, <~i:r )L. 56 NO.)'l'. j:f)- SALEM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SALEM,. OHIO FRI., APR~L 2, 1971 ~eoce Corps and Core To Benelit by Wolkothon by Jan Watterson ject. Highland Avenue to finish at the sor kids, anyone who wants to The Peace Corps and CARE The walkathon is a five-mile trek high school. All walkers will start participate in the walkathon may need funds-funds that wi.11 enable in which each walker is sponsored at the same time and will carry sign up. We hope to have at least by a merchant or a school club. cards to be punched at the end of them to buy various building ma­ 150 walkers with sponsors but be­ terials. These materials will be The sponsor will pledge so much each mile at a designated check shipped to other lands so that the money for each mile walked, and point. Any walkers who finish and cause only as many walkers .are· people living there will have the the walke.r will wear the 'Sponsor's wish to start over may do ~o. Af­ needed as merchants and clubs. opportunity to build a school for sign on his back. It is hoped that ter the walk is completed, the com­ agree to sponsor those signing up their childn:n. pledges of at least five dollar::; will mittee will check to see how many first will be sure to walk. Student Council is trying to help be given. miles each person has walked, For 'this project to be a success, these people through CARE. A Be:;inning at the high school, the then they will report to the spon­ many people must be willing to do­ special committee consisting of walk will go out Union Avenue, sors to collect the money. nate their time and money. Let's Bob Jelen, Terry Metts, Diane continue up through the Southeast As soon as enough merchants all get together ,and prove to oth­ ers that we really do caTe. Roberts, Chris Dimko, and Lynn Boulevard area, then back on are contacted and agree to spon- Bozich, has organized a walka­ thon t.o be held on May 1 with the goal of 2,000 in mind. Lynn Bozich, Dave Stumpo, and Carol, Barb and Rosemary To Ron Roberts first heard of a walk­ athon at an OASC student council workshop last summer and it was decided tliat this would be a good Head for Girls' State in .Tune large - scale money - making pro- by Debbie Ray June 13, and from then on, free to rise" theme is very popular. This year, three girls were chos­ time is scarce. A crash course in 6:30 comes quite early after the en as Salem's 1representatives to government is the key to survival. full schedule of the day before. The .ocol Homemakers Lend Buckeye Girl's State at Capital First off, the girls are divided into earlier part of the week is full of University. Barb Kuniewicz and cities and counties. Each is as­ campaigning and elections. After and Rosemary Stepanie will be signed a political party and from all the offices are filled, the rest lelping Hund for FHA Week sponsored by the American Legion there the action starts rolling. E1- of the week is devoted to learning. The complete running of the Girl's National FHA Week started of their show windows. It included Auxiliary, while the Lions Auxil­ ections are held and a girl can hold arch 28 and will end April 3. The floor-length prom dresses made by iary is the new sponsor with Carol any position from city dog-catcher State government is in the girls' eek was officially proclaimed by Judy Lydic, Nancy·S:anor and Don­ Wagner. The alternates for these to governor of the state, depending hands. Those in the Senate and ·a,yor Dean B. Granrner at a na Metts; daytime dressei; made girls a•re Debbie Ray, Kerry Low­ on her ambition. There is always a the House will have the chance to mel discussion meeting on Thurs­ by Helen Ritchey and Nancy ry, and Angie Garvey. chance of defeat, but there are make laws that unfortunately will never go into effect. There is no ty, March 25. ·The panel taiked Fultz; and a mini summer dress The conference opens on Sunday, enough positions to actively in­ 1 family · ·unity and understand­ made by Judy Jordan. volve everyone. If a girl has no better way to discover the funda­ g. It consisted ; oL te::i.chers, a During the week the members desire to get politically .bvolved, mentals of law than to actually inister, parents and their prog- wore red ribbons as an ohservance ClasseiS Observe she can always be on the news'­ exp:erience-it . 