284 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 7, 2009 are 32 States that currently provide early vot- tunity to extend my personal congratulations to pany in St. Petersburg, Florida, eventually ing, including Florida, a State that witnessed the 2008 Myrtle Beach High School Football working his way up from a driver to the vice over one million voters turn out to the polls the Team. By beating the Chester Cyclones in president of the company, an accomplishment weekend before the election. There are also ‘‘Death Valley’’ at Clemson University, the of which he is very proud. 28 States that currently provide no-excuse ab- ‘‘Seahawks’’ led by Coach Scott Earley re- Throughout his life, Richard married twice, sentee voting. turned the Class AAA State Football Cham- but had no children. His first wife Lucille Such practices were critical to managing an pionship Trophy to Myrtle Beach after a hiatus passed away in 1981 and his second wife Ann unprecedented voter turnout. More than 130 of 24 years. This outstanding victory exempli- passed away in 2006. He has fond memories million people turned out to vote in the 2008 fies the drive, ambition and teamwork of these of sailing into New York harbor and seeing the Election, the highest turnout in any presi- young men. Statue of Liberty and the tug’s radio playing dential election. With this many longtime and f ‘‘Sentimental Journey.’’ new voters engaged in the 2008 election proc- Richard came to Hernando County in 1984 ess, I suspect that voter participation will only CONGRATULATING MR. CLARENCE looking for a retirement community where he increase in 2012. E. FAULK, JR., ON THE OCCA- could keep his dog. Today he enjoys living in As such, we must pledge to fight for election SION OF HIS 100TH BIRTHDAY the Timber Pines community where he is far reform in this Congress. The right to vote and away from the congestion of Pinellas County. to have that vote counted is one of our de- HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER Richard is quite the everyday comedian, telling mocracy’s most fundamental principles. It is OF LOUISIANA friends and neighbors that breathing gives him with VOTER that I intend to protect this funda- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the most pleasure. If he had his life to do over mental principle, and I ask that my colleagues again, Richard said he would get more edu- in this Congress join me in this fight for fair Wednesday, January 7, 2009 cation, and his advice to young people today and just elections. Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam Speaker, it is is to always do things in moderation and be f with great pride and pleasure that I rise to conservative. Madam Speaker, I ask that you join me in HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE honor Mr. Clarence E. Faulk, Jr., on the occa- honoring Richard Riedel for reaching his 100th OF ANDY ANDERSON sion of his 100th birthday. Mr. Faulk was born on January 9, 1909 in birthday. I hope we all have the good fortune West Monroe, LA to Clarence E. Faulk, Sr. to live as long as him. HON. RICK LARSEN and Josephine McClendon Faulk. f OF WASHINGTON He married Louise Benson Page on July 8, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘THE PATERSON GREAT FALLS 1931 and from this union three children were NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK Wednesday, January 7, 2009 born. In addition, Mr. Faulk is the proud and ACT’’ Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Madam Speak- loving grandfather of 10 grandchildren and er, Andy Anderson’s passing is a tragic loss seven great-grandchildren. for Washington state, Whatcom County and Mr. Faulk was the publisher of the Ruston HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. OF NEW JERSEY for me personally. My thoughts and prayers Daily Leader from 1931 to 1962, the owner of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are with Andy’s loved ones during this difficult radio station KRUS from 1947 to 1968, and time. the owner of Westside Self Storage from 1980 Wednesday, January 7, 2009 Andy’s commitment to public service is leg- to present. Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, it is my endary and his contributions to Washington Moreover, Mr. Faulk and his late beloved pleasure today to introduce the ‘‘Paterson state have been many and varied. wife owned 10 rental houses, one 16-unit Great Falls National Historical Park Act’’ as While serving as District Manager for Con- apartment house, and eight commercial build- my first act in the 111th Congress. This bipar- gressman Al Swift, Andy was instrumental in ings in Ruston, LA. tisan legislation was approved by the House in creating the PACE (now NEXUS) lane for fre- Mr. Faulk is a friend to many, and is October 2007, and would designate a National quent travelers between the United States and deemed a gracious and hardworking person to Park at the majestic Great Falls in Paterson, Canada. Andy’s efforts to expand trade and all who have had the privilege of making his NJ. I urge my colleagues to pass this legisla- reduce wait times helped thousands of fami- acquaintance. tion as soon as possible. lies and businesses on both sides of the bor- I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- Fifteen miles west of New York City, the der. lating Mr. Clarence Faulk on this truly signifi- Great Falls was the second largest waterfall in After I was elected to Congress in 2000, I cant birthday. colonial America. No other natural wonder in asked Andy to come out of retirement to join f America has played such an important role in my team. For 3 years, he served as director our nation’s historic quest for freedom and of my Bellingham office, representing me in RECOGNIZING RICHARD RIEDEL OF prosperity. At the Great Falls, Alexander Ham- Whatcom County. SPRING HILL, FLORIDA ilton conceived and implemented a plan to I am honored to have worked with Andy An- harness the force of water to power the new derson. He was a true friend and a tireless ad- HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE industries that would secure our economic vocate for my constituents. He was always OF FLORIDA independence. available to answer a question, investigate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hamilton told Congress and the American and solve a problem and look for new ways to people that at the Great Falls he would begin Wednesday, January 7, 2009 make life a little easier for the people he implementation of his ambitious strategy to served. Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. transform a rural agrarian society dependent Andy will be missed, but his contributions to Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor Richard upon slavery into a modern economy based our community, our State and our country will Riedel of Hernando County, Florida. Richard on freedom. True to Hamilton’s vision, be felt for many decades to come. will do something later this year that all of us Paterson became a great manufacturing city, f strive to do, but that very few of us will ever producing the Colt revolver, the first sub- HONORING THE 2008 MYRTLE accomplish, celebrate his 100th birthday. marine, the aircraft engine for the first trans- BEACH HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Richard was born February 1, 1909 in Atlantic flight, more locomotives than any city TEAM Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Richard’s favorite in the Nation, and more silk than any city in childhood memories include receiving his first the world. bicycle and robbing his sisters’ piggy banks to New Jersey’s Great Falls is the only Na- HON. HENRY E. BROWN, JR. buy penny candy. tional Historic District that includes both a Na- OF SOUTH CAROLINA During his youth, Richard attended tional Natural Resource and a National His- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sturbridge Public and Vocational School, and toric Landmark. In a special Bicentennial Wednesday, January 7, 2009 then went on to serve as a sergeant in the speech in Paterson with the spectacular nat- Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. Madam United States Air Force. Eventually moving to ural beauty of the Great Falls in the back- Speaker, please permit me to take this oppor- Florida, Richard started working at Linen Com- ground, the late President Gerald R. Ford VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:51 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E07JA9.000 E07JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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