www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com Publishing news & views of Lancaster, Groveton, Whitefield, Lunenburg & other towns of the upper Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire & Vermont [email protected] VOL. CXLIV, NO. 28 WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 2012 LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE TELEPHONE: 603-788-4939 TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES 75¢ PHOTO BY JONATHAN BENTON PHOTO BY JONATHAN BENTON Little Morgan and Olivia Forest were dressed as Betsy Ross and Lady Liberty for the Lancaster Fourth of July The North Country Ford float was patriotic with Matt Kopp, Mary Kopp (Betsy Ross), Emily Kopp and Annie Parade. Kopp. William “Bill” Colborn named Lancaster Police Chief By Edith Tucker offer him at their July 2 meeting. “I’d like also to publicly ex- changes, Colborn explained. Sgt. [email protected] His salary will be in the mid-60s, press my tremendous apprecia- Chris St. Cyr has decided to retire, LANCASTER — William “Bill” according to town manager Ed tion to the Whitefield selectmen effective July 31. A new officer is Colborn has accepted the posi- Samson. and town residents for support- being checked out in the normal tion of Lancaster Police Chief that Colborn has served as the ing a strong Police Department, pre-employment process that be- the board of selectmen voted to Whitefield Police Chief for six- providing it with the resources — gan under former Chief Gardiner, and-a-half years; he took the oath personnel, equipment, training, and another officer will also be Groveton mill of office in January 2006 at The and other support — to build hired. Normally, the L.P.D. totals purchase expected Morrison where his father is a res- what I believe is one of the North seven: chief, sergeant, corporal, ident. Country’s strongest police de- and four patrolmen plus part-time by July 20 “I’m looking forward to my partments.” staff and two crossing guards. By Edith Tucker new job,” Colborn said. “I’d like to The W.P.D. chief’s position has The 48-year-old police chief [email protected] continue to pattern the Depart- already been posted internally, was born in Peterborough, and he NORTHUMBERLAND — The ment on the community policing Colborn said. and his two older sisters moved select board voted unanimous- model now in effect and to con- The Lancaster Police Depart- ly at their Monday, July 2, meet- tinue to build on it. ment will also experience other Bill, PAGE A14 ing to abate nearly $146,000 in back taxes owed by Groveton Acquisition on its combined properties and rights-of-way that were formerly owned by Wausau Paper and Groveton Paper Board (GPB) in exchange for quitclaim deeds on five downtown properties, two buildings, one the GPB main of- fice building, and three parking lots, according to the draft min- utes. A few other details still re- PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER main to be worked out, includ- Whitefield Police Chief William “Bill”Colborn of Lancaster is transition- ing the selectmen’s require- ing into the top slot at the Lancaster Police Department, following the ment that the new owner, David retirement of Chief John Gardiner of Twin Mountain. The Lancaster Boshart of Groveton River De- selectmen voted at their July 2 meeting to offer Colborn the chief’s posi- velopment, post a $2 million tion. bond to cover any potential damage to town-owned roads, Judge Vaughn affirms Planning however. Boshart said in a recent tele- Board’s Family Dollar decision PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER phone interview that he antici- By Edith Tucker relevant, however. pates that it will likely be this Solomon Cordwell, left, of Lancaster and Tanner Nibley of Maidstone, both 2011 WMRHS graduates, went [email protected] fishing for bass and perch on Wednesday afternoon in the shadow of Mt. Orne at Martin Meadow Pond in The abutters have 10 days’ week or next that he would be LANCASTER — Superior Lancaster. time in which they can ask the able to complete the purchase. Court Judge Timothy Vaughn af- judge to reconsider his opinion firmed the decision reached by that he ordered on Thursday, Ju- the Lancaster Planning Board to ly 5. Should they decide not to go Father Matt is the new pastor at Gate of Heaven Parish grant site plan approval with con- forward with that action, howev- ditions to allow a new 9,000-plus- By Edith Tucker At the end of May, the Bishop Pilgrimage For Vocations ?will be er, the abutters have 30 days in [email protected] square-foot Family Dollar store which to appeal the Judge had appointed Fr. Matt to serve held at St. Anne Church ?from 9 to be constructed on the site of LANCASTER — Reverend Vaughn’s decision to the state as Parochial Vicar to St. Michael