Progress, th>e Universal LaW of feature: Thoagh)t, tbe Solvent of fier Probónos. YOL. CHICAGO. MAY 6. 1393. NO. 180 capable of being e,plained bjr the action upon the ether. There are those who concerning Him la the mludt of million rain that thinks: It Is the Individual of the Imagination? Anil bow cam* the I are anil will be justified to accepting of people. This, in turn, will ral*- EDUCATION OF THE SELF fort* —ih* egu that use* the brain. Man [imagination of Cornelius to »o Uovetalll tho former, there are other* who hare doctrine of human broth rh.T.I 1 * tbs product «1 this loros operating In Its operation with thn imagination of somehow come to he tmpreaaed with the more commanding place to thought oad upon gray brain matter. One U essen­ Peter? Idea that there exist* a body of lestt- practical life, and thus play on Impor­ \ School for Developing the tial to tbe other, each Is w-nslUv* to The account of Peter's release froml mony pointing to spirit communion and tant |>art la bringing the kingdom of Whole Individua!. the condition of th* other; hence, man prison i Acts xli.) suggests many quosf pw*c««tag *o much weight that they heaven to earth Nothing elll con­ Is what be eats nod what he thinks. lions. The angel of tho Lord smote are forced to gravitate toward the sec­ tribute more to a decided advance In so­ • uard thnss two alemrnts, guide them Peter and raised him up. I am at a lass ond view. So far as prawnprogress In thought cial condition* than a step forward In MHS. >1*1-0 LORD 1>R«K'K ri.SMHITlOCS in accordance with physical and hered- Is concerned, the mutt Imi por tant thing tary, mental and psychical Laws.aod lbs to understand how these things could religious thought, tloce religious belief* i *l a n h ron Tita » u Ln l u i e s t or have been done, unless the spirit ap­ for liberal Christians to Jo today is to iroJurt will be a certain, positive re­ furnish tho must powerful Incentive* WUP H A MILLION DOLLAR* peared in bodily form, as was the case In make a serious and scientific study ofl there are for the sacrifice of self to the sult, the harmonious unfoldment of tbe (the story of the physicians, related Spiritualistic phenomena, to find out best interests ol humsnlty. PLEDGED—TB S PSYCHICAL CONGRESS physical, Intellectual and spiritual man. I upon Faster Sunday. At first, Peter whether, as the Spiritualist claims, they I see, then, In the e*l*bll*hment of AT CHICAGO. •'When our system* ol education shall "wist not that it was true which prove the Immortality of the soul or Immortality and the law o( retribution lake note ol and understand this psychi­ was done by the angel; but thought be not. My convictions’ with respect to a truly scientific basis for religion and cal force and th* part it plays In life.* saw • vision.’’ This suggests that he One of the most interesting ol tbs raon arid women who hare he--n avowed such studios are: an addltloa to the subject matter of re­ scientific gatherings which wifi be held continued Mr*. Drake, "we «Till be able members of Uii* clase, had hod visions before, as wo know to 1. That by uo other means can we ligious th o u g h t which will result In the to ret along with fewer hospitals and THEY ARE ANALYZED. have been the case. After reaching thn hope to comprehend the nature, llmjt- almost complete transfer ol Christianity In Chicago during the period of the Co­ asylums for the physically weak andlha Hut even this ¡v»t statement, though street tbo apostle thought: "Now ' atlona and law* of Inspiration. lumbian exposition will be the Psychi­ true, U v*Me of the m ark The two from a traditional and historical founda­ cal Congress that assembles in August, morally deformed. It D therefore es­ know of n surety that the Lord hath 2. That by no other means can wo tion to one which Is scientific and In sential that the foundation for a useful Spiritualism, the New Tes­ questions «re ought rather to a-k are: sent his angel, and hath delivered mo hope to comprehend many of tho wonder- •ay* the Kansas City (Mo.) Mar. Man;- Has the .Spiritualist any truth which we harmony with tho truest and most cn distinguished investigators, writers and education should be skillfully laid and tament, and Rational have not. anil does tha’t thith stand in out of tho hand of Herod." When stories of the Ulblat Including the narra­ lightened psychology, in other words, scientifically manipulated from tho I ¡hoda reported to the assembled and tives of the resurrection, or the nature thinkers are actively working lo bring Theology. such relations