PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2 & 3 Wheelers Belts / Oil seals / Rubber Parts / Engine Valves Control Cables / Blinkers / Blinkers Stay / Electrical Parts W.e.f 01. 04. 2019 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Product Dimensions in mm OD - JK Pioneer Ref No. Seal Type Application ID - HT1 - HT2 Part No. BAJAJ KB 100 / KB 125 / RTZ Crank Case Output Shaft 30-10-1014 37 - 25 - 6 11MBU 7291 Crank Shaft LH 30-10-1013 40 - 20 - 7 13M 7290 Front Hub 15 - 10 - 10.5 MRP 7294 Front Brake Drum 30-15-1033 38 - 18 - 5 / 10 31MBUSPL 7295 Front Fork 30-18-1022 42 - 30 - 11 13MBUSPL 8168 Front Fork 30-18-1022 42 - 30 - 11 13MBUSPL 8168N Front Fork 30181022 42 - 30 - 10.5 13MBUSPL 7448 Gear Shift Shaft Inside 30-10-1011 20 - 12 - 5 11MRT 7289 Kick Shaft 30-10-1142 26 - 16 - 6 13MRT 7292 Rear Hub Coupling 30-15-1082 42 - 26 - 8 31MBUSPL 7296 Rear Shock Absorber 22-10-8 13MBUSPL 7434 Engine Kit (7289, 7290, 7291, 7292, 7293, Kit 9008 7294, 7857, 7858 - Each 1 No) BAJAJ 4S CHAMPION, CALIBER, BOXER (CT & AT), CT100, WIND125, PLATINA Crank Case LH / Top Gear 39 1080 19 32 - 22 - 5.5 11MBU 9291 Crank Case LH / Top Gear 39 1080 19 32 - 22 - 5.3 11MBU 1940 Crank Case LH / Top Gear 39 1080 19 32 - 22 - 5.5 11MB 7650 Crank Shaft RH 30 1046 19 18 - 10 - 5 31MBUSPL 7649 Disc Brake (Wind 125) DP151004 50 - 40 - 4.5 31MBU 9551 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 9288 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 7647 Front Fork 42 - 30 - 11 12MBU 8392 Front Brake Panel 31 1510 14 58 - 43 - 7 31MBUSPL 2009 Front Fork DL 1810 80 42 - 30 - 11 12MBUSPL 8035 Front Fork 31 1811 07 42 - 30 - 11 12MBUSPL 8035N 30 1810 22/ Front Fork 42 - 30 - 10.5 12MBUSPL 8047 KS040103020 Front Hub 14 1510 21 30 - 17 - 6 31MBUSPL 7700 Gear Shift Shaft 39 1043 19 22 - 13 - 5.5 13M 9289 Gear Shift Shaft 39 1043 19 22 - 13 - 5.5 13M 7648 Kick Shaft 30 1011 42 26 - 16 - 6 13MRT 7292 Magneto Stator Assembly 39 1042 19 31 - 17 - 7 13MBU 9290 Magneto Stator Assembly 39 1042 19 31 - 17 - 7 13MBU 7695 Rear Hub Coupling Assembly 30 1510 82 42 - 26 - 8 31MBUSPL 7296 Top Gear Seal 32 - 22 - 5.5 11MB 7650 Top Gear Seal 32 - 22 - 5.5 11MBU 9291 3 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer Ref No. Seal Type Product Application OD - ID - HT1 - HT2 Part No. Valve Stem Seal Kit (7774 - 2 Nos) 39 1035 19 5.5 - 8.5 - 8.3 VSS Kit 9059 Engine Kit (7292, 7647, 7648, 7649, 7650, Kit 9009 7695 - Each 1 No) Engine Kit (7292, 9288, 9290, 9289, 7649, Kit 9035 9291 - Each 1 No) BAJAJ PULSAR Clutch Release Rod 39 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 7647 Clutch Release Rod 39 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 9288 Crank Case LH Guide Starter Assembly 39 2188 19 40 - 24 - 7 13MBU 6013 Crank Case LH Output