TRADES DIRECTORY.] OXFORDSHIRE. ERE 349 Kerry Francis, Charlbury S.O Randall John, 22 Bla.::kfriars road, St. \Vay Herbert, Chinnor, Tetsworth Kirby J. 56 St. Clement's st. Oxford Ebbe's, Oxford Webb F. Swinbrook, Burford R. ~.0 Lambert Mrs. Agnes :.\Iartha, 70 8t. Rogers William, Hudson street, Ded- Webb John, Hornton, Banbury Giles' street, Oxford dington, Oxford Wells George, Bradwell, Lt>chlade S.O. Leaver J. Middle row,Chipping Norton Rogers W. 3 West Bar ~t. Banbury Gloucester Lester J oseph, 53 High street, Thame Rouse 'Yilliam, Hethe, :B~cester Wells Joshua, Tadmarton, Banbury Lestrr Wm. 7 Chinnor -road, Thame Rutlidge Jost>pb, 74 West street, 1Vells N. Barford St. ~Iichael, Oxford Lewis ,,~m. Gt. Milton, Tetsworth Grimsbury, Ba.nbury White William, Swerford, Enstone Lii;in~ton Messrs. 48 Corn Market st. Ryman Mark, 14 Luther street, 8t. Whitehead1 Charles, Beckley, Oxford Oxford Ebbe's, Oxford \Vhitlock James, Eynsham, Oxford Lovell J. 20 St. Ebbe's st. Oxford Scarsebrook W.High f.t.Burford R.S.O Wilkes Charles, Milton-under-Wych- Lowe E. Great Milton, Tetsworth Sedgley Charles, 19 Church la.Banbry wood, Chipping Norton Lowe J.High st.Wat:ington, Tetsworth Seymour Richard, Russell's water, Wilkins 1Yilliam, Ramsden, Oxford Lower Edward, The Hill, Witney Henley-on-Thames Williams W. 12 Friars entry, Oxford Lucas Thos. 4 Cardigan st. Oxford Seymour Thomas, 40 Hart street., Willis & Co. 71 'Valton street, Rt. Luker Benjamin, Charlbury 8.0 Henley-on-Thames Thomas', Oxford 1Iarriott 1Yilliam, 38 Princes street, Sharp John & Son, High s1.reet, Bur- Willis H. r .A.lbert st. Jericho, Oxford St. Clement's, Oxford ford R.S.O Willis Samuel, ro Centre street, ~Iarsh Henry, 10 Jericho gardens, Shayler D. Asthall, Burford R.S.O Grimsbury, Banbury Jericho, Oxford Sheasby Wm. 35 Market pl. Banbury Willis Waiter Edward, 2ra, Worcester Martin James, Iffiey, Oxford Shirley John, Kidlingtou, Oxford terrace, St. Thomas', Oxford l\Iather Mrs. Mary Ann, 47 Castle Short Fdk. 6 Britannia rd. Banbury Wills G.sLittlegate st. St.Ebbe's,OxfrJ street, Oxford Simmonds T. 29! Parsons st. Banbury Wing Henry, Beckley, Oxford Mathews 1Villiam, 5+ St. Clement's Simmons George, High street, ·,;Yat- Woodward Harry, 6 Turl st. Oxford street, Oxford lington, Tetsworth \Voodward James, Bloxham, Banbury Matthews Edmund, B1etchingt.on,Oxfd Simmons William, Church street, ·wat- Woodward John, Combe, Woodstock Meal J. Broad st. Bampton,Faringdon lington, Tetsworth Woolgrove Jn. Middle Barton, Oxford Medcraft Joseph & Son, Islip, Oxhrd Simms & Son, 6 & 7 Ship st. Oxford Wren William, Wolvercote, Oxford Medcraft Alfred, Forest bill, Oxford Slatter John & Son, Shillingford, Wal- vYyatt John, 12 Centre ;:ti·eet, Grims- ~Iedcraft '\V. Post office, Islip, Oxford J.ingford