CENS'US OF INDIA, 1921. VOLUME XV. PUNJAB AND DELHI~ PART IV ADMINISTRATIVE VOLUME. BY L. MIDDLETON, I. C.-S., AND S. M. JACOB, I. C. S., SUPERINTENDENTS OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, PUNJAB. ~ahort : PIUUTED At THE "OIVIL A.ND MILITARY GAZErrE " fBEsa. 1923. Agents for the Sale of Punjab Government Publications. IN THE UNITED KINGDOllI. IN INDIA. CONSTABLE & Co., 10, Ora.nge Street, THE l\1.wAGER, Imperial Book Depot, Leicester Square, London, W. C. Delhi. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TEUBNER & Co., GULAB SINGH & SONS, Mufid·i·'Am Limited, 68-74, Carter Lane, E. C., Press, Lahore. and 39, New Oxford Street, London, W.O. MANAGER, Punjab Law Book Depot, BERNARD QUARITCB, 11, Grafton Street, Anarkali Bazar, Lahore. New Bond Street, London, W. RAM.!. KRISHNA & So~sJ Book·sellers T. FISHER UNWIN, Limited, No.1, and NewEl Agents, Anarkali Street, Adelphi Terrace, London, W. C. Lahore. P. S. KING & SON, 2 & 4, Great HONORARY SECREfARk', Punjab Reli. Smith Street, Westminster, London, gioua Book Society, Anarkali, S. W. Lahore. H. S. KING & Co., 65, Cornhill, and 1\1. AADUL AZIZ, Manager, The Vakil 9, Pall Mall, London. and Roze Bazar Electric Press, Am­ GRIND LAY & Co., 54, Parliament Street, ritsar. London, S. W. L. I~Almu RAM, Book-seller, Ludhiana. W. THACKER & Co., 2, Creed Lane, London, E. C. N. B. 'MAmuR, Superintendent and LuzAo & Co., 46 •. _Gr?~t ~R~~cll Street, Proprietor, Nazir Kanun ffind Press, London, W. C. Allahabad. B. H. BLAOKWELL, 50 and 51, Broad D. B. TARAPOREVALA, SONS & Co., Street, Oxford. Bombay. DEIGHTON BELL & Co., Limited, Cam­ THAOKER', SPINK & 00., Oalcutta and bridge. Simla. OLIVER & BOYD, Tweeddale Court, NEWMAN & CO' Calcutta. Edinburgh. I R. C..\MDRAY & Co., Calclltta. E. PONSONBY, Limited, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. TRACKER & Co., Bombay. Messrs. WHELDON & WESLEY, Limited) HIGGINBOTnAMS, Limited, Ma.dras. 28 , Essex Street, Strand, London. T. FrSHER, UNWIN, Calcutta. V. KALYANAltAX hER & Co., 1891. ON THE CoNTINENT. Esplanade Row, Madras. ERNEST LEROUX, 28, Rue BOllaparte, G. A. NATESAN & Co., Madras. Paris, Fra.nce. SUI'ERINTENDENT, American Baptist MAItTINUS NIJHOFF, The Hague, HoI· Mission Press, Rangoon. land. A. H. WHEELER & Co., Allahabad. OTTO HARRASSOWITZ, Leipzig. THE ~IANAG£R, " Hita.vada, " Nagpur, FRIEDLANDER & SOHAN, Berlin. Central Provinces. LIST OF CONTENTS. PARAGRAPH. SUBJECT. Chapter I.-Enumeration. ...1 Object of the Administration Report ] oJ The Census Offices .. 1 3 Preliminary Ma tters . • • 2 4 Drafting and Translation of Forms and Instructions 3 5 Provision of Paper for Forms 4 6 Printing 4 7 Date of the Census 5 8 Amendmsnts to the Code and Manual 5 9 Preliminary Operations in Districts and States 7 10 District Census Officers an.d ('len.sus A.gen.cy 8 II House-Numbering . 9 12 The Preliminary Record 10 13 The Final Census 10 14 Provisional Totals 11 15 Non~Synchronous Censuses 12 16 Census of Railways 13 17 Census in Cantonments .. 13 18 Special Arrangements for Fairs, Encampments, PlantatiOlls 14 19 The Industrial Census . ~ 14 20 Special Census of Tenements and Buildings 15 21 Supplementary Censuses .. 16 22 Distribution of Forms 16 23 The Indian Census Act and the attitude of the Public 16 24 District Census Expenditure .. 17 25 Recognition of Services 18 Chapter II.-Slip-Copying, Sorting and Compilation. SLIP-COPYING. 26 Training 26 27 Organisation and Accommodation .. 26 .29- .Form and Distribution of the Slips 27 28 Progress and Out-turn 30 30 Supervision 30 31 Recommendation~. 3l 32 Suggested Amendments to the Code 31 SORTING. 33 Introduction 32 34 Location of Central SOrting Offices 33 35 Establishment 34 36 Financial Control in Sorting Offices 34 37 Rate of Progress 35 38 Preservation of the. Btips 35 39 Village Tables .. 36 40 Suggested Amendments to the Code ·37 41 Suggested Alterations in th~ Forms of Sorters' Tickets 38 C01.IPILATION. 42 Organisation 39 '13 Establishment and Division of Duties 40 44 Notes regaJ,"ding Particular Tables .. 41 45 Suggested Amendments to the Code •• 41 Chapter !It.-Expenditure. 46 Systems of Accounts 48 47 Cost of Operations 48 48 , Comparison with Past Censuses 49 APPENDICES. ..A.~List of Census Papers preserved in Districts and States B.-Occupations returned iii C.