OKI GROUNDWATER COMMITTEE MARCH 2, 2005 - 10:00 A.M. OKI Board Room 720 Ea t Pete Ro e Way (at the corner of Eggle ton A,enue./ AGENDA 1. Welcome/Introductions 2. Announcements 3. Update on Local Groundwater Management Efforts Mi e Ekberg, Dwight Culbertson, Mar Koch, Dic Renne er 4. OKI Staff Update 5. Dealing with the ,uel Spill at Seven Mile Cree Dave Weihrauch, Cit. of O/ford 0. Ohio1s Regulation of Sand and Gravel Mining near Water Supplies 2om 3ines, Ohio Department of Natural Resources 7. Other 6usiness AD7OURNMEN2 / 0EE the MAP and DIRECTION0 on the RE1ER0E HARD COP2 (or in eparate attachment to email. Butler County / Milford Township January 13, 2005 Gasoline and kerosene were spilled in pro imity to O ford#s Wellhead Protection Area when a tanker truck crashed at the intersection of Route 127 * 73. ,orthwest Butler County Buried -alley A.uifer It was a dark and stormy night Ruptured tank with crushed bulkheads Production Wells 5, 6, 7 & 8 Incident Command Corby Hansell Milford Township Fire Chief City of Oxford Scott Flanigan Fire Department Lieutenant City of Oxford David Weihrauch Water Treatment Plant Manager Mutual response fire crews from Ohio Environmental Camden, Oxford and Somerville as well as Middletown Protection Agency St. Clair, Hanover and Hazmat Unit Dale Farmer Wayne Townships On-Scene Coordinator Record breaking January for precipitation and stream stages • 15 Miami Conservancy District precipitation monitoring stations surpassed previously established records for January including Collinsville, where 5.82 inches of the new record 6.81 inches fell before the 13th of the month. This combined with a basin wide runoff of melt- water from approximately 2 feet of snow from late December producing top-10 stream stage records at most of MCD’s stream gauging stations. From MCD January 2005 report More good news • Good communication practices allowed those wells influencing the hydraulic gradient to be shut down quickly. • The rain diminished as clean up crews arrived • Streams were within their banks and beginning to fall • The ground was saturated with water and discharging to the streams rather than recharging the aquifer • Petroleum distillates are aqua phobic Communicate Communicate Communicate ASAP Review V OEPA V Identify potential V Someone who stakeholders and KNOWS if for no contact them other reason to V Document financial confirm you are on impacts whether you the right track. intend to submit a V The boss (and how claim or not often would you care V What on earth does to be updated?) that note say? Thank you Jonathan /e0y Ph1., Miami 2ni0ersity Geology Scott Riegert, /,B & G Inc. 1ale 6armer, OEPA Emergency & Remedial Response 1an Cloyd, OEPA 11GW Jeff 1a0idson, OEPA 11GW Butler County American Red Cross Photos courtesy of St. Clair Township 6ire & Rescue ODNR Division Of Mineral Resources Management-DMRM Mission: To Provide For The Responsible Development Of Ohio’s Energy And Mineral Resources In A Safe, Environmentally Sound Manner Division of Mineral Resources Programs Oil and Gas Coal Abandoned Mine Lands Mine Safety Industrial Minerals Statutes Administered Chapter 1509 ORC Chapter 1563 ORC Chapter 1513 ORC Chapter 1565 ORC Chapter 1514 OR C Chapter 1567 ORC Chapter 1561 ORC Chapter 1571 ORC Oil and Gas Regulation New Locations Underground Producing Facilities Injection Enforcement Idle and Orphan Wells Emergency Response Plugging Site Restoration Coal Regulatory Program Permits Replacement of Mining Plans Topsoil Salvaging and Erosion Prevention Protection of Topsoil Revegetation Pollution Prevention Restoration of Land Regrading to Use Capabilities and Approximate Original Productivity Contour Abandon Mine Lands Program Inventory Public Bidding Complaint Contracting Investigation Construction Project Selection Maintenance Project Design Mine Safety Program Surface Mine Inspections Underground Mine Inspections Enforcement Accident Investigation Mine Rescue Safety Training Industrial Minerals Law Regulates the Mining of: Sand and Gravel Limestone and Dolomite Clay Gypsum Sandstone Shale and Halite Other Excavated Stone or Substance of Commercial Value Industrial Minerals Regulation Permits Re-shaping Land Forms In-stream Mining Permits Measures for Public Mining Plans Safety Control of Adverse Resoiling and Affects from Blasting and Revegetation Where Dewatering Necessary Retention of Materials to Preparation of Lands for Complete Re-grading Future Land Uses Including Development Industrial Mineral Mining Law Revisions First Major Revision Since 1975 Why Revise the Law The Writing Was on the Wall esper Bill Hydrologic Issues Bond Adequacy Issues Enforcement Issues )oning Issues Litigation Issues What*s Different , Surface Mining Operation