Temp). Ramjas College, University of Delhi 1989 -1992 CSIR Research School of Environmental Sci- Associate ences, Jawaharlal Nehru Uni- versity, Delhi. Administrative Assignments Head, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi (Jan 2004 - Jan 2007). Acting Head, Dept of Environmental Studies (during 2013, 2014) Areas of Interest / Specialization Ecology and conservation of Colonial waterbirds: Over the past couple of decades work in my lab has focused on the ecology of colonial waterbirds using the Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala) as a model. Field work has been done in Delhi re- gion, Rajasthan and Karnataka. Questions relating to foraging ecology, nesting pat- terns, evolution of sexual size dimorphism, mating patterns etc. were explored. Most of these studies have been detailed in my book, The Painted Stork: Ecology and Conserva- tion (2011, Springer). Field studies on sympatric cormorants (Phalacrocorax spp.) were also undertaken with respect to foraging patterns and kleptoparasitism. Work in my lab during 2012-20 focussed on studies on genetic diversity of Painted Stork popula- tions using DNA microsatellite markers, evolution of avian coloniality‘ and studies on nest survival. Current work (2020 onwards): modeling nest survival in Painted Stork colonies, bio-geographical ecology and methodological studies (viz. applications of using camera surveillance methods in wildlife research). Behavioural ecology studies on waders: Field studies (on Exe estuary, South Eng- land) on foraging ecology using the European Oystercatcher (Himantopus oestralegus) as a model to address question on the ability of wintering shorebirds to regulate their intake rates, modeling effects of habitat loss on populations of waders (predicting the local and global effects from studies of individuals). Studies on conservation of waders on the coast of Gujarat, Gulf of Kutch were undertaken during 1995-2000. Urban Ecology: Occupancy modeling of common birds in terrestrial and wetland habitats of Delhi. Distribution of snakes in an urban environment, Ahmedabad (Gu- jarat). Studies on long term population trends of colonial waterbirds (Painted Stork) in urban and natural areas. Fish physiology: Histophysiology of fish musculature and ontogeny of fibre differ- entiation. Physiological adaptations of fishes and wetland organisms. Science education & communication/Sociology of science/History of sci- ence: I am involved in science popularization (Birds Beyond Watching (2004, Universi- ties Press, articles in Resonance on ecology and evolution etc) and researching on liter- ary and historical aspects of natural history writings (chiefly ornithological) in India, especially during the 19th and 20th centuries by European and Indian writers (Birds of India: A Literary Anthology (2008, OUP) and follow up articles). Also undertaken was a study dealing with sociological aspects of birdwatching which appeared as an article in Economic & Political Weekly and studies on history of science. I am also working on a project on history of science in British India and studies on ethno-ornithology, Other (research in collaboration): A PhD research project on avian diversity of the Arravali hills in Rajasthan was successfully completed in my lab. I was also (and continue to be) involved in guiding research, as a co-supervisor, on bio-medical and toxicological topics. Teaching & subjects taught (1) Ramjas College (1991) following topics (theory and practical) taught: Animal physiology, vertebrate & invertebrate zoology, ecology etc. in B.Sc courses. (2) Cooperative teaching in M.Sc Environmental Biology, Department of Envi- ronmental Biology (1992 & 1995): Field ecology, systematic and diversity, conservation biology. (3) At CEE, Ahmedabad (1996-2001), teaching in training courses such as TEE, SASEANEE etc. using a variety of indoor and outdoor teaching methods: conservation studies, environmental education, field ecology. (4) M.Sc Environmental Biology, Department of Environmental Biology (2001- 2011). Topics taught: Biological thought and history of science, Vertebrate diversity and evolution, Field Biology and Ornithology, Conservation Biology, Sustainable Development, history of the conservation movement, Behaviour- al ecology, biogeography (5) MA/ M.Sc Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Studies (2010-present). Topics taught: Resources, conflicts (Indian case studies), Envi- ronmental Communication & Education, Urban ecology (Case studies), Envi- ronment policy & Politics (6) PhD. Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Studies: Course work (7) Others: as guest lecturer/resource person in several workshops/training pro- grammes. Research Guidance 1. Supervision of awarded Doctoral Thesis: 7 2. Supervision of Doctoral Thesis, under progress: 3 3. Supervision of MSc project dissertations: 30 Publications Profile (see list below) Conference Organization/ Presentations Presentations/participation in professional meetings, Seminar’s delivered & Sessions chaired: Several. Invited lectures in training courses, broadcasts etc: Several. Recent Talks delivered (2019-20): 'Urbanization and its impacts on birds in Delhi', in Expert consultation meeting on Wildlife Conservation in Urban India: Towards an Inclusive Policy and Programmatic Framework’, organized by Columbia Global Centers, Mumbai, in partnership with the Aga Khan Trust for Culture on 7th Nov, 2019 at Sundar Nursery, New Delhi. 'Khwaja Ahmad Abbas: His revolutionary activities and forays in journalism while a student at Aligarh as revealed through his memoirs', in ‘Shaping National Conscious- ness: The Words and Works of K A Abbas', seminar organized by K A Abbas Memorial Trust (KAAMT) on 29th Feb, 2020, at India International Centre, New Delhi. 'What colonial writing about Indian birds reveals about the British Raj', Birds, Art & Literature in 19th century Madras, Gwillim Project Online. The Gwillim Project: Women and Networks of Knowledge and Exchange in the Company Raj’ Sympo- sium, Mc Gill University, McGill Library and Collections, Montreal, Canada. 21 July, 2020. 'Bird watching in India-some recent trends', Webinar Avifauna: Ecology & Diversity, organized by Committee on Environment and related issues, Rajdhani College, Uni- versity of Delhi. 6 August, 2020 (11 AM). 'Bird Study', Online certificate course on 'Ecology, Environment and sustainablity', organized by Department of Environmental Studies & Dept of Earth Studies, In- draprastha College, University of Delhi. 25 August, 2020. Research Projects (Major Grants) Major External Grant at Delhi Univ: Title of Project: Field studies on the foraging ecology of the Painted Stork in relation to the trophic dynamics of chosen fresh wa- ter wetlands. Position in Project: Principal Investigator. Period: March 2003 - August, 2006. Funding Agency: Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India. Internal: University of Delhi & DST-Purse Small grants received in past: OBC-Small Grant (Oriental Bird Club, UK); Kushlan Grant, Waterbird Society, USA. Awards and Distinctions European Commission Fellowship (Marie Curie Bursary) 1993 Fulbright Fellowship, 2006 Association with Professional Bodies Regional Secretary, Ornithological Society of India (1993-1995) Scientific Advisor to ‘Gujarat State level Bird Count & Wetland Survey Committee’, GEER Foundation, Forest Department, Government of Gujarat, 2000-2001. Hon General Secretary, World Pheasant Association-India, 2005 – 2008 Member Advisory Board, World Pheasant Association-India, 2005 – Sept 2009. Commission Member IUCN SSC Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Specialist Group 2017-2020 Life Member, Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) Other Activities Examiner of PhD thesis: Several Indian universities. Course setting, syllabus restructuring and related academic activities: several. Project Evaluations (for various organisations): several International Experience: Countries visited for post doctoral research/attending meetings/study etc: Denmark, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Switzerland,
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