Student Newspaper of John Burroughs High School - 1920 W. Clark Ave., Burbank, CA 91506 TThehe SSignalignal Friday, October 30, 2020 - Volume LXXI, Issue I L.A. A P T S A B H T Azerbaijan, with Turkey’s sup- being that the LA Times published more for the people whose houses the city saying that Turkey wants S W port, started attacking Karabakh an article that was telling people are getting bombed by Azerbaijan to fi nish the genocide they started Since late September there with its full force using diff erent Armenia was the aggressor and and many innocent civilians who at 1915 and that this war is just have been protests around LA types of weapons and attacking Armenia started the war. After a are hurt and dying. The humani- the start of it. County by Armenians. across all of the border. couple of days the LA Times re- tarian aid sent from LA will help Armenians want peace but The reason for the protests is Armenians around the world moved the article and said that the people to survive the war. they are not going to give away the confl ict in Armenia between started protesting and asking the they are going to send a journalist L.A.’s Mayor Eric Garcet- Artsakh. These are lands that the Artsakh (also known as the world nations to take action and to the region to reevaluate the sit- ti said that he stands next to the historically belong to Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh) Republic stop Azerbaijan’s aggression. uation. Armenian community and fully but because of a map made back (under Armenia’s protection) and In L.A., where there are more Many Armenians from LA supports them in order to get the when Joseph Stalin was in charge the Azerbaijan Republic. than one million Armenian resi- went as volunteers to support the world’s attention to force Azer- of the USSR, it belongs to Azer- The reasons behind the con- dents, Armenians started protest- nation. Armenianfund collected baijan and Turkey to stop the ag- baijan. fl ict started thirty years ago when ing by closing roads and free- more than $150 million in just gression. Azerbaijan is targeting hospi- Armenia fought to take control ways, asking the news companies less than two weeks and sent it to One of the biggest protests tals, civilians, and humanitarian of the Nagorno-Karabakh region to send journalists to Karabakh Armenia. took place on October 7th at help centers. and give the ethnic Armenians and pay attention to what Azer- A big Qatar airways cargo air- Wilshire Ave. in front of the Turk- Both sides are taking huge ca- living there independence. baijan is doing. plane full of medical supplies and ish embassy, where more than sualties, and the confl ict looks to The Artsakh (Nagorno-Khar- First they closed the CNN other necessities was sent to Ar- 50,000 Armenians came to march have no end in sight. abakhs) population is primarily building which forced CNN to in- menia as well in order to supply for justice and show that they sup- Armenians want peace and ethnically and religiously Arme- terview the President of Armenia the hospitals and people of Na- port Armenia and demand Turkey want Nagorno-Karabakh to be nian, it’s like a second Armenian and later on the Prime Minister of gorno-Karabakh. to stop supporting Azerbaijan by independent Armenian nation and nation. Nagorno-Karabakh. A second shipment will be sent bringing terrorists from Syria and recognized by all of the world. Recently, on September 27th, After CNN they targeted the soon and this one is going to in- Iraq to fi ght Armenians. the confl ict intensifi ed when LA Times building, the reason clude clothes, sleeping bags and Many large signs are up around S T B C A C B N E believes in elevating and enrich- the power of inspiration and the equal, all simply artists. If you be interested in, I suggest you take S W ing the community through art drive to creativity. With museums think the Burbank Visual Arts a look and become inspired. and creativity. temporarily closed, I hope people Gallery is something you might Throughout the 2020 coro- The Burbank Arts website fi nd visual arts galleries as the A E H navirus pandemic many people, very much embodies a museum. inspiration they need to create whether it’s working from home Bright colors and white back- something great. to not working at all, have had grounds remind us of what a The amazing variety of sub- more time on their hands. The modern art museum should look missions featured in the virtual art people really benefi ting from this like. The Burbank Art Gallery gallery is astonishing. Anything are artists. Time at home means proudly displays each artist’s from mixed media, poetry, music, time in the studio working on name and a sample of each art- photography, painting, jewelry, whatever project interests them. ist’s work. For those who have pottery, and dancing. One of my The increased stress, confusion, missed visiting the Burbank Arts favorite art pieces from the show and not knowing what the future Center, you will fi nd the website is by an artist named Joe Korzen. brings will have a defi nite eff ect and gallery welcoming and easy Korzen designed a minimalist, on the art produced during these to navigate. wooden wall clock and posted hard times. Art is directly infl u- I was lucky enough to be one a video so viewers could see it enced by what’s going on in the of the thirty-six artists chosen moving. I also enjoyed viewing world and with the news packed in the online art exhibition. I’ve Eul Hurley’s amazing “Looking with Coronavirus updates, glob- been making minimalist geomet- Towards Pershing Square.” Hur- al issues, and racial injustice, it’s ric-shaped jewelry for over fi ve ley used a mix of black line and no wonder artists are producing years now and I am very proud washes to portray the Los Ange- something special. to be a part of the Burbank On- les skyline in a very unique way. The Burbank Cultural Arts line Art Gallery. My jewelry is With such a wide and creative Commission recognized this and currently being sold at Mindful- display of art, the Burbank Visual set out to bring the wildly diverse nest here in Burbank, as well as Arts Gallery has really stepped up selection of art in Burbank to in the Museum of Wisconsin Art to the plate to give those that en- one place. With everyone spread (MOWA). My jewelry was also joy art, a very diverse experience. apart because of the coronavirus featured in the 2019-2020 addi- The Burbank Visual Arts Gallery pandemic, it was only right to try tion of the JBHS yearbook. My welcomed all walks of life. From and bring people together with whole Jewelry endeavor start- the big guy to the little guy, from the intent of sharing ideas, cre- ed when I visited A Dale Chi- the famous to the anonymous. All ativity, and inspiration. The Bur- huly exhibit at an art museum bank Cultural Arts Commission in Washington. I truly believe in V P A R C B N P Bell Golf Course and played their Also, sports teams at Bur- S W disc gold rounds there. There roughs are able to practice To slow the spread of were three diff erent divisions, the through the Parks and Rec, at Ol- Covid-19, most are advised to gold division, blue division, and ive Park. stay safe by remaining at home. red division. The standings are The Football team is able to do During this time, even without in shown on the Parks and Rec web- some conditioning outside, while person exercise or sports classes, site, so anyone can go on and see maintaining a social distance, and the Burbank Parks and Rec have the participants and their scores, Volleyball is doing activities as set up online videos for at home and who came in fi rst place for well through their classes, among workouts and shows other ways each division. other school sports. to stay active. Even with the limited options All in all, even during There are a lot of diff erent op- that the Burbank Parks and Rec Covid-19, the Parks and Rec tions on the Burbank Parks and have due to the Pandemic, they have provided some pretty cool Rec website, from Baseball and still managed to post helpful vid- and unique ways to stay active Softball pitching clinics, to Zum- eos for those staying at home, to while staying safe. Whether it’s ba tutorials. encourage them to stay active. by following some video tutorials From July 20- August 5, Bur- Even with Covid-19, those on exercises, joining a disc golf bank Parks and Rec hosted an who organized the Disc Golf league, or just going on a walk online disc golf league, where League were able to adapt and outside, the Burbank Parks and participants could play on their make it so participants individu- Rec has options for the Burbank own time, and submit their own ally competed and took scores on community. A N E scores. Participants went to De- their own. PAGE 2 N OCTOBER 30, 2020 L C G C S A B I 2020 B M M stated “I thought it was really keep in connect and create some some guidance.
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