FACTS 10,000 WITHOUT FEAR READERS OR FAVOR EVERY WEEK Vol. 08. No. 26 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FIUDAY, JULY 28, 1939 Price Four Cents rsmw Tntrttcfi Board of Education to Share Cost STREET PARADE BV "THE STAFF" Mason Requests Governor Moore 1UII11 1UHLJ Of School Ground Improvement TONIGHT MARKS Begins Plans For Have you even thought of South An offer to assume half the finan- provisions made for the playing of j Amboy as a summoi vesort? The cial responsibility for improvement handball and like sports. This court FIESTA OPENING To Recall Two Republicans thought had never occurred to us of the grounds surrounding the High will be surrounded by a concrete until It was brought up by a man ScSiool building on George street, block wall surmounted with iron pipe: Will Precede Start Of Ton Dav Cash Award Of $50.00 Will Bej who took up his residence here some- was forthcoming from the Board of railing. Event For St. Mary's Feature Prize time ago, and has traveled to all Education at its meeting on Wed- The area south of this sunken! On County Election Board parts of the country. nesday evening. court, extending from the east end I Tonight, the Fiesta of St. Mary'sj Another social game party is be- Enthusiastic over the subject, this Councilman Anton Walczak, chair- of the building to a point at the east: Parish, for which preparations have|ing plannccl by a committee of the man points out South Amboy is a man of the Building and Grounds comer of City Hall will be covered been going on for the past month,|Sacred Heart club> tnc d:ite tenta. Declares James A. Dempsey and Mrs. Ethel H. Isele Are Unfit quiet, ideal residential city with a committee of the Council appeared with bithullthic pavement and used j will open with a huge street parade tively seiectecj tarjng Friday night, For Jobs—Says Board Will Not Answer His Questions before the board to request its co- as a playground. | beginning at 7:30 o'clock. There will nth. The affair will, as us- local bijach where one may bathe or August i Concerning Appointment of Mrs. Evelyn Hardy loaf in the sun, and where one mayoperation with the Council in financ- In order'to'carry out the plans, itjbe three sections devoted to special ual, be held on the open air pavi- live without the noise, or odors from ing the work which is estimated will will bo necessary to regrade thej customssport^ancustoms. d v^ides with lion, weather permitting, of course, industrial plants and other things cost in the neighborhood of $800. grounds to provide for a natural prizes awarded to the winner in each beginning at 8:15 o'clock. LOCAL CHAIRMAN SAYS COUNTY SITUATION IS 'ROTTEN' According to an agreement made be- that make some towns so undesir- drainage slope on four sides of the division. The feature prize of the evening, tween Walczak and the members of The parade will start from the Fi- able. playground and will necessitate the in addition to the usual galaxy of Declaring that James A. Demp- and the County Board of Elections the Board of Education, the con- raising of the grounds on the north esta grounds proceeding along Stev- game prizes will be a $50 cash aw- Eey and Mrs. Ethel H. Isele, the twobegan on June 6th after the Muni- He adds that if one enjoys walking struction of a retaining wall at the ens avenue to Bordentown avenue, side, about three feet above the ex- areV General admission tickets will Republican members of the Middle- cipal Chairman had received a pro- through the woods, he can reach rear of the grounds surrounding the east on Bordentown Avenue to Broad- 1 f some of the prettiest woodland paths be placed on ssie in the near fu- sex County Boarc , of Elections have test f om Eugene Bright, Commit- Fourth Street School will also be in- way, north on Broadway to Main ture, demonstrated they are unfit to be .teeman and Mrs. Margaret Bark- in five minutes' walk from the cen-cluded in the work, which will be street, then south on Stevens avenue members of the Board, Republican ter of the city. before the opening of school in the low, committeewoman of the Se- handled by the National Youths Ad- and past the reviewing stand which Eugene Dobrynski heads the com-Municipal Chairman Charles T. Ma- cond Ward, Second District, against Thesi; are only a few of the virtues ministration. fall. mittee in charge of the arrange- | will be located on the school grounds. ments fOT t! son has request:d Gov. A. Harry the ignoring of their nomination of of this city as a summer resort this Superintendent Barr reported thatj provide mus-'[ 'e party. Other commit- Moore to recall them. man points out. Engineer Carl Wilber, who