CASS C ITY CHRO: IICLE i VOL. 23, NO. 11. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1927. 8 PAGES Leave Tuscola county Wednesday The first day's travel took me to morning, August 3, arrive at Lansing Milwaukee where our son-in-law and ,and meet for Mcnic dinner at the col- 'daughter. ?.f:. =hi ).f~'::. E. ~,L T~.~] i ,C0, BANKSOR! AN TF !ego picnic grounds. After dinner the way, live with their four children. tourists will visit the different plots After three days there I went through or take in session of the Agricultural Chicago to Grand Rapids where my FO[{ PROT[CTIO Country Life Association as they see sister, Mrs. Anna Doming, with her fit. ....About 125 Friends, Patrons and daughter, Hattie, Mrs. Eugene Shan- The next day, August 4th, will be gles, met me, and the next morning, Sheriff McEldowney to Appoint Former Pupils of School at farmers' day. John W. Sims, former < took me to Sparta to the Shangles Special Officers as Vigilante Gathering. Tuscola county agricultural agent, has home in a pleasan town, in a pleasant promised to be present at the dinner country surrounding it. There I was Forces. and will assist in showing Tuscola introduced to another Nash and fam- The third annual reunion of the farmers around, and the further pro- ily, and found that he has a geneolo- gram will be planned after the dinner. Seventeen out of 19 banks in Tus- Dillman school was held . at the gy of our family, and that he is re- cola county were represented at a .school grounds Thursday, July lzl. The tourists may either take a tent lated by going back a few genera- or it will be possible to secure lodg- meeting of cashiers and officials of About 125 friends, p~trons and for- tions along the line. the county's financial institutions at mer pupils of the school gathered' to= ing near the college grounds at $i.00 Returning to Grand Rapids after per person per night. On account of the •Hotel Montague at Care Thurs- gether to renew old friendships and 'two days, left on Thursday morning day evening, July 14, when the pre- , exchange reminiscences of the "good the Country Life Session, it will be for Saginaw to which I came at'noon. impossible to take care of the crowd liminary steps were taken for the or- old days." After the interchange of There I found the offÉce of the bus ganization of vigilante units in the" as was done last year. The tour will man your city. There came greetings welt-filled baskets were to to county. Sheriff L. S. McEldowney brought forth and made to yield a probably start from two places in the memory that in 1864 my father left county. The one from Milling'ton and was present and assured the bankers generous supply of all kinds of things that city at noon, and carrying a load that he was entirely in sympathy good to eat, and appetites proved to the other from Reese. Just who will of more than 30 pounds walked to his be in charge of these parties will be with the movement and would lend be no less hearty than in the days of Turn to page five. announced later. Those contemplating his co-operation to the fullest extent. the old dinner pail. the trip or wishing more particulars The sheriff will appoint reliable citi- A short business meeting was held will please get in touch with D. B. zens in each community as special of- in the afternoon with Mrs~ A. J. JewelI, Co. Agr'l Agent, Caro, Mich. ricers and clothe them with the Knapp presiding in the absence of authority of deputy sheriffs. The the president, Willard Wells of Flint. 1 necessary arms and ammunition are The meeting was opened by the sing- furnished by the banks and an alarm ing of "School-Day Sweethearts" tel- system in each town is provided to " lowed by the "Lord's Prayer" led by notify these special officers in the Phyllis Koepfgen. A few words were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid and son~ event of a robbery of a bank in the spoken by several former teachers, Alvin, of Detroit visited relatives in town. The telephone is used in noti- Nelson Perry, Mrs. Alvin Beach, Mrs. Cass City from Wednesday until Sun- fying vigilantes at outside points° A. J. Knapp and Miss Myrtle Hegter. day. The cost of the vigilante system of It was voted to change the date of the protection in Tuscola county will be reunion from July 14 to the second Uo S. Corn and Fruit Crops Mrs. C. O. Lenzner left Friday for borne by the county banks in propor- Saturday in July. Officers for the en- Short; Other Crops Look Algonac where she is