Includes In.Stream Mining E/cludes Routine Dredging for purely navigational or flood control purposes E/cludes e/traction or removal of minerals within a sanitary landfill for the landfill activities In.stream Mining Operations 0roduction of Minerals from the Bottom of the 1hannel of a Watercourse that Drains a Surface Area of More than 100 Square Miles Operations under a 1urrent Section 10 0ermit from the 1orp of Engineers are E/empt until the 0ermit E/pires 0ermits are issued for a 2.4ear Term 0ermitting 0ermit Term Application 0ublic Notice Requirements for Hydrologic Info. 0ermit Fees Significant 0ermit 0ermit Transfers Revision 8 0ublic Right of Successive Notice Renewals Bond Rate Revision Acreage Fees 0ermit Term Mining 0ermits Issued for 15 years Renewals Issued for 15 years In.stream Mining 0ermits Issued for 2. years Renewals of In.stream Mining 0ermits 2.years 0ublic Notice Required for 0ermit Applications E/ceptions9 When 0lans for )oning of the site Allow Mining, Or; a )oning ariance or 1onditional Use 0ermit for which 0ublic Notice and Opportunity for 1omment has been received within 365 days of the Submission of the 0ermit Application Fee Rate Revisions ACTIVITY Previous Revised ORC SECTION Permit Fee-Surface $250 $500 1514.02(B) Permit Fee-In-stream N/A $250 1514.02(B) Renewal Fee-Surface $250 $1000 1514.021 (A) Renewal Fee-In-Stream N/A $500 1514.021 (A) Annual Fees $250 No change 1514.03 Small Operator Annual Filing Fee-In-Stream N/A $250 1514.03 Annual Filing Fees-Surface $250 $500 1514.03 Annual Acreage Fee $30 per acre $75 per acre 1514.03 Bond Rate Revisions ACTIVITY Previous Revised ORC SECTION Minimum Bond (New Permits) $2,000 $10,000 1514.04 Original Bond (plus minimum) $500/acre $1000/ac 1514.04 Annual Bond for affected acre $500/acre $1000/ac 1514.03 In-Stream Mining Bond N/A $1000/ac 1514.04 Grading & Seeding Release 50% 75% 1514.04 (B) Maintenance Release 50% 25% 1514.04 (B) 0erformance Standards Hydrology Information 8 Dewatering Dewatering of Wells 8 1omplaints Blasting In.Stream Mining Near Stream 0rohibitions Blasting 0erformance Standard Ground ibration Blasting must be Limitations shall not 1onducted by e/ceed Frequency. 1ertified Blasters dependent 00 Air Blast Limitation Seismograph Added 8 133 dB Monitoring Requirements Near.Stream Mining 0rohibitions No E/cavation within9 120 feet of any Designated Wild, Scenic, or Recreational River 75 feet of Watercourse @100 sq. mi. 50 feet of Watercourse 25.100 sq. mi. without a ariance Near.Stream 0rohibitions A1ontinued) No Surface Mining Activity Within9 75 feet Designated Wild, Scenic, or Recreational River 75 feet of a Watercourse @100 sq. mi. without a ariance 50 feet of a Watercourse 25.100 sq. mi. without a ariance 1urrent 0ermitted Activities may continue until permit is renewed 0rohibited Mining In.Stream Mining in any 0ortion of a River Designated as a National Wild or Scenic River During 0eriods of Low Flow During 1ritical Fish or Mussel Spawning Seasons In Areas Cnown for 1ritical Spawning Habitat for Fish or Mussels listed as Federal or State Endangered Species Bond Release Schedule Bond Release will be Granted in a 75D . 25D Ratio 75D Release upon 1ompletion of Filling, Grading, and Resoiling 25D Release upon 1ompletion of 0lanting and all other Requirements Local Bonding for Reclamation 151E.0E Revision 0rohibited Government Agencies from requiring bond or other Financial Assurance for Reclamation RulemaCing Obligations Groundwater Modeling / Water Replacement 0ermitting 1riteria Data Requirements 1one of Depression Determinations Water Replacement 0ermit Transfers 0ermit Renewals 1riteria Defining a GSignificant RevisionH In.Stream / Near Stream Mining 1riteria Rules AuthoriIing ariances Low Flow Mining 0eriods Blasting RulemaCing Seismographic Standard Blast Monitoring Signals 0rotection of Blasting Records and Buildings and FlyrocC Reports Structures Safety Measures Training, for Blasting E/amination and 0ermissible Ground 1ertification of ibration Limits Blasters 1ivil 0enalties May be assessed for Non.1ompliance with an Order by the 1hief Shall not e/ceed $1000 per day Each day of 1ontinued Non.1ompliance may be 1onsidered a Separate iolation for 1ivil 0enalty A30 day cap) In Assessing 1hief will consider9 Seriousness, Effect, and History The 1hallenges of Ground Water Modeling In the Regulatory 1onte/t of Ohio’s w Industrial Minerals Law BacCground 0rior Law was silent on groundwater resource evaluations and impact; 0rior Law was limited in its scope of permitting requirements regarding water resources; The Division of Mineral Resources Management was involved in regular investigations and litigation surrounding water resource
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