DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE ISBN: 978-0-621-42283-2 RP309/2013 no Printers 1) 894 4150 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE Department of Defence Annual Report (This Annual Report includes information on the Department of Military Veterans) 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 Safeguarding South Africa for a Better Life for All A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE DEPartmENT OF DEFENCE AND MILITARY VETERANS ANNUal REPOrt FY2012/13 Ms N.N. Mapisa-Nqakula, MP Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Dear Minister, I have the honour of submitting the Annual Report of the Department of Defence (DOD) for the reporting period 01 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. (DR S.M. GULUBE) SECRETARY FOR DEFENCE: DIRECTOR-GENERAL A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 i DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE ii A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE Foreword by the Honourable Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms N.N. Mapisa-Nqakula, MP The mandate of the Defence remains that of defence and protection of the Republic, its territorial integrity and its people in accordance with the Constitution of the Repub- lic and the principles on international law regulating the use of force. The fulfilment of the mandate is measured through the state of readiness of the defence force in its ability to execute operations successfully. When the de- fence force has enhanced defence capabilities, it is in a bet- ter position to contribute to the promotion of peace and se- curity in the region, the continent and support the people of South Africa. The SANDF has consistently maintained an excellent ex- ecution of government ordered commitments. With the improvement of the state of readiness, the execution of successful operations will be of higher quality. This relates to the allocation of financial resources to acquire human resources, prime mission equipment, services and com- modities. Stemming from the President’s announcement at the State of the Nation a new growth path for the country has been agreed upon through the National Development Plan. This path places people’s employment at the centre of government’s economic policy. Defence commits itself to support government’s intent in terms of inherent available Defence capabilities and initiatives such as the Military Ms N.N. Mapisa-Nqakula Skills Development System. Given our human resources Minister of Defence and Military Veterans requirements, the SANDF has continued to make use of the MSDS to address its internal HR capacity and renewal whilst simultaneously providing skills for the youth of to matters raised in the audit as and when it arises. It is our country. encouraging to note that the DOD has started doing what needs to be done early enough to make sure that ground is Notwithstanding the auditing standards that are continu- covered to resolve issues before the next audit takes place. ally being enhanced, the Ministry will earnestly pursue It is very important to note that we are now going to be au- the realisation of a clean audit. Some auditable strides dited in a more detailed fashion on the movable items, and have been registered which are a result of the multi- therefore we must start to ready ourselves for this kind of pronged strategy to realise the qualification free audit, of auditing. which operation “Clean Audit” is but one. Deepening in establishing internal controls that will help to proactively Our adoption of an outcomes based approach to strategic mitigate functions and processes that could lead to an au- planning, implementation and performance monitoring dit qualification will be prioritised. A strong monitoring and evaluation so as to achieve auditable evidence of the and evaluation capability has been enhanced. improvement of the quality of life for all our citizens will allow us to achieve more with the little available to us. The Our governance structures and approach needs to be con- successes in identifying outcomes that are selected in a tinuously improved to make sure that the DOD contin- careful manner will go a long way for the DOD to make a ues in a positive trajectory. We have attempted to attend greater impact in the most efficient and effective manner. A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 iii DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE We must be able to measure ourselves with appropri- remained committed to and has been part of missions ate performance indicators that will ensure that we are under the UN, AU and SADC as mentioned above. Our achieving our objectives. This will allow us to ultimately defence posture mirrors this approach. intervene when there is a need and support those outputs which will ultimately lead to the realisation of our out- The SANDF has since April 2010 deployed for border safe- comes. guarding along the borders of RSA and her neighbouring countries. Currently, the SANDF has already set its foot- It is important that our Annual Performance Plans are print along RSA/Zimbabwe Border and RSA/Mozam- developed and informed by the Strategic Plans. This is bique border. State resources need to be mobilised more important for the alignment of our work so that the gov- aggressively to ensure the stable roll out of border-safe- ernment outcomes oriented monitoring and evaluation guarding operations. Currently, Defence is furthermore approach can be achieved by working together with all deployed in the Mozambique Channel to ensure security other stakeholders in our environment. Our Annual Per- against piracy in the SADC waters on a Tri-lateral basis formance Plans must deal with the outcomes, outputs, ac- between ourselves, Mozambique and Tanzania. Due to tivities and inputs that must provide the norms and stan- this joint operation with our neighbours we have seen a dards for us to execute our work and allow us to account drastic reduction in piracy threats along the east coast and at the end of each financial year. have halted the downwards trend of piracy encroaching our waters. The SANDF contributes with contingent force men and women under the Mission dubbed MONUSCO in the DRC Over the past two decades we have continued to enhance and soldiers under the Mission code named UNAMID in our many policies that are aimed at positioning the De- Sudan. Apart from the troop contribution in the Peace partment of Defence to best deliver on its mandate. We Mission in the DRC, SANDF troops also provide post have been hard at work to ensure that we do not falter on conflict reconstruction in that country with the view to our responsibility of fulfilling our mandate. The purpose, strengthening the weak state apparatus and institutions. therefore, remains unchanged, but our strategies must al- ways be responsive to the changing circumstances. In this respect the focus areas are integration and team building training, transformation process and general military training of the Armed Forces. South Africa pur- sues the maintenance of peace and stability through both bilateral and multinational means. As most causes of in- stability transcend international borders, the SANDF has (MS N.N. Mapisa-NQAKulA) MINISTER OF DEFENCE AND MILITARY VETERANS iv A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE Introduction by the Secretary for Defence, Dr S.M. Gulube The Secretary for Defence is the Head of the Department, the Accounting Officer, the Information Officer and the principal adviser to the Minister of Defence on defence policy matters. The Defence Secretariat is established in terms of section 204 of the Constitution, given substance to by section 6 of the Defence Act, 2002 (Act No. 42 of 2002) and executes its functions in terms of section 8. In implementing government priorities that are linked to its mandate the DOD, is guided by the Ministerial priori- ties that are embedded in the departmental plans. Civil Control Civil control over the military is a key feature of the South African democracy. In line with this, the DOD ensured that the employment of the SANDF was conducted in ac- cordance with the law by preparing employment papers for all operations. It is often said that no country can survive in isolation and this is specifically true to the security of any country. Throughout the year under review, the DOD continued to strengthen its defence relations with strategic partners throughout the world in support of the South African For- eign Policy. This effort is of long term benefits to the secu- Dr S.M. Gulube Secretary for Defence rity of the country. Corporate Governance youth with the necessary skills that they can use in fur- As a government department responsible for the defence thering their careers either in the DOD or elsewhere. of the Republic, the DOD is subject to government regula- tory frameworks on good corporate governance. To pur- For an organisation to function optimally towards realis- sue this, the DOD has operated within the parameters of ing its mandate it must be effective in its Strategic Man- good corporate governance in all its work throughout the agement, Human Resource Management, Governance reporting period.
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