Title Last name First name Organisation Mr ADAM Yves UNPG (French Aggregate Association) Ms ADAMS Annemiek Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Ms AHONEN Salla Confederation of Finnish Industries EK Ms ALANEN Aulikki Ministry of the Environment, Finland Mr ALBRECHT Ute Elisabeth Conference Assistant Ms ALTMAYER Anne EPRS/EP Ms ARIBERT Dominique LPO Mr ARROYO SCHNELL Alberto WWF European Policy Office Ms ARVELA Marita European Commission Ms AYARI Inès Conference Assistant Mr AYMERICH Miguel Directorate for Nature Conservation, Spain Mr BADEWITZ Jörg BDI Ms BAKHTAOUI Yassine Conference Assistant Mr BALDOCK David Institute for European Environmental Policy Ms BALLESTEROS PERALS Marta Milieu Ltd, Belgium Ms BANFI Paola MILIEU Mr BARIL Yohan Conference Assistant Ms BAROVA Sylvia European Commission Ms BARRES BENLLOCH Teresa Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU Ms BARTON Emma European Boating Association Mr BAS Luc IUCN European Regional Office Mr BAUMÜLLER Andreas WWF European Policy Office Mr BEBB Adrian Friends of the Earth Europe Ms BELL Sandra Friends of the Earth England Wales and Northern Ireland Mr BERGGREN Stefan Ministry of the Environment and Energy, Sweden Ms BERGSCHMIDT Heide Representation of North Rhine-Westphalia to the EU Ms BERTEL Edda - Maria Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria Mr BIANCO Andrew European Commission, Cabinet Vella Mr BIBIČ Andrej Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia Ms BILLEN Lisa Conference Assistant Mr BIWER Roby nature&ëmwelt (nature and environment) Luxembourg Ms BIZHEVA Vanya National association Bulgarian Black Sea Mr BLAKE Robert Friends of the Earth Europe Mr BLANQUET Pascal Ministry of Ecology, France Mr BLAUFUSS Kathrin group of Green MPs in the German Parliament Mr BLEIBAUM Ernst Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany Mr BLOOD Robert SIGWATCH GmbH Mr BOCQUET Jean Charles European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) Mr BOESEN Kim Holm The Danish AgriFish Agency Mr BONACCORSI Luca BIRDLIFE EUROPE Mr BORKOWSKI Piotr European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) Mr BORN Charles - Hubert Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) Mr BOS Cornelis European Parliament Mr BOURGUIGNON Didier European Parliament Mr BRAUNS Carsten Committee of the Regions Mr BRECKLING Peter German Fisheries Association Mr BRON Johannes REED BUSINESS Mr BRUNNER Ariel BirdLife Europe Mr BRUYNINCKX Hans EEA Ms BUDNIOK Marie - Alice European Landowners Organization - ELO asbl Mr BUERGER Harald Vienna Mr BUHECHA Heeran DEFRA Mr BUONSANTE Vito ClientEarth Mr BURGAR KUZELICKI Dan European Commission Ms BUTKOVSKÁ Katarína Permanent Representation of Slovakia to the EU Mr CALLANAN Bill Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland Mr CALLEJA CRESPO Daniel European Commission Ms CAMERON-JOHANSSON Froydis Anglo American plc Mr CARRÉ Hubert CNPMEM Ms CAULIER Aurelie gplus europe Mr CELADA Claudio Lipu BirdLife Italy Ms CHOPLIN Caroline Conference Assistant Mr CIOINEAG Liviu Federation Nature 2000 Romania Mr CIPRIANI Marco European Commission Mr CLARKE Michael RSPB Mr COMMENVILLE Pierre Ministère de l'Ecologie du Dévelopement Durable et de l'Energie, France Mr CONNAL Keith Scottish Government Mr COOLS Jan Milieu Ms CORK Christina Natural England Mr COULL Kenneth Scottish Fishermens Federation Mr CRESPO CARRETERO Fernando Red Eléctrica de España Mr DALLWITZ Wolfgang V. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Grundbesitzerverbände e.V., Germany Ms DAM Mette Confederation of Danish Industry Mr DANEV Gregor Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation Ms DARDES Cecilia Coldiretti Mr DE BOER Jeroen Cogeca Ms DE HAUTECLOCQUE Laure EU Issue Tracker Mr DE POUS Pieter EEB Mr DE ROOY Marc Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands Mr DE SCHAMPHELAERE Lieven Natuurpunt Mr DECLEER Kris Research Institute for Nature & Forest / Society for Ecological Restoration Europe, Belgium Mr DEFOORT Thomas Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos, Belgium Ms DEKKER Resianne Port of Rotterdam Authority, Netherlands Mr DEKKER Ruben Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU Mr DELGADO ROSA Humberto European Commission Mr DEMESMAEKER Mark European Parliament Mr DEPREZ René European Commission Ms DEVOS Sandrine UEPG - European Aggregates Association Ms D'HONDT Julie Dutch House of Representatives Ms DI SILVESTRE Ilaria Eurogroup for Animals Mr DIANA Olivier European Commission Ms DIESCHBOURG Carole Ministry of Environment Mr DIETERICH Martin Society for Conservation Biology, Germany Ms DO Thien Uyen Brussels Institute for the management of Environment - Region of Brussels-Capital Ms DOLLACKER Annik Bayer AG Mr DORA Steven Scottish government Mr DOTINGA Harm Vogelbescherming Nederland BirdLife Netherlands Ms DUBSKY Karin Coastwatch Ms DUCLOY Perrine CNPMEM Ms DUGGAN Oonagh BirdWatch