Jesus Christ Superstar Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tom Rice. Director: Clint Mahle Stage Manager: Caitlin TaraBori Assistant Staqe Managers: Riley Cleveland & Josh Smith Musical Director/Vocal Coach: Skylar Smith Choreographer: Kyle Sanders Dance Captain: Joleigh Jarvis AUDITION INFORMATION: Please note that due to COVID-L? Face Masks will be REOUIRED at auditions. Waterfountains are not in service so please plan ahead and bring your own. WHEN: Monday, May 3, 2021 | Sign in will begin at 4:30 PM. Auditions start at 6:30 PM. *If you do not fill out your audition paperwork until you arrive, please come as early as possible to helpfacilitate the sign in process. WHERE: Northwest Florida State College (Please see attached Map) Sprint Theatre (Please see attached Map) 100 College Blvd Niceville FL,32578 WHAT: ● Sittη ′4r During sign in you、vill be given a numbcr and placed into flights― these will stay the same through the entire audition process.Ifyou do notcomc、vith your follll already f11lcd out,comc as early as possiblc.Thcrc will NOT be a group、 vallll up.You are rcsponsiblc for walllling up your voicc and your body.Wcar clothes you can dancc in,bring watcr,and shoes you can lnove ino We advise against flip llops,sandals,or hcels.Bring your own water and a snack,it、 vill bc a long night. Pα r′ f:Your vocal audition should not cxceed 90 seconds,you inay preparc any combination of one or inore ofthe selcctions listed belo、 v. Accompanirncnt will be provided¨ come knowing、vhat selcctions you、 vill be singing.Rθ tttη グθ″ elク αη′′0カια″ッθνr rα″gθ .Dancers lnay opt out ofthis scction ofthe audition.Opting out ofthe singing『 audition will lillnit the parts in which you are cligible to be cast.Rehearsal tracks are availablc at rnattickellyartscentcr.org.These arc the tracks that will be playcd at auditions. O Ⅳlale Sclections: ・ Bass/Baritoncs:“ This Jcsus ⅣIust E)ie"Caiaphas incasurcs 5… 9 and 52-63 ・ Tenors:``Gethsemane"Jesus measurcs 97… 125 ・ Tenors Second Option:``Hcaven on their NIlinds"Judas lncasurcs 86-106 0 Femalc Selcctions: ・ “I Don't Know How To Lovc Him''Ⅳlary ⅣIagdalene measures 25-44 ・ ``Evcrything's Alright''ヽ4ary ⅣIagdalenc measurcs 51-64 0 Female/Malc Selcctions: 口 ``Hcrod's Song''Herod ineasurcs 66‐ 91 o Part 2: The Dance Captain will teach a short dance combo while other flights are singing. You will have time during the course of the audition to work on the combo and ask questions. You will then perform the combo in your flights. CALLBACKS: Will happen as needed after the dance audition. If auditioning for Jesus, Judas, or Mary please be prepared to sing the following call back songs in their entirety. Sheet Music and rehearsal tracks will be available here: mattiekellyartscenter.org o Jesus: Gethsemane o Judas: Heaven On Their Minds o Mary: I Don't Know How To Love Him Director's note on callbacks: "Hit the necessary notes but do not ad lib in hopes to impress. The point qf callbacks is to show you are best suited for the role. Be prepared to sell it." CASTING: Final casting will be announced the night of auditions. Cuts may be made throughout the audition process. REHEARSAL & PERFORMANCE INFORMATION: A full rehearsal schedule is included with this document. If you accept a role. you are expected to attend ALL rehearsals. Conflicts may not exceed 3 rehearsal days & may not occur past the date of Julv 10. Please understand that rehearsal content may change depending on needs of the director and production. Please let your stage manager know ,f yo, are working around a work schedule. We will try to accommodate as best as possible. Jesus Christ Su-erstur: Svnopsis and Character Breakdown Svnopsis A timeless work, the rock opera is set against the backdrop of an extraordinary and universally-known series of events but seen, unusually, through the eyes of Judas Iscariot. Loosely based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Supersrar follows the last week of Jesus Christ's life. The story, told entirely through song, explores the personal relationships and struggles between Jesus, Judas, Mary Magdalene, his disciples, his followers and the Roman Empire. Character Breakdown: the Jesus of Nazareth (Rock Tenor, A2-G5l is leader of the twelve disciples, called the "Son of God" and has a difficult time accepting his fate without answers on why he must die. This role -King of the Jews." Jesus reqriies an actor that can show Leadership, Confusion, Strength, Vulnerability and Optimism, often at the same time. poor the Judss Iscariot (Rock Tenor, D3-D5l is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus; concemed for the and in power *,.r.q*n.es of Jesus's fame. Judas believes in Jesus's teaching but has started to grow weary of those coming after him and his followers. The role requires an actor that can show Frustration, Yearning, Weakness, Dismay and Pessimism, often at the same time. Marv Mosdalene (Meuo-Soprano, F3-E b5l is a female follower of Jesus who finds herself falling in love with him. The role requires an actress that can show Grace, Stability, Weakness and Compassion. Pontius Pilate (Rock Bqritone,A2-B4l is governorof Judeawho foresees the events of Jesus's crucifixion from beginning to aftermath in a dream and finds himself being presented with that very situation. The role requires an actor that can show Authority, Rage, Fragility, and Fear. Kine Herod (Hish Baritone, C#3-G4 ) is the King of Galilee; Jesus is brought to him for judgment after first being taken to Pilate. Herod is a comedic role. He starts very nonchalant and as his song progresses he becomes more irritated when he doesn't get his way. Caiaohas (Low Bass, C#2-F4l is one of the main antagonists of the show. High priest who sees Jesus as a threat to the nation. He is in a man in power who fears losing that power to Jesus. This role requires an actor that can show Anger, Power, and Angst. Peter Simon (Tenor, A2-G4) is one of Jesus's twelve apostles; denies Jesus three times upon the night of Jesus's arrest to save himself. Peter has an obsession with impatience. This roles requires an actor that can show Tenacity, Worry, Impatience, and Regret. Simon Zealotes (Hieh Boritone, G3-84) is one of Jesus's twelve apostles; urges Jesus to lead his followers into battle against the Romans. Simon is under the belief that violence can solve all their problems. This role requires an actor that can show Energy, Youthfulness and Animosity. Annas (Hish Baritone, G2-D5l is one of the main antagonists of the show. Fellow priest at the side of Caiaphas who is persuaded by Caiaphas into seeing Jesus as a threat. Annas can seem more conniving than Caiaphas. This role requires an actorlactress that can show Disgust, Displeasure, and Loathing. Ensemble (All ranges and voice tvpesl will play such roles as soul girls, apostles, priests, soldiers, lepers, merchants, rioters, reporters, etc. Donce Line (non-singeril will be made up of cast members who show a stronger dance ability. These individuals will play roles with the ensemble without any vocal parts. Dancers may opt out of the singing audition, however this will limit their casting potential to a dancer spot. Overview of Casting Ooportunities: o Jesus ofNazarcth o CaiaPhas o Judas Iscariot o Ensemble #1 (Peter Simon) o Mary Magdalene o Ensemble #2 (Simon Zealotes) o Pontius Pilate o 18 Ensemble Members o King Herod o 7 Dancers lesus Christ Superstqr NAME: AUD:T10N NUMBER: ACE: HE:GHT: C:TV: Zlp: pHONE NUMBER: Fll▲ ‖ . VO:CE PAR丁 : HOW WELL DO VOU READ MUSIC? T-5HIRT S:ZE: pLEASE L:ST VOUR DANCE EXpER:ENCE BELOW: ARE YOU WILL:NG TO ACCEPT ANV ROLE? □veJ Eコ No― List the rolesソ ou w‖ l occept: ARE YOU WiLLING TO CHANGE YOUR HA:R?(Cut/cO10r) □veJ □No. LIST ANV SPEC:AL TALENT/SKILL BELOW:(cCrObatics′ musicoHnstruments′ donce′ twirling′ juggling′ magた ′etc。) EMERGENCV CONTACT(5) RELAT10NSHip pHONE NUMBER Pleose cross out ony doles you will be missing ond nole the reoson in the note box of the bottom of this sheel. Return this schedule with your oudition form. ***NO *** May 2021 obsences will be permitted ottet costing. Sundoy Mondoy i Tuesdoy Wednesdoylthursdoyirriaoy Solurdoy 1 つ 4 3 6 8 Audilions: Music Rehecrso: Music Rehecrsal Music Reheorsol 6i30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 5:30-9:30 PM 10 12 13 14 15 Music Reheorsol Music Reheorsol Music Reheorsol Music Rehearscl 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM つ 16 17 18 19 20 4 22 Choreogrophy Choreogrophy Choreography Choreogrophy 6:30-9:30 PM 6i30-9i30PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9i30PM つ 23 24 25 26 4 28 29 Choreogrophy Choreography Choreogrophy Choreography 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 30 31 Reheorsol colltimes moy vory. Notes: JESUS CHRIST Speciol colltimes moy be prior lo 6:30 for odditionol donce reheorsols, voice lessons, ond/or SUPERSTAR one-on-one work with ony of the produclion stoff. (Principle roles especiolly) Pleose cross oul ony dotes you will be missing ond note the reoson in the note box ol the botlom of ihis sheet. Relurn lhis schedule with your oudition form. June 2021 ***NO obsences will be permitted otler costing. **" Sundoy Mondoy Tuesdoy Wednesdoy Thursdoy Fridoy Solurdoy 31 DARK Blocking B:ocking B:ocking College Closed 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 10 12 S,aging SIoging S,oging Staging 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9i30PM 6:30-9:30 PM 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sloging Staging Staging Stoging 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM う C 20 21 22 23 24 ∠ 0 26 S,aging Stoging SIoging S,aging 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30-9i30PM 27 28 29 30 On sloge On stage Ons,age 6:30-9:30 PM 6i30-9i30PM 6:30-9:30 PM Reheorsol colltimes moy vory.
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