A QUARTERLY JOURNAL ON HIV PREVENTION, TREATMENT AND POLITICS WINTER 2010 acHIeVe INSIDE THE FAITHFUL RESPOND: THRee VieWS Faith-Based • A Critical Lens on the African- American Organizations Church and HIV 5 • Catholics and and AIDS Condoms 8 • Jewish Responses to HIV 10 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Personal Perspective: “Come unto me all ye that LOVE LIFTED ME! 12 “God is love, and love is for everyone!” labor and are heavy laden My church family has exemplified that and I will give thee rest.” statement. As a Christian and a proponent SYRINGE EXCHANGE: A MORAL ISSUE 14 of social justice for all, I have Communities of faith have some questions regarding not consistently embraced HIV prevention among churches’ response to AIDS. injection drug users. by Jacqui Patterson Why are Faith-Based Personal Perspective: Organizations Engaged in CATHOLIC, GAY, AND LIVING WITH HIV 17 ’ve enjoyed ten years of working in AIDS Work? He was saying that people dying from faith-based organizations (FBOs) that The Bible offers a clear mandate to care AIDS were getting what they deserved and fight AIDS, and have seen much to for people in need of help and to attempt no one should try inspire, educate, and horrify me. I’ll to balance the scales of justice. Matthew to help them. Ibase my comments on human rights and 25:40 says, “Whatsoever you do unto the love, both of which are biblical principles, least of these, you do unto me”; Micah 6:8 THE CHRIS- even if “human rights” isn’t stated in states, “What do I require of you…to live TIAN RIGHT: those terms in the Bible. justly”; and 1 John 3:17 asks, “If anyone has WRONG ON There is a lot that is compelling enough money to live on and sees a brother AIDS 18 about the work of FBOs in AIDS and or sister in need and refuses to help – how Approaches to a lot that, while compatible in theory, can God’s love be in that person?” HIV based on is quite contradictory and damaging in So it is not surprising that in sub- belief, not fact, remain and continue to practice. Because FBOs have received Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the hamper HIV prevention. millions of dollars from the U.S. and Caribbean, FBOs provide up to 40% of other nations, and from other fund- all health care, and churches are present EDITORIAL 23 ing sources such as the Global Fund in many communities. At times there is to Fight AIDS, it is critical to examine no other health institution of any sort. In Achieve is a joint publication of how they are working and what their the U.S. there are also many faith-based ACRIA and GMHC. impact is on nations, communities, health centers and other HIV service pro- families, and individuals. viders. The sheer presence and capacity continued on page 2 Faith-Based Organizations cont. from first page afforded countries the flexibility to assign more resources to health programs. of FBOs puts them in a good position to Similarly I’ve seen the establishment of acHIeVe offer a range of services. Also, in many the African Network of Religious Leaders Living with AIDS, which has worked to communities in Africa, Latin America, destigmatize HIV by having religious lead- EDITORS IN ChiEF the Caribbean, the U.S., and to some ers speak out, offering messages of love and Daniel Tietz extent Asia, there are very high percent- compassion, without judgment. Cristo Sean Cahill ages of Christians – so the influence that FBOs and faith leaders have in the com- Greyling and Gideon Byamugisha have EDITOR munity is significant, for better or worse. encouraged language such as “The Body Mark Milano of Christ has AIDS” to signify that when ASSOCiaTE EDITORS What Has Worked? one of us is infected, we all are, and that Luis Scaccabarrozzi My first entrée to global work in AIDS we need to address AIDS as a community Nathan Schaefer was through an FBO. I was focused on issue – not singling people out for blame. supporting home-based care and hospices In the last two years of my work with MEDICAL EDITOR through Interchurch Medical Assistance IMA World Health, I managed the organiza- Jerome A. Ernst, MD World Health and its member organiza- tion’s PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan PUBLICATIONS MaNAGER tions (a variety of mainline Protestant for AIDS Relief) treatment program. In the- Mark Milano churches). The reach of these churches ory, this should have gone well. FBOs have the reach, health facilities, relationships, and PUBLICATIONS ASSOCiaTE and FBOs into communities was tre- understanding of communities – all of which Laura Engle mendously helpful – outreach workers were there for families and individuals in should lead to a successful endeavor. DESIGN need of support and comfort in their final Indeed, the infrastructure afforded Tom Dolle months. I also witnessed how the spiri- by the extensive networks of faith-based Bulk copies of Achieve are avail- tual component offered great comfort, hospitals, clinics, and mobile units was able free to organizations that resulting in a peaceful death for many. a fantastic resource. Several of our part- provide services to people with I’ve also seen churches have a very posi- ners were already successfully running HIV. For more information, call tive influence in the policy arena. The United treatment programs using generic drugs. 