H1296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 29, 2006 One hundred and eighty-five years It was this concept, Mr. Speaker, There was no objection. ago, the people of Greece began a jour- that the Founding Fathers of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ney that would mark the symbolic United States of America drew heavily previous order of the House, the gentle- birth of democracy in a land where upon in forming our representative woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) those principles to human dignity were government. is recognized for 5 minutes. first espoused. This past Saturday, Constitutionally, democracy has Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, for a March 25, marked the 185th anniver- made the American way of life pos- President whose party controls both sary of the Greek struggle for inde- sible. For that contribution alone, we Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court pendence. It was an historic day for all owe a heavy debt to the Greek people, and, of course, the White House bully people who treasure freedom. but the contribution of democracy was pulpit itself, George W. Bush has cer- In 1821, after four centuries of Otto- not the only contribution made by tainly had an awful lot of explaining to man rule, Greeks rose up in arms, Greek patriots to American society. do lately. fought valiantly and finally achieved a The ancient Greeks contributed a With all the power at his disposal, dream centuries old, freedom from great deal both to our cultural herit- starting with a knee-jerk legislature Turkish oppression. In setting their age, as well as to European culture, in all too ready to follow his lead, lock, blood for liberty and winning their the areas of art, philosophy, science stock and barrel, the President should freedom, Greeks showed the world and law. In the preface to his poem not have to constantly redefine his their deep and abiding commitment to ‘‘Hellas,’’ poet Percy Shelly wrote, mission and America’s. That is exactly democracy. This celebration also ‘‘Our laws, our literature, our religion, what he has done and what he is doing. marks the beginning of one of Amer- our arts have their roots in Greece.’’ Before the war, he offered only a ica’s most valued and rewarding friend- Greece has also given another gift to strained rationale as to why we needed ships. America. Nearly 1 million Greeks came to attack Iraq. First, it was getting rid The flag of revolt was blessed by to America’s shores and enriched this of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Bishop Germanos of Paleion Patron at great country of ours. Greek Ameri- Then the rationale was deposing a dic- the monastery of Aghia Lavra, and for cans have followed the rich tradition of tator who provided refuge to al Qaeda, 7 years, a handful of rebels in fierce their ancestors. They have made their and finally, it became spreading liberty fighting were able to contain the com- mark in many professions, including throughout the Middle East. bined forces of the Sultan’s Ottoman medicine, science, law and business, Once things started to turn south, Empire. The confrontations at among others. Some of our most illus- President Bush redefined what he Valtetis, Dervenaia, as well as trious citizens claim Greek ancestry. meant when he declared ‘‘an end to Missolognhi, where Lord Byron fought The welfare and progress of the Greek major combat operations’’ only a year and died, rank among the most glo- community, both here and abroad, is of into the war. Now he is redefining what rious and important pages of Greek great importance to all of us. it means to be in a civil war. history. Greek independence was a model for Mr. Speaker, let us be perfectly clear. our new Nation and continues to be an 1915 Iraq is not in danger of falling into a b inspiration for all those living in the The exploits and victories of the civil war. The country is in the very darkness of oppression. Throughout throes of a civil war conflict as we Greek navy under Miaoulis, Kanaris, history, Greece has represented an speak. Some people have this false no- and Sachtouris, inspired the people of ideal in man’s search for liberty. The tion that an Iraqi civil war would re- Europe, who finally brought pressure principles of Greek democracy rep- semble two sides fighting and fighting upon their governments to intervene in resent the greatest contribution a na- it out with antiquated rifles in a field the fighting and compel the Sultan to tion has ever made to society. recognize Greek independence. The democratic tradition that began that looks kind of like Gettysburg. Unfortunately, the sectarian violence On October 20, 1827, at the battle of in Greece and continues in the Amer- Navarino, the Turkish fleet was finally ican experience is taking root in an in- that currently plagues Iraq is pretty defeated by the British, French and creasing number of countries, and the similar in appearance and scope to the Russian navies which had joined in the implications for world peace, while Lebanese civil war fought in the 1970s effort, and by September 14, after many still very uncertain, are nevertheless and 1980s. Then, like now, religion was centuries of foreign rule, freedom for the most promising they have been in manipulated to encourage fighting the Greeks was regained by the Treaty decades. Democracy and freedom are among different sects. Alliances shift of Adrianople of 1829 and, later, by the the guiding beliefs that give hope to rapidly so that no one ever really London Protocol of 1830. millions around the world and fuel the knows who is on their side and who is I commemorate Greek Independence democratic revolution that is today not; and worst of all, innocents are Day, Mr. Speaker, each year for the sweeping the planet. killed on a nearly daily basis as a re- same reasons we celebrate our Fourth Mr. Speaker, remembering the sac- sult of the infighting. of July. It proved that a united people, rifice of the brave Greeks who gave As if the failure to acknowledge what through sheer will and perseverance, their lives for liberty helps us all real- is really happening in Iraq was not bad can prevail against tyranny. Both our ize how important it is to be an active enough, only a week ago, the President nations share an illustrious history in participant in our own democracy, and attempted his most strained leap of defense of this cherished ideal. Both that is why we honor those who se- logic yet. During a press conference, countries have shared a common com- cured independence for Greece so many which, by the way, after 6 years in of- mitment to the principles of equality years ago. fice he is finally conducting with regu- and freedom, and in many ways, the f larity, the President stated that Amer- American experiment might not have The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ican military forces would remain in been possible without the Greek experi- Iraq until 2009, at the earliest, that an- DENT). Under a previous order of the ence. Indeed, as Thomas Jefferson House, the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. other President would have to end it. After initially implying that the war noted, ‘‘To the ancient Greeks we are DEFAZIO) is recognized for 5 minutes. all indebted for the light which led our- (Mr. DEFAZIO addressed the House. would not cost much and would not selves, American colonists, out of His remarks will appear hereafter in take long to fight, the President needs Gothic darkness.’’ the Extensions of Remarks.) to explain to the American people why The ancient Greeks created the very the decision to bring our troops home f notion of democracy, in which the ulti- from Iraq will, as he says, ‘‘be decided mate power to govern was vested in the U.S. IN IRAQ UNTIL 2009 by future Presidents.’’ people. As Aristotle said, ‘‘If liberty Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. Speaker, given the current insta- and equality, as is thought by some, unanimous consent to speak out of bility in Iraq, which 150,000 brave U.S. are chiefly to be found in democracy, order. troops who have not been able to quell they will be attained when all persons The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there after more than 3 years of war, why in alike share in the government to the objection to the request of the gentle- the world would we plan on American utmost.’’ woman from California? forces remaining in Iraq until 2009? It VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:36 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H29MR6.REC H29MR6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 29, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1297 seems like the President is trying, yet his master’s side, Buck begins hearing and I ask God to continue to please again, to redefine the mission to his and seeing the ghosts of the dogs who bless America. satisfaction. participated in the Vietnam War. f Well, you cannot redefine the facts, Among the scout dogs who speak to PBS: ARMENIAN GENOCIDE Mr. Speaker. There is no way to paper Buck are his master’s war dogs Tiger DENIALIST FORUM over the hundreds of Iraqi civilians and Kelly. The dogs tell Buck what life who are being brutally murdered in was like for them and the soldiers they The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a sectarian violence. There is no way to served and protected.
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