SKAGIT COUNTY JAIL FACILITY TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY REVIEW David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA) has completed this concurrency analysis in accordance with the City of Mount Vernon Municipal Code (MVMC) Chapter 14.10 – Concurrency Management. The City of Mount Vernon (City) has adopted a comprehensive development review process that integrates a concurrency review and the traditional site development Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). This concurrency review was performed for two potential locations for the Skagit County Jail within the City limits: the Alf Christianson Seed Site and the Truck City/Suzanne Lane Site. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Skagit County is considering two alternative locations to construct a new 400-.ed /ail facility, which can .e e0panda.le to 100 .eds total in 20 to 30 years, within the City limits: the Alf Christianson Seed Site and the Truck City/Suzanne ,ane Site. The two alternative sites are shown in Figure 1 and are descri.ed as follows: • Alf Christianson Seed Site: This pro/ect site is located on the southwest 4uadrant of the intersection of E 5incaid Street / the I-3 south.ound (S6) off- and on-ramp. It is .ounded .y E 5incaid Street to the north, the railroad tracks to the west, 7nion Street to the south, and the I-3 S6 on-ramp to the east. The e0isting site is comprised primarily of industrial warehouse .uildings surrounded .y vacant or previously cleared lots. The warehouse .uildings will .e demolished. Access to the new /ail facility was tested .oth from E 5incaid Street to the north and from S 8th Street/7nion Street to the south. Consideration for a com.ined access from .oth the north and south is also provided in the 9:indings; section of the report. • Truck City/Suzanne ,ane Site: This pro/ect site is located on the northeast 4uadrant of the intersection of Old Highway S Road / Suzanne ,ane. The e0isting site is comprised of a truck fueling station with a food mart and undeveloped land. The truck fueling station and food mart will .e demolished. Two accesses from Old Highway S Road and one access from Suzanne ,ane will .e provided. The /ail .uildings for .oth alternatives will .e roughly 83,000 s4uare feet at full .uild-out with a com.ination of one-story .uildings and multi-story .uildings. The facility will include a court room, administration spaces, up to 100 .eds, medical services, and special rooms with internet for video arraignments and video visitation. The outdoor e0ercise area will .e enclosed with solid walls, and no inmates will .e visi.le from the e0terior of the site at any time. Re4uired parking stalls will .e accommodated for the new 400-.ed /ail facility and the future 100-.ed /ail facility e0pansion. It is anticipated it will take 1 months for final design and construction permitting, and then 1 months for construction. Skagit County (ail :acility Transportation Concurrency Review Page 2 Figure 1. Skagit County Jail Alternative Locations Alf Christianson Seed Site Truck City / Suzanne Lane Site 2. TRIP GENERATION The proposed pro/ect includes a 400-.ed /ail facility with reserve e0panda.le to an 100-.ed /ail facility. :or conservative analysis, the trip generation analysis and the concurrency re4uirement review in the later sections of this report are performed .ased on a full .uild-out 100-.ed /ail facility. Skagit County (ail :acility Transportation Concurrency Review Page 3 Due to limited data present for the land use code (,7C) of 9Prison; in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Aeneration Manual, 9th Edition (20 2) - which is the prevailing standard for trip generation rates – DEA performed a trip generation rate analysis for /ail facilities .ased on local data collected from the South Correctional Entity (SCORE) /ail facility located in Des Moines, Cashington. The analysis results were summarized in a Trip Generation Rate Analysis Memo su.mitted to the City on Septem.er 3, 20 3 . The Memo descri.es that the SCORE /ail facility is compara.le to the proposed full .uild-out Skagit County (ail facility in terms of size, inmate housing capacity, functioning, activities, and staffing. In addition, the Memo concluded the following trip generation for the SCORE /ail facility: SCORE Facility Time Period Entering Exiting Trip Generation Rates Daily (ADT) 1.30 50% 50% AM Peak Hour 0.06 79% 21% PM Peak Hour 0.09 33% 67% The a.ove trip generation rates for the SCORE /ail facility were compared to other data from the article 9Trip Aeneration Rates of Correctional :acilities; pu.lished .y the (ournal of 7r.an Planning and Development ((7PD) in March of 2000. The (7PD