ForestryForestry inin HebeiHebei ofof ChinaChina InternationalInternational FellowFellow ZengwangZengwang MaMa HebeiHebei AcademyAcademy ofof ForestryForestry ScienceScience JanuaryJanuary 20072007 World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org TheThe PeoplePeople’’ss RepublicRepublic ofof ChinaChina Population: 1.26 billion (1999) 22% of the world population USA: 300 million Area: 9.6 million km2 .. .... USA: 9.6 million km2 Administrative Provinces: 34 (= states) Nationalities: 56 nationalities. 91% are Han people Language: Mandarin or Putonghua (official language), Cantonese Economy grows rapidly during the past decade (CIA) GDP: $7.262 trillion GDP per Capita: $5600 growth rate: 9.1% (2004 ) World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ManyMany FacesFaces ofof ChinaChina Tian’anmen Square The Great Wall Qingzang Plateau Shanghai city World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ForestryForestry FactsFacts Forest cover 18% USA 33% Distribution Northeast, Southeast Forested 169 million land area hectares (forestland that actually has trees) Forest per 0.128 hectares capita USA 0.84 ha Natural 116 million forest hectares Elevation Higher in northwest, lower in east Plantation 53 million forest hectares Mountain: 33.3%, Plateau: 26%, Basin: 18.8%, Plain:12%, Hill: 9.9% World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ForestForest typetype (I)(I) coniferous deciduous 50.3% 49.7% Deciduous species: Coniferous species: poplar, willow , acacia Pine, cypress, fir, larch World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ForestForest typetype (II)(II) plantation (million ha.) natural forest 32% (million ha.) plantation (million ha.) natural forest (million ha.) 68% World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ForestryForestry CategoriesCategories TwoTwo forestforest categories:categories: . Ecological forest: No logging permitted. Land is for environment protection. Located in mountains, plateau areas. Often poor growing conditions. Most is managed by government. Economic forest: Forest used for producing products like fruit or wood. Located in plains or valleys. Good growing conditions. Most is managed by private citizens or companies. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org AgeAge ClassClass StructureStructure 60 49.64 50 47.24 40 young forest 30 middle-age forest 19.99 20 17.15 near-mature forest 8.77 mature-forest 10 million hectares million over-mature forest 0 young middle- near- mature- over- forest age mature forest mature forest forest forest Young and middle age forests amount to 68%, on the one hand, this means less current wood availability and lower environmental effect; on the other hand, it indicates huge future potential. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ForestForest TenureTenure All forest land is public land—there individual is no private land 20% ownership state 42% But different groups can lease forest land. Forest Tenure is divided into state, collective and individual. collective 38% The government is encouraging private forest, to develop non-public forestry. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ForestryForestry achievementachievement Forest coverage Since 1985 the government has paid 19% more attention to 18% forestry issues and 17% new Forest Laws. Many 16% afforestation projects 15% Forest coverage have been 14% 13% implemented. Forest 12% cover is steadily 11% increasing. 10% The target of forest 1984 1988 1993 1998 2003 cover is to achieve 26% by 2050. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org IntroductionIntroduction toto HebeiHebei .. BackgroundBackground .. ForestryForestry .. AfforestationAfforestation ProjectsProjects .. ResearchResearch World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org HebeiHebei LocationLocation . Position: North of China, surrounds Beijing . Area: 0.188 million km2 , 2 % of the national area . Northwest: south edge of Mongolia Plateau, Yan Mountain . West: Tai Hang Mountain . East and Southeast: North China Plain World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org LandscapeLandscape ofof HebeiHebei Plains Plateau CoastCoast Mountain World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org CategoriesCategories HebeiHebei OregonOregon State Population 67 million 3.5 million Land area: 188,000 sq. km 251,418 sq. km 96, 002 sq. miles Capital Shijiazhuang Salem Topography 18%Forested 45% Forested Coastal, plain, plateau and Coastal, desert and mountain zones mountain zones -0.5 ºC to 14.2 ºC -0.4 ºC to 28 ºC 22 in 28 in Largest City Shijiazhuang, 9.2 million Portland, 1.7 million Income GDP US$89 billion GDP US$73 billion Per capita GDP US$1,200 Per capita GDP US$28,000 Main Industries Agriculture, Textile industry, High Technology, Forestry, Medical, Trade Tourism, Agriculture, Food processing World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ShijiazhuangShijiazhuang