November 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1549 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MILES DAVID MOORE Having known Mr. Shook for a number of HONORING RON DOMINGUEZ years, I know that he has consistently dem- HON. DONALD S. BEYER, JR. onstrated the highest degree of integrity. He HON. VICENTE GONZALEZ OF VIRGINIA has been dedicated to his profession and has OF TEXAS worked tirelessly to advance the Society’s mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, November 13, 2017 sion of globally advancing the science and technology of welding. His work ethic, loyalty, Monday, November 13, 2017 Mr. BEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of- and service to the welding industry cannot be Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ficially recognize the outstanding public understated. rise today to recognize an outstanding com- achievement of my constituent Miles David Mr. Speaker, I am honored to pay tribute to munity member and upstanding citizen, Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore is a reporter for Crain Com- my friend, Mr. Ray Shook, for his impressive Ron Dominguez of Rockport, Texas. munications Inc., the author of three books of career in the welding industry, and I ask my A proud U.S. Army veteran, Mr. Dominguez poetry and the Film Critic for Scene4. has continued to honorably serve his commu- I take this time to recognize Mr. Moore for colleagues to join me in recognizing this re- markable individual. nity as a Ride Captain with the Patriot Guard his outstanding leadership and commitment to Riders; a Little League Volunteer; a Volunteer the IOTA Poetry Series. Begun in March 1994, f Rescue Worker at Ground Zero and post-Hur- sadly, September 10 was the last poetry per- ricane Katrina New Orleans; and as a Mentor formance at IOTA. In total, 275 readings cov- CELEBRATING THE CENTENNIAL at the Robert Barnes Regional Juvenile Facil- ering countless themes occurred in the IOTA OF TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH ity Boot Camp. Mr. Dominguez was also a Poetry Series. Missing only two readings in all member of the Aransas County Class Leader- that time—one because of an ice storm, and ship Class XVIII. He achieved all of this while another because of a water-main break—the HON. KAREN BASS being a loving husband and father. performances were a critical part of the Arling- OF CALIFORNIA As you can see, Mr. Dominguez has accom- ton fabric of humanities, and Mr. Moore was a plished many amazing feats, and I have no critical tie that bound the series to the commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doubt that he will go on to accomplish more. nity. And even after countless successes, he has Along with Mr. Moore, IOTA owners Ste- Monday, November 13, 2017 remained humble, owing his achievements to phen Negrey and Jane Negrey-Inge deserve Ms. BASS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate Tellisah, his wife, who has always offered her tremendous credit for their commitment to the the 100th Anniversary of Trinity Baptist unwavering and steadfast support. series which brought so much emotional and Church. Founded on November 11, 1917 as a Mr. Speaker, I again offer my congratula- intellectual pleasure to so many in Arlington. Sunday school group of three adults and fif- tions to Mr. Dominguez, his wife, Tellisah, and f teen children, Trinity Baptist has grown into an their 6 beloved daughters. His empathy, good- COMMEMORATING THE abundant congregation, housed on a church will, and perseverance have not gone unno- RETIREMENT OF MR. RAY SHOOK campus that includes a lovely sanctuary, built ticed. Mr. Dominguez and his family have in 1962 and designed by renowned African made the state of Texas and the United HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART American architect Paul Williams. States a better place, and it is my honor to ac- OF FLORIDA Rev. Alvin Tunstill, Jr. is the ninth pastor to knowledge him today. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lead the congregation and only the fourth sen- f ior pastor in the last 80 years. Under his lead- Monday, November 13, 2017 ership, ten clergy members and a cadre of HONORING NEW CITIZENS Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, I rise today deacons, deaconesses and other lay leaders to commemorate the retirement of Mr. Ray serve the congregation. