Index A bean(s), 129-135 beer, 6-pack of, boiled shrimp cooked in corned beef stock, in shell and, 76 alligator pate, 15 134 bisque, fish, 47 appetizers, 9-25 red, 130 blackberry cobbler, 183 alligator pate, 15 red, and rice casserole, 129 blueberry: boiled burr artichokes, 24 red, smoked, 131 cobbler, 185 boiled pork fingers, 18 red, soup, 56 -peanut butter cobbler, chicken pate, 17 white, 132 186 crawfish or shrimp cocktail, white navy, 133 boiled dinner, Cajun, 95 12 beef: Boston butt, 116 egg and picante dip, 21 barbecued roast in a pan, bread(s): eggplant, 22-23 88 garlic, and wine, 25 garlic bread and wine, 25 basting sauce for, 178 lost, 4 oyster pate, 14 cheese hamburger grits, pecan cornbread, 5 oysters and link sausage in 99 pudding, 192 wine, 19 chicken salad without breakfast foods, 1- 8 pickled eggs, II chicken, 36 corn flour pancakes, 3 pork pate, 16 leftover steak, potatoes, and lost bread, 4 shrimp dip, 20 mushroom stew, 61 pecan cornbread, 5 shrimp pate, 13 salad or pate, 37 pecan grits, 6 apple cobbler, 189 seven steak etouffee, 87 scrambled eggs with cooked apricot cobbler, 188 beef, corned: rice, 7 artichokes, boiled burr, 24 and cabbage, 94 walnut scrambled eggs, 8 avocado dressing, 42 Cajun boiled dinner, 95 brisket, 118 stock, 135 baked,91 8 stock, beans cooked in, baked with potatoes and 134 carrots, 90 barbecue, smoking and beefbrisket, 118 barbecued,89 smokers, 112- 114 baked,91 boiled, 93 barbecue sauce, 174,175 baked, with potatoes and mushroom, 92 diabetic, 176 carrots, 90 vegetable soup with, 57 basting sauce, 177 barbecued, 89 broccoli and ham casserole, for beef and pork, 178 boiled, 93 106 for lamb and venison, mushroom, 92 brown rice pudding, 193 179 vegetable soup with, 57 bunny rabbit stew, 63 --~>-------- c cobblers: D apple, 189 cabbage: apricot, 188 desserts, 181-193 boiled with sweet potatoes, blackberry, 183 apple cobbler, 189 !56 blueberry, 185 apricot cobbler, 188 Chinese, !55 peach, 187 blackberry cobbler, 183 corned beef and, 94 peanut butter-blueberry, 186 blueberry cobbler, 185 hot slaw, 30 strawberry, 184 bread pudding, 192 with liquid smoke, 157 coleslaw: brown rice pudding, 193 Cajun boiled dinner, 95 dressing, 44 peach cobbler, 187 Cajun microwave, 112, 113 hotcabbage,30 peanut butter-blueberry beef brisket, 118 consomme, cold chicken, 58 cobbler, 186 Boston butt, 116 cooker/smoker, Justin Wilson stewed kumquats, 167 leg of lamb, 117 novel cooking device, strawberry cobbler, 184 pork loin, 115 112,114 strawberry pie, 190 Cajun smoker, 112 corn: walnut pie, 191 carrots, baked brisket with boiled, 146 diabetic barbecue sauce, 176 potatoes and, 90 stewed green onions and, 149 dilly cheese rice, 123 catfish, baked, 67 stewed mushrooms and, !50 dips: cheese: and tomato soup, 54 egg and picante, 21 dilly rice, 123 cornbread,pecan,5 shrimp, 20 hamburger grits, 99 corned beef: dressing (stuffing), rice, 128 rice with, 122 and cabbage, 94 dressing, salad, see salads rice with mushrooms, 124 Cajun boiled dinner, 95 dumplings and fish chicken: stock, 135 courtbouillon, 46 baked,81 stock, beans cooked in, 134 baked broiled, 82 corn flour pancakes, 3 E boiled gizzards, 86 courtbouillons: casserole, 84 dumplings and fish, 46 egg(s): casserole with wild rice, fish scraps, 45 