-List of files, Compilation registers and other record presHved for the use at the next Census ... xxsvr ADMINIsrrRArrION REPORT ON TIIE CENSUS OPERATIONS, PUNJAB AND DELHt 1921.. OHAPTER J. ENUMERATION. This part of the ceusus report is publisJled. m~inl'T for the guid1lllce oi the ~blact oJ Provincjal Superintendent at t.he next cenSllS; 'he Wl}( work lUlrler lIlstrudions i~;tl!:Olnis. :i&3ued by the Census Comzni~ioller an.d, apa.rt from these, )lin find his IIlaln guide Report. in the records which !l.re being preserved for his use a.nd which are detailed in Appendix O. ]\If.U]Y oi t,11oC itlstructiollS issued by the Censlls Commissioner :are of U IOllth!e nature f'md Me unlikely to vary much from t.hose previQusly iesl.le(l, the recmds 1!:!:C5eJ'Yed be~de8 15h-o-mng "cl1e detaiL'i of the 'my i"!l which cher.e iustructio1).lI were carri-ed out. ~n the }lrovinoe wiI1 al~o ~etye to Wc.].')l tL.€ SU'pe~n. tendeni; of the nature of ~n$~u:::tions he. i;:- likei"Y to :rec~i ...·c: and will onable him to prepare bef-omh9.ud for thsir exec.u.nG-n. I d-o 'llot propose to repeat tile (:Cont.ent~ ·(,f tbree records in this repo_rto which :20 ~u.pplemelltf:.ty to them and must noio be considered complete tvitbour. a stnrJJ d them in detail, b1lt shall endeav01l1' t{) 8~lpplv r. key tc their study so as w indicate th€ir places in the scheme of opera. ~tions 'afl a. whale insooad of leaving them a5 diBconnected rooords of partiCtr1e.f brancll.6s. 2. A short account of the tensus operations ',\.j11 be f(lund in t.he intro. Taa CI!D$DS ,dllC~ion to tlle Report (Part f) ~ni it will b~ seon t·hat they involved the establish- OlIll;B$. ment of six separate offices of which ollly tbat of the Superintendent was in milt- euce t.hrol.lghout, from his (.ffice were issued all instmctioll:S dealing with pre- hmin[l.!Y lTIatters :lond with all WDl'k in districts and StatesJ including the wholo of tbe enun1tlration and .slip-copyi.ng ; l1Jlln~12jctcly after the final enumeration four sOlting nfficeg weTe opened) and the resnlts of their work \,"em forwarded to t)le GO'mpiw.tiQu office which was e3tablished So8 soon 8.S the s{lrting had started, a.nd whose duty it W8.3 to oompilo these resnhs into the final tahles. and to propare the subsidiary sta.tom~nts requir€d for {,he report. The constitution of those sorttl1g aTld compilation offices will 00 described in Chapter II, t;hc Superin- tendent's fir.Bt care after appointment will be to eat·J.bii~h his own office and to .start the preliminary work in districts. J tDok ov~r cha~g~ on the 31s.t Me.rch 1920, i-SSUlllg my first circular of ins­ tructions on the 27th April. a.n~ until the commencement of t.he next cold weather only ~Ulployed.one clerk; v~itb tor-aI emobments (l1lli;. 71 p. lli. and two eha.pra3is. I found this sb1eton establishment adequat..e as t110 preliminary operations involye little correspondence a.nd such circulars and instnwt,iOl1S ns ;\re jss;'Iea. cau best be sent, Du_t in print. I,swured a junior man intending tllat later 011 he should heootne camp clerk workmg unrif)I f!. h~-d dt'xlt of more <=>;.­ pedeu{le ; this I did b-ut soon found that a man who had not been associated With the I'mrk from the start c(l111d not supervise the office satisfactorily, whilst 1 was 80 fortiluate in the c1oico of my initiAl clerk that I W!1fl able t{) promote him to the he..'1d clerkship; I recommend tha.t at the next cen~u.s thB clerk c!uployed r~t the start should be cho~en witl! iI.. view to his becoming head clerk later OJ1. This m.a.n should have il good wa.rking knowledge of accounts as tnese ~1:n form his moot expert- w1)rli) he should be able to use.a typewriter, but l1~ed not he proficient a.s an expert typist must be engaged WIder him later on ; he Haw t he willing to undertake petty cluties~ such as desp!"tching letters fmct maintaining all office regis.wIS, during the preliminary st{l.ge.s, and, if possible, Le SIlOUld na."e'sufficiellt "€d':.cation and oommonpwnse to b(l able to be entrusted with tran:31ation work , which is most important. The extra expense involved in employing a semO! man from the start wili , be amply repa.id by the in~ight he will gain into the census pt<Jcedure before be ill!. c.alled upor.. to control n regular office staff. At. the COllllllencement of tl1e cold 'weather it. ~3 necessary to increase the establishment as the work extends, and 2 PUNJAB OENSUS REPORT, 1921. the regular staff of my office gradually rose to the scale noted in the' margin, whilst for short periods temporary R~. a. p. Head Clerk 120 0 0 hands were employed as occasion demanded. Camp Clerk '" 71 0 0 It. will be noticed that no mention of my Typist 5r 0 0 Reoord keeper .. 40 0 0 Personal Assistant is made in the margin, this Daftri Hl 0 0 is because his main work was to control the 4 Peon.~ 52 0 0 compilation office and, though he assisted me in many miscellaneous ways, I did not have the benefit of his services till enumeration was nearly complete and gave him no duties in connection therewith.
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