bury, Banbury Messenger Geo. 7 East street, Thame Slatter Alfred, Gt. Haseley, Tetsworth ~Iobbs Wm. 16 Ca:thorpe st. Banbury Smart Thomas Henry, 98 Friars 8t. BOOT & SHOE REPAIRERS. ~Ioore George, Tetsworth St. Ebbe's, Oxford Barnes John, r8 Cripley rd. Oxford Morris Arthur, 6 Plantation road & Smith Frank, 39 Observatory street, Bus tin G. In Charles st.Cowley,Oxfrd Leckford place, St. Giles', Oxford St. Gi:es', Oxford Dingle Isaac, High ;;treet, Witney ::\Iorse G. Philcot st.Deddington,Oxfrd Smith Fdk. 20 St. Aldate's r:,t. Oxford Dyer A. 5 Charles st. Cowley, Oxford Moss I. 4 Castle st. west, Banbury Smith James, "\;Voodcote, Reading East W. 15 Sidney st. Cowley, Oxforrl ),Jos;; Samuel, 27 Causeway, Grims- Smith John, Post office, Cropredy, Gray Wm. 16 Golden rd. Cowley,Oxfd bury, Banbury Leaming-ton Harris C. 2 Canal st. Jericho, Oxford ~loss Thomas, W. Adderbury,Banbury Smith J. T. 125 & 8 Cow1Py rd. Oxford Hmman Edwin C. 40 George street, :;\'[ntt James, Wheatley, Oxford Smith W. 4 Wood st. St. 'Ebbe's,Oxford St. Clement's, Oxford :\Iurray Peter,6 Beef la.St.Ebbe's,Oxf<l Smith William, Yfest •md, Witney Insall J. DistDn's la. Chipping Nortorr ~appen Joseph, Charlton, Oxford Spackman J. J. r6Windsor st.Ba.ubury Kilbee Frank, 22 Lower Fisher row, ~eal Rbt. 3 :Market p}ace, Banbury Squires Benj. 17 Park street, Thame St. Thomas', Oxford Needle Thomas, 27 Fish st. Banbury Squires Wm. Mapledurham, Reading London Boot Repairing Co. 2 London Nicholls F. Nth. Newington, Banbnry Stallwood Henry Burnett, Gravel hill-, place, St. Clement's, Oxford Nichols Alfred, 54 Fish st. Banb<~ry Henley-on-Thames ~fay G. 9 Park rd. Henley-on-Tham~s Norris Henry, 6o Observatory street, Stallwood J. Gravel hill, Henley-on-T Phillips J. 51 :Mill st. Osney, Oxford St. Giles', Oxford Stamp ,John, Horley, Bar:bnry Sansom Henry, 2 Park End street, Orpwood Edmund, Couchir.g street, Stanton Wj]liam, Charlton, Oxfo-:'d St. Thomas', Oxford Watlington, Tetsworth Stapleton Chas. 46 .I:Iolywell st.Oxfrd West A.26 :Magdalen rd.Cowley,Oxbrd Owen Thomas, Claydon, Banbury Stevens Francis, 8 Pembroh.e street, J>acker l'v!rs. Hannah, lYitney street, St. ~~date's, Oxford BOTTLE MANUFACTURERS- Burford R.S.O Stribblehill W. Charterville, Minster GLASS. Packer T. West st. Chipping Nortou Lovell, Witney Kilner Brothers, Great Northern Palmer Jn. Dorchester, Wallingforrl Strong Charles Alfred, Woodstock goods statn. King's Cross, London N Pargeter Geo. Cropredy, Leamingt::m Swell H. Nuneham Courtenay, Oxbrd Parrott Robert, Charlbury S.O Tack A. 7 :i'S'ew st. 