I am, by direction to inform that online portal for registration of evaluators is open from 06.02.2021 to 09.02.2021 in the University website. I request you to inform the teachers of your college having qualification approval to register in the portal expressing their willingness to evaluate the papers in their respective discipline. It is informed that NSCODE of college teachers and the instructions can be referred. I request you all to share the following link to all the teachers of your colleges / departments across various disciplines / boards for registration in the portal https://buonlinevaluation2020.b-u.ac.in/Evaluator/Register ம鎿ப்ꯀ翍டாளர்க쿁埍கான வ펿믁றைக쿍 1. விடைத்தாள் திருத்鏁வதற்埁 பதிவு செய்யும் சபாழு鏁 இத்鏁ைன் இடைக்கப்பட்翁ள்ள பட்டியலில் தங்கள鏁 விபரங்கடள பார்த்த பின்னர் பதிவு செய்ய வவண்翁垿வ ாம். அதில் உள்ளவாறு சபயர் மற்றும் 埁றி뿀翁 (NS CODE) நிரப்ப வவண்翁ம் எவ்விதமான 殿 ப்பு எழுத்鏁க்கள் (. , / & @ !) பயன்ப翁த்த வவண்ைாம். சபயருக்埁 பின்பு அல்ல鏁 முன்பு ஒவர ஒரு இடைசவளியில் இன்ஷியல் நிரப்ப வவண்翁ம். 2. ஆ殿ரியர்கள் தன鏁 சபயருக்埁 முன்பு உள்ள ைாக்ைர் (முடனவர்) / மிஸ்ைர் / மிஸ்ர்ஸ் என் அடைசமாழிகடளப் பதிவு செய்ய வவண்ைாம் என்று வவண்ைலா垿 鏁. ஏசனனில் உங்கள் வங்垿 கைக்垿ற்埁 பைம் அனுப்பும்வபா鏁 பிரச்டன ஏற்பைாமல் இருக்埁ம். 3. ஒருவர் விடைத்தாள் திருத்鏁வதற்காக ஒவர ஒரு பதிவிடன மட்翁ம் வமற்சகாள்ள வவண்翁ம் என்று வகட்翁க் சகாள்ளப்ப翁垿 ார்கள். 4. பல்கடலக்கழகம் வழங்垿ய ரக殿ய 埁றி뿀ட்翁 எண்ணிடனக் கடை殿 வடர மாற் ாமல் பராமரிக்埁ம்படி வகட்翁க்சகாள்ளப்ப翁垿 .ார்கள் 5. பல்கடலக்கழகம் வழங்垿ய கைவுச்சொல் விவரங்கடள மற் வர்களுைன் ப垿ர வவண்ைாம் என்று சதரிவிக்கப்ப翁垿 鏁. 6. ஆ殿ரியர் ஓய்வு சபற்றிருந்தாலும் அல்ல鏁 விருப்ப ஓய்வு சபற்றிருந்தாலும் அவர்கள் விடைத்தாள் திருத்தவதற்埁 விண்ைப்பிக்க வவண்ைாம் என்று வவண்ைலா垿 .鏁 ஏசனனில் கைந்த ஒரு வருை காலமாக ஆ殿ரியர் பணி பற்றிய விபரங்கள் கல்쯂ரியிலிருந்鏁 சப ப்பைவில்டல என்று சதரிவிக்கப்ப翁垿 鏁. 7. இடையத்தில் பதிவு செய்யும் மதிப்ꯀட்ைாளர்களுக்埁 சதாடல鏂ர கல்வி (SDE) மற்றும் பங்வகற்பு கல்வி டமயம் (CPP) ஆ垿யவற்றின் மதிப்ꯀட்翁 பணிகள் ஒ鏁க்கப்ப翁ம். தேர்ퟁ க翍翁ப்பா翍翁 அ鎿கா쎿 (பபா) பார鎿யார் பல்கறை埍கழகம் Instructions to Evaluators 1. Evaluators are required to register their names in the portal for valuation work referring their details provided in the list attached herewith. The name and NS code details should be entered as appeared in the list. No special characters (like, / &# @!) should be used. The initials should be given leaving only one single space before the name or after the name. [For example, T SANTHA or SANTHA T] 2. While registering their names in the portal, the evaluators are required to provide their names without prefixing Dr / Mr / Mrs, etc. This is only to avoid complications or delay in settling valuation claims through bank accounts of evaluators as most of the bank accounts do not carry such prefix. 3. The Evaluators are required to make only one registration for the purpose of valuation work. 4. Evaluators should use password provided by the University without any change until their evaluation assignment is completed. 5. The password details provided by the University should be kept confidential and should not be shared to others. 6. The teachers who are retired from service need not register their names in the portal for the valuation assignment. The list of evaluators is yet to be updated at the office of the Controller of Examinations since 2019 – 20 as the details of retired teachers have not been received from the colleges during the period. 7. The Evaluators who register their names in the portal will be assigned valuation work relating to School of Distance Education and Center for Participatory Programme. CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS i/c BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE NSCODE COLLEGE NAME SUBJECT NAME A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 1F0100 English BHASKAR BASMI A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 1F0341 English CHANDRASEKARAN K A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 1F0402 English LINGESHWARAN T A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 1F0403 English KESAVAN M A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2A0299 Mathematics BALAKRISHNAN R A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2A0314 Mathematics MOHANLAKSHMI R A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2K0065 Computer Science SENTHIL KUMAR P A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2K0753 Computer Science RAJA R A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2K0790 Computer Science VIJAYAN K A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2K0795 Computer Science SHANTHI D A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2K0796 Computer Science BASKARAN P A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2K1109 Computer Science SABITHARANI R A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 2K1190 Computer Science GOPINATH R A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 5F0156 Management P ANANDAN A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur 5F0278 Management KAVITHA S A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur AA0292 Commerce THENMOZHI SELVI A A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur AA0832 Commerce SOUNDARRAJAN S A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur AA1130 