a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, July existing single-family houses at Matthew J. Mason was assigned Supreme Court. Parish, Exeter, and St. Mary 26, in Berlin on the banks of the 181 and 185 Main Street. as the new Pastor of the Gate of Sansoucy, who has served as Parish, Newmarket, effective Androscoggin River in the heart Abutters George “Skip” San- Heaven Parish on June 28 by Bish- the foursome’s primary June 20. But a change in plans al- of the Northern Forest. Bishop soucy, Lisa and David McCul- op Peter Libasci of the Diocese of spokesman, was not available for lowed the Bishop to take another Libasci explained, "As brothers lough, and Mary Snowman ap- Manchester. Reverend John B. comment on Monday afternoon priest’s personal concerns into and sister of Jesus we will make pealed the decision that the MacKenzie resigned the post, ef- at his Lancaster office. account. Reverend Brian our pilgrimage to Berlin to honor Board had granted the Durban fective June 24, and Bishop Libas- Kennedy, C.Ss.R., was posted to St. Anne our Grandmother. As Group LLC on behalf of JGH Cap- ci granted him a temporary serve as Parochial Vicar at St. confident as we are of our earth- ital LLC of North Carolina. A hear- INDEX health leave. He was appointed Michael Parish, Exeter, and St. ly grandmothers loving care we ing on the appeal was held on Pastor of Gate of Heaven Parish Mary Parish, Newmarket, effec- will ask our heavenly grandmoth- April 27. Business Directory . .B8 over a year ago on March 30, 2011. tive July 5. He is taking this posi- er to consider interceding for us. Durban filed an application to A Welcome Party for Father tion with the permission of his Seeking an increase in vocation build a Family Dollar over a year Calendar . .B7 Matt was held on Sunday after- Provincial, allowing him also to to the priesthood and religious ago on June 23, 2011. The Plan- noon at All Saints Church Hall in Classified . .B9-11 help care for his aging mother life in the diocese of Manchester, ning Board voted on August 10, Lancaster. PHOTO BY MARGARET TUCKER who lives in the Seacoast area. and expressing our thanks for the 2011, that the application was Editorials & Letters . .A4 Fr. Matt is a native of Father Matt Mason is the new pas- Another North Country spe- many vocations we have re- complete. Boscawen, located just north of Obituaries . .A2 & A15 tor at Gate of Heaven Parish, cial assignment has brought Fr. ceived." Parishioners of both The abutters argued that lat- Concord. His parents, Brian and replacing Father John, at All Edward J. Kelley (retired) to Good Shepherd and Holy Family er in the process that changes in Real Estate . .A14 Susan Mason, still live there along Saints in Lancaster; Saint serve as the temporary Adminis- Parishes will welcome the pil- various design details were im- with several of his younger sib- Sports . .B1-3 Matthew in Whitefield; Saint trator at North American Martyrs grims with joy and generosity. properly or inadequately noticed lings. He is the oldest of seven. Agnes in Jefferson; and Saint Parish in Colebrook-West Stew- The Bishop will celebrate Mass at and their attorney, citing what he Fr. Matt graduated from Patrick in Twin Mountain. artstown, effective June 27, while 3 p.m. and then lead procession believed to be relevant prece- Thomas More College in Merri- he was involved in helping three Fr. Craig Cheney recuperates through the City’s streets. A two- dents, argued that this should mack and then from St. John’s parish communities merge into from an operation for approxi- plus-minute YouTube is available negate the Planning Board’s ac- Seminary in Boston, Mass. After one. Fr. Matt lists reading, hiking, mately eight weeks. online, and more information is tion. his ordination in 2009, he served skiing, and sports in general as The North Country will also available at www.CatholicNH.org Judge Vaughn did not find as associate pastor of St. Andre his leisure activities, and he has host a pilgrimage later this or from the Rev. Jason Jalbert by these arguments compelling or Bessette Parish in Laconia, where also been spotted running. month. The Feast of St. Anne: a e-mail at [email protected]. A2 COÖS COUNTY DEMOCRAT JULY 11, 2012 ••• Barbara A. Berry Robert J. Sanders, Sr. LANCASTER—Barbara A. Robert, and Theodore prede- ERROL— Mr. Robert Jean Ruby Wertz and husband John- Berry, 72, died suddenly Tues- ceased her. Sanders, Sr., 73, affectionately ny of Detroit, Mich.; friends day evening, July 3, 2012, at Visiting hours were held known as “BLK Bob,” of Errol, Dorothy of Newberry, S.C., and Country Village Genesis Elder- Thursday evening, July 5, at the N.H., died suddenly on Sunday, Roberta of New York, N.Y.; his 24 care Center where she has been Bailey Funeral Home, Lancaster.
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