DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses IntroductionIntroductionIntroduction DefinitionsDefinitionsDefinitions 1.1.1. CriminalCriminalCriminal homicidehomicidehomicide 2.2.2. ForcibleForcibleForcible raperaperape 3.3.3. RobberyRobberyRobbery 4.4.4. AggravatedAggravatedAggravated assaultassaultassault 5.5.5. BurglaryBurglaryBurglary 6.6.6. LarcenyLarcenyLarceny-theft--thefttheft 7.7.7. MotorMotorMotor VehicleVehicleVehicle theftthefttheft 8.8.8. ArsonArsonArson DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II ClassifyingClassifying OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 15)15) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter a.a. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide -- MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent ManslaughterManslaughter DefinitionDefinition -- thethe willfulwillful (nonnegligent)(nonnegligent) killingkilling ofof oneone humanhuman beingbeing byby another.another. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II ClassifyingClassifying OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 15)15) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter AsAs aa generalgeneral rule,rule, anyany deathdeath causedcaused byby injuriesinjuries receivedreceived inin aa fight,fight, argument,argument, quarrel,quarrel, assault,assault, oror commissioncommission ofof aa crimecrime isis classifiedclassified asas aa MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent ManslaughterManslaughter (1a.)(1a.) DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 16)16) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter AgenciesAgencies mustmust notnot classifyclassify thethe followingfollowing asas CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide -- MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent ManslaughterManslaughter (1a).(1a). SuicidesSuicides AccidentalAccidental deathsdeaths FetalFetal deathsdeaths AssaultsAssaults toto murdermurder TrafficTraffic fatalitiesfatalities AttemptsAttempts toto murdermurder DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 17)17) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter SituationsSituations inin whichwhich aa victimvictim diesdies ofof aa heartheart attackattack asas thethe resultresult ofof aa crimecrime areare notnot classifiedclassified asas criminalcriminal homicide.homicide. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 18)18) ManslaughterManslaughter byby 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide NegligenceNegligence b.b. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide -- ManslaughterManslaughter byby NegligenceNegligence DefinitionDefinition -- thethe killingkilling ofof anotheranother personperson throughthrough grossgross negligence.negligence. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 16)16) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter MostMost accidentalaccidental deathsdeaths areare notnot classifiedclassified inin thethe UCRUCR -- SRSSRS however,however, somesome maymay bebe classifiedclassified asas manslaughtermanslaughter byby negligencenegligence dependingdepending uponupon thethe specificspecific circumstancescircumstances ofof thethe incident.incident. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 18)18) ManslaughterManslaughter byby 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide NegligenceNegligence AsAs aa generalgeneral rule,rule, anyany deathdeath causedcaused byby thethe grossgross negligencenegligence ofof anotheranother isis classifiedclassified asas aa CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide –– ManslaughterManslaughter byby Negligence.Negligence. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 18)18) ManslaughterManslaughter byby 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide NegligenceNegligence NotNot includedincluded inin thisthis categorycategory are:are: DeathsDeaths ofof personspersons duedue toto theirtheir ownown negligencenegligence AccidentalAccidental deathsdeaths notnot resultingresulting fromfrom grossgross negligencenegligence TrafficTraffic FatalitiesFatalities DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 17)17) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter CertainCertain willfulwillful killingskillings mustmust bebe classifiedclassified asas justifiablejustifiable oror excusable.excusable. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 17)17) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter InIn UCR,UCR, JustifiableJustifiable HomicideHomicide isis defineddefined asas andand limitedlimited to:to: thethe killingkilling ofof aa felonfelon byby aa peacepeace officerofficer inin thethe lineline ofof duty,duty, oror thethe killingkilling ofof aa felon,felon, duringduring thethe commissioncommission ofof aa felony,felony, byby aa privateprivate citizen.citizen. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 17)17) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter ToTo submitsubmit offenseoffense datadata toto thethe UCRUCR Program,Program, lawlaw enforcementenforcement agenciesagencies mustmust reportreport thethe willfulwillful (nonnegligent)(nonnegligent) killingkilling ofof oneone humanhuman beingbeing byby another,another, notnot thethe criminalcriminal liabilityliability ofof thethe personperson oror personspersons involved.involved. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 17)17) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter JustifiableJustifiable homicide,homicide, byby definition,definition, occursoccurs inin conjunctionconjunction withwith otherother offenses.offenses. TheThe willfulwillful (non-negligent)(non-negligent) killingkilling ofof oneone individualindividual isis beingbeing reported,reported, notnot thethe criminalcriminal liabilityliability ofof thethe person(s)person(s) involved.involved. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 17)17) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter JustifiableJustifiable homicide,homicide, byby definition,definition, occursoccurs inin conjunctionconjunction withwith otherother offenses.offenses. Therefore,Therefore, thethe crimecrime beingbeing committedcommitted whenwhen thethe justifiablejustifiable homicidehomicide tooktook placeplace mustmust bebe reportedreported asas aa separateseparate offense.offense. DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses (Page(Page 44)44) MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter ToTo reportreport justifiablejustifiable homicideshomicides onon thethe ReturnReturn AA,, agenciesagencies mustmust scorescore oneone offenseoffense forfor eacheach victimvictim inin columncolumn 22 onon lineline 1a.1a. AgenciesAgencies mustmust scorescore thatthat samesame numbernumber ofof offensesoffenses inin columncolumn 3,3, Unfounded.Unfounded. Finally,Finally, agenciesagencies mustmust notnot scorescore thethe numbernumber ofof actualactual offensesoffenses inin ColumnColumn 44 becausebecause aa justifiablejustifiable homicidehomicide isis notnot anan offense.offense. 1 DD 2 3 4 5 6 AA CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES TT OFFENSES REPORTED UNFOUNDED I.E., NUMBER OF ACTUAL TOT AL OF FEN SES NUMBER OF AA OR KNOWN TO POLICE FALSE OR OFFENSES (COLUMN 2 CLEARED BY ARREST CLE ARANC ES EE (INCLUDE BASELESS MINUS COLUMN 3) OR EXCEPTIONAL INVOLVING ONLY NN "UNFOUNDED" AND COMPLAINTS (INCLUDE ATTEMPTS) MEANS PERSONS TT ATTEMPTS) (INCLUDES COL. 6) UN DER 18 RR YEARS OF AGE YY 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE a . MURDER AND NONNEGLI GENT HOMICIDE (score attempts as aggravated assault) If homicide reported, submit Supplemental Homicide Report 11 1 1 WORKBOOK CRIMINAL HOMICIDE PAGES 1 TO 14 DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses WorkbookWorkbook PagePage 11 MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter AA berserkberserk gunmangunman shotshot andand killedkilled threethree pedestrians.pedestrians. TheThe policepolice subduedsubdued thethe offenderoffender andand placedplaced himhim underunder arrest.arrest. (Three(Three offenses,offenses, threethree offensesoffenses clearedcleared byby arrest.)arrest.) 1 DD 2 3 4 5 6 AA TT CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES AA OFFENSES REPORTED UNFOUNDED I.E., NUMBER OF ACTUAL TOTAL OFFENSES NUMBER OF CLEARANCES OR KNOWN TO POLICE FALSE OR OF F EN SES (COLUMN 2 CLEARED BY ARREST INVOLVING ONLY EE NN (INCLUDE BASELESS MINUS COLUMN 3) OR EXCEPTIONAL PERSONS TT "UNFOUNDED" AND COMPLAINTS (INCLUDE ATTEMPTS) MEANS UNDER 18 RR YY ATTEMPTS) (INCLUDES COL. 6) YEARS OF AGE 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE a. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT HOMICIDE (score attempts as aggravated assault) If homicide reported, submit Supplemental Homicide Report 11 3 3 3 DefinitionsDefinitions -- PartPart II OffensesOffenses WorkbookWorkbook PagePage 22 MurderMurder andand NonnegligentNonnegligent 1.1. CriminalCriminal HomicideHomicide ManslaughterManslaughter AA neighborneighbor discovereddiscovered anan infantinfant whowho hadhad beenbeen beaten.beaten. TheThe neighborneighbor rushedrushed thethe infantinfant toto ththee hospital.hospital. TheThe infantinfant laterlater dieddied
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