September 19, 1947

September 19, 1947

... ~!:!ple Beth- Eb Half ~Million Raised at GJC Initial Gifts; Sopkin Gives $75,000; Fine Bros., $50,000 - List Other Contributions Pledges tob:lliag ~ ,al{ a'Cl!llic:id~ l l l ~ dCJll3IT lamld:ed u-n CUDJ1e1p ot Ute Oen- El" ProTid-.- W?.a,. ~ pledges YEre tsb­ ud. it -.ns renmed tl!;at ap­ ~lay $Ui.... 1D gifts- m ~ GJC ompalp W beelll. e ti the illfflal gifts cllaMr. mamed b7 t.l1e JIii ,e of Bau:,- Kcir­ Plllba. ~r- f_. Seuea:n a!! t:lli? Tls»UY. Ulla 1lca of other dhtlnp],il;el pests.. Leallllc Gifts Left to rtpt. am. A. ..,.._ a--d,.,.& fll die 1M'I - B' . B'rith Lecd1ag th lbt TU a gift paip ol die, 6-eral Zewiall 0¥-fte; Ga.-- Jelia 0. Pal&me. fta) $'fa.ff• from tile So,ku. famftr_ _1· • l A.a ditioaal "ia... ta IHmor II ·OJ ~~~! H--,, KtaglZlliJ&aa,, u .. -u-J ....,.__ "'II. Be UA; .... ~ -To c--a-. Henry ., b .Alia&uc.-'I. bald Slha G1C ~ - ffte7 <Wf&:tul prtar to me---. I CCILC her er-a-la•. ~ Bera Sop-- The Com• gYear ~:.-.oc-w~ftmnilqlllpl_•--Lmp- Monsky Memorial ::=ana-.-lbyJln..HeuT fte. aaamg Gt :i':'08 a.tap. _ _ ________________________ CBI"•'""" ,.__., ___,. • _.., Ose ot tlN! 411-amaiie o- worid ,Jewry 10 ille, bcgta.amc °' A t l east 300 to A ttend lioJt 4ollar~ _orial.......... l'lud. - -ia ~the mal'.3 dUUg me pledgillg CU!2'1! =~ .= . : · · ~ or tae late Beary M~• .-1-1 1~ Pue brodters. Abe c. = • • l. h lateraa.tlmlal preldesat ol B"1l&i ~ Hany. a.DJllo.llltf!i:d a co:nri- aad usg,edy_ --- a'Ollded fllto $looM· · s-... f - ·-- ol ~tll18 decades. 'Die 1l!!RS ot. Bids- · ,n,mum· · unc · eon • •io..a or ......,., ~ ..--as :m- l.lJ 1.1!:ffeae, s,.ol l:al$,· cn-e- tlleir per.aidoat and the det:nKtima IDTit&rum ~ COlltm- lteul oC t.lle Nu:ioul w--s IIDWlttd ere by BeaJam1JA Sam- a,m • et lMi gift ol U • Ne.. of ..-air u-e Cffd". But. the Zelmla. ued to pow- i.ato Jteadqua:rters by Dirisio.,. Mn. LeTy- flew to Ea- ~ ::::;:-1 ~eat of Rqw:cws -Gn.lflale • people are still ill the tllroes of the score this Teet. a.s ~ rope to smdy ai. :tirst ltud tlle Be!ore tile ---t O: saff:ering ..t Ja...ehsmusa ment:s- rapid.l;y, w:ere be1ag mm- TaSi. JmJb1tin of relief &ad. w- The __.cemea£ -as made this gilt_ Abe C. nae caEe o As - say. "'"Xa:7 ,_ be ill- pleted for the all-im.{10l1&1rt $16 !!!i:nlttio ~ewisll sur- at Ute lle!!Siua of: B"-.1 the ~s platf- aH ex- 9ftibed for • ,:ood. year,'" .-e millimum gift lll.lldleoa uen Ma.- Ti-ron. 011 the Coatiaeat. B"ritll's district ' PJ'eSSi:'d 1!!1is grati Ute "fatt caaJ¥l4 ~Ip bB feel tllai: tbr day-, iB behalI of the WOlllela the coa2:!!le of lier- trip, mittee tht wurld has let. as dow1L II. is DiTisicm ol ~ e 150 GJC flllld- ]us.. l.etT made a Qedal ilt­ d.ifflalh to belie-re that CJpna ra.isi:ng campajga.. -resii&atioa. of the relief •eeds and E:mdas coald oaur - "" ll.Dlt:rttedeated ~ ~ the thOllSUlds of Je,rfsh wid- meetiag tbaa two ,-rs after die elld Is eart-wannlag prool that tile ows and. childrea iD. arms for-­ e fate as Cll.lfflms of tbe ...,._ .rt ls l:Kredihle, to Je--.