City:City: thethe capitalcapital ofof HebeiHebei Built in 1950 The largest city in Hebei Nearly 3 mil population in city center Light industry and trade YesterdayYesterday andand TodayToday World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org ShijiazhuangShijiazhuang atat nightnight ArtsArts Center:Center: MostMost famousfamous symbolsymbol ofof thethe citycity World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org HebeiHebei NatureNature .. HebeiHebei isis inin temperatetemperate andand warmwarm temperatetemperate zones,zones, withwith monsoonmonsoon season.season. .. Features:Features: –– FourFour distinctdistinct seasons.seasons. –– TheThe annualannual rainfallrainfall isis 13.713.7--31.531.5 inin andand thethe rainyrainy seasonseason isis summer.summer. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org YouYou maymay havehave seenseen HebeiHebei inin thethe news:news: 2000: 12 sandstorms 2006: The worst sandstorm in five years swept through northern China, covering Beijing in some 300 000 tons of sand and yellow dust. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org WhyWhy sandstormsandstorm happened?happened? Mongolia . Causes of Sandstorms: Inner Mongolia Hebei – Dust source from Beijing Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia Country. – Fragile environment in northern China – Strong wind from Siberia World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org MediasMedias reported:reported: InIn somesome areas,areas, thethe desertdesert hashas encroachedencroached toto withinwithin 7070 kilometerskilometers ofof BeijingBeijing andand isis expandingexpanding atat anan annualannual raterate ofof 22 toto 33 kilometers.kilometers. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org WhereWhere isis dustdust from:from: desertificationdesertification DesertificationDesertification isis aa formform ofof soilsoil degradation.degradation. ItIt isis oneone kindkind ofof phenomenonphenomenon thatthat lookslooks likelike desertdesert butbut notnot desert.desert. AnotherAnother mainmain formform isis waterwater andand soilsoil erosionerosion inin HebeiHebei.. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org TheThe HeaviestHeaviest DesertificationDesertification LandLand World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org HeavierHeavier DesertificationDesertification landland World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org PotentialPotential DesertificationDesertification landland World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org WaterWater andand SoilSoil ErosionErosion AreaArea World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org DesertificationDesertification andand soilsoil degradationdegradation causedcaused by:by: NaturalNatural factorsfactors .. DroughtDrought andand waterwater shortageshortage .. SoilSoil qualityquality decreasingdecreasing .. ClimateClimate changechange HumanHuman factorsfactors .. UnreasonableUnreasonable landland useuse .. DestructionDestruction World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org NaturalNatural FactorsFactors:: DroughtDrought .. InIn mountainsmountains andand plateauplateau areas,areas, harshharsh climateclimate conditionsconditions andand waterwater shortageshortage isis aa hugehuge challengechallenge forfor afforestationafforestation.. .. InIn somesome drydry placesplaces,, precipitationprecipitation isis lessless thanthan 1414 inin World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org NaturalNatural FactorsFactors::PoorPoor SoilSoil inin MountainsMountains .. OnOn somesome slopes,slopes, surfacesurface soilsoil isis veryvery poorpoor andand thin,thin, eveneven lessless thanthan 3030 cmcm deep.deep. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org NaturalNatural FactorsFactors::GlobalGlobal ClimateClimate ChangeChange .. GlobalGlobal climateclimate changechange isis makingmaking afforestationafforestation moremore difficult.difficult. .. Recently,Recently, thethe climateclimate inin northernnorthern ChinaChina tendedtended toto bebe dry.dry. ThereThere isis unevenuneven spatialspatial distributiondistribution ofof precipitationprecipitation andand thethe precipitationprecipitation tendstends toto bebe reduced.reduced. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org HumanHuman factorsfactors:: LandLand UseUse ChangeChange Since 1950’s, as population increased, 4 big scale land use changes happened: Forestlands were converted into farmlands to increase crop production. This led to grassland and mountain slopes being over exploited and degraded. World Forest Institute http://wfi.worldforestry.org HumanHuman factorsfactors:: OverOver--grazinggrazing In plateau and mountain areas, non-scientific, un-planned, over-grazing happened heavily in past. Pasture load for one sheep decreased dramatically.
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