visiting at the tion to the amount of their capital suing year were elected as follows: home of her daughter, Mrs° H. L. More Favorable° and surplus. president, Frank Reid; vice-presi- Pocklington. The "vigilantes," a force of armed dent, J. D. Tuekey; secretary, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Laschinger of men organized by the Michigan Bank- John Evans; treasurer, Mrs. John Michigan's corn acreage this year Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Catherine ers' Association to be used in the Dillman. After the singing of "Amer- is eight per cent smaller than last Haas of Detroit are visiting at the capture of bank bandits, seems to :ica" the meeting adjourned to the year and the low condition of 64 per which forecasts a short crop of 6,743,- Borers, But Not 1899. The father is survived by two home of Thomas Keenoy. have put plenty of fear into the schoolyard for sports. 000 bushels of which 1,128,000 bar- sons and three daughters: Mrs. May- hearts of the desperadoes, who a cent of normal indicates that the 1927 George Finkle and Mr. nad Mrs. Neither added years nor weight rels is rated as commercial. This is belle Moore of Detroit, William Mor- short time ago were making banks in crop will be the shortest in the last Real Corn Borers Bert Stickland of Care were guests dulled, in any degree, the enthusiasm 2,302,000 bushels short of last year's ris Knight of Seattle, Wash., Robert the state common prey. Up until a ten years according to a statement is- of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schmidt Sun- ~of the participants in the games and total crop and 361,000 barrels short of J. Knight and Mrs. Anna A. Battel year ago, bank robbers were reaping sued July 13 by Herbert E. Powell, day afternoon and evening. ~contests that followed. A first prize Commissioner of Agriculture and the commercial crop. There have been several samples of of Cass City and Mrs. Martha Nes- a bountiful harvest in their frequent of 50c and a second prize of 25c were Verne H. Church, Agricultural Sta- The peach crop will be light and is borers brought to D. B. Jewell, county bit of Pontiac. F. E. Case and Mrs. Margaret Mc- hold-ups which not only resulted in given in all the races. The winners tistician for Michigan. The forecast largely confined to orchards close to agricultural agent, during the past Mr. Knight was an active member Echron, both of Colling, and D. J. financial losses to the banks, but of- were as follows: is for 38,468,000 bushels of corn from Lake Michigan and other select ex- i two weeks under the impression that 1and an ordained elder of the Presby- Townsend of Saginaw were Sunday ten resulted in some employe of the Girls' race, under 8 years--lst, 1,466,000 acres which is the lowest posures in southwestern counties. The they were corn borers. "There have so I terian church. All his life he was un- callers at the H. Lauderbach home. bank or a customer being shot down. forecast is less than half the 1926 far no real corn borers been brought f :Elaine Reid; 2nd, Fay Allen. acreage since 190~. usually interested and active in the Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Blankley and The bankers were face to face with a Boys' race, 8-14 years--lst, Alvin Farmers were also unable to carry crop at 607,000 bushels on a condition in as I think it is a little early," says I welfare of his home community, pro- daughter, Thelma, returned to their situation that was becoming more -Reid; 2nd, Harry Reagh. out their intentions to plant oats, and of 35 per cent. Elberta, the leading Mr. Jewell. "The most common one I moting better school methods and home at Sylvania, Ohio, Monday at- and more serious. Finally it was de- Girls' race, 8-14 years--lst, Lueille the acreage is 1,539,000 this year or commercial variety, is reported to has the appearance of the lined stalk t farmers' clubs and setting a good ex- tera few weeks' visit with Mr. B's cided that banks would organize their Allen; 2nd, Dorothy Boyes. two per cent below last year. How- have a very light setting. borer which is probably in Miehigan l ample in the highest standards of liv- sister, Mrs. S. Champion. own protective forces to augment the The pear crop outlook is also dis- ,now and has been found in hollyhocks, police. Men were Selected in each Fat men's raee--lst, Guy Allen; ever, the condition of 82 per cent ing. He has left to his family and Mr. and Mrs.
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