330 ' NIC OXFORDSHIRE. [ KELLY'S Nicholls Henry, 66 Woodstock road, Orchard Stephen, I Middleton road, P.arker W. 27 Upp. High st. Thame · St. Giles', Oxford Grimsbury, Banbury Parkin Rev. Richard, Chadlington. Nicholls J.Barford St.Michael, Oxford Orpwood Mrs. 2I Leckford road, Charlbury S.O Nicholls Mrs. Northfield end, Henley- St. Giles', Oxford Parratt Mrs. Church green, Witney on-Thames Ostrehan J. E. D. Corn mkt. Thame Parry Maj.G.Elm croft,Goring,Readng Nicholls Mrs. Spring st.Chipping Nrtn Ottley Rev. Robt. Lawrence M.A. Parry Hy. H. Kidlington, Oxford Nicholson Rev. Charle,.>, St. A.loysius Pusey house, 61 St. Giles' st. Oxfrd Pars()ns Hrbt. 93 High street, Oxford Presbytery, Woodstock road, St. Ovey Richard J.P. Badgemore, Hen- ParsonsH.,J.P.Man()r ho.Elsfield,Oxfrd Giles', Oxford ley-on-Thames Parsons Miss, Essex house, Chinnor Nicholson Rev. 'r. 2r Bath rd.llanlmry Owens Sergt.-Maj. William, 53 St. road, Thame 1\""icholson Rev. Thomas Frederick, John's street, St. Giles', Oxford Parsons Miss, 27 Polstead road, St. 34 Warnborough rd. St. Giles' ,Oxfd Owen .Albert John M us. Bac. New .st. Giles', Oxford 1\""icholson Alexander, 66 Middlct·Jn rd. Chipping Nmt<Jn Parsons Thos. Woodcote, Reading Grimsbury, Banbury Owen Chas. M. Wood ho. Iffiey,Oxfrd Parsons Wm. Chinnor road, Thame Nicholson Alfred William, 38 Leckford Owen G.G.7 Chester st.Iffiey rd. Oxfrd ParsonsW. nKingstonrd.St.Giles',Oxfd road, St. Giles', Oxford Owen Miss, Crowmarsh Gifford, Partleton Mrs. Ivy cot.Neithrop,Bnbry Kicholson Edward lVilliams. Byron Wallingford Partridge Mrs. 97 Holywell st. · Oxfrd M.A. 2 Canterbury rd.St.Giles',Oxfd Owen Percival, 98 High street, Tharue Partridge Mrs. 2 South pl.· Reading Nind Rev. Hubert George ~LA. Wood- Owen Rupert K. W. 2 St. Margaret's road, Henley-()n-Thames cote house, Reading road, St. Giles', Oxford Pater Misses, 64 St. Giles' st. Oxford NindPhilipHenry,Lashlake vils. Thame Owen Sidney George M. A. Christ Patey Charles, 5 Mert.on st. Oxford Nix James, 21 )Varnborough road, St. Church college, Oxf.ard Pattrick Rev. .Arthur Henry Saint Giles', Oxford Owen Sidney James M.A. 5 Bradmore M.A. Queen's college, Oxf()fd Nix Robert Newton, 79 Kingston rd. road, St. Giles', Oxford Paul Capt. Robert RN. The High- St. Giles', Oxford Owen William, 101 Iffley rd. Oxford lands, Tadmarton, Banbury N'oble R. H. Caversham hl. Reading Oxford Right Rev. Lord Bishop of PaaJ.lm :Mrs.Que~n st.Henley·on-Thms Noel Rev. M. H., M.A. The Vicarage, D.D. (William Stubbs), The Palace, Pauling A.8Kingstn. rd.St.Giles',Oxfd St. Barnabas st. Jericho, Oxford Cuddesdon, Oxford; & Athenreum Paxton Miss, Gt. Chesterton, Bicester ~olan Rev. Thomas M . .A. Rectory, club, London SW Paxton Mrs . .Alchester house, Bicester Tackley, Oxford Packer Miss, West st. Chipping Nortn Payne Rev. E. J. Undy K.C.L. St. Norman 1\Irs. Ea. Adderbury, Banbry Page Rev. C. J. N., B.A. Bioester Mary's priory, Cogges, Witney Norris Lieut.