Weather V .Distribution Fair today, tMl(ht aad to- morrow. High both days in th» Today 70s. Lour tonight in the Sfa. See page 2. 'stet 13,950 An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership mr Since 1878 B"? CARRIER Issue! Duly. Monday Uiroush Friday, tntered ai Second Clan Mattef 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 214 at tlio Foot OHIO at Rail Sank. N. J.. under the Act ol March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1960 35a PER WEEK Faces, @ld Story Bomare reld'Safe Protest Continues As Soap' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Their faces were different, but their story was the same. Base Chief Says 500 Jam Hearing Seeking Another delegation of angry tax- payers besieged Borough Coun- cil last night with protests against Mishap Chance Postponement on Proposal sizeable boosts in tax assessments for 1960. 'Very Remote' MIDDLETOWN — The new comprehensive zoning At the last council meeting, May ordinance has become the center of a raging contro- 25, more than 50 people jammed McGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE Borough Hall to complain about (AP) — The commander of the versy here which may not be resolved for months to the increases, which in some nation's first Bomare missile come. instances were said to be well base says the chances of his If last night's public hear- over 100 per cent. weapons ever causing an atomic Crime Paid in May, Last night's audience consisted mishap are "very remote in- ng on the measure is any of about 45 residents. deed." But Not to Thieves indication, the battle will First to speak was Edward H. "These Bomarcs are more EATONTOWN - Talk about be a bitter one and the code Glas, Ocean Blvd., who cited tax foolproof than soap," Brig. Gen. efficiency. will become a major poli- assessments on his property of Gilbert L. Pritchard told a news Borough Council learned last $403.95 in 1958, $334.26 in 1959 conference last night. tical issue in the coming gener- night that the police 'depart- al election. and $511 in 1960. Pritchard, commander of the ment recovered $2,323.15 worth He asked council, "How is this New York Air Defense Sector, of stolen property during May, More than 500 angry citizens possible?" told the meeting the Air Force or $103.05 more than was re- jammed into the high school caf- Rudolph Eck, Ocean Blvd., said assumed responsibility for Tues ZONING FOES George Stanley, Leonardo, left, and Paul F. Swiri, Riverside ported missing. eteria — many seeking to have that his taxes had also been day's radiation scare and the all action on the proposal post- Heights, both Middletown, discuss their objections to the township's new zoning or- "At that rate," said Police raised substantially. subsequent liaison breakdown be- poned for at least four months. Chief William Zadorozny, Can't Afford It tween the service and state Civil dinance at public hearing last night. At right, Mrs. Irving T. Bartlett, Kings Hwy., The meeting had been adjourn- "I just can't afford to live Defense officials. "crime won't be a very profit- registers her protest to the proposal to the Township Committee. More than 500 able business in Eatontown. ed from Township Hall to ac- here anymore," he said. He said the safety device in commodate the attendance. attended the session in the high school cafeteria. "Actually," he explained, "the Most of the other comments Bomarc's nuclear warhead made At the outset, petition after recovery total represents stol- were grumblings or amens to Adolf Eichmann the likelihood of a fire's causing petition was offered to the gov- en properly from previous later statements by Mr, Glas and an atomic explosion extremel; erning body asking that all ac- months and other boroughs but Mr. Eck. slight. tion — including reading of the we like to be in (he black every Mayor Robert S. McTague, sup- Israel Will measure — be tabled. Precautions ,436,000 Regional School month. ported bravely by William F. X. Nonetheless, he added, "spe- Residents argued that they Connell, and from time to time cial precautions," which he "The dividends are all on the needed time to study and for- by the other councilmen, repeated Reject Plea would not describe, were now side of the law." mulate their views on the code. the highlights of a detailed ex- being taken at the nation's two Plan Puts Board In A Dither Many Areas planation presented by the ma- Bomare antiaircraft missile sites Trask school site is the most The site is near Twin Lights, The petitions came from such yor two weeks ago. On Eichmann here and in Suffolk County, N. Y. HIGHLANDS-Myron L. Fetch, Conway Rap areas of the township as Oak The officials expressed sym- of the firm of Micklewright- beautiful he has ever