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Shook. Mr. Shook is an outstanding individual Clergy, staff and volunteers oversee a OF INDIANA who has served as the Executive Director of wealth of ministries, including those that focus IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the American Welding Society since 2002. on women; fitness, health, and wellness; a hot Monday, November 13, 2017 Mr. Shook’s retirement closes the chapter of lunch program; homelessness outreach; sum- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with a forty-four year association with the welding mer youth employment; and education, includ- great pleasure and sincerity that I take this industry. Prior to his tenure with the American ing college scholarships. Church programs time to congratulate thirty individuals who will Welding Society, Mr. Shook served on the aim to build lasting bonds of service between take their oaths of citizenship on Friday, No- Board of Directors and as Vice President of members of the church, and they play an im- vember 17, 2017. This memorable occasion the International Institute of Welding for five portant role in making resources available to will be held at the United States Courthouse years. He spent twenty five years working his the mainly African-American congregation and and Federal Building in Hammond, Indiana. way up at Hobart Brothers Company and to the surrounding Jefferson Park neighbor- America is a country founded by immi- reached the position of President at the Ho- hood of South Los Angeles. bart Institute of Welding Technology, which is grants. From its beginning, settlers have come the world’s largest welding training organiza- Today, Trinity has partnerships with national from countries around the world to the United tion. organizations like the American Cancer Soci- States in search of better lives for their fami- Under his leadership, the American Welding ety, and it has sponsored sister organizations, lies. Oath ceremonies are a shining example Society experienced significant changes. With including the Trinity Community Development of what is so great about the United States of membership reaching over 73,000, revenues Corporation, in order to tackle issues ranging America—that people from all over the world steadily increased from $15 million to more from obesity to computer illiteracy and to pur- can come together and unite as members of than $40 million annually. He was instrumental sue solutions like affordable housing to gang a free, democratic nation. These individuals in establishing North America’s largest annual prevention. realize that nowhere else in the world offers a metalwork exhibition by forging an alliance Commitment to its faith has helped to guide better opportunity for success than here in with FABTECH. The Society also expanded the Trinity Baptist community in its mission of America. globally, achieving its first acquisition in its service for a century now. I applaud the strong On November 17, 2017, the following peo- ninety-five year history through its purchase of bonds that knit this community together, and I ple, representing many nations throughout the Weldmex in 2007. Throughout his tenure, the wish the congregation, both leaders and flock, world, will take their oaths of citizenship in American Welding Society continued to grow the very best as it embarks on the church’s Hammond, Indiana: Suzanna Krivulskaya, and acquire additional global holdings. second century. Krysta Carmella Ma Abuyo Mapoy, John ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:06 Nov 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13NO8.001 E13NOPT1 E1550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 13, 2017 Mutua Imanene, Saroja Valluru, Slavko Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in In this technologically advanced age, there Veljanoski, Marija Veljanoska, Maher Awwad, thanking Alicia Jayne Endicott for her many is no excuse for us to withhold support from Haya Daoud, Maria Diaz, Adriana Garcia, Eva years of service to the people of the Sixth veterans. Telemedicine allows qualified practi- Tanghal Hernandez, Feda Ahmad Mattour, Congressional District. I know Alicia’s col- tioners to reach veterans even in the most re- Slavica Todoroski, Anna Sijie Xiong, Shuhui leagues, family and friends join with me in mote areas. Currently, location requirements Grace Yang, Gail Patrich Mendoza de Cha- thanking her for her commitment to others and make it difficult for veterans—especially those vez, Chao Ye, Norma Alicia Bautista, Suyapa wishing her the best of luck in all her endeav- struggling with mental health issues—to get Rodriguez Handres, Vicar Serrano Valencia, ors and many years of success to come. the help they need and deserve. H.R. 2123 Ivan Didier Ros, Soammy Silvia Aguilar, Mira f will ensure that our veterans can obtain the Deven Patel, Maria Guadalupe Coria Espino, best care possible regardless of where they Connie Withers, Hebah Allan Musleh, Titilayo IN RECOGNITION OF COLONEL are in the United States. I fully support H.R. Folasade Aloba, Maureen Wanjiru Papai, GEORGE C. CRESSMAN, JR. 2123 to make lifesaving resources easily ac- Oscar Barajas, and Rosa Nelly Chavez. cessible for the veterans who have dutifully Although each individual has sought to be- HON. PATRICK MEEHAN served our country. OF PENNSYLVANIA come a citizen of the United States for his or f her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, Monday, November 13, 2017 IN RECOGNITION OF WILLIAM J.
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