-Col. Henry Crawley J.P. Page Rev. F.,D.D.St.Aldate's st.O:xfrd Payne E. J. 20 West Bar st. Banbury Swalcli:ffe park, Banbury Page Rev. R. L., M.A. St. John's Mis- Payne George Septimus, 32 St. Mar- Norris Rev. Canon William Foxley sion ho. Marston st. Cowley, O:xfrd garet's road, St. Giles', Oxf()rd M.A. Rectory, Witney Page C. N. 47 Sth. Bar .st. Banbury Pa.yne Mrs.sBardwel.l rd.St.Giles',Oxfd Norris G. West .Adderbury, Banbury Page Henry, 12 High street, Banbury Payne William, High street, Witney Norris :Misses, We . .Adderbury,Bnbry Page Jn. Hart st. Henley-on-Thames Pearce Rev. Stephen Spencer ~LA. North Rt. Hon. Lord J.P. Wroxton Page Miss, 53 The Green, Banbury Con:.be, Woodstock abbey, Banbury; & 51 Cromwell Page Mrs. Ivy cot. Bodicote, Banbury Pearce Charles, Lashlake, Thame houses, South Kensington; & Carl- Page Mrs. 4 St. Margaret's road, Pearce E. 62 Broughton rd. Banbury ton club, London SW St. Giles', Oxford Pearce Frederick Charles, Lashlake. North Hon. William Frederick John Page Mrs. E. The Elms,Bodicote,Bnbry villas, .Aylesbury road, Thame J.P. "\Vr·oxton, Banbury Page R.TheGrange,Swalcliffe,Banbury Pearce Mrs. 59 Park street, Thame Norton .A. 9 TheTer.Park twn.Oxford Page R. F. ro Broughton rd. Banbury Pearce Sydney, Lash lake villas, Tham& Norton G. 13 The Ter. Park twn.Oxfd Page William, Deddington, Oxford Pearse Rev. Vincent M . .A. Rectory,. Norton Jn. Hy. 24 .Albert st. Banbury Page W, Garsons, Ipsden, Wallingford Hanwell, Banbury Norton Mrs. Hill Side cottage, Forest Page ·william, 145 Iffiey road, Oxford. Pearson .Arthur, 3 Winchester road,. Hill, Oxford Page Wm.jun.New st.Deddingtn.Oxfrd St. Gi!es', Oxford Nort<Jn Mrs. Douglas, 7 Norham rd. Painter James Giles, Brook house, Pearson William Dewhurst, _r; Pol- . St. Giles', Oxford Bensington, ·wallingford stead road, St. Giles', Oxford Norwood Rev. Robert Pickman B.A. Painter John Thomas, Hale farm, PeokH.rCambrian vls.Henley-on-Thms Vicarage, Fritwell, Banbury Bensington, Wallingford Pedder .A. L. ,M. .A.MagdaJen coll. Oxfrd Nowell Mrs. 3 Farndon road, St. Paintin George, Providence lQdge, Pe-el Mrs. 105 Banbury road, St. Giles', Oxford Fulbrook, Burford R.S.O Giles', Oxford Noyes Capt.K.Kingham,ChippingNrtn Baintin Harry, r4 Regent street, Peel Robt. Wm. Harlesford, Tetswortb Nutt Rev. John William M.A. Rec- Cowley, Oxford Pegg Thoma.s, Headington, Oxford tory, Harpsden, Henley-on-Thames Paint.on :Mrs. 4 TVarnborough road, Pagler H. 8 Banbury rd.St.Gil-e,s',Oxfrd Oake Rev. R. C. 209 Iffiey rd. Oxford St. Giles', Oxford Pelham Henry Francis M . .A. zo- Erad- Oakey Mrs. The Poplars, Bampton, Palmer Yen. Edwin D.D. Christ more road, St. Giles', Oxford Faringdon Church, St . .Aldate's street, Oxford P-eUat.t Daniel, Curraghm()ore, Oxford Oates James Pimlott, Oathurst, Palmer Denjamin, I Hamilton avenue, road, Banbury . Bampt'On, Faringdon Henley-on-Tbames Pellet Mrs. 24 Warnborough