PART IV: Rosters and Bibliography V.Oi • - U :^\[ n ''A>, / •^i •««^' SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MATERiALS CONCERNING PROBLEMS OF STATE GOVERNMENT^ GENERAL NEW Y'ORK (ST.ATE). JOINT LEGISLATIVE CO.MMIT- TEE TO STUDY .\NI) lNVF..STiG.\rE THE SUBJECT OE CoNNERy, ROBERT H. The Admhiislralion of an N.R./L Code. Published for the Committee on GASOLINE, MOTOR FUELS AND OILS iyrrii PAR- Public Administratiori of the Social Science riCULAR REEERENCE TO THE CoST PRICE THEREOF Research Council. Public Administration 'Serv­ : TO THE Pvm.icySecond Report of . covering ice, ijrj E. 60 St.j Chicago, 1938. 21 ipp., tables. period from April 6, IQ-^J to March 15, i()jS.- S3. (Studies in Administration, V. IV.) . Albany, 1938. 64pp. (Legis. Doc. (1938) No. GOVERNNiENTAL RESEARCH .ASSOCIATION. The Cov- .93-) . - • ernrn filial Research Associalioti Directory, of NoYEs, CHARLES E. "Economic Changes in the Orgatiizaliojis Engaged in Governmental Re­ . Southern .States." Editorial Research Reports, search, ic})S-j(). 1313 E. Co St., Chicago,. 1938. Feb. 9, 1939. entire issue. 1013 Thirteenth .St., N. W., Washington. D. C. • 77i(f 26th Annual Conference of the . PlJULIC AD.MINISTR.VnON CLEARING HoU.SE. Public :, Adhiinistration Organizations; A Directory, Aug. }o to Sept. 2, J937, Ithaca, N. Y.; A Surn- KjlS-jcj. 1313 E. 60' St., Chicago, 1938. 183pp. inary of the Conference Proceedings Together : S1.50. with the Text of Some of the Papers Presented SALTER, J. T., ed. The American Politician. at the Sessions. 1313 E. 60 St;, Chicago, 1937. Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina 54pp., miriieo. §2. Pre.ss, 1938. 412pp., illus. .'Ss.so. : GRADV, JAME.S F. and MILTON HALL. Writing Ef­ SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COU.NCM.. Culture Con­ fective Government Letters. School of Public flict and Cnwff. Thorsten Sellin. 230 Park Ave.. AlFairs of the .Americans University, iQor, V St:. New York, 1938. 116pp. .Si. Washington, D. C; 1938. r,9pp., mimed. -—^COMMIIVEE ON PUBLIC ADMINLSTR.VTION. Re­ Gui.iCK, LuTMER and L. UR.WICK, c(.h.. Papers on search in Administrative Law; Scope- and the Science of Administration. Institute of Pub­ Method. .0]i\er l\ Field. 306E. 35 St., New lic Administration, Columbia.University, New York,,i938. 48pp. 50c. ." York; 1937. ig'jPP-. tables, charts. S3. ... U. S. CENTRAL STATISTICAL BOARD. A/wsage/ro;?/ iNTERN.VnONAL ClTY NI.ANACERS' AsSOCI.VriON. Conr the President of the United States Transmit­ . ference Planning and Management; a Memo­ ting a Report of the .. .on the Returns made _ randum on the Planning ('"(i Managing'of an: /n', tite Public to the Federal Government. Annual Conference, Based on the Experience of Washington, D. C, 1939. 37pp., table.s. 76th the Staff of the . , ; Clarence E. Ridley and Orin Cong., ist Sess. (Hoiise Dot. No. 27.) . F. Nolting.^ 1313 E.Go St., Chicago, June 1938. U. S. NATIONAL E.MERGENCV COUNCIL. Report on 29pp., mimeo. $1. ^ Economic Conditions of the South; prepared Lv.N'Dis, JAMES M.. The Administrative Process. for the President by . IJ. S. Information New Haven: Vaie Univ. Press, 1938. 160pp. $2. Service, 1405 G St.', N. W'., Washington, D.C, LOUISIANA.'DEI'ART.MENT OE COMMERCE AND INDUS­ 1938.-64PP. TRY. Louisiana's Resources and Purchasing U. S. N.^TioNAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE. Fff/era/ Poiver. Baton Rouge, 1938. 2.}3pp., charts, Relations to Research. Washington, D. C, Jan. tables.; '939- 3"PP- ta'^Je- 10c. NioDLEY, RuDOLE.. Hoiv to Usc Pfctoridl Statis-, //«,. New York: Harper & Bros., 1937. 