EXTRA - ATOMIC POWER INSTITUTE - EXTRA VOLUME NO. 48 SPECIAL ISSUE Durham, N. H., May 2, 1958 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS N.H. Council on World Affairs Presents Atomic Power Institute Parents Share In Atomic Conference ‘Challenge of the Atom; This Year the annual Father’s Day, held in the fall, and Mother’s Day have Mankind’s Servant or Master?5 been combined into Parent’s Day. May 3rd, a Saturday, is the date selected by the Parent’s Day Committee of Stu­ dent Senate for this event. The committee successfully co-or­ 20,000 Square Feet Herald dinated its plans with those of the New Hampshire Council on World Affairs. Use of Atom in War and Peace Parents may now enjoy the speeches and displays of the Council’s Atomic Conference as well as the annual uni­ By ANNE BARBEAU versity functions. Proposed Schedule From April 30 to May 3, this cam­ searchers must wear in a radioactive The combined program is as follows: pus will be the scene of one of the atmosphere. 8:30-12:00' a.m. registration at the Me­ most dramatic events in New Eng­ Other highlights at the general Ex­ morial Union land’s history. The N. H. Council on hibition will be a six-foot model of World Affairs will present, in coopera­ the atomic-powered submarine, the 9:15 The Atom for Better Living tion with the University, the first Nautilus, and a model of the Yankee In New England — William Atomic Power Institute held in the Atomic Plant now being built in Rowe, BWA022 LONG GOVT. PD=W VX THE WHITE HOUSE Webster. In the United region. By means of an impressive ex­ Mass. WASHINGTON D. C. 21 JUDGE PETER WOODBURY, Kingdom — Dr. J. Gaunt hibition and a group of world-famous Sir Otto, The Robot PRES CARE CONRAD L. QUIMBY EXECUTIVE DI­ 10:15 Prospects for Disarmament — speakers, this theme will be developed: Senator Ralph Flanders of No one need brush up on their RECTOR NEW HAMPSHIRE COUNCIL ON WORLD “Challenge of the Atom; Mankind’s Vermont, a former member Servant or Mankind’s Master?” atomic physics before attending the AFFAIRS — THE COMMONS DURPIAM NHAMP= of the Senate Armed Service Some 20,000 square feet of exhibits Exhibition, if the reports on Sir Otto GREETINGS TO ALL ATTENDING THE ATOMIC Committee dealing with the use of atomic energy Malik, the Atom Fair mascot, are correct. This three-and-a-half-foot ge­ POWER INSTITUTE OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE 11:00 Address by President Johnson in agriculture, industry, medicine and at Memorial Field defense will be located in the Field nius will act as a sort of a bridge be­ COUNCIL ON WORLD AFFAIRS. House next week. Visitors will be ad­ tween the layman and the difficult sub­ 11:15 R O T C Review at Memorial ject presented. Created by Durham’s THE THEME OF THIS INSTITUTE FOCUSES Field mitted 12-9:00 p.m. on April 30, 10:00 PUBLIC ATTENTION ON THE BASIC CHALLENGE a.m.-9:00 p.m. on the two following Jonathan Karas, Science Consulter at Noon Luncheons held at fraternities, days and 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. on May 3. W B Z, the robot is electronically oper­ OF THE ATOM: TO SERVE OR TO DESTROY MAN­ sororities, Memorial Union, ated. He can walk, talk, wag his ears, KIND. THE PROPER CHOICE OF THESE ALTERNA­ and Commons also a carillon Twenty Exhibits whistle at girls, and answer all ques­ TIVES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF WORLD LEAD­ concert The Exhibition will actually be a tions concerning the atom. Also intended to facilitate everyone’s ERS AND EACH CITIZEN. 1:15 Our Nuclear Future joint showing of at least twenty exhi­ bits from such varied sources as the understanding of difficult demonstra­ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE 1:45 Mankinds Master or Mankind’s Servant? panel discussion United States Information Agency tions are tape-recorded explanations at­ tached to some if the exhibits. For in­ COUNCIL ON WORLD AFFAIRS FOR PROVIDING moderated by President (USIA), Westinghouse, the Atomic AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO BE Johnson, panel members: Dr. Energy Commission (AEC) and Alco. stance, when the spectator examines T o give an idea of its magnitude, here the sixteen-foot atomic reactor, he can ALERTED TO THE FULLEST KNOWLEDGE OF THIS Ralph Lapp, Director of the Nuclear Science Service, Pro­ is a bird’s eye view of what just one pust one button to start the chain re­ action and then pick up an earphone SU BJECT. