Instruments of Peace Led by the Spirit International Franciscan (OFM) Congress Vossenack, Germany 2000 Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Peter Schorr OFM Gearóid Francisco Ó Conaire OFM President of the Congress. Coordinator of the Congress. [email protected] [email protected] Curia Generalizia OFM Via S. Maria Mediatrice 25 I-00165 Rome Italy T:39 06 684 91218 F: 39 06 678 4970 Viale Candibona 23, 06012, Cittá di Castello. Italy. 2001 Compiled by Gearóid Francisco Ó Conaire OFM. Layout and Design by Maria Robbins. Index Preface 1 Introduction 3 Presentations at the International JPIC Congress, Vossenack 2000 5 Greeting: We are Instruments of Peace, guided by the Holy Spirit. Peter Schorr OFM 5 Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation in the Order Today 7 International Congress of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Peter Schorr OFM 7 Highlighting JPIC work in the Order – an evaluation Francisco Ó Conaire OFM 15 A History of JPIC in the Order John Quigley OFM 30 Towards a Spirituality of JPIC Animation Francisco O’Conaire OFM 35 What Are We Franciscans Doing With Our Vocation Of Peace-Making? Sr. Rose Fernando FMM 40 The Challenges Of JPIC Animation Sr. Rose Fernando FMM 50 The Presentation Of The O.F.M. Guide To Justice, Peace Vicente Felipe OFM 52 Report by the Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Office: 1998-2000 To the International JPIC Congress, Vossenack, October 2000 Francisco O’Conaire OFM 62 Franciscan Sources and the Challenges for the Friars Minor 75 JPIC in the Early Franciscan Fraternities and its Development John Baptist Freyer OFM 75 The Attitude of Peace as a Style of Life John Baptist Freyer OFM 82 “Gratuitous And Minority Love” Jorge Peixoto OFMConv 91 Ecology, Justice, and the End of Development Wolfgang Sachs 113 The Challenge of Globalization to the Franciscan Family Hermann Schalück OFM 128 Photo Essay 140 JPIC and Formation 143 Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation in Initial and On-going Formation José Rodríguez Carballo OFM 143 JPIC and Fraternal Ministries Gerardo Moore OFM 150 JPIC in Initial Formation Carlos A Torrez OFM 155 JPIC in Integration Into Initial Formation: Post-Novitiate Level Joseph Rozansky OFM 158 JPIC And The Defence of Human Rights 163 From Gifts to Rights: The Franciscan View of Human Dignity William J. Short OFM 163 Overview Of Forced Migration And Related Issues William Canny 169 U.N. Systems For The Promotion And Protection Of Human Rights Within The International Community John Quigley OFM 175 Franciscans and Refugees: The “Why” of Our Involvement Joseph Rozansky OFM 177 Office For Justice & Peace Diocese Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia Theo van den Broek OFM 186 JPIC Experiences and Lifestyles 191 JPIC Animation Jim Hoffman OFM 191 A Lifestyle Consistent with our Non-Violent Struggle Alain J. Richard OFM 195 Presence Among The Brazilian Amazon’s Indigenous Communities Florêncio Almeida Vaz 198 Our Franciscan involvement with refugees Jürgen Neitzert OFM 209 JPIC Education Agostinho Diekmann OFM 213 JPIC And Our Franciscan Parish Ministry Frei Miguel Kellett OFM 217 Mission Today Andreas Müller OFM 224 Congress Documents 229 Daily Summaries Of Proceedings Order Of Friars Minor 229 First International Congress of JPIC Evaluation, Suggestions and Comments 251 Annex 253 Summaries of JPIC Conference Action Plans 253 History of Franciscans International 259 Institutional Timeline 259 Organizational Structure of Franciscans International 260 Link up with OFM project JPIC 261 Final Documents 263 Words Of Farewell Peter Schorr OFM 263 Letter from the International Congress of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation to Our Brothers Peter Schorr OFM 265 ICJPIC Recommendations 269 List of participantes 272 Preface Rome, September 2001 The book is divided into eight sections, which does not follow exactly the order Dear Brothers, of the Congress. The first section con- tains articles relating to JPIC in the Fraternal greetings of Peace and good! Order today, followed by a series of reflections on and challenges to JPIC This is an English version of the materi- from our sources. The third section has als presented at the International Con- reflections relating to JPIC and forma- gress in Vossenack, Germany in October tion followed by a section on Human 2000. We have translated most of the Rights. We have made a compilation of principal presentations and experiences. presentations related to lifestyle and Translation work is a time consuming experiences. Finally, we present the and tedious process and for this reason Congress Documents, some annexes we are only now making this book avail- and final words. able. The office is also publishing a Spanish language version. We would like to thank all those who par- ticipated in the Congress as delegates, This book does not include the whole