J 44th Annual Legislative Action Conference February 28-March 1, 2016 Washington, D.C. Early Bird Registration deadline: January 22, 2016 J SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 H 4:30 pm–5:30 pm State Presidents & 8:00 am–5:00 pm Registration Presidents-Elect 8:00 am–12:00 pm SNS Credentialing Meeting Exam 4:30 pm–5:30 pm State Legislative Chairs 12:00 pm–5:00 pm SNA PAC Booth 1:00 pm–4:00 pm PRE-CONFERENCE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 SESSION: Congress: 8:00 am–5:00 pm Registration Politics, Procedures 8:00 am–5:00 pm SNA PAC Booth and Power 8:30 am–10:30 am SECOND GENERAL SESSION: USDA 2016 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Update 8:00 am–5:00 pm Registration 10:30 am–11:00 am Networking Break 8:00 am–5:00 pm SNA PAC Booth 11:00 am–12:00 pm THIRD GENERAL 8:30 am–9:30 am Regional Legislative SESSION: A Critical Meetings (open to all) Link: State Agency 9:45 am–10:45 am BREAKOUT SESSIONS Perspectives on Child - LAC First Timers Nutrition Programs - Industry Exchange (Part 1) 12:00 pm–2:00 pm LAC Luncheon - State Agency Section Meeting (Part 1) 2:00 pm–4:15 pm FOURTH AND - Fine-tuning Your Messages for Successful CLOSING GENERAL Media Interviews SESSIONS: Part 1: 11:00 am–12:00 pm BREAKOUT SESSIONS Relationship Building - Innovating Your Meal Service with Lawmakers and with Summer Meals Why it’s Important - #SocialMedia: How to Stay Positive, Deal Part 2: Presentation with Negativity and Expand Your Reach of the SNA 2016 - Industry Exchange (Part 2) Position Paper and - State Agency Section Meeting (Part 2) Charge to the Hill! 12:00 pm–1:30 pm LAC Luncheon with 4:30 pm–5:30 pm State Group—Capitol special performance by Hill Prep Meetings The Capitol Steps 7:00 pm–9:30 pm School Nutrition 1:30 pm–2:30 pm OPENING GENERAL Foundation’s SESSION AND CELEBRATION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER SCHOOL NUTRITION Amy Walter HEROES 2:30 pm–3:00 pm Networking Break 3:00 pm–4:15 pm FIRST GENERAL TUESDAY, MARCH 1 SESSION: The State of 8:00 am–5:00 pm Hill Visits School Nutrition Procurement (Times, events and speakers are subject to change.) H WELCOME am thrilled to welcome you all to the Hmedia and media training. We are also School Nutrition Association’s (SNA) thrilled about our General Sessions that will I44th Legislative Action Conference continue to explore the political landscape, (LAC)! This is the time to make sure your the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election voice is heard on Capitol Hill, as Congress and its impact on the next Congress. prepares to take the next steps on Child And to lighten things up, we will Nutrition Reauthorization. I am certain welcome back the Capitol Steps, a satirical that this conference will provide you with entertainment group who will poke biparti- valuable information that will allow you to san fun across the aisles. advocate for our school nutrition pro- LAC remains the premier legislative grams not only in person while you are in event because you bring your expertise D.C., but also throughout the year in your from the frontlines of feeding America’s districts. SNA will provide you the tools children and share them directly with to advocate back in your home states and Congress. School nutrition has expanded communities through inviting Congress beyond the world of cafeteria lunches to to your cafeterias, promoting your pro- include breakfast in the classroom, supper grams, social media and engaging in policy programs, after school snacks and summer debates. meals. This is your opportunity to inform We have a fantastic conference aimed and educate your elected leaders on the at providing SNA members with the op- business side of school nutrition. portunity to learn, exchange ideas, engage Again, welcome to LAC 2016 and on in discussions and be inspired. You’ll also behalf of myself and the SNA Board of enjoy a new streamlined three-day con- Directors, thank you for your commitment ference agenda, two luncheons—all in a to the health of our children. beautiful brand-new setting, the newest and largest hotel in the nation’s capital— the four-star Marriott Marquis! With over Jean Ronnei, SNS 2015-16 SNA President 105,000 square feet of function space, the hotel is a modern, beautifully appointed addition to the CityCenter and Penn Quar- ter neighborhoods—while still centrally located to area attractions and LAC’s stomping ground…Capitol Hill! Our breakout sessions will focus on key topics essential for successful pro- grams and will cover summer meals, social H KEYNOTE SPEAKEr & The capitol steps SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Haccurate, objective and insightful political 12:00 pm-1:30 pm analyst with unparalleled access to cam- LAC Luncheon with Special paign insiders and decision-makers. Known Performance by the Capitol Steps as one of the best political journalists After a productive morning of confer- covering Washington, she is the national ence meetings and education editor of the Cook Political Report and the sessions, a delicious luncheon former political director of awaits you in the Marriott Mar- ABC News. quis’ exquisite Marquis Salon. Walter has provided Make the most of this oppor- election night coverage and tunity to network with your colleagues analysis since 1998 and was a and peers, and then sit back and enjoy a member of CNN’s Emmy-award winning one-of-a-kind performance by the Capitol election night team in 2006. She has also Steps. been a regular contributor to PBS’ News- The Capitol Steps began as a group Hour with Jim Lehrer and Washington of Senate staffers who set out to satirize Week with Gwen Ifill. She has provided the very people and places that employed political analysis on virtually every major them. The group was born in December political program on television. 