1y. This was the start of many of this nationally celebrated week. .paner which is published d~1ily. Barb. Rosemary, and Carol will !ti vi ties. FHA is a non-profiting, self-or­ Cowrt As far as the lives of the girls' be returning to Sialem tired, but On March 28 the FHA members ganization and is sponsored by the are concerned, every minute is with enOU<!h ideas and knowledge tended a brunc'.1 · at the h1)me of U.S. Office of Education. It is a The United States History Clas­ planned. The "early to bed, early to last a lifetime. .eir vice-president Debb1e. P<,1.ulin. worthwhile organhation for many ses of Salem High this year have fterwards, the group attended a and with the support of others it been participating in a unique pro­ lk mass at St. Paul's Church. will continue to serve the com­ gram of court-observation every h.e grou-. baked cookies o'1 April community. Tuesday of this school term. The and took them to the Cupola Nur­ program was set up originally by Karen Chosen Y-Jeen Queen ng Home in Leetonia. The cook­ Judge Tobin to let young people Four Attend see what haJP.pens in a juvenile "The Impossible Dream" was s were en.ioyed during an eve­ the theme of the fifth annual ng coffee ho.ur when the girls hearing. It was open to two stu­ sited the residents. White bibs World Affairs .· dents from both Salem and Colum­ spring dance held at the YWCA on ith red t•rim were ais') presented Four SHS juniors will participate biana. Since Columbiana did not March 27. Ka1ren N edelka, a sen­ , the home. this weekend in the vVorld Affairs participate, Salem asked if · they ior, was crowned as the new queen Throu!!.hout the week Strouss's Institute in Cincinnati this week­ could use these pl,aces also, thus opening the opportunity to four by last year's queen Sherry Mas­ ore displayed ~ 0me of the clothes end. This institute is sponsored by on. She also received a gold pend­ 1ade by Home Economics 4 in one Rotary. The students chosen were SHS'ers a week. Cyndie Roher, Janie Cleveland, Both Mr. Bennett's and Miss ant and a dozen red roses. John McCulloch and Randy Han­ Rafferty's classes have been able A junior, Barb Capel, was run­ sell. The delegates were required to take advantage of this opportun­ ner-up. She received a bouquet and roco~Speoks: to be 1relatives of Rotary club ity. After obse<rving the juvenile a silver pendant. The queen's court Monday, March 29 sociaJ studies members, and juniors. hearings, the observers report the also included Pam Devan, a fresh­ asses of Miss Rafferty, Miss Ele­ The institute's topic this year is happenings to their classes. Many man, and Linda Woolfe, a sopho­ ick, and Mr. Bennett heard Tom "China - A Major World Factor of the cases have been "interest­ more. acar, SHS grad, who is a member During the Next Quarter Century." ing" and "unbelievable" to the The seventy members an.ct, guests ' Ralph Nader's Raiders. watch­ The body of deleg-att:s will tour students. For example, students were entertained by the "Blue Jgs for the consumer. Mr. Vacar Cincinnati, and will be addressed have watched cases of tn.ffir. vio­ Ash" of Youngstown. loke on Consumer Educ<i.tion and by prominent government figuires lations, theft, runaway children; : Decorations were by .Junior and hat to look 'out for in buying pro- at their meetings. The g-roup will and cases in which teenagers have Senior Y-Teens. A d.reamish at­ 11cts. He toid how to report defec­ include students from four states; been taken from thei•r ,parents. mosphere was created by the use ve products arid encouraged stu­ d the aim of this conferencde will According to Miss Rafferty, the of blue arigel hair and silver sta1rs. ~nts to start a local consumer be to inform teenagers .cf competi­ '.'entire class should have the op­ ro~ectirin arganfaation. tion in world affairs; portunity to go each week. It • shouldn't have to be a limited num­ :heerleaders organize for 1971~72 year ber;. however, space at court is Senior Personalities, " small." Thus, it is a benefit for as .• -•m,;.·.;.· · · •~·;.,;.;.;;•;.;. ··,• • ' • many as possible to take part in this observation. King and Queen Nominated District Band Nominations for Senior Personal­ The nominees for Quaker Qneen Contest Held ities occurred last Thursday, and King were also voted on at this March 25. Those nominated in­ time. They were for king - Dari Om~ . school band participated in clude Beth Beck, Deni.se Biddle, Russell, Gary Cook, Ed Emch, and ·a contest held at Canton Central Lynn Bozich, Ramona Catlin; Gary Catholic High School in Canton, on Cook, Andy Cowan, Norman Coop­ Jim· Shoff.
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