Beulah Deals Pirates Holiday, Fills Gym With Refugees Beulah, the unlovely young lady with homeless people, including some who on Thursday morning when it was time to pass out ~ meal of cheese, vienna all her awesome and deadly power came from as far away as the demolish- necessary to open the Student Union sausage, shoestring potatoes, crackers, finally decided to visit the lower Texas ed little fishing resort of Port Isabel in area to accomodate the continued arri- cookies, milk and coffee. She explained coastline and then nunbled northward the Rio Grande Valley and as near as vals of those seeking shelter from rising that she and her sister, a student at into the South Texas interior. Ahead of people who were driven from their waters. Victoria High School, would work the infamous lady, thousands of Texans houses by the rampaging Guadalupe Several Victoria College students through Thursday and Friday. Other Victoria College students who fled to shelters in inland cities to escape River. braved flooded streets and adverse her deadly winds, tides, floods and tor- And for the second time in six years, helped at the evacuation center in- nadoes which she spawned. Victoria College was pressed into serv- weather to come to the college and aid cluded freshmen Patricia Hodge, David As Victoria was being pounded by ice to serve as a shelter. As all college the stricken people. Some assisted in De La Rosa, Juan Bazan, Royce Milber- torrential rains, floods, and threatened students received a three-day holiday serving meals to the evacuees while ger and Barbara Hyak; and sophomores by dangerous tornadoes, over 7,000 because of the storm, over 400 persons others helped the many children pass the Steve Yarborough and Roysteen Hodge. evacuees fied from Hurricane Beulah's poured into the Pirate gym and Student time with games and reading. Still others Student activities which had to be re- path to shelters here. As the exodus Union to wait out the storm's fury. assisted in setting up cots and tables scheduled because of the storm included began to pour into Victoria, the Bed Evacuees began arriving early Wednes- and in unloading supplies. the first school assembly and class Cross utilized schools, gyms, auditor- day morning in advance of the storm, Freshman Margaret Ferguson arrived meetings, student council and class iums and public buildings to house the and the gym was almost completely full early Thursday at the Pirate gym in elections, and a number of club meetings. rJ! j (:! I' Banner of The Pirates I. VOLUME XIX VICTORIA, TEXAS, 77901, SEPTEMBER25, 1967 NUMBER 1 -----------------_._--------------------------'------------_---:._- Storm Hesehedules Meetings, Elections The first fall student as- will be election of the Student sembly, originally scheduled Council vice-president. An- for September 20, was post- nounced candidates are Greg poned until today. It will meet Massey, Anna Wacker and in the : auditorium during David Redding. The Council- Group 3 period, beginning at sponsored election will be by 9:30. ballot. -Highlight of the assembly Music for the assembly will be provided by the College Band and the vocal ensemble. ~ Student Count Others on the program include '. ) Student Council president Mike ,1 Schaefer, and college adminis- Totals 1553 trators J. D. Moore, Roland Victoria College's enrollment Bing, E. C. Shinn and C. A. of 1953 students, including those Talley. attending night school, and the vocational nursing course, has CLASS ELECTIONS been announced by the Victoria Due to rescheduling of elec- College administration recently. tions after the "storm holiday," No increase was noted from deadline for filing class officer last year's enrollment of 1554. CRACKERS 'N' CHEESE - Red Cross workers public buildings designated as shelters for those petitions is reset for tomorrow A small decrease had been serve "meals" to hurricane refugees in the Pirate fieeiDg the raging destruction of Hurricane Beulah. at 3:00 p.m. Elections will be anticipated by J. D. Moore, Vic- in class meetings September 28. gym. The college gymnasium was one of several (See 1"elatedpictures on page 2.) toria College President. Presi- Votes will be cast at class dent Moore pointed out four meetings which are scheduled POSE factors whicll are in part re- during the time allotted for sponsible for the expected de- Journalism Students Prepare Group 4 classes. Sophomores THIS crease: bhe opening of Beeville Junior College, a decline in lihe will meet in Rooms 8201 and S202, while the Freshmen will For Annual Aggieland Meet WEEK number of nursing students, a Students who have paid their large Victoria College graduat- assemble in the gym. Student journalists from Vic- given to the school compiling annual fee may have pictures ing class in '67 making smaller