An Introduction to the Hermitages of Sera Purchok Hermitage (Phur lcog ri khrod), to the east of Se ra. As the saying goes, “Se ra is surrounded by hermitages, Dga’ ldan is surrounded by self-arisen images, and ’Bras spungs is surrounded by dharma protectors.” Sera Mahāyāna Monastery (Se ra theg chen gling) is therefore surrounded by hermitages as numerous as the stars on the fifteenth day of the lunar month. —Dge bshes ye shes dbang phyug1 Among the three great seats of learning of the Dge lugs school, Se ra is the one renowned for its hermitages (ri khrod). At least nineteen such institutions are found tucked away in the mountains behind and around Se ra.2 In this section of the Sera Project website, you will learn more about each of these hermitages. To go directly to the Hermitages interactive map, please click here. The Tibetan compound word ri khrod – the word that we translate here as “hermitage” – literally means “in the midst of” or “on the side of” (’khrod) “the 1 Ser smad spom ra dge bshes ye shes dbang phyug, Ser smad thos bsam nor gling grwa tshang gi chos ’byung lo rgyus nor bu’i phreng ba [A History of the Sermé Tösam Norling College: A Garland of Jewels] (Bylakuppe: Sermey Printing Press, 1984), 35-36. 2 Lists of the Se ra hermitages vary. For a list from 1820 (found in the Extensive Explanation of the World [’Dzam gling rgyas bshad]), see Turrell Wylie, The Geography of Tibet According to the ’Dzam-gling-rgyas-bshad (Rome: IsMEO, 1962), 82-83. The Hermitages of Se ra 1 2 The Hermitages of Se ra mountains” (ri).3 Hermitages are small monasteries found in relatively isolated mountain locations. At least in their early stages, they were the homes of individuals variously called “retreatant” (mtshams pa), “meditator” (sgom chen), “recluse” (gcig bu pa or dben sa pa), and of course “hermit” (ri khrod pa). A hermitage often began as the residence of a single individual,4 but most of them grew. When they became relatively large, they often ceased to be called hermitages and began to be called “monastery” (dgon pa), but the dividing line between these two terms – hermitage and monastery – is fuzzy. There are some hermitages, for example, that have more monks than many institutions that bear the name “monastery.” Many of Tibet’s greatest monasteries began as the hermitages of individual monks. Hermitages usually begin as the retreat places of individual monks, tantric priests (sngags pa), pious male lay practitioners and, less frequently, nuns and laywomen.5 They are the places where these individuals settled for intensive, solitary practice. Originally, these sites may have had no buildings at all but only caves. When a cave did not exist, a monk might have built a simple stone and mud hut for his personal use. A monk often chose as the site of his hermitage a place that was considered holy (gnas rtsa chen po) – places where former saints had lived, places associated with certain deities, or places marked by certain geosacral signs such as self-arisen images or magical springs with curative powers. Holy places are said to bring blessings (byin rlabs) to those who reside there. Like a magnifying glass, they have the power to amplify or increase the merit derived from any religious practice performed there, and in general they are said to increase the chances of success in religious practice. What would a monk have done in his hermitage? He would have engaged in meditation, ritual, study, writing, memorization, and a host of spiritual practices classified together under the general rubric of “accumulation and purification” (gsag sbyang).6 Or he might have engaged in a combination of all of these various activities. Even monks who were not committed to eremiticism as a permanent way of life often settled in isolated locations for limited periods of time – for 3 Other words are also used – for example, dben sa or dben gnas, literally “solitary place” or “solitary site”; see the discussion that follows. 4 Among the Se ra hermitages, it appears that only one (Ga ru) was not originally the meditational retreat of an individual monk but was instead founded as an institution – in this case as a nunnery – from the beginning. See, for example, Bshes gnyen tshul khrims, Lha sa’i dgon tho rin chen spungs rgyan [A Catalogue of the Monasteries of Lhasa: A Heap of Jewels] (Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2001), 30-31. 5 Nuns tended to be more wary about living alone in isolated locations for fear that they might be attacked or robbed; at least that is the rhetoric that we find in both the oral and written sources. Hence, when nuns retreated to the mountains, they tended to do so in groups. None of the hermitages we study here, even those that are nunneries, were founded by women. 