country salad, 31 85 crabmeat etouffee, 71 and ham salad, minced, 40 cold consomme, 58 crawfish: and mushrooms and onions, a Ia Creole, 83 cocktail, 12 145 maque chou, 147 etouffee, 72 and picante dip, 21 pate, 17 maque chou, 74 pickled, 11 salad, 35 mashed potato casserole, and potato salad, 32 salad without chicken, 36 73 scrambled, with cooked chili, 96 and okra and mushrooms, rice, 7 and hominy casserole, 97 158 walnut scrambled, 8 jambalaya, 98 Creole, chicken a Ia, 83 eggplant: rice, 121 Creole mustard pork fingers, appetizer, 22-23 Chinese cabbage, 155 101 jambalaya, 160 --•.'~-Index 'V"' 195 eggplant: (continued) grits: patties, 107 Justin, 162 cheese hamburger, 99 -potato casserole, 109 -oyster jambalaya, 70 green onion, 151 lentil soup, very low fat, 55 stewed okra and, 159 pecan, 6 liquid smoke, cabbage with, 157 and tomatoes, 161 gumbo, rabbit, 110 lost bread, 4 elbow macaroni salad, 29 etouffee: H M crabmeat, 71 crawfish, 72 ham: macarom: seven steak, 87 and broccoli casserole, 106 elbow, salad, 29 and egg salad, minced, 40 sausage, and pecan and lamb meat loaf, 108 casserole, 105 F salad, 38, 39 and shrimp casserole, 77 hamburger cheese grits, 99 maque chou: fish: hominy: chicken, 147 baked,67 and chili casserole, 97 crawfish, 74 bisque, 47 and mushrooms, 154 with mushrooms, 148 and dumplings meat loaf, lamb and ham, 108 courtbouillon, 46 microwave, Cajun, 112, 113 fried fillet, 68 J mushroom(s): salad, 41 jambalaya: beef brisket, 92 scraps courtbouillon, 45 chili, 98 cheese rice with, 124 stew, 48 eggplant, 160 eggs and onions and, 145 fresh pork and sausage a Ia and hominy, 154 G party, 102 maque chou with, 148 oyster-eggplant, 70 and okra and crawfish, 158 game: sausage, 103 -pepper rice, 126 basting sauce for, 179 Justin eggplant, 162 rice, 125 bunny rabbit stew, 63 Jus tin Wilson novel cooking sauteed in olive oil, 144 rabbit gumbo, 110 device, 112, 114 sauteed shiitake and onions, venison roast, 111 153 venison stew, 62 K shiitake, 152 garlic bread and wine, 25 stewed corn and, 150 garlic mashed Irish potatoes kale, no-fat, 164 stew of leftover steak, casserole, 140 kumquats, stewed, 167 potatoes and, 61 gizzards, chicken, boiled, 86 mustard greens, 165 greens: L smoked, 166 mustard, 165 mustard pork fmgers, Creole, 101 smoked, 166 lamb: green salad, dressing for, 43 basting sauce for, 179 N grilled foods, see Cajun and ham meat loaf, 108 miCrowave leg of, 117 navy beans, white, 133 0 macaroni, and sausage poultry, see chicken casserole, 105 puddings: okra: pepper-mushroom rice, 126 bread, 192 and crawfish and picante and egg dip, 21 brown rice, 193 mushrooms, 158 pickled eggs, 11 stewed eggplant and, 159 picnic potato salad, 33 R olive oil, mushrooms sauteed p1es: in, 144 strawberry, 190 rabbit: onion(s): walnut, 191 bunny stew, 63 and eggs and mushrooms, pork: gumbo, 110 145 backbone and turnips, 163 red beans, 130 green, grits, 151 baked tenderloin, 100 and rice casserole, 129 green, stewed corn and, 149 basting sauce for, 178 smoked, 131 sauteed shiitake mushrooms boiled fingers, 18 soup, 56 and, 153 Boston butt, 116 remoulade sauce, 173 oyster(s): chopped, and turnip stew, 60 rice, 119-129 -eggplant jambalaya, 70 Creole mustard fingers, 101 brown, pudding, 193 fried, 69 fresh, and sausage with