Ireland Ms DUPEUX Delphine ELO Mr DUPRE' Eugenio ministry for environment, Italy Mr DURAN Fred EbS (European Commission) Ms EGLIE-RICHTERS Anne - Claire EDF - European Affairs Ms ELLENRIEDER-WORATSCHEK Waltraud Representation of the free state of Bavaria to the EU Mr ELLWANGER Götz Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Mr EMMANUEL Coste Copa Cogeca Mr ENDERLE Alfred Bavarian Farmers Union BBV Mr ENGBERG Oluf Danish Nature Agency Ms ESPAÑA Inès EbS (European Commission) Ms EVANS Penelope WWF-UK Ms FARRUGIA Bonnie MALTA ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING AUTHORITY Ms FASSIO Anita European Commission/EASME Ms FASSNACHT Nele Conference organiser Mr FELS Mirko DIHK - Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry Mr FINCKE Dirk UEPG - European Aggregates Association Ms FOULON Julie University College Dublin Ms FRANCHOIS Leen Cogeca Ms FRIDOLIN Herdis Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation Department, Estonia Ms FRIESENBICHLER Kerstin Umweltdachverband Mr FRITZ Marco European Commission Ms FURLONG Rachel Energy UK Ms GÄDE Meike Steffi Lemke, member of the German Bundestag Ms GAIBANI Giorgia Lipu-BirdLife Italy Ms GALIBERT Anne FECOF Mr GAMEN Philippe Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges Ms GÁSPÁR Vera Ministry of Agriculture Nature Conservation Department, Hungary Mr GATKOWSKI Dariusz Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) Ms GATTER Laure European Court of Auditors Ms GAUTHIER Sarah Conference Assistant Ms GAUTTIER Fanny BEAF Mr GEERTSMA Benno Natuurpunt Mr GENOT Yannick Conference Assistant Mr GERRITSEN Erik WWF European Policy Office Ms GIARRATANO Maria Carmela ministry for environment, Italy Ms GINZBURG Rikke Folving The Danish AgriFish Agency Ms GNITTKE Inka German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUB) Ms GODIN Marie - Agnes European Commission Ms GOERRES Ute European Commission Mr GOLOVKIN Sergei Wild Birds Regulation Unit Mr GRIFFIN Alexander FACE Ms GRIGOROVA-IVANOVA Yuliya WWF Bulgaria Ms GRYGORENKO Vira Conference Assistant Mr GUNNING Gerry Copa Mr HAESER Christian Bundesverband Mineralische Rohstoffe e.V. Ms HAGBERG Lovisa WWF Sweden Mr HALLSTRÖM Per Swedish Perm Rep Mr HARDWICK Richard Outlook on Agriculture / Cheval et Forêt Mr HARRIS David (Dai) Welsh Government Ms HARTEN Ninke Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Mr HEEREMA Rudmer Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) Mr HEEREN Keno Information office Meckelnburg-Vorpommern Mr HINCHLEY Stephen RSPB Ms HOFFMANN Dr. Bettina Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Germany Mr HOLDEN Andy Defra Mr HOOGEVEEN Hans Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands Mr HOWELL David SEO/BirdLife Ms HUTH Anne - Christine Bundesministerium für Umwelt /German Federal Environment Ministry, Germany Ms HUYSECOM Joelle Natagora Mr ILAVSKÝ Ján Slovak Environment Ministry Ms JAKOBSON Kaidi Ministry of Agriculture, Estonia Mr JANS Didier IMA-Europe aisbl Mr JANSKÝ Stanislav Association of Municipal and Private Forest Owners in the CR Mr JANSSENS Guy Antwerp Port Authority Mr JARDINE Ian European Commission, DG ENV Mr JENKINSON Nathan Southern Ecological Solutions Ms JENNINGS Kate Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)/ UK Joint Links Mr JESS PLESNER Lisbeth FEAP - Federation of European Aquaculture Producers Mr JESUS Joao Aires Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU Ms JOHN Sian Tidal Lagoon Power Ms JOHNSON Jessica CEMBUREAU, The European Cement Association Mr JOHNSON Stanley European Parliament Ms JONES Fay British Agriculture Bureau Mr JUCHEM Thilo UEPG Mr JUST Alexander European Commission Ms KACZYNSKA Marta NEEMO EEIG Mr KALUGEROV Miroslav Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria Mr KAPPEL Jan European Anglers Alliance Mr KATSANTONIS Thanasis European Commission Mr KELLY Eamonn Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland Ms KING Amanda Department of Energy and Climate Change, United Kingdom Ms KITSOU Areti Maria European Bureau for Conservation and Development Ms KLAASSEN Maarten European Parliament Ms KLEIN-HENDRIKS Ingrid Rijkswaterstaat, Corporate Services, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands Mr KLINGENSTEIN Frank German Federal Environment Ministry Ms KNEZEVIC Tina International Union for Conservation of Nature Mr KÖHLER Eugen Bayerischer Bauernverband Mr KORPELAINEN Heikki Ministry of the Environment, Finland Ms KOT Katarzyna Polish Permanent Representation to the EU Ms KÖTTL Stephanie Copa Mr KRÁLL Attila BirdLife Hungary Mr KREISER Konstantin NABU (BirdLife Germany) Mr KREMER François European Commission - DG Environment - Nature Unit Mr KUMMERT Lorenz Office of the Land Berlin to the EU Ms KUSNIROVA Tereza Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic Mr LANGHOUT Wouter BirdLife Europe Ms LAVEZZINI Marie
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