6 This includes such things as prostrations, ritual offerings of the universe (maṇḍala offerings), recitations of the hundred-syllable mantra (sngags) of Vajrasattva (Rdo rje sems dpa’), water-bowl offerings, guru devotion practices, and so forth. An Introduction to the Hermitages of Sera 3 example, when they engaged in short or longer-term deity-focused practices like the so-called “enabling retreat” (las rung) or “approximation retreat” (bsnyen pa).7 Many hermits traveled widely before settling on one spot as their permanent residence. And some, of course, never settled at all, but remained itinerant throughout their entire lives. Those monks who chose to settle usually picked a site that provided them with privacy. But the site also had to be relatively close to a populated area – close enough to allow them to obtain food and other necessities (usually in the form of donations from the laity). After remaining at a particular site for some time, the monk might gain a certain level of renown. In this case, he might attract students. If he did, an institution would begin to coalesce around him. First, students would build their own huts close to that of their master, and eventually they might build a temple where the monastic community could come together for rituals and teachings. If the community managed to attract the financial sponsorship of lay patrons, the hermitage would grow. When the original bla ma-founder died, the reincarnation might be identified, and in this way the succession would be maintained, and the hermitage would continue to develop as an institution. This is how private retreats evolved into more formal hermitages, and (in some instances at least) into larger monasteries. This is a well-known pattern in the history of Tibetan religious institutions. It is a model applicable not only to the evolution of Se ra’s hermitages but also to other monasteries throughout Tibet. Location and Institutional Affiliation to Se ra Most of the Se ra hermitages are located in the mountains to the north, east and west of the monastery along a (roughly) fifteen kilometers east-west span from ’Jog po and Dgon pa gsar hermitages in the far west to Gnas nang in the far east. The rough map that follows gives the relative location and some basic information about the hermitages of Se ra as of 2004. The map operates on a usual north-south axis, with the mountains to the north of the hermitages and the city of Lha sa to the south. The hermitages to the right (northeast) of Se ra are located in what is today a suburb of Lha sa known as Dodé.8 The hermitages to the left (northwest) of Se ra are located in the suburb known as Nyang bran. 7 These are retreats that involve mantra (sngags) accumulation of a specific deity and that allow one to subsequently engage in a variety of ritual actions with respect to that deity. 8 At least two variant spellings of the word commonly pronounced dodé exist: dog bde and rdo gter. The spelling rdo gter is also preferred by Lha sa dgon tho, passim. Phun tshogs rab rgyas, Phur lcog rigs gsum byang chub gling gi byung ba mdo tsam brjod pa dad gsum ’dren pa’i lcags kyu [A Brief History of Purchok Riksum Jangchup Ling: A Hook to Draw in the Three Types of Faith; hereafter Phur byung], Bod ljongs nang bstan [Tibetan Buddhism] 1 (2004), 55, gives the etymology: dang po ltar na phu dog cing mda’ bde bas na dog bde dang_/_phyi ma ni yul ’dir rdo rigs sna tshogs kyi gter kha yod pa’i cha nas rdo gter zhes ’bod srol yod/. The author prefers the first spelling and etymology. He also states that excavations have shown that this was an area of “several tens of thousands of households during the imperial period,” but cites no source for this other than oral tradition. 4 The Hermitages of Se ra In 1959, all of the hermitages on this map were thriving institutions. Two of them – Gnas sgo gdong to the east, and Ga ru to the west – were nunneries. The rest were monasteries for male monks. They ranged in size from about ten to well over one-hundred monks or nuns. In the case of monks’ hermitages, it was not uncommon for there to have been a core group of six to eighteen fully-ordained monks (dge slong) that is what gave the institution its formal status and legitimacy as a monastery. But all of the monasteries also had many novices, non-monastic lay workers and support staff. If the hermitage was also the seat of a bla brang or bla ma’s estate/household, the support staff (including novices) could be three to four times as large as the number of fully ordained monks.
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