cheese, 122 and link sausage in wine, jambalaya a Ia party, 102 cheese with mushrooms, 124 19 loin, 115 chili, 121 pate, 14 pate, 16 cooked, scrambled eggs soup, 50 smoked, backbone stock, with, 7 59 dilly cheese, 123 p potato(es): dressing (stuffing), 128 baked brisket with carrots mushroom, 125 pancakes: and,90 pepper-mushroom, 126 corn flour, 3 boiled sweet, 143 and red beans casserole, 129 potato, 141 and egg salad, 32 wild, 127 potato pound, 142 -lamb casserole, 109 wild, chicken casserole pates: mashed, casserole, 139 with, 85 alligator, 15 mashed, crawfish casserole, roux, how to make, 49 beef, 37 73 chicken, 17 mashed garlic Irish, s oyster, 14 casserole, 140 pork, 16 pancakes, 141 salad dressings, see salads shrimp, 13 picnic salad, 33 salads, 27-44 peach cobbler, 187 pound cakes, 142 avocado dressing, 42 peanut butter-blueberry salad without potatoes, 34 beef, 37 cobbler, 186 stew of leftover steak, chicken, 35 pecan: mushrooms and, 61 chicken, without chicken, 36 cornbread, 5 sweet, boiled cabbage with, coleslaw dressing, 44 grits, 6 156 country egg, 31 -.~----------~.'~-------- - ~ 197 egg and potato, 32 smoking and smokers, 112-114 stuffing (dressing), rice, 128 elbow macaroni, 29 soups, 45-59 succotash, sausage, 104 fish,41 cold chicken consomme, 58 sweet potatoes: green, dressing for, 43 corn and tomato, 54 boiled, 143 ham, 38,39 dumplings and fish boiled cabbage with, 156 hot cabbage slaw, 30 courtbouillon, 46 minced ham and egg, 40 fish bisque, 4 7 T picnic potato, 33 fish scraps courtbouillon, 45 potato, without potatoes, 34 oyster, 50 tartar sauce, 171, 172 sauces, 169-179 red bean, 56 tomato(es): barbecue, 174, 175 raux for, 49 and corn soup, 54 basting, 177 smoked pork backbone and eggplant, 161 basting, for beef and pork, stock, 59 turnip(s): 178 turtle, 51 and chopped pork stew, 60 basting, for lamb and vegetable, with brisket, 57 and pork backbone, 163 venison, 179 very low fat lentil, 55 turtle: diabetic barbecue, 176 steak: no-fat sauce piquant, 78 no-fat turtle piquant, 78 leftover, potatoes, and soup, 51 remoulade, 173 mushroom stew, 61 stew, 52,53 raux for, 49 seven etouffee, 87 tartar, 171, 172 stews: v sausage: bunny rabbit, 63 and fresh pork jambalaya a chopped pork and turnip, 60 vegetable(s), 137-167 Ia party, 102 corn and green onions, 149 soup with brisket, 57 jambalaya, 103 corn and mushrooms, 150 see also specific vegetables link, and oysters in wine, 19 fish,48 vemson: macaroni, and pecan leftover steak, potatoes, and basting sauce for, 179 casserole, 105 mushroom, 61 roast, 111 succotash, 104 okra and eggplant, 159 stew, 62 shellfish, 69-78 raux for, 49 see also specific types turtle, 52,53 w shiitake mushrooms, 152 venison, 62 and onions, sauteed, 153 see also jambalaya walnut: shrimp: stocks: pie, 191 boiled in the shell, 75 corned beef, 135 scrambled eggs, 8 boiled in the shell and a corned beef, beans cooked white beans, 132 6-pack of beer, 76 in, 134 navy, 133 cocktail, 12 smoked pork backbone, wild rice, 127 dip, 20 59 chicken casserole with, 85 and macaroni casserole, 77 strawberry: Wine: pate, 13 cobbler, 184 garlic bread and, 25 slaw, hot cabbage, 30 pie, 190 oysters and link sausage in, 19 --•.'~-198 ~ Index .
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