Shaft 39 2189 19 37 - 26 - 7 13MBU 8175 Front Fork 30 1810 22 43 - 31 - 10 12MBUSPL 8033 Front Fork 31 1810 22 43 - 31 - 10 12MBUSPL 8033N Front Fork Seal 49 - 37 - 10.5 12MBUSPL 8331 Front Hub LH (Disc) DE 1510 08 50 - 40 - 5 31MBU 9226 Front Hub RH (Disc & Drum) 30 1510 33 38 - 18 - 5 / 10 31MBUSPL 7295 Gear Shift Shaft 39 2190 19 22 - 12 - 9 13MBU 1956 Kick Shaft 30 1011 42 26 - 16 - 6 13MRT 7292 Rear Hub 30 1510 82 42 - 26 - 8 31MBUSPL 7296 Valve Stem Seal Kit (7774 - 2 Nos) 39 1035 19 5.5 - 8.5 - 8.3 VSS Kit 9059 Engine Kit (1956,7292,8175,6013 & 9288 - Kit 9054 Each 1 No) BAJAJ PULSAR DTS-i Drive Shaft 39 2189 19 37 - 26 - 7 13MBU 8175 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 9288 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 7647 Front Fork DJ 1810 87 43 - 31 - 10 12MBUSPL 8033 Front Fork DJ 1810 87 43 - 31 - 10 12MBUSPL 8033N Front Fork (200cc/220cc) DK181019 49 - 38-8 / 10.5 8427 Front Hub LH DE 1510 08 50 - 40 - 5 31MBU 9226 Front Hub RH 30 1510 33 38 - 18 - 5 / 10 31MBUSPL 7295 Gear Shift Lever 39 2190 19 22 - 12 - 9 13MBU 1956 Gear Shifter Pedal 39 91998 19 35 - 22 - 8 11MB 3937 Kick Shaft 39 2015 19 24 - 16 - 4 13MRT 7102 Rear Hub 30 1510 82 42 - 26 - 8 31MBUSPL 7296 Swing Arm Dust Seal DG171019 29 - 22 - 5.7 31MBU 8224 Top Gear 39 2188 19 40 - 24 - 7 13MBU 6013 Valve Stem Seal (11003 - 2 No's) VSS Kit 9112 4 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer Ref No. Seal Type Product Application OD - ID - HT1 - HT2 Part No. Engine Kit (1956,7292,8175,6013 & 9288 - Kit 9054 Each 1 No) New Engine Kit (modified 9054 Kit - 1956, 12011 (7292), 12012(9288), 6013 & 8175 - Kit 9111 Each 1 No) BAJAJ DISCOVER 125DTS-i, 135DTS-SI "39 2188 19 / Crank Case LH 40 - 24 - 7 13MBU 6013 39 1715 19" Crank Case LH Output Shaft 39 2189 19 37 - 26 - 7 13MBU 8175 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 9288 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 7647 Front Brake Panel (Disc) DE 1510 08 50 - 40 - 5 31MBU 9226 Front Fork DJ 1810 87 43 - 31 - 10 12MBUSPL 8033 Front Fork DJ 1810 87 43 - 31 - 10 12MBUSPL 8033N Front Hub 30 1510 33 38 - 18 - 5 / 10 31MBUSPL 7295 Gear Shift Lever 39 2190 19 22 - 12 - 9 13MBU 1956 Kick Shaft 39 1917 19 28 - 18.5 - 7 13MBU 8115 Rear Hub 30 1510 82 42 - 26 - 8 31MBUSPL 7296 Valve Stem Seal Kit 11003 - 2 No's VSS Kit 9112 Engine Seal Kit (1956,8115,8175,6013 & Kit 9081 9288 - Each 1 No) Bajaj Discover DTS-i-135 Engine Kit (1956, 8175, 6013, 12012(9288), 8115 & 9310 - Kit 9108 Each 1 No) Bajaj Discover DTS-i-150 Engine Kit (12011(7292), 12012(9288), 9310 & 7700 - Kit 9110 Each 1 No) Bajaj Discover DTS-i-100 Engine Kit (1956, 12011(7292), 12012(9288), 9310 & 7700 Kit 9109 - Each 1 No BAJAJ XCD DTS-SI Crank Case LH Output Shaft 39 1715 19 40 - 24 - 7 13MBU 6013 