'f~nley-on-Tnames BOX MAKERS. Parrott '1Yalter L. Charlbury S.O Tanner William, 38 James street, Stone Henry & Son (patent), Gatte- Pash D. & Co. 2 Castle st. Oxford Cowley, Oxford ridge street, Banbury Patrick W. Horsefair, Chipping Norton Taylor ~\lbert, 28 London place, St. Payne J. I Alfred la. St. Giles',Oxbrrl Clement's, Oxford Kilner Brothers, Great Northern . Payne John, Kidlington, Oxford Taylor J. Black Bourton, Faringdon govd:S statn. King's Cross, Lndn. N Peat William Thomas, :.;6 St. John's Taylor Robert, Bridge ~t. Witney road, St. Giles', Oxford Tavlor William, Clifton, Oxford Perrin William, 26 Market pla~e, TPbbey .John, Wardington, Banbury BRASS FINISHER. HenlPy-on-Tbames Tebby A:fd. Stoke Talmage,Tetsworth Young Daniel, Bridge street, Witney Phipps George, Littlemf)re, Oxford Terry Frede,rick, r7 nridge street, Plant & Freeman, Causeway, Bicester Caversham, Reading BRASS FOUNDERS. Plant William, Market ~quare,Bicester Timrns John Thoma~, 14 Leckfvrd Lampitt A. & Co. Christ Church Plum be 1¥Iiss J. Fritwell, T!anbury road, St. Giles', Oxford works, Banbury Plumridge John, 175 Kingston roaJ, Toovey T.High st.Watlington,Tets-.vth Rogers Bros. Friday street, Henley- St. Giles', Oxford Townsend Alfred, Chadlington, Charl- on-Thames Pocock & Son, Wnitchurch, Reading bury S.O Rowell Robert & Sons, High street, Fowell Samuel,2o Newland pl.Banbury Townsend ~iiss E. High st. 1Yitney Chipping Nort-on Pratt H. 48 Albert rd. Henley-on-T Townsend John, 19 S0uth street, Shillingford Works Co. Lim. (Arthur Price David, Ewelme, 1\allingford Grimsbury, Banbury John Estcourt,, mgr.), Shillingford, Price Henry, Cliarlbury S.O Tubb C. 152 Hurst· st. Cowley, Oxbrd Wallingford 1'ritchard· Joseph, ro Catherine street, Tustain A. Barford St. ~Iichael,Oxfa•·d WilderW.Crowmarsh Gifford,Wllngfrd Cowley, Oxford Tyrrell Samuel Hughes, 34 Great Young Daniel, Bridge <:treet, Witney Pulker Charles, 27 North Bar st.Bnbry Clarendon street, Jericho, Oxford Pulker Goorge, 3 Castle st. Banbury Varney G. 4+ Up. High st. Thame Tylor J. & Sons Lim. 2 ~ewgate st. Pullinger J. A. 21 Parsons st. Ba'lbury Veal E. 55 Burst st. Cowley, OxfQrd EC & Belle Isle, King's Cross,Lndru~ Purlley J. A. 71 Cranh3m st. Oxford Viner Caleb, High 8treet, Witney BRAZIERS. Quelch Henry William, 2r St. John's Wake1in G. J. 3 & 5 Cowley rd. Oxford road, St. Giles', Oxford Walker Waiter, 70 Hayfield road, St. See Tinmen, Braziers & Tinplate Railton E. & Son, 13 High st. Banbury Giles', Osford Workers. Rainbow Frank, 2 1 HnJlingdon road, Walker William, Chinnor, Tetsworth onREEC-D"ES - KERS Cowley, Oxford Walsh Edward Herbert (& repairer), .D ..c. ..w.A • Rainbow George, I r.ittle Gate ~q. Ascott, Oxford Baker s. & Son, 135 High st. Oxford Church street, St. !%be's, Oxford Ward Henry, Ramsden, Oxford Bartlett & Carter, 6 Oriel street, Bogers J.Stoke row,Henley-on-Thames Ward J. Nettlebed, Henfey-on-Thames Oxford. See advertisement .
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