road,. Ockenden C. zManor rd.Holywll.Oxfrd Palmer Benj. Shillingford, Wallingfrd St. Giles', Oxford Ockenden George, r68 .Abingdon rd. Palmer E. Northampton ho. Bicester Pemberton Clarence Lindon Henderson New Hinksey, Oxford Palmer E. J., M.A. Balliol coli. Oxfrd l\I.B. The Green, Banbury Oddie Rt. ll. Sibford Ferris, Banbury Palmer Lester, The Aloes, Ewelme, Pemberton Loftus Leigh, · Hillside.. Odgers Rev. James Edwin, I45 Wood- Wallingford Whitchurch, Reading · · ' stock road, St. Giles', Oxford Palmer Mrs. Hook End house, Pembrey Misses, The Elms, Bamp- Odling William ~LA., J\LB., F.R.S. r.r:: Checkendon, Reading ton, Faringdon Norham gardens, St. Giles', Oxford Palmer Mrs.Rose cot.L<Jndon rd.l;Jcstr Pembrey Seymour M.A.., B.A.. 32' Ogg Gordon Campbell, The Chase, Palmer Thomas Leonard M . .A. Amata- Banbury road, St. Giles', Oxford Chickenden, Reading las, Church st. Henley-on-Thames Pendle G. Queen st. Henley-on-Thms Ogle Bertram Savile M . .A., J.P. Hill Palmer Wm. I Calthorpe rd. Banbury Peneston Mrs.Font hl. Henley-on-Thms. house, Steeple .Aston, Oxford Pannell Capt. W.Boult's cross,Rother- Pennell Rev. George Barrow l\L.A. Ogle Mrs. 19 & 20 Park crescent, field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames Vicarage, Stadhampton, Wallingfrd Park town, Oxford ParkMrs.roKingston rd.St.Giles',Oxfd Penny Rev. Fra.ser Henry M . .A. II O'Kelly T.,M.D.High st.ChippingNortn Parke Lieut.-Col Roger, Cbiselhamp- Banbury road, St. Giles', Oxford Olds Hy. T. 26 Britannia rd. Banbury ton ho. Chiselhampton, Wallingford Pentycross Rev. Frederick John B..A. Oliver John, r4 Buckingham street, Parke Mrs. Chiselhampt,on ho. Chisle- Goring heath, Reading Grandpont, Oxford hampton, Wallingford Penyston Mrs. Hill l<J. Chipping ~rtn 0 1Malley Sir E. L., J.P., M . .A. Denton Parker Rev. The Hon. Algernon Robt. Percy Harry, IOO West street, Grims- house, Denton, Cuddesdon, Oxford M.A. Bix, Henley-on-Thames bury, Banbury Oman Chas. 32 Beaumont st. Oxford Parker Charles Jas. Islip, Oxford Perkins Joseph, Fairview villa, Fair- Oman Charles William Chad wick M . .A. Parker Edwd. 13 Upp. High st. Thame view road, Banbury All Souls' college, Oxford ParkerG.3Church walk,St.Giles',Oxfrd Perkins Miss, 62 Holywell st. Oxford Ommanney Lieut.-Col. Octavius J.P. Parker George, 39 Wellington square, Perkins William, Ascott, Oxford Bl<Jxham, Banbury St. Giles', Oxford . Perrin Geo. Hill ho. Bmford R.S.O Ommanney Rev. Prebendary George Parker James, 2I Turl street, Oxford Perrin Thos. High st. Burford R.S.O Druce Wynne ::\LA. 29 Beaumont ParkerMisses,Bull ring,Dedngtn.O:xfrd Perry Mrs. The Nurseries, Oxfor<l strMt, Oxford Parker Mrs. Freelands, Iffiey, Oxford road, Banbury Omond G. W. T., M.A.Marston,Oxford Parker William, 53 Woodstock road, Perry Mrs. 6 Wellington square, St. Ore R-ev. Albert, Wheatley, Oxford St. Giles', Oxford Giles', Oxford .
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