those who prepared presentations, those memory of the Congress. A separate doc- who helped with secretarial work, trans- ument has been prepared for the archives lations and especially to the brothers and of the General Curia, as well as the JPIC staff in Vossenack for their wonderful Rome Office, which contains all docu- hospitality. ments relating to the preparation, the meeting itself and follows up work. The archive document contains materials in the original languages. The keynote addresses were made on globalization and challenges for us as Franciscans. The main themes of the first week: Ecology, Human Rights, Refugees Peter Schorr OFM and Peacemaking were examined from President of the Congress three perspectives; a general overview, a Christian and Franciscan perspective and a concrete example. The second week examined our lifestyle, ministries and Francisco Ó Conaire OFM formation process with regard to JPIC. Coordinator of Congress 1 Introduction September 2001. The material in this English volume is a compilation of talks and other relevant infor- mation presented at the OFM International JPIC Congress held in Vossenack, Ger- many in October 2000. The original talks were presented in many languages. We have had most of them translated. Unfortunately, there are some not yet translated. We have decided to distribute what is available as of May 2001. We hope these texts and information will be useful for initial and ongoing formation, a supplement to the JPIC Manuel, “Instruments of Peace” now published in seven lan- guages. We are asking each Conference and Province to publish and distribute this material according to its needs and possibilities. The JPIC Rome office will not make a publi- cation. Feel free to use these texts in any way you find beneficial. They can be pub- lished in provincial bulletins, newsletters, as well as photocopied without copyright difficulties! JPIC Office, Rome. 3 Presentations at the International JPIC Congress, Vossenack 2000. Greetings, We Are I wish to cordially greet all the Sisters and Brothers who come from far and Instruments Of near. At this moment I cannot give the Peace, Guided By The number of nations represented here. But I am so pleased that all the Continents Holy Spirit and all the Conferences are here present. This is a sign of confidence and of encouragement to us, the organizers of Peter Schorr OFM this Congress. I wish to greet all the par- Definitor General ticipants who are also coordinators in the Director JPIC Office Rome Provinces; I also salute the members of the animating committee, the collabora- It was the same Spirit that moved the ani- tors of the different services such as the mating committee of our Office of “Jus- simultaneous translation, Secretariat, tice and Peace” in Rome to come togeth- kitchen, refectory, the technical aspects er to select an appropriate motto for this and so many more, and I greet all those Congress. who have helped, who are helping and those who will help us to make these It was not from its own strength, or from days successful. I greet in a special way its own authority, or even from its own our invited guests, those who are already power, or from its own desire to carry out present and those who will make them- from who we are that which we are, but selves present. rather is it only through the light of the Spirit that dwells in us, which converts us I wish to salute the brothers of this into instruments of peace and love. house, who right from the beginning did not place any objection or doubt on our For me there is nothing more desirable possibility to be here in Vossenack and than to wish that it would be this light of who made us so cordially welcome. The the Spirit of God that would illuminate us idea of celebrating the Congress here during these days, all of us who have came from myself but it took flight on gathered to celebrate this first Congress being received by the brothers of this of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Cre- fraternity and they really have made ation. I wish to declare this Congress great efforts to prepare a suitable envi- open with the desire that we all may be ronment for us. Enthusiasm flows from instruments of peace one with the other, their eyes definitively on experiencing called and sent to offer the Good News of participation in the worldwide brother- love to all human beings. hood. 5 I greet you all cordially in the name of Province, Klaus Joseph Färber. Due to the Minister General, Giacomo Bini. All other important commitments on his our efforts to have him participate here in agenda he is impeded from coming but Vossenack were unfruitful because of his he expresses his pleasure at the Congress crowded agenda. He wishes us a fraternal being celebrated in one of the houses of meeting and that our work be for the the Franciscan Province of Cologne.
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