1981, and they continue to dig into the In her presentations, Walter speaks headlines of the day, and create song paro- with aplomb about the electoral process, dies and skits which convey a special brand congressional culture and the Washington of satirical humor. political scene. Her astuteness, wit and Since they began, the Capitol Steps range of expertise create an engaging, have recorded over 30 albums, including compelling presentation, and her reliable their latest, Mock the Vote. They’ve been and accurate analysis has earned her nu- featured on NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS, merous accolades. Named one of the “Top and can be heard twice a year on National 50 Journalists” by Washingtonian maga- Public Radio stations nationwide during zine, Walter has been frequently quoted as their Politics Takes a Holiday radio a Congressional election expert in newspa- specials. pers such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post 1:30 pm-2:30 pm and The New York Times. Opening General Session As we join together to KEYNOTE SPEAKER: advocate for legislation and AMY WALTER policies that positively shape and impact school nutrition pro- At LAC 2016, attendees will grams, you’ll be fascinated by be taken on an insider’s tour Walter’s insights into the mechan- of Washington through the ics that make the political machine eyes of the woman with her finger on the run; including her thoughts and pulse of politics. Over the past 14 years, predictions for the 2016 presidential elec- Amy Walter has built a reputation as an Htion. special sessions & events SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 H will be addressed by top congressional 8:00 am-12:00 pm analyst and scholar, Walter Oleszek. There SNS Credentialing Exam will be a brief break between each session. The School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) Fee: $100 Credentialing Exam will be administered at LAC on Saturday, February 27. Reg- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 istration, approval and payment of fees 9:45 am-10:45 am must have been completed prior to LAC Breakout Sessions and cannot be made onsite. To register, Conference breakout sessions include contact SNA at (800) 877-8822 or certsns@ the popular LAC First Timers Session as schoolnutrition.org. Fees: Members: $210; well as a two-hour gathering (Industry Non-members: $305; Registration Dead- Exchange and State Agency Meeting) line: February 6, 2016 for these important member segments. Additionally, learn the best strategies SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 for responding to media requests with 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Fine-tuning Your Messages for Successful Pre-Conference Session Media Interviews. Congress: Politics, Procedures and Power 11:00 am-12:00 pm SPEAKER: WALTER OLESZEK Breakout Sessions The breakout sessions Congress is the “first branch” of continue with part two of our national government and, like Industry Exchange and the many institutions, it is constantly State Agency Meeting, as undergoing change. The forces well as two additional hot topic of change are many—the influx learning sessions: Innovating of new Members, the emer- Your Meal Service with Summer gence of new procedures, Meals and #SocialMedia: How the needs of the time, and so to Stay Positive, Deal with Nega- on—and each can affect Congress’s tivity and Expand Your Reach. lawmaking capacities in numerous ways. To provide insight and perspective on this remarkable institution—the “people’s branch”—are the goals of this pre-confer- ence session on Congress’s lawmaking pro- cesses. To fulfill these objectives, SNA has organized a three-hour program that will help everyone to better understand the work and role of the House and Senate. Specifically, three intertwined topics (The Evolution of Power in Congress; An Act of Congress; and Congress and Groups) H special sessions & events MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 H MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 2:00 pm-4:15 pm 7:00 pm-9:30 pm Fourth and Closing General SNF Celebration of School Sessions Nutrition Heroes (Separate ticket Part 1: Relationship Building with Law- required—not included in LAC registration) makers and Why It’s Important Join the School Nutrition Foundation (SNF) Building relationships with elected officials and your friends and colleagues for an eve- can sometimes be difficult and uncom- ning of celebration as we honor the extraor- fortable.
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