! T h e K e l o w n a C o u r ie r Aii<lilc<i I'.iid ( in I l i a t m n VOLUMF’, -M K elow na. l>i itish ('ohiinliia, T liursday. I)cct,'inl)er lltli, l‘>47 TWICE WEEKLY—MONDAY & THURSDAY N l’MIU-.K 4(. A Thing O f Beauty Keen Interest Being Taken WORLD NEWS FLASHES (By Canadian Press) In Election A t Peachland O n ly Six M en Survive Plane Crash And Glenmore Saturday A s US Transport Carrying 29 M en for Reeveship Develops \tr '!^each- Crashes In Labrador Wilderness flt/llldillll 1 W U land—Glenmore having Election for First Time in Ten Years as Three Men Contest Two Vacant VyI'.S I OV 1*.I< J'lI’JJ), Mass.—United States Air Trans­ Council Seats port (.orninand annonneed today there were only six survivors of tlie twenty-nine American military men alioard the trans­ Men Until port [jiane tliat craslied in (lie Lahrador wilderness Tuesday at Veterans Seek Office midm^jhh A doctor who landed at (he wreckaj^e eight miles north of (lOose IJay reported twenty-three killed in the crash. December 18 H^Al I'.I ;\^ I'.lv.S in (wo iioaiby municipalities arc now in the Hard, driving, wet .snow jnevented any large scale rescue miilst of one of the most intcrc.sliug election eam[)aigiis in operatifMis hut doctors and medical .supplies are beings landed’ Peter Mclsaac and Frank L. dm first tiine in tcii years an election is being held hy Iielicoi»ter in a space cleared within half a mile of the scat­ W hite to Appear on Charge Klemnore, three camliclaie.s contesting (he, two vaeaneie.s on tered, charred wreckage. The rescue party is made uj) of Cana- of Retaining Stolen Bonds ^ municipal euimcil, while at Peaehlamml, three men are seek- <lian ami American air force men who travelled overland with mg the i)osilion of reeve. dog sleds to reach the wreckage last night. Potcr Mclsaac, 42, and Frank L. IMuiiic i])til voids Irek to the |)olling booths in the nuinieipal While, 33, who were arrested De­ flices in both I’eachlaml and (ilemnore ilcxt Saturday. Polls CLOSE GATES IN HOLY LAND FIGHTING cember 4 wlieu police found three thousfmd dollars in bonds believed are open from 8 a.m. to 8 i).ni. I’aigerly awaited re.snlls should JERUSALEM—Britislt troopy bjocked tlic {lates of Jerusalem’s old to have been stolen in the Juno 14 wall city just before noon tcxluy ns tiring in the ancient maze of streets he known .shoitly after the jiolls c'losc. Officials of both mimici- reached proportions which indicated a battle of sizeable magnitude had burglary of Whillis and Gaddes, real jialities anticipate a heavy vole in view of (he interest taken in broken out between Arabs and Jewish inhabitants. estate agents, were remanded until the election campaign this year. next Thursday when they appeared Closing of the gates barred further exodus of both Jews and Arabs before a Vancouver magistrate- this Kceve Alfied Jiinest Miller is seeking re-election in Peiich- who have been frantically moving out possc.ssions in trucks throughout m o rn in g . land, and is one of the three in the fight to become the chief the morning. Many dead lying in the streets were reported. Mclsaac and White are charged officer. with retaining stolen property over ALL TOMMIES OUT BY AUGUST $25. The bonds, which police say are Reeve Miller took ofllce in the spring of this year when A. J. Cliidlcv LONDON—The British Government’s intention to withdraw all part of the $100,000 loot taken in resigned due to ill health. troops from Palestine by August of next year was offlcially announced the local robbery, were found wrap­ Also seeking the post are Charles O. Whinton and Fitzpatrick V today m the House of Commons by Colonial Secretary C. Jones at the ped in a paper bag in a pan hang­ Vernon. Both served on the municipal council in previous years 'llicv opening of a two-day debate on the Holy Land. ing behind a-kitchen stove. are both fruit growers at Peachland and have lived in the district for a Meanwhile police are continuing number of years TRADE TALKS IMPASSE UP TO CABINET the investigation in the belief that more bonds are in the city. In the municipal council for next year, OTTAWA—The impasse which developed in the Canadian-British year, Pcachlanders are faced In other years when vacancies trade talks regarding Britain’s food contracts with Canada will be.placed w;th a situation that is not new to went unfilled, members of the coun- before the cabinet today. There is speculation if the contracts are not them. With three vacancies to fill, cil were chosen by the reeve and renewed, the