Commerce RADHAKRISHNAN S A.G. Arts and Science College, Tirupur AA1131 Commerce JAISHREE T A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 1F0135 English MAHALAKSHMI L A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 1F0367 English SATHYPRABHA M A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2A0458 Mathematics ASWINI P A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2A0467 Mathematics REVATHI C A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2A0533 Mathematics PANNEERSELVI R A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2K0672 Computer Science ASHOK KUMAR S A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2K0873 Computer Science KOKILA S A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2K1124 Computer Science AMSAVENI M A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2K1203 Computer Science YAMUNAVATHI T A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2K1274A Computer Science PRAMELA.G A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur 2K1326 Computer Science VINITHA A A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur AA0479 Commerce TAMILARASI S A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur AA0630 Commerce POORNIMA P A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur AA0671 Commerce SAROJA A A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur AA0873 Commerce AKILA M A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur LA0421 Tamil SREE PRIYA R A.V.P. College of Arts & Science, Tirupur LA0439 Tamil MANJULA N Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 1F0294 English GEETHA B Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 1F0339 English GOMATHI M Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 1F0444 English NANDHINI C Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 1F0462 English SANGEETHA S Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2A0160 Mathematics KALAMANI T Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2A0243 Mathematics SUGANTHI J Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2A0330 Mathematics SHELINA P Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2A0390 Mathematics DIVYA T Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2A0442 Mathematics ANNAKKODI M Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2C0152 Physics KRISHNAVENI U Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2K0103 Computer Science PRABAKARAN V Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2K1003 Computer Science SARANYA J Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2K1113 Computer Science VIJAYALAKSHMI K Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women 2K1154 Computer Science GOWRI K Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women AA1074 Commerce ELEZABETH V Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women AA1111 Commerce HABITHA BEGAM S Adharsh Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science for Women LA0360 Tamil RAJAKUMARI R Adithya College of Arts and Science(Co-Education) LA0304 Tamil CHANDRASEKARAN K AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2A0075 Mathematics SATHEESH KUMAR B AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2K0145 Computer Science SURESH KUMAR B AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2K0360 Computer Science SANTHANA KRISHNA N AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2K0645 Computer Science JOHN GRASIAS S AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2K0935 Computer Science NANDAKUMAR M AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2K0936 Computer Science RAJESHKUMAR M AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2K1071 Computer Science KAMALRAJ A AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2M0042 Electronics JUSTIN SANTHIYAGU I AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2M0059 Electronics KARTHIK P AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2M0078 Electronics SARAVANAN S AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2P0003 Catering Science & Hotel Mgt BINDU AJEET AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2P0004 Catering Science & Hotel Mgt AJEET KUMAR LAL MOHAN AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2P0009A Catering Science & Hotel Mgt JAYAN A P AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2R0069 Costume Design & Fashion RAGHI.THAZHATHUKUNNEL AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 2R0074 Costume Design & Fashion SATHYANARAYANAN J AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 5F0147 Management UMAMAHESWARI S AJK College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore AA0845 Commerce DINESH KUMAR G R Angappa College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore 1C0078 Economics RAJESHKUMAR S Angappa College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore 2K0319 Computer Science VANI K Angappa College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore 2K0343 Computer Science PACHAINAYAKI K Angappa College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore 2K0522 Computer Science KANNAN K Angappa College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore 2K0681 Computer Science KOWSALYA
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