When elected, the presidents, toria College will attend the an- the most individual awards. taken for the 1968 Pirate be- the number eligible to return, vice-presidents, and secretaries nual fall Texas Junior College Victoria College has been a tween September 25-29. and finally, last year's number aulJomatically become members Press Association Conference member of TJCPA for five Being transformed by a of college drop-outs whioh rose of the Victoria College Student at A&M University in College years and has won the sweep- local studio photographer, the from the usual 13 per cent to Council. They work in conjunc- Station on October 16 and 17. stakes award twice. Student Union porch will be- 20 per cent. tion with the four representa- During the newspaper work- come a studio and will serve as Enrollment at Victoria Col- tives in planning social pro- shops, news and sports writing, the photography headquarters. lege has increased at the aver- grams and serving as hosts at editorials, features, sports Student pictures will be taken age rate of seven and a half per Council sponsored campus photography, page make-up, Council Sets from 8:00 to 2:30 daily in the cent a year and the administra- activities. and society writing will be dis- following alphabetical order: tion is confident that this rate Students who desired to run , cussed. Picnic- Dance Monday .,.... A-E will increase. It is estimated for election were required to l that enrollment will reach 2500 Theme and continuity, pic- Social activities start this Tuesday " .. '., F-J submit a petition signed by at .. ture layout, copy writing and year with a "Get Acquainted" Wednesday K-O by 1970. least 20 of their classmates to picture cropping will be dis- picnic and dance sponsored by Thursday poT Miss Julia Riggs, Dean of Wom- cussed in the annual workshop. the Student Council in the Stu- Friday .,.,.". u-z Cheerleaders en. In addition, a candidate Mr. Frank Deaver, local dent Union October 3. Faculty pictures will be taken must have graduated in the up- per ha,lf of his higih school class. journalism instructor, is chair- The evening starts with a Monday through Friday begin- Elections Set man of the Publications Ad- picnic-style supper on the porch ning at 2:30 p.m, Election of V C cheerleaders Candidates were allowed to visors of Texas Junior Colleges. of the Union at 6:30. Following Dress should be dark coat and for 1967-68 has been schedul- begin campaigning today and After attending a general ses- this is a dance from 8-11 featur- tie for men and medium to ed for October 12. they are expected to respect sion and workshops on Monday ing "The Monarchs." Mode of dark solid colors for women. Petitions may be obtained at the college rules regarding pos- the journalists will be enter~ dress is to be casual, according Faye Bartula, co-editor of the Miss Julia Riggs' office. They ters. Posters must be the size tained with a banquet that to Miss Julia Riggs, Council annual, hopes everyone eligible are due in that office before 3 of a regular sheet of paper, night. An awards luncheon is sponsor. will have his picture taken, p.m. October' 6. The petitions 8lh" x 11," and must be ap- .. scheduled for Tuesday at which Tickets for the picnic went and "help make the 1968 Pirate must include 25 names . provedbyNrr.E. C.ShUm,D~ time the newspaper winners on sale at the bookstore Sep- yearbook the greatest yet." To qualify for the position of rector of Student Life. Cam- from last year will be recog- tember 18. Deadline for buying Charlene Bowden, the other cheerleader a freshman must paign material may not be dis- nized, and the yearbook win- tickets is noon, October 2. co-editor, feels that having the have graduated in the top 50 per played on the plaster sections ner for last year will be an- No ticket will be necessary pictures taken at the Student cent of her class. Sophomores of the buildings. Candidates are nounced. for admission to the dance, ad- Union will be easier on the stu- must have a 2.5 grade point askked to remove their posters A sweepstakes award will be vised Miss R•• dent body and the faculty. average. followiRg the electioo. 1.c 80 THE JOLLY ROGER VICTORIA, TEXAS, SEPT. 25, 1967 Cjfou 're CUJe/come-- C(;O CUJork Once again college doors have opened and campuses are buzzing with activity. The publications staff of THE JOLLY ROGER ex- tends a hearty welcome to new Pirates and a welcome back to the older Pirates. We hope you will include THE PIRATE yearbook and THE JOLLY ROGER newspaper in your student life. Instead of just looking at these, why don't you contribute to them? Both freshmen and sophomores should consider vol- unteering for the publications staff as well as participat- ing in other extra-curricular activities.
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