r r r f rr ^U'l ' " ; r •'' r r r r ' ■nrr.' FIT r ■" • r r |r rrr ' J r, r. I I ' i * / x !f r' > A. •'" 'V *, TFXAS CHRISTIAN! UNIVERSITY • E J £ i ^ fORT WORTH MlXMv </jjfT- ,.. S3 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1954 Number 5 ommittee For Favorites ill Name Nominations tats Tues. To Begin Today i Nominations for Mr. and many favorites as he wishes for ,. committee on rraterni- Miss TCU and class favorites I voted Tuesday ID any class. He need not be a ntil their next mee1 begin today and will remain member of the class for which i Greek MM let! • open through next Wednesday. he makes his nominations. : K '>> TCU. Special ballot boxes are lo- Only juniors and seniors are p originally planned cated in the Student Lounge. eligible for the Mr. and Miss ■ e organizatloni ■ t Voting is being supervised lesslon, I) u t t h v TCU titles. f whether to make by Misses Julianne Lay and In the final elections, after ■1 ■ eampui wide Jean Gatton, favorites co-edi- the Presentation Ball, each stu- or irity discussion In tors of the '55 Horned Frog. dent may vote only for favo- . th Auditorium Nov After nominations have been ted. T h p committee rites in his own class. I name them |l the made, two elections will be • Tueaday instead held to determine finalists. The I r uf th • other two first will be Oct. 25-26 and the second. Nov. 1-2. Rallies Planned r'|r.; ( llOSI'll piaill- Five women and five men il be announced un- nbi r meeting. Dr. finalists will be selected for At TCU, A&M I :niiley. committee each class and three women and three men for Mr. and Miss 1 A pep rally will be held at ] i groups will be TCU. :r of their nature Finalists will be introduced 6 p. m. today between Foster ft • pi 0 lec 11 and and Waits Halls and another is at the annual Presentation Ball, I i ted, scholarship scheduled for noon tomorrow at |r inol itrength and after which a final vote will the Texas A&M College Stu- I in the South- determine six favorites for dent Union. I er each class and Mr. and Miss I The rallies were planned by —ska) Photo h? (.lami.i: SMII H. TCU. I Itee decided (hit the Pep Cabinet, a group o f Results of the final choices »•■ come ■ fraternal Her Majesty student leaders interested i n must posset i will remain secret until the (.ivitig; out with a queenly smile Is Miss P.U Rector, Me- rrasje This figure increasing school spirit. Aulley freshman, named Freshman Prom tjucen Wednes- annual is published next spring. [her than the na- A yell session was held last day night. With her Is Frank Freer, her escort from Hardin- In the current nominations, if term] rating, which hi night at the women's dormi- 1 Simnions. each student may nominate .as tories. ■aid the grade Itandard would probably b e V ifl i U • program ll i way. 51 Honor Students Meet Cornerstone Faculty members f". J, Fir- It ' Elizabeth Young Is Set in Place blood. along with Jack I I I i Kastle, student Alpha Chi Requirements At Center |l ' I it and uicc pre ■ ■ ely, were In Aui- With little fanfare or even Fifty one students have land, 2 (!6; and Patricia A. Grapevine. 2.90; Miss Stewart, ■ ■■. participating In attention, the cornerstone of 1 qualified for membership i n Ward. 2.6S. Arlington, 3.00; Mary E. Tener. I' ' ill ol P« KMJ "Gre< k the Brown-Lupton Student Alpha Chi, national honor so Other seniors are: William F. Wilmington. Ohio. 2.70; and 1 Center was laid Tuesday. : . ■ llnic on fra city, by virtue of a minimum runmons, from Wink, 288; Robert K. Waits. Chicago, 2.60. J!': ororlties, is held 2.3 grade-point average. Clifton E. Do well, McKinney, Juniors The latest building on the jinn u a 11 y (or all Interested Top atudent is Mi-s Martha 2.71; Roberta Faulkner, Breck- Twenty-one juniors were campus derives its name from 5 named. From Fort Worth are: I '" ' an a in discuss Stewart with a :i 00 index. enridge, 2.H6; Rogens Faulkner, the Tom Brown-C. A. Lupton Breckenrtdge, 2 06; Robert D. Elizabeth Sue Dulaney, 2 84: \' ilema ■ n d D e w Only juniors and seniors are Foundation, a chief benefactor | iff - eligible, and half of their eval- Heslep, Houston, 2 8D; M ary Maxine VelUnan hums, 2.9.1; of TCU. Dr. Lii .mi the Mbvem- uated work must have been ac- Jane Howcll. Palo Pinto, 2.58; Janet G. Kelly. 2 87; Gilbert E. 1 I ' el Ing will de complished at TCU. Billy J. Hurt, Hlckmah, Ky.. Marshall, 2 63: Robert Owens, Tom Brown dormitory i s [tide the membership quota for Seniors 2 60; Joan ,i Lelmer, N e w 2 85; Barbara J. Sutherland, named for the late Mr. Brown, ; Braunfeb, 2 94: and Martha L. 2.75: and Dianne Tyson. 