seen. high in the hills of Highlands A needle-nosed Bomare caught and overlooks the Atlantic Ocean 'Hiil, Middletown Village, Lin- pathy with the people who BUENOS AIRES, Argentina fire Tuesday at its launching sit Mountford, architects, and de- This statement the board took Nothing about the site present croft, Leonardo, Locust, River- were socked with severe raises, (AP)—Israel appears certain to 12 miles east of here in a sparse- signer of the proposed Henry with obvious appreciation and Half Truths' ed a problem last night—but side Heights, East Keansburg but declared that others in the| j demand f the Ar- ly populated wooded area in Hudson Regional High School, pride. It brought applause from re ect a rom problems there were—aplenty. and New Monmouth. borough had been paying far Ocean County. told the board last night that the the audience. gentine government for the re- They came into full view as About Plan Last month, the Planning more than their fair share. Board agreed to postpone act- turn of Adolf Eichmann, the for- Pritchard said an Air Fora soon as the architects unveiled Council corrected a figure that sergeant phoned state police t RED BANK - Edward H. Con-i tion" "on"Its"master "plan"for" at had been quoted at the last meet- mer Nazi official captured in their building proposal—termed ,vay. president of Ihe Commun-h This was done ask them to block off roads lead Council of Churches Raps 'strictly preliminary"—and an- ca5t four months ing by John Fiitcroft, tax asses- Buenos Aires by Jewish agents ity Chamber, of Commerce, yes- at lhe rcquest o[ the m roup ing into the area. nounced that it would cost $1,- sor, as to the number of prop- and whisked away to face charges "I am sure the sergeant either erday rapped what lie called now opposing the zoning code. erly owners whose taxes had 436,000, including fees, site pur- "misstatemenls and half truths" of mass murder of Jews during implied or stated there had been Death Penalty as 'Debasing' chase and contingencies. The committee lasl night took gone up. nuclear explosion," Pritchard concerning the proposed urban the position that the hearing World War II. And that figure, it was noted (See TAX PROTEST, Pg. 35) said. RED BANK — The Greater digging that it "is inconsistent renewal plan for the central busi- should be held. Argentina in a note to the Is- He said the sergeant, Clarence >.iiii the more enilghtened meth- would not include an auditorium ness district. Mayor John T. Lawley, Jr., raeli government last night Red Bank Area Council or athletic field. Baldwin of the Air Force police, Churches has reaffirmed its 1957 ods of penology and of control- At a meeting of the chamber told the crowd the committee charged the seizure violated its $173,000 Estimate 'doesn't remember what he toll stand in favor of abolishing the ling criminal behavior." board of directors in the Old' had no intention of adopting the State Help national territory and warned state police." It was estimated, and the word Union House, Mrs. Conway at- measure until everyone had been that it would complain to the death penalty in New Jersey, In a 450-word statement, the Pritchard said the fire was ig estimated was underscored, that tributed the statements to "ir- heard on the subject. United Nations unless the 54- council said. "Trials in which an auditorium would add an- responsible people — who do not On Circle (See BOMARC, page 2) the death penalty is a factor and "What rights do the people year-old ex-storm trooper is Curry on Board; other $175,000 to the cost, and an know the plan or do not want have?" shouted Norman Baden- handed back this week. the executions themselves have athletic field about $62,000. to know the plan." a debasing effect not only on hop, Navesink River Rd. "What "Once the indicated restitution Brown Is President Plan Proposed HazardAsked those connected directly with Board members could not mak arc we supposed to do — sit (of Eichmann to .Argentina) is New Subway Urban Planning Associates, HIGHLANDS — Everett C. them, but upon the entire com- up their minds whether the $1,- here like puppets?" EATONTOWN — Help in re- accomplished," the Argentine New York City, has proposed an Curry was appointed to the munity and produce the very 436,000 was too much or too lit- "I have never seen such a lieving the traffic hazard at the note said, "the Israeli govern estimated $3,440,000 urban renew- Henry Hudson Regional Board brutality they seek to prevent.' tle. Fascist meeting," shouted Paul Eatontown circle was requested ment's way is open to request Fire Knocks al program with the borough pay- this week from the New Jersey of Education last night, replac- William A.
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