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 9288 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 30 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 7647 Front Hub 30 1510 33 38 - 18 - 5 / 10 31MBUSPL 7295 Gear Shift Lever 39 2190 19 22 - 12 - 9 13MBU 1956 Kick Shaft 30 1011 42 26 - 16 - 6 13MRT 7292 Bajaj XCD-125 / 135 / Platina Kit (1956, 12011(7292), 12012(9288) & 9310 - Each 1 Kit 9107 No) BAJAJ ELIMINATOR Crank Case LH 39 2189 19 37 - 26 - 7 13MBU 8175 5 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer Ref No. Seal Type Product Application OD - ID - HT1 - HT2 Part No. Crank Case Output Shaft 30 1010 14 37 - 25 - 6 11MBU 7291 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 39 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 9288 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 39 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 7647 Front Fork 81 8014 50 45 - 33 - 10 13MBUSPL 8022 Gear Shift Pedal 39 91998 19 35 - 22 - 8 11MB 3937 Rear Hub Coupling 30 15 1082 42 - 26 - 8 31MBUSPL 7296 Valve Stem Seal 2 / 4.3 - 7.5 - 7.8 VSS 9112 BAJAJ AVENGER DTS-i Crank Case Output Shaft 39 2189 19 37 - 26 - 7 11MB 8175 Crank Shaft LH Input Shaft 39 2188 19 40 - 24 - 7 13MBU 6013 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 39 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 9288 Engine Cover Clutch Lever 39 1041 19 20 - 12 - 5.5 13M 7647 Gear Shift Arm Inner Side 39 2190 19 22 - 12 - 9 13MBU 1956 Kick Shaft 30 1011 42 26 - 16 - 6 13MRT 7292 Rear Hub Coupling 30 1510 82 42 - 26 - 8 31MBUSPL 7296 HERO - CD 100, CD 100SS, SLEEK, STREET, SPLENDOR, PASSION PRO, JOY, SPLENDOR PLUS. Clutch / Cover Assy 91205-305-000 25 - 6 - 6 11MBU 7271 Crank case Left / Coil Plate 91202-GEO-000 30 - 19 - 5 13MBU 7341 Crank case Left / Coil Plate ( Modified of 91202-GEO-000 30 - 19 - 5 13MBU 12003 7341 ) Front Fork 42 - 30 - 11 12MBU 8392 Front Brake Panel 91251 GK4 000 60 - 47 - 7 13MBU 7145 Front Fork 91255-169-000 42 - 30 - 11 12MBUSPL 8035 Front Fork 91255-169-001 42 - 30 - 11 12MBUSPL 8035N Front Fork 90756 19800 30 37 - 27 - 7.5 / 9.5 13MBUSPL 7432 Front Fork 91255 169 000 42 - 30 - 11 12MBU 8392 Front Fork (CD100) 90756 19800 30 37 - 27 - 7.5 13MBUSPL 8036 Front Fork (Sleek) 91255 169 000 42 - 29.5 - 10 13MBUSPL 8081 Front Hub 90755 229 000 37 - 21 - 7 / 11 13MBUSPL 7127 Front Wheel Hub (Splendor Disc) 37 - 21 - 7 / 10.5 31MBUSPL 14005 Gasket Rubber 11.7 - 9 - 1.3 RSR 7170 Gear Shift Shaft 91208-KB4-670 24 - 11.6 - 10 13MBU 7269 CD/Splendor/Passion/Splendor plus - Top Gear/Cr Case LH (Modified version of 29-17-5 11MBUSPL 12010 7268) Passion pro / Cluth seal ( (Equal to 7799) 28-19-05 13MBU 12008 6 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer Ref No.
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