2.59, | I groups, Thirty seniors are eligible who with Mr. Lupton, also de- Logan. Dallas. 2.85. Other juniors are: Shirley roupi n ill probably be for membership. Seniors from ceased, held the Fort Worth I limit.-, i (o about 10 men:;. Fort Worth are: Shirle y A Joe Massi, Jr.. Aransas Pass. Aldridge, from Houston, 2.50; Charlotte Allston. I'ainpa. 2.67; franchise of the Coca-Cola la beginning," he said, "so i '■ unts, 2 i7; Elizabeth I Freda M Reaves, Brown- ' Irong nucleus can be Cote, 2.84; Jo Ann Harrison, -Wood, 2.7.0; Shirley II. Root, Nell June Cooper. Columbia, Company, | ( ■ , ■■ (See ALPHA CHI Page 2) 2 72; Vernoii I. Henilrix. 2.7:i; Hereford, 2.87; Jo Ellen Smith, Because new buildings cons- Dr ! dlej expressed (1 e- Pearl Katz. 2 84; Ted E, Klein tantly arc being erected on the II In early decision Jr. 2 97; John I?. Morrison. campus, no formal ceremonies I ftiei because of the 2.67; Dorothy Archer Parker. accompany the placing of cor- P 'riOd involved 2 78; James S. Robinson, 2.69; 15 Clubs Planning nerstones, said Vice President Richard I.. Russell. 2.88; Phy- wly formed organUa D. Ray Lindley. gain approval of the liss C. Scott. 2 7fi; Jimmy C. "The ballroom will be ready ler headquarters. Stapleton, 2.65; Joe A. Suther- for the Homecoming dance, Floats for Parade Oct. 29," said B. G. Jordan, At least 15 campus organi- Club, "O, Bury Me Not on the architectural superintendent, "The floor isn't in place yet, Class Officers Are Chosen zations plan to enter floats in Lone Prairie": Sociae, "Stair way to Paradise"; Leti, "Happy but we will have it ready by erl of Houston is new Also elected this tall were the Homecoming parade Oct. Birthday"; Frogettes, "Fioggy then." Of the freshman class junior class president, Aubrey 29, Miss Lcona Gillette, Con- Went A-Courtin", Mu Phi, The ballroom floor has gress representative to the "Make Mine Coiairry Style." caused complications. The wood Latham of Bracken- Owen, Abilene, and senior 1 ew sophomore class Homecoming Committee, said. C h a m her of Commerce, floor is of a new type which ; Both elections were class president. Charles Each group will be eligible "Yellow Rose of Texas"; Meth- must be set in place by a Held recently. (Chuck) Brodiih, Springfield. to receive up to $30 to defray odist student Movement, "1 patented process with which freshman officers are 111. float costs upon presentation Believe"; Flying Frogs, "The workmen were unacquainted. dent, BUI Perry, Ab- Other junior class officers of bills to Congress. Moon Is Blue": Los Hidalgos. Painting and accoustical retary, Miss Sherry are vice-president, Bill How- A professional decorator will "I ady of Spain"; Music Edu- work in the ballroom were to .'/" ' Houston; treasurer, crton. Abilene; secretary, Miss be available at 6:80 p.m. '.o- Cf tors' National Conference, have been completed early in J Grace Morrow, Abilene; Ann Swearingen, Decatur, ill: day and Monday in Room 105, "School Days"; Harris College the week. rter, Dixie Perry man, and treasurer, Miss Gall Kcl- Fine Arts Building, to give ad- of Nursing, "Stardust"; and Mr. Jordan estimates now lie, ley, Fort Worth. vice and suggestions on float Press Club. "Good News." that the downstairs areas may J ! ng Latham In the Aiding Brodiih Will b« vice- designs. Disciples' Student Fellow- be ready to turn over to the '' class are vice-pres- president, L,es Custer, Slntorkj Participating organizations ship and freshman class have students toward the last of this et. Mackle Newton, Abi- .secretary, Miss Shirley Wil- and their float themes, based not announced themes. month if snack bar equipment lene, secretary, Miss Barbara son, Houston; treasurer, L. E. on -song titles, are: Miss Gillette said any stu- arrives this week. tfjnrd, Macogdochea; and treat- (Sonny) Burt, Waco; and scr- Vigilantes, "Somewhere dent is welcome to enter a n Air conditioning In the build- I?1/"- Miss Ann McArron, geant-at-arms, Marlyn Aycock, Over the Rainbow"; Brushes automobile, decorated or not, ing was to be put into opera* "fcclieiiridge. Klueron, N. C, Club, "Wizard of Oz"; Rodeo in the parade. tion this week. Page 2 THE SKIFF Friday, October Four Coeds Elected Sweethearts by APO Dinkins Memorial Fund Receives Contributions hour sweetheart-, one rep ( hoseii were Misses Ellen More than 100 perSOBI have lish profeasdr (lied |n .! Let! Talks resenting each class, were alec- raataeh, Austin senior; Gerry sent contributions to the Paul The fund will bi u ted by memben of Alpha Phi Allison, Fort.
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