export ban on farm products to the United States may be INSTAL YULE only one nomination, that of Coun- councillors at their first mcctimr Of relaxed. The cabinet will take up the matter, discussed yesterday by the cillor Charles F. Bradley, came up the new year. This procedure may Liberal caucus, which involves British contracts for bacon, beef, cheese Snow often makes a thing of beauty of the most The photo was made shooting almost straight into on nomination day last Monday. be followed again eggs and wheat, amounting to a million dollars annually. commonplace of scenes. Here a little grove of ever­ the sun, and the snow texture brought out with TREE LIGHTS Vacancies came about when xwo Bonkhra^i green trees behind the legislative buildings at Re­ sparkling clarity. terms of Mr. Bradley and G. M. Fin- uanhiicad Candidates ROME PARALYZED BY GENERAL STRIKE gina, Sask., looks like something out of a fairy tale. layson expired and Councillor F. ® years four-man Glenmore ON BERNARD Topham, Jr., resigned because of Jack Sno^scll and ROME—A paralysing leftist-directed general strike gripped Rome business, though his term had an- i Rankin expire on December today but many workers, apparently with their Christmas pay envelopes B eing other year to go. Mr. Finlayson de- Councillors in mind, reported for duty and stood by in hope the work stoppage would Christmas Trees Are PlacpdT»i____ I in Cpntrp of-/• i-._„R.»rnnrd___ j dinedclined toto runrun aeain:again. FourthFourth mf»mhf>rmember ®^oubray and L.^ E. ,Marshall are bo called off before nightfall. As the day wore on, however, there were ELECTRICAL Placed m Centre ot Bernard council is G. W. Hawlcsley, Coun- no signs of any end of the strike. Memorial Ice Arena Avenue whose term is good for another Rankin declined to run for Strong concentrations of police and troops took up stations through­ office again. out the city. An estimated 500,000 workers were made idle by the strike' MEN MAY GET DECORATE CITY The three men seeking the sup­ called to protest unemployment in Rome where an estimated 80 000 per­ port of voters to put them in the sons are out of work. Comes Under Fire SALARY BOOST Two Additional Lighted Trees two vacant council seats are Mr. POLICE CHIEF Snowsell, C. M. Lipsett and Dr. M. HEAD-ON TRAIN CRASH TOLL HEAVY Being Erected . This Year, J . B u tle r. **» > Penticton Electrical Workers 11 j ^^WBRAUNFELS, Texas—^Two Missouri-Kansas-Texas trains col­ A t Legion Meeting Says Engineer JOINED FORCE Mr. Snowsell has served on the lided near here last night and exploded into flames, killing two trainmen, Awarded Increase — Similar council for the past 10 years. He injuring nine other persons and leaving three men missing—two of them Boost_ ^Expected Here The main street of Kelowna has is a past president of the Glenmore ^j members and the other a railroad inspector. The two trains crash- e l i e f that the city should dispose of part or all of the --r—— - definitely taken on a Christmas at- 16 YEARS AGO Athletic Society and is now direc- - south of here. The locomotives stacked on top of each other tor of athletics in the community CIVICcivic centre property and use some of the moneymonev for the Santa Claus will probably visit and the irw it cars were telescoped. B r . ,, . , . ' - thA homp<! of manv dopfrioai wor- engineer, today Supervised the crec- -o t -> m ^ dub. He naahas ajsoalso serveaserved lorfor several construction o f t h e proposed Memorial Ice Arena to offset the kgrs employed by^the city before of Christmas trees on Bernard ^ McKay Tajres Over years on the executive of th e B.C. COAL MINE BLAST KILLS Si:^ rising costs of labor and m aterials for the construction of the December 25, and they will benefit Avenue, and he said this year three New Duties as- Head of F.G.A. Mr. Lipsett, a veteran oi World W^KES BARRE, Pa.—A gas explosion in the Franklin colliery of l^ui^ing, was expressed by several members at the general 4° the extent of having their wages J?® Local Detachment Lehish VaUev Coal ftomnanv ___J . __ ;■% . ____ 1__ TT>_ increased. v-nrisimas tree iignis, insxeaa oi one War Hi is an active member of the V ^ey Coal Company today killed six men and injured at meeting of the Canadian Legion held Wednesday night Ex- increased, as in former years. Kelowna Lions’ Club and of the least three others. The mine is located just ouside the city. ponents of this proposal thought the arena should be built in Mr.
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