170pp.,- -—-Research—a Xationiil Resource. Part i. i?e. iilus:, charts., bibliog. §3. lation of the Federal Government to Research. MUNICIPAL YEARIK)OK,J938. ; The.Authorita-- Washington, D. C 1938, 253pp. 50c. (paper live Resume of Activities and Statistical Data of cover.) •, AmaicaiiCities. Clarence E. Ridley and Orin- URUANIS.M COM.MITTEE. Our Cities; Their F. Nplting, cds. International City Managers'. Role ill the National Economy. Government' Aasociation, 1313 E. Go St., Chicago, 1938. Printing OlTice, Washington, D. C, 1937. 88pp., 619pp., tables. So- maps. 50c. N.vrioN.AL LEAGUE OE WO.\IEN VOTERS. .-I Suwey VAILE, ROLAND S. Research Memorandum on,: of Women in Public 0//ire. 726 Jackson Place. Social Aspects of Consumption in the Depres­ Washington, D. C, Oct. 1937. i6pp.,'mimeo. sion. Social Science Research Council, 230 Park N.ATioNAL POLICY GoMMinny.. Memorandum of .\v^.. New York, 1937. 86pp., tables., bibliog. the Special Committee on the Functioning 'of- Si. (BuU. 35.) ..; the Representative Process. Washington, D. C, VIRGINIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BURE.AU OF PUBLIC AD- • if)3^- 24pp. .MiNisTR.vno.N. DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS. iWio'i 'Most of the publications listed have appeared Who in. Public Administration Research in since the 1937 edition of The Book of the States. Virginia. Rowland Egger, Raymond Uhl arid 313 V 3'4 THE BOOK OF THE STATES -«,....„, Vincent Shea, comps. and eds. Uniiv€Fsit,y, Va;, 'Uininary Report. Topeka, "Nov,. 1937. 18pp., • Apr, 1938. Gypp., miineo. humeo., charts. (Pub. No. 65.) WHITE, LEONARD D. and T. V. SMITH. Politics KANSAS STATE CHAMBER OF COM.MERCE. State Ad­ and Public Sewice; a Discussion of the Civic vertising, Industrial and Commercial Research Art in America. New York; Harper & Bros., at State Colleges and Univcr.sities, Special In­ 1939- 36'pp. 53r. ' , ducements to Industry. 208 National Reserve Bldg., Topeka, Aug..29, 1938. 14pp., mimeo.,., MARYL.AND. COMMIITEE ON THE .SiRUcruRE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT .,. STATE GOVERN.MENT. Report of the . -. Baltimore, Dec. 31, 1938. 31pp. BENSON, GEORGE C. S. The Slate Administrative MA.S!5ACHU.SETrS. Si'ECIAL COMMI.SSION ON TAXA­ Board 171 Michigan; a Study of Central Ad­ TION A,ND PUBLIC EXPENDITURES. Report of the ministrative Controls by a Plural Executive. : .16 parts. Contents: Pt. 1.; The scope of Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, the inquiry. 26pp. Pt. 2. Public welfare, with 1938. 107pp. (Michigan Governmental Studies, recommendations for an emergency relief tax. •• -No. I.)' . •.•'...•.. 213pp. tables, charts. Pt. 3. The tax structure, lii'CK, A. E. The Reorganization of State Gov- 25GPP. Pt. 4. Pari-mutucl sy^terh of wagering, , ernments hi the United States. New York: iipp; Pt. 5. Administration of public.welfare Columbia University Press, 1938. aggpp., charts. institutions. Gipp. Pt. G; Housing. 46pp. Pt. 7: CALHORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF PUBLIC AD­ Department of public safety. 46pp., tables, MINISTRATION. Administrative Reorganizationrof charts. Pt. 8. Revenue collection procedures. the Slate Government. Jack E. Thomas. Berke­ 99pp., table, chart. Pt. 9. Supplementary tax ley, Feb. 28, 1939. :22pp. mimeo. (1939 Legis. , recommendations. 49pp., taljle. Pt. 10. City Problems, NO. 7.) . manager government and proportional repre­ CH.\MBER OF COMMERCE OF THE ST.ATE OF NEW sentation. 