SEPTEMBER wsftæi-ΐθ number . m · * " 1 j l ( a t S , / _ <gr a EE3 Δ TBST-- ■ "W i ď ( M l - 1 Jř * #fl»Fr ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY II. DyGetvasi A ahsenal of A -10 THUNDERBOLT II by Robert DeMario. catalog of America's arms describing proven by the Harrier, combat-operational Specially written for modelers by a man planes, ships, tanks, rockets and other d e m o c r a c y «. in Britain, the U S and Spam th is book who helped engineer the A -10. this book is assault weapons Eye-opening chapters on details the evolution and Might tests from an excellent reference Pages full of cut­ High-Tech weapons, lasers "stealth-’ air­ test-bed to Kestral to Harrier, provides a away drawings, camouflage schemes, craft and a comprehensive discussion of detailed description of the Harrier's struc­ detail photos and tech manual illustrations threats and strategics Includes more than ture and discusses the problems inherent in ot ejection seats, cockpit details, gear, in­ 230 photos specs on each weapon, an in ­ V/STOL operations Well written and pro­ teriors and underwing munitions are the dex of arms transactions prices, who's fusely illustrated with 150 photos drawing best yet Serial lists and units flying. 60 buying and how the politics, economics and serial number lists of all versions photos. 60 pgs . 8V&*-'x11" softcover 9.95 play into the arms race 8V/**x11” 300 7"x9M. 185 pgs . hardbound $18.95 pgs . sottbound $10.95 D Della Wing, History & Development Lippisch 15.95 " I D Aeronca C-2, Story ol the Hying bathtub 5.95 □ Messerschmitt Me 262: Arrow To The Future 11. □ F-16 A&B In Detail & Scale. 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Bert Kinzey 6. □ Wings ol Man: Story Dick M errill, by King 18.95 Dauntless Dive 8omber ol WW II. Tillman □ Grumman Tiger FIIF-I, Ginter 3. □ Airmail, III. Hist.. 1793-1981. Holmes 27.95 U S. Naval Fighters ol WW II. O’Leary □ McDonnell Banshee F2H- 1.2.B.N,P.3,4 7. □ Ughtplanes Since 1909. Underwood 10.95 □ McDonnell FH-1 Phantom, Ginter 4. □ Flying The Old Pianos. Tallman 24.95 CROWN COLOR SERIES Π P-51 Mustang, G rinsell....................................... □ Douglas F3-D Skynight. Ginter 9. □ Fantastic Flying Machines, Taylor 12.95 15.95 □ Hellcat, Anderton ......................................... □ North American T-28 Trojan, Ginter 8. □ Spirit Of Ryan. Cassagneres 11.95 15.95 C Spitfire. Sweetman ........................................... □ The Mighty Eighth. Freeman 19. □ The Oshkosh Fly-In. Downie 9.95 15.95 □ Zero Fighter. M ikesh ......................................... □ Ninth Air Force in WW II. Rust 16. □ Ultralight Airmanship. Lambie. 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Detailing over 100 sorbing history ol me Stinson family and Q F9F PANTHER/COUGAR IN ACTION by Jim planes displayed by the Smithsonian tor E the fabulous planes lhat they made buttons Sullivan The Grumman Iron Works their significance to aviation, this book z Heavily illustrated with over 230 beautiful debut in iet-powered lighters, the F9F Pan­ spans aviation's history trom lbe Wnghl £ hotos, the author has pre rented a detailed ther was the Navy's mainstay In Ihe ground Flyer lo the F-86 Sabre with strong em­ Sistory ol Katherine & Eddie Irom Iheir emry support Concise text, line drawings. 117 phasis on the Golden Years” Includes a — into avaiaiion by barnstorming and produc· pholos and 12 color probles & 48 detail historical history ol planes role. 3-view g lion ot their aircratt through the 165 drawings cover Ihe Panther and its evolu­ drawing, specs, and vintage pholos. Every «r Voyager and Ihe demise ol the company in tion into Ihe swepi-wrng transonic Cougar Anbquer” will appreciate Ihis hook Over “ 1949 Revised edition 80 pgs 8 " x t l" Π -κ Β Ά " soltcover S4.95 250 pholos. 166 pgs δ '/ ι'χ Π " soil- sottbound $9.95 cover $4.95 F4U CORSAIR IN COLOR by Jim Sullivan C HOWARD HUGHES t HIS FLYING BOAT, by Coverage with the modeler in mind, ihe D 8LERI0T XI. by Tom Crouch Traces early Barton The real story ol Howard F4U-1. F4U-2. F4U-4, and F4U-5N are history and development ol early Hughes- his Me. his Rights and Ihe Spruce shown in 56 color and B&W photos, and in monoplanes and the historic crossing ol the Goose For Ihe first time former Hughes color 4-vlew artwork Detail emphasis on English channel by Louis Blériot Also, a employees and close associates talk about cockpits, wheel wells ano ordnance, wrlh complete slep-by-siep coverage ol the their boss relating the behind the-scenes more than 25 profiles and 63 detail paint­ restoration process ol a Blériot XI by Ihe stones that lift the veil ol secrecy and con­ ings by Don Greer 32 pgs . 8Vr” x i r . Smithsonian Well illustrated with a com­ troversy about Hughes and his projects. softcover 5.95 plete set ol working drawings. 111 pholos. Hundreds ol large sharp photos Irom Ihe I44pg$ . 8 W " x t t . softcover S9.95 Hughes Co hies 7 Y ."x lO V ·. 270 pgs . hardbound S19.95 JANE SERIES □ Mighty Eighth War Diary. 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