FALFIELD ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday 21st May 2019 Falfield Village Hall, Bristol Road, Falfield This meeting will immediately follow the Annual Parish Meeting which commences at 7.30 pm No Agenda item Lead 1. Councillors Declaration of Acceptance of Office Clerk 2. Nominations for election of Chairman and signing of declaration to office Clerk 3. Apologies. To NOTE apologies for absence Chair 4. Election of Vice Chairman Chair 5. Declarations of Interest (if any) & dispensations in accordance with Local Code of Conduct to receive any declaration of disclosable pecuniary All or non-disclosable pecuniary interests & to consider & grant dispensation requests. 6. Minutes: To CONFIRM the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th April 2019. All 7. Public Participation Chair To RECEIVE & NOTE submissions from the public 8. To Appoint Representatives to the following Committees 8.1. Falfield Village Hall Management Committee Chair 8.2. Avon Local Council Association Sth Gloucestershire AGM (ALCA) 8.3. Charfield, Cromhall, Tortworth, Falfield, Rangeworthy, Wickwar, Cotswold Edge (north and west of A46) Community Engagement Forum 8.4. Oldbury Site Stakeholder Group 8.5. New Nuclear Build Committee 8.6. Town & Parishes Forum Page 1 of 4 No Agenda item Lead 9. Formation of the Linden Homes Community Liaison Group. Chair 10. Planning Applications, Appeals and Enforcements received 10.1 To NOTE/DISCUSS/COMMENT on P19/2857/F. Eastwood Park Womans Prison Eastwood Park Falfield. Demolition of existing single storey Chair offender management building and erection of two storey offender management building. 10.2 To NOTE/DISCUSS/COMMENT on P19/3928/RM. Heneage Farm Moorslade Lane Falfield. Change of use and development of agricultural Chair land to provide 85 No.Dwellings with associated access, parking, hard/soft landscape works, public open space, and drainage, together with development of a 'Park and Share' facility for 25 cars and new Community Hub with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be determined. (Approval of Reserved matters to be read in conjunction with outline permission PT17/4800/O). 10.3 To NOTE/DISCUSS/COMMENT on DOC19/0149. Heneage Farm Moorslade Lane Falfield. Discharge of Condition 6 (Ecology) Condition 7 Chair (Nest boxes) Condition 8 (LEMP) Condition 9 (External lighting) Condition 11 (contamination) Condition 14 (CMS) Condition 16 (archaeology) Condition 21 (CEMP) and Condition 22 (Hedgerow) attached to planning permission PT17/4800/O Change of use and development of agricultural land to provide up to 85no. dwellings with associated access, parking, hard/soft landscape works, public open space, and drainage, together with development of a 'Park and Share' facility for up to 100 cars and new Community Hub (Outline) with access to be determined. All other matters reserved 10.4. To NOTE/DISCUSS/COMMENT on P19/3868/F. Fair View Cutts Heath Road Buckover. Chair Demolition of existing link extension. Raising of roofline and erection of extensions to provide additional living accommodation. 10.5. To NOTE issuing of Enforcement Notice – Oakhall Farm Sundayshill Lane Chair 10.6. To NOTE Councils comments made to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of an appeal against the refusal by South Gloucestershire Council Chair for five dwellings in Sundayshill Lane. Planning ref: PT18/1282/O 10.7. To NOTE/DISCUSS/COMMENT in respect of an appeal against the refusal by South Gloucestershire Council for the conversion of an existing Chair barn to form one dwelling at Sundayshill House, Sundayshill Lane. Planning Ref: PT18/6432/F 11. Reports 11.1. Ward Councillors Report J.o’N 11.2. To receive feedback from Village Hall Management Committee Cllr V.S Page 2 of 4 No Agenda item Lead 11.3. To receive Clerk’s Report Clerk 11.4. Any other reports Chair 12. Councils Documents & Registers 12.1 To DISCUSS/APPROVE the Councils Revised Risk Management Review Document Chair 12.2 To AGREE a date for the next Asset Risk Assessment and Inspection Chair 13. Finance 13.1. To NOTE any receipts & AGREE payments required since the meeting held on 16th April & sign cheques. All 13.2. To NOTE 2019/2020 Budget & Payments/Receipts Statement 30th April 2019 14. The Annual Governance & Accountability Return for 2018/2019 Financial Year Statement of Accounts and Annual Report 14.1. To NOTE the Annual Internal Audit for 2018/2019 and any recommendations. Chair 14.2. To APPROVE the following documents: a) Certificate of Exemption under section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 b) Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement. c) Section 2 – Accounting Statements Clerk d) Statement of Accounts Ending 31st March 2019 e) The Community Infrastructure return for 2018/2019 f) The Councils Annual Report for 2018/2019 14.3. To NOTE the dates for the period of exercise of public rights. Clerk 15. Consultations 15.1. To NOTE Notice of Proposal to make a Traffic Order for the A38 North or Falfield 40 MPH Speed Limit Order 201. Chair 16. Donation requests 16.1. A request for a donation from the Thornbury & Area Youth Music Chair Page 3 of 4 No Agenda item Lead 16.2. A request for a donation from the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity Chair Other Agenda Items 17. Update on Parish Council Defibrillator and to AGREE/APPROVE using Community Infrastructure Levy funds available to part fund purchase Chair 18. To NOTE/RESPOND to letter from The Biodiversity Officer at SGC in respect of wildlife, insects, allotments and road verges. Chair 19. Correspondence received a) Email from Tortworth Parish Clerk asking if Falfield would be making comments of the recent planning application for 900 house in Falfield. b) Acknowledgement by the Programme Officer of the Parish Councils request to participate in JSP Examination in Public. c) SGC – New Council protocol for unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampments on Council owned land. d) NALC - A Guide to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Parish and Town Councils. e) Berkeley and Oldbury Joint Site Stakeholder Group Meeting - 22 May 2019 and draft minutes from meeting held on 31st October 2018. f) Voluntary Sector Service Sth Glos – Health & Wellbeing & Social Care e-bulletin for May 2019. g) Falfield Village Hall Management Committee – Year end accounts, Chairman’s Report and Trustees Report. h) National Assoc of Local Councils – Requesting Town & Parish Councils to take part in the VE Day 75 Celebrations on 8th May 2020 20. Minor items Raised by Members for future agenda All th Next scheduled meeting: Tuesday 18 June 2019 at 7.30 pm in Falfield Village Hall. James Carpenter , Clerk & RFO to Falfield Parish Council Date: 16th May 2019 Signed Whitegates, Sundayshill Lane, Falfield, GL12 8DQ, [email protected] Members are reminded that the Council has a duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human rights. Page 4 of 4 .
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