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER fessor' W alt Rostow, and of these exhibits will contain. Sumner Pike, a former mem­ The “Atoms for Peace” exhibit from to hear a step-by-step explanation of what is happening. ber of the Atomic Energy AEC, covering some 7,000 square feet, Commission will show the element uranium from On the second day of the Atomic the time it is mined as crude ore to Institute, high schools in Maine, New Eastern States Praised 3:00 Allied Arts Program including when it enters, in purified form, into Hampshire, Vermont, and Eastern selections by the Dance Club, a nuclear reactor or “atomic furnace” Massachusetts will send large student the Brass Ensemble, and for the production of electricity. It delegations to Durham. This will coin­ For Superiority of Culture Women’s Glee Club will also present a visual and audible cide with the annual High School Day. 4:00 Open House at all housing units explanation of the use of radioisotopes Two Days of Conference and a carillon concert in plant-fertilization studies. The last two days of the Atomic Sports Calender The East is superior to every other Mechanical Hands Power Institute will feature a long region both culturally and economically University athletic teams will have At the same exhibit, visitors will list of internationally prominent lec­ although outlanders believe it is no matches and games at the Memorial see a pair of mechanical “ hands” which turers, including John Foster Dulles, longer vigorous and not truly Ameri­ Field at 2 O ’clock a tennis match with enable researchers to manipulate radio­ General Leslie Groves and Ralph can, says an article in the March issue U Conn at 2:30, baseball also with U active materials easily from the outside Lapp. of Holiday. Conn, and at 2:30' a lacrosse game with of heavily shielded cells. A sample The opening session of the “Confer­ Brown. “man from Mars” will be present for ence” will take place on Friday, at 3:30 Describing the East as a 70-mile Student afctivities will have displays observation. This creature is a dummy p.m., at the Memorial Union. Lt. Gen- wide strip stretching from Boston to in various buildings. Art work will be dressed in a balloon suit which re­ (continued on page 3) Philadelphia, Roger Angell, a New displayed in the corridors of Hewitt York writer, says the section is “ our Hall and in Hamilton Smith Library. best effort in civilization so far.” Future plans for UNH will be shown Most of those living outside the East at the Memorial Union. The activities hold that it is effete, he says, adding: of various student organizatiins will “ I believe this orthodoxy is made be on display in the Grafton, Carroll, up of many subtenets: that the East and Belknap rooms of the Memorial is snobbish, Anglophile, intellectual, Union. dominated by foreigners, influenced by The Atomic Fair will be in progress -Jews, leftish, cooky-pushing, tradition- at this time also. A display of films bound, money-grubbing, hurried, over­ and exhibits will be open, from 8 a.m. urbanized, unpredictable, artistic, and to 9 p.m. at the Field House. excessively fashionable.” Contributing Students Angell says he admits that these The Sophomore Sphinx will conduct charges are true, but that instead of registration and an information booth being “ causes for alarm and distrust, (continued on page 4) they actually make the East the most Groves vigorous, diverse, interesting, hopeful, and— both economically and culturally — the most influential region of the Secretary of State United States today.” Lt. General Groves Angell points out that the six states that contain the East — Massachusetts John Foster Dulles Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Headed Group Who New Jersey, and Pennsylvania — have more than 40% of the bank deposits— Among Celebrities almost ninety billion dollars. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State Made 1st "A" Bomb Culturally, the East is the leader in and well-known speaker and writer on It is certainly fitting that the man who practically all the arts, Angell claims, international affairs, was born in 1888. headed the Manhatten Project which first pointing to these facts: After graduating from Princeton in 1908, developed an atomic bomb should preside Theater— “ There is almost no theater he received other degrees from the Sor- over the first session of the Atomic In­ in the United States outside a run­ bonne, Tufts and other colleges and uni­ stitute. Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves will down twenty-square-block area center­ versities. lead the discussion on Friday on: “ The ed on Times Square.” Dulles began practicing law in N. Y. Atom: What Role in Diplomacy and Music — “ The Philadelphia Orches­ City in 1911. But from that time on, he Military Strategy?” tra, the New York Philharmonic and was in continual demand as an adviser Born in 1896, Groves studied two years the Boston Symphony must be included for the Secretaries of State in London, at M.I.T. and graduated in 1918 from in any list of the finest half dozen sym­ Paris and Moscow meetings.
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