212-924-3934, ext. 129, email Methodist Church, Lutheran Church, At first the glut of resources and the pros- [email protected], or write to Church World Service, and others invested pect of being able to serve the hundreds Achieve, 230 West 38th Street, significant resources in policy analysis and of thousands in need of treatment was all 17th floor, New York, NY 10018. mobilizing their congregations to advocate very exhilarating. But those of us who were concerned about nuance came into Copyright © 2010 AIDS Community for increased funding for AIDS, as well as conflict with the restrictions on reproduc- Research Initiative of America and related issues like debt cancellation, which Gay Men’s Health Crisis. All rights reserved. Non-commercial reproduction is encouraged ACRIA Trials in Progress provided appropriate credit is given. Subscription lists are kept Pomegranate Juice Crofelemer for Diarrhea confidential. People who have not taken HIV meds People 18 and older who have per- for at least 90 days will drink pomegran- sistent diarrhea will take crofelemer Photos used in Achieve imply noth- ate juice or placebo juice daily for 10 (a new anti-diarrhea drug) or placebo ing about the health status, sexual to 18 weeks to study its effect on the tablets for 6 weeks. Then everyone orientation, or life history of the heart, quality of life, and HIV viral load. will take crofelemer for 5 months. models. Ibalizumab Isentress in Pregnant Women Achieve would love to hear from People who have taken HIV drugs will you! Please send your comments Pregnant women who are already receive infusions of ibalizumab (a taking Isentress will give several to: monoclonal antibody designed to block blood samples on two separate Letters to the Editor HIV entry into CD4 cells) twice a month days in order to find the optimum Achieve for 24 weeks or longer, along with dose of the drug during pregnancy. 230 W. 38th St.17th floor other HIV drugs. Compensation is provided. New York, NY 10018 Intelence Or email them to: [email protected] People who have taken HIV meds will For more information on these trials, take Intelence with Reyataz and an contact us at 212-924-3934, ext. 121. NRTI for 48 weeks. 2 WINTER 2010 acHIeVe tive health services, the inability to use generic drugs, and the “Anti-Prostitution Loyalty Oath,” which restricts how orga- nizations can use their funds to engage in speech or programs related to sex work. I found that many FBOs were not ready to buck the system on behalf of those they were supposed to serve. This strongly interfered with my ability to work, and I found myself in constant conflict. So, hundreds of thousands are receiving treat- ment through FBOs, and that’s a good thing. But I put this on the cusp of the “What Hasn’t Worked” section because I still ask, “At what cost?” and “Could we have done it better?” What Hasn’t Worked? In their AIDS response, churches have clearly been constrained by judgment and dogma. Kay Warren of the Saddleback Church rightfully pointed out, “The Church is more known for what it is against than what it is for.” A friend of mine, Dazon Dixon Diallo of SisterLove in Atlanta, once the actual experience of gender inequality people. How can there be an entire HIV said she wants to make a bumper sticker that and other dynamics. Ideological polices conference without space for LGBT mat- reads, “Jesus Please Come Back and Save Us masqueraded as evidence, like the Anti- ters when we have had activists like Sizekele from Your Followers!” The words of Martin Prostitution Loyalty Oath and the empha- Sigasa and Salome Moosa, champions for Luther King Jr. are also very apt: “Yes, I see sis on HIV prevention through abstinence HIV justice, who were murdered in South the Church as the body of Christ. But, oh! and fidelity to the exclusion of the proven Africa in a vicious hate crime? When we How we have blemished and scarred that effectiveness of condoms. have Solomon Adderly Wellington, a noted body through social neglect and through The gender inequality in many gay HIV activist in the Bahamas, mur- fear of being nonconformists.” churches also permeates the societies dered? When we have the President of the On one hand there has been judgment where they are influential.
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