38pp. Pt.u. Office space require­ , YORK. Increasing Federal Encroachments iipon ments of state departments. 33pp. tables. Pt. the Powers and Properties ofHlie States. ]n\i\\s 12. Admlmstration of fiscal affairs, loqpp. Pt.~ H. Coheii. 65; Liberty St., New York, Dec. f, 13. The metropolitan district commi.ssfon. 1938" 15pp. : •; 102pp. Pt. 14. Police department of theMetro- CLARK, JANE PERRY. The Rise of a Nexu Federal- politan district of Boston. Pt. 15. Civil service : ism; Federal-State Cooperation in the United systeiii of the Commonwealth. Pt. 16. Summary States. New York: Columbia University Press, and final report. 13pp. Boston, 1938. (Hoiise >938. 347PP- S3-50-^ No. 1717.) ,,.,•. CONFERENCE ON WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Report MICHIGAN. Co.MMissioN ON REFORM AND NIODERNI^ df the. Twenty-scvenih National... attended by ZATION OF G0VERNMENT._D0C(/»(f>!/5 fl?u/ Pro- representatives from various stales; held at the _ feedings of the . Arthur W\ Bromage, comp. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, . .Lansin<^/Oct.,i3, 1938. Variously paged, iii'iTneo. :D. C.j June 1,2, 5, and. .^y'lg^i. Washington: ; (Bull. 'No. 1.): • ; . ' • ,U. S.Dept. of Commerce, 1937. 128pp., tables, Report'of. a Preliminary. Suney. Lansing, charts. (Misc. Pub. M159.) .Dec. 20, 1938. T7pp. ' ' COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. Constitutional: .MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OF. BUREAU OF GOVERN­ Amendmenls and Direct Legislation Voted on .MENT. Administrative Reorganization, 19)6- in /p^/. 1313 E. 60 St., Chicago, Jan. 7, 1938. njjy. Harold M- Dorr. Ann .'\rbori Sept. .1938. iJjpp.,! mimeo, 50c. lopp., chart, 25c. (Suppl. to New Series Bull. ——-Governors of the .fS American States. 1313 No.-5.). , • , o .., E. 60 St.. Chicago, 1937. Unpaged, illus. $1. N.VITONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECRETARIES OF STATE. EDWARDS, WILLIAM HENRY. "The Position of the , Proceedings of the Tiucntie.tli Conference; Governor in • Recent Administrative Reor­ San A. .mio, Texas, September 22-25, ^937- ganizations in the iStates." Reprinted from Council ot State Governments, 1313 E. Go .St., Abstracts of Doctors' Diissei-tatiohs,^ No. 22. Chicago, 1938. 28pp. 56c. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1937,. NATIONAL ASSOCL\TION OF SECURITIES COM.MIS- p. 6i-7o. sioNERS. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. RESEARCH DEPART­ Convention of the i .' . Kansas. City, Missouri, MENT. Appropriation and Control of Fiinds for September 20, 21,22, /^j^. 1938. 2.3pp. (.'\pply^ Stale Printing: the Present System of Financing to Sec'y., Robert F. Brown, Securities Div., State. Stale Printing in Kansas; Analysis of Methods Capitol, Charleston, W. Va.) of Appropriation and of Printing Control Pro-. N.ATioNAL LEAGUE OF WOMEN . VOTERS, 77uf cedures of other State Departments: Pre­ Amending Process; the Orderly Method of. liminary Report. Topeka, .Aug. 1938. 35pp.> Change. Katharine Croan Greenough. Wash­ mimeo.. tables. (Pub. No., 78.) ington, D. C.,Mar. .1938. 17pp., inimeo. •——Legislative Functions of Administrative NEW HAMPSHIRE. Convention to Revise the Con­ Agi'ncies; and Analysis of the Problem of Dele­ stitution, May /pj^. 1938. 372pp., (Apply to gating Legislative Poiuers to Administrative. Ora W. Craig, Sec'y., Concord.) \ Agencies, luith Application to Selected Kansas NEW YORK STATE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Situations: Preliminaiy Report. Topeka, Nov, Cosiinrxv.E.
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