to tbo well-being ti hu­ the process will permit tho recasting of together the people Interest'd in the highest conception of truth and ethlos. manity that we need it to make our praying brethren that Peter stood be­ of the spiritual gifts mentioned by Haul Christianity Into universal form. I am Schools should embrace all.and advaaoe fore the gate, they said: “Thou art 3. That by no other means can we problems of psychical science. Prof. Unitarian philosophy more complete'* satisfied, moreover, that the mist hope Elliott Coues o! tho Smithsonian Insti­ all thought movement without preju­ A Sermon Delivered My belief 1» that the answer to both mad,' and when she persisted, " it Is his obtain that fuller knowledge of tho na­ ful quarter towards which Unitarians dice. It it said that every vibration of angel,” Implying their belief that It was ture and laws of the human mind (psy­ tution at Washington being especially BV KJSV. T. K. ALLK.V, questions should be, Vos. cun look for tho light which shall per energetic In arranging the great meet­ human thought D important in thn To avoid uny possible misunderstand­ possible for an angel or spirit In the chology) upon which the truer, more feet their religious philosophy and ox world of dynamical result*. that every Before the Kir»« CtenErejtat lottai So­ semblance of a mortal to knock at dovolopcd and more universal theology ing. The scientific analysis Drought to ing, T will say’that the two fundamental tend their hold upon tho people of bear upon psychic phenomena by such aspiration of the human mind is perpetIV- ci el j I «litarían ' of UrAllnu, I teaching» of the Spiritualist are: (I.) gate nod be seen. of that future must rest. America Is a scientific investigation of u*l and eternal, that n well directed nlm it was a vision in the night that sent In tho iYorl/s American Review for men as Prof. Cows, Prof. Hare, Judge M aw Apa II IO. I S M . Man continues to exist after the change spiritualistic phenomena. Edmunds and Judge Dally o! the Now not only governs one generation of called death, and: (2.) There are laws In Paul to Macedonia, us he Inferred from March, Archdeacon Farrar has an es­ Unitarians believe that in teaching minds, and one succession of events from it that the Lord had called him to say upon "Conceptions of a Future York bar, Zollnor, Crooks and Varley, Tbx t:—‘ '1 am noi come to dttlroj, but to operation by obeying which spirits can the unity of God and the humanity ol and very recently, by the noted astron­ nge to ngc, but govornt centuries of communicate with mortals and produce preach the gospel to tho people of that Life.” After considering tbo matter of Jesus, they bavo come nearer to the time and millions o( beings, it ia fulfil.” country. (Acts xvi.l evidence bearing upon tho soul's Im­ omer ol Milan, Schiaparelli, the discov­ many kinds of phenomena capable of be­ Christianity of Christ, to primitive erer of the lines on Mars, and by the thought that controls all the motor ing observed by the latter. As 1 use In Corinthians, it is said: "Then spake mortality, be says: "In conclusion, be Christianity than orthodoxy. I sus­ powers of tho earth today, and bonce we Two Sundays ago there was presented , the Lord to Paul in the night, by a vis­ it observed, that wo do not prclcud to many other writers of note, has forced went to educate people to think in old for |your consideration a novel rtew of th e word In thiaaeriuon, I refer exclu­ pect that this process of going back to this subject Into such popular notice I si rely to' these two teachings, which ion, ‘Bo not afraid, but speak, and hold prove or to explain; wo do what 1» a Christ is not yet completed. Several and through new channels and avenue*, tb o resurrection. There was nothing | not thy peace. For I am with thee, and higher act of our nature—we believo. tbnt already it has a press and literature new In the idea that Je su s died upon furnish, professedly, the scientific basis years ago Dr. Eugene Crowell wrote of Its own. Widespread attention will reached, through tho more complete for th" belief in opposition to the p h il­ uo man shall set on thee to hurt thee; In Mrs. Deland's 'John Ward, Preacher,’ n work in two volumes entitled “The end accurate development of tho spirit, th e cross, that be vanished a t Es u b s u i for I have much people in this city.' there Is a striking scone in which the be given the deliberations of these peo­ and appeared to his disciples in the osophical and.
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