-im •omea of g;ru.ter ProT-i­ mert,, ensla-red by the Nufs. -., J e-...-s silK,e - ltol!I- ffle ,-570'7 coald bring de.DC'.e are lteealy aware ol the hdud.ed amQDg a~ to nor Oct.. !S climax Ille oatr because I.hey ,nre Je..-s.. • ttdwtion bl gotd'.ilMrilW help dn..'¢ic need year ror: greater the $le~ miamaJD. gift llm~ 0( llte u~s.... raised a t aS.admewilea,Terishb---. support ol Ute United SeTi:!h ~ receTI!d at GSC ua.dq-.arten.. SU ~ w-1,k,b 1ras Jt peal_~ Hl su-11. BldJd1Jlg. tll1s ~ I.a ~ the laWll - -- OIi the 1-. The empbmed Mn.. Phil.ill JBGIDi 1ilLL JEWS 'TOO a cent eftllU of M0'7 lem - to tbe Dore.nbaam. Womea•s Dil'mOJl wen: bl rettal Uis. 4: Jews., 81 Ike ~L Coa.Jltrr ud tilDd1lslt.ti tbai the ..arid cbainna.n. In aa.nOUJlCi.ltg that ap- •~= 1''nul:I.: A.aa-. Britmas a.mi 59 AnlJs to u..... ~ sa.nrzad:ai fi as a ~ -W prefer to r-­ tmmmatelJ' lt women !lad Big- Fr-ed A--. lnfag A--. u.TI? betil killed T the hpJL W- en's Di-ri:sioa aad It,~ get. abom t.N, Jews who Alniftd nilled their i.Dlelltion to atted Ku: A--, Z_.,. :& &41 e, Ute YOQllg ARit .Dhiskm. In~- WelA&&I~ _,­ 0..-. ..! .... gifts w the DiTISioa"ll fo~m~t gat.bertag e- 4h I a. BJ 5 L.111:ii:.-.,-.----------. d.....,.,.,.._.,, - (M ~ or the cam,alp.. A.It-. ---- Baar. Max Bed- Pictures of •= ~ BrGlMn,. .......... _........ stage la G"I01'. - Theca1J Cited. as "t~e Jew- riclr., AnMe BeBla. IDie llff&e'. C Mee.__ • Sec. s..-i. Rep U. h.., ! f«-ndu:kw of IM,pe W1IS tbe 1511 W:O.lllaJI of l!U." Mn.. Adele Max ea-.,.~ ~ UU6 1:llilN Palk~ --. ..T.­ rea,pl.tlca bJj die htq of a­ RDRllwal.d LeYT. USA NaUGllal S~ Ba ;,;,., ee.r-,- .Bla­ ~ u,e - ,.._ ol ~ ; M.u- u t.nac. n5-NO; ·111,e laidal cift5 -«lac .. ~ ka tllal lM7 aft the gaard1- Womea's Dl'l'bi- ella1.naaa, wm dier. s_. Bak., • ~ Brift- ~ ... BwMp B o1 .._ ~ Bia-ul. Lack ol tbe faie ol Olelr ~- be prllldpal ~er at tJte stiJ'~ Im Brier, .BftlJaa5a. B: ... a:. G.u Im.;. $:UJNe; ._.,._.. A!! - mCff tile ,- 5"108 .-e riag; Sept.. 21 enat lo be held at Cllartes <.". -----. 8- amt. ol ..-.,e ...... ,. '" - w­ --sw-,--..:a.e.~.-.;IIM­ L1Acat1Ga--, 1t,.., Ne _,d,I Faailf, '1...... - ap.lJa llope IOI' • - aad the Shentoa-Bllt- JtoteJ. Sack Oft.I. Bhrarol. ~ . llripter dmf,ler la ~ Ble. Jmmed.lalely followla& Mr - PIia) ~. 