ac- Miis. Perkins, and the substitution companied Councilman Walczak, ex- due to the opening of the new Highi ^"^^"F^ "^Dmrn Corps N members"are Rev. Charies'pol- It's a peculiar thing that we who School in Sayreville, there will be, . torak, Rev. Walter Urbanik, John The request to Governor Moore icf Mrs. Hardy by the County Board. plained that the grounds surround- Q { Woodbl idKe st Cece]ia Corps of was contained in a letter forward- Upon taking the matter up with have lived here for years, have never about 50 less pupils than during last Jsc,]in and fhe Junior Legion or-J- Cross, Joseph Lagoda, Martin 1 looked at South Amboy in this way, ing the George Street School will be ed this week by the local Muncip.il the County Board of Elections and covered with bithullthic pavement to term in the High School "ere and giinization Qf tWs dty_ The paratje. Ruszala, Peter Kllmek, Frank Wal- Chairman as the result of his ex- • it's true. due to the appointment of Fieder- , , . ,,. |czak, Joseph Sharo, Marion Go- the Republican County Chairman, a thickness of one inch, thus furnish- w]]] djgbanc n st Ma) y scnool perience with the Board in the case James S. Wight, Mason was infor.-n- • • • ing a suitable playground for stu- ic'k Reese, formerly a number of merrymaking will bo-jmolka, John Sharo, John Kach, the local school teaching staff to i of the appointment of Mrs. Evelyn*'ed by the County Board 'that they Seems odd sometimes to Notice dents of the school in addition to I gin. Kubisiak, how anxious some folks are to get the Sayreville High School staff, the Hardy, as a member of the Election | would grant him a hearing in the solving an erosion problem which is Walczak, Boarfl of the Second District of the j matter. Mason's contention was that pictures; how enthusiastic they are becoming acute. teaching costs here will be reduced, Frank Kurzawa. but it will likely be necessary to se- ,__. Second Ward, over the recommen- j this was not the proper way of in taking them; and then how soon A concrete block wall will separ- Qf amusement features> dation of the committeeman and;handling the matter, since in effect they lose interest after the film is cure the services vt a pwt «»cj ^— « f^s~wheel TnTmeiry- ate the playground area from the woman of that ward, who nominat- Hie County Board would be merely turned over to somebody for develop- lawn on John street. This wall will teachcr to handle at least one of the g features, and classes of which Mr. Reese was for-! b "...... ed Mrs. Anna M. Perkins for the sitting in judgment of its own ac- ing But there isn't a p 'ut.rfu'.iphio be surmounted with an iron pipe dancing every night with music fur- William H. Kehoe post. developing concern anywhere that merly in charge. tions and the 'decision could natur- tailing extending from the walk on nished by Walter Kay and his 111 After reviewing the events lead- ally be only one in its own favor. hasn't a house full of developed and the west side of the building to the An application for appointment as Ciub Troubadors. Wiil Be Democratic ing up ta his request, Mason tolcl printed films that haven't been call- .-ifnee teacher in the local High Following the exchange ctf a con- City Hall. Special nights, which have proven the Governor the board In appoint- \ siderable number of lettrrs between ed (and paid) for. School was received from J. Walter so popular in the past, have been South of this wall, a sunken court Freeholder Candidate ing Mrs. Harcty violated all prece- Mason and th« members of • the We wonder sometimes if the un- will be constructed 88x57 feet with Eger, of Perth Amboy. been arranged for, and Tuesday dent, tradition and practice and in called for pictures bill for local bus- night will be "Politicians' Night," County Election Board, the former Petitions Circulated For Local so doing relegated to themselves received a curt letter on July 6th, inesses doesn't come pretty near eat- when some of the leading figures of authority never before usurped, by ing up what little profit (if any) both major political parties will ap- Insurance Broker and Title which read, "Your letter of July 3, a County Board in Midcitssex Coun- received, thoroughly analyzed and , there is in the business. Klnda Boy Scout Troop pear. Thursday night will be a Searcher ty. strikes us that if local merchants Melrose Hose Co. "Mystery Night," and there will also file! for future reference." Mason Mason further charged that the declared this letter indicated tho stopped to figure it up they'd find be an "Old Timers' Night," and a Friends of William H.
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