8-1 ~. t•laclalealli.flllCll "---~--s-. { Co:1 1 •Pace•> ttpl:aatt GI Iler i,-.t peat u (Cc::albaatd - Pace S) (O.lllia... _Pllp9) • .. • 0 N Raise Half-Million at ~;~u:~ ~~eA::::es~ :::::~ Lehman Nominated THI JEWISH HEULD tute Jew, a problem that Is shak- For Nobel Prize The Jewish Home N~per of ·Week in the Year by the ,le,riah ,n,_ the stability the world. .. fo::;~:::;~:ene~l ~ Initial Gifts Meeting a:~ !t::: -Pt-eaa Publlahing Company. a, - - 1,! l ,y$,.,~, ~ ' . (Continued ftom Page 1) .1011e~ . Gartner, '3,000; Hal'.!)' ~lgh,, praille... to Go¥- Pastore ~R .... , !s ~m!!._ilt; the nominees for SubecnptJon Ratee: Five Cenw the ai Sw~ ,'1,300; Jiai-neJP ~d- Mil-" ~ nkerson, '8,000; :ilarnet , Sa). ~as paid by .Mr: Morgenthau who the Nobel Peace Prize for #1947, Copy; _ By Hall, $2.Ci!) per Annum. Bulk aubacrtptlon -~ on. nqueet. ton Kay, .7,IIOO; 8amuel and JDIIJ180n .l<'amlly, '3,000; tack followed him as-the next speaker. ~twas reported here by _the Nobel Walter Rubnal, lunaging . Edit«. · ~ • Hennan _Boeen, · •7,IIOO; Charles Shore, '8,000; · Walter I._ Sund- "Ir there were t7 other gover- Prize Committee. 78 .Dorrance St., Tel. GAapee 4112, 15 ~ •7,IIOO; Max and ,lames Jnn, '3,000; Phtllp Welnllteln nors like him, there wouldn't Other nominees are .Pope Plus, Cue-Head Bulldfnir. I.: Slegal and BenJ~ Ruttenbf-.rg, Family, '8,000. be.1hls desperate situation facing Mme. Alexandra Kollontay, form­ Entered as Second-Clau Matter at Ofllce, Providence, R.' L, ~ '8,IIOO; Irving· and Archie_ Fam, Other ·gifts below the · $5,000 the United Jewish Appeal," he er Soviet Ambassador to Sweden, the Poat Under the Act' of Kareh 3, lffl~ '8,000; George Gerber, '6,000; level, which will be listed In stated flatly. Mohandas Ghandl, Eduard Benes The Jewiah :Perald invite. corre­ >- Max and Loal8 Kestenman, '6,· subsequent Issues of the Heral(\; Stressing that the UJA was .and Sir John_ Boyd Orr, director aporidence on aubjecta of lntereat ~ 000; Leollfl'd Levin, '6,000 (ad· showed substantial Increases-over more than 36 million dollars In of the U. N. Food and Agrlcultur­ to the Jewlah people but cllacialma a:: dltlonal contribution to be an- the 1946 contributions or the debt, Morgenthau declared that al Organization,._ r~J)OD81blllty for an indonement of the. views expreaaed by the ..._ noimced later). - same persons. Individual loo the $170,000,000 nation-wide C.,,.....a_r_dc--o-f--CTCCh_a_n_k_s---- writers. Slgmnnd Rosenblatt, '6,000; creases, announced at the meet- goal set· by the UJA last Decem­ It la asaumea subacribeni wish th.Ir We wish to thank our ~Y ~ Arden ,Jewelry Company (~ Ing, showed percentages r!lilglDg ber, "already Is recognized as auamptlon ren-ed annually Ull· relatives and friends fqr the Abrams and Leo ·Welner) '8,000; from SO to 3 oo over 1946 gifts. being Inadequate. In amount." leas we receive notice to the kind expre881ons of sympathy . contrvy. ..., ~ 1 After the buffet supper, at_ The recent liquidation of UN- snown 118 during our recent be- ~ which guests waited upon t!!em- RRA and the "disorganization" Care for Children reavement ~ selves, Archibald Silverman, GJC or the Internatlo~n~l Relief Or- Unveiling .Notice · > Woman will take care of president.

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