article summarized the following trip generation for five (3) regional /ails and one ( ) federal correctional facility with a total num.er of .eds ranging from 230 to 400 in Cest Virginia: JUPD Rates Time Period Entering Exiting for Regional Jails Daily (ADT) 1.38 - - AM Peak Hour 0.14 - - PM Peak Hour 0.10 - - The a.ove trip generation rates indicate that the SCORE facility trip generation rates are very similar to those of the (7PD study for average weekday traffic and PM peak hour traffic. The trip generation rates for the local SCORE facility will .e applied to the proposed Skagit County (ail facility .ecause the Skagit County (ail facility will have similar size and operational functions as the SCORE /ail facility. The City measures transportation concurrency .ased upon PM peak hour .ecause it represents the most critical period for traffic operations and usually has the highest capacity re4uirementsD therefore, the analysis focused on the PM peak hour only. The Alf Christianson Seed Site is comprised primarily of industrial warehouse .uildings. The e0isting warehousing .uildings, which are estimated at appro0imately 20, 00 s4uare feet .ased on the property information from the Skagit County Assessor data.ase, will .e demolished and the e0isting trips will .e offset .y the proposed Skagit County (ail facility. The land use categories, average trip generation rates, directional splits, and pro/ect-generated trips for the e0isting Alf Christianson Seed Site and the proposed Skagit County (ail facility are shown in Table 1 . There are 34 pro/ect-generated net trips, of which there are 3 entering trips and 9 e0iting trips. Skagit County (ail :acility Transportation Concurrency Review Page 4 Table 1. PM Peak Project0Generated Trips 2 Alf Christians n Seed Site Land ITE Project Entering Exiting Description Use Size Average Entering Exiting Trips Trips Trips Code Trip Rate arehousing -120,100 0.32 trips / 150 -38 25% 75% -9 -29 (Demolition) s(. ft. 1,000 s(. ft. ,kagit County .ail 0.09 Trips / 571 800 1eds 72 33% 67% 24 48 /acility 3ed 1 Project-Generated 34 15 19 Net Trips Trip rate was o.tained from the Trip Generation Rate Analysis Memo .y DEA, dated Septem.er 3, 20 3. The Truck City / Suzanne ,ane Site is comprised of a truck fueling station / food mart with five fueling positions. The truck fueling station / food mart will .e demolished and the e0isting trips will .e offset .y the proposed Skagit County (ail facility. The land use categories, average trip generation rates, directional splits, and pro/ect-generated trips for the e0isting Truck City / Suzanne ,ane Site and the proposed Skagit County (ail facility are shown in Table 2. There are 33 pro/ect-generated net trips, of which there are 3 entering trips and 21 e0iting trips. Table 2. P. Peak Pr /ect0Generated Trips 2 Truck City / Su,anne Lane Site Land ITE Average Pass-,y Pro$ect Entering Exiting Description Use Si e Entering Exiting Trip Rate Discount Trips Trips Trips Code Truck City 4as 13.51 trips / -5 fueling ,tation with /ood 945 /ueling 42% 6 -39 50% 50% -19 -20 positions Mart (Demolition) position ,kagit County .ail 0.09 Trips / 571 800 1eds - 72 33% 67% 24 48 /acility 3ed 1 Pro$ect- Generated 33 5 .8 Net Trips Trip rate was o.tained from the Trip Generation Rate Analysis Memo .y DEA, dated Septem.er 3, 20 3. EAverage pass-.y trip percentage was o.tained from ,and 7se 944 – Aasoline / Service Station Tables 1 and 2 show that .oth alternative sites result in similar pro/ect trips after the offset of the e0isting trips. The directional splits are different for .oth alternatives. 3. TRIP DISTRI4UTION The CityFs pipeline land use was updated .y adding the proposed Skagit County (ail facility at either of the two alternative sites. The land use and trip generation in the previous concurrency test for Tom ,ittle ,ot 2 Commercial Development (Pro/ect Num.er: ,7 20 0-0 ), which is located at the same site as the Truck City / Suzanne ,ane Site, was removed from the CityFs pipeline land use due to duplicity. The new trips of the pro/ect were assigned among the updated citywide Traffic :orecasting Model. The pro/ect-generated trip distri.ution for the Alf Christianson Seed Site, with the north access from E 5incaid Street and with the south access from S 8th Street, is shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. The site trip distri.ution for the Truck City / Suzanne ,ane Site is shown in Figure 5. Skagit County (ail :acility Transportation Concurrency Review Page 3 Figure 2 indicates that most of the pro/ect-generated trips from the Alf Christianson Seed Site with the north access off E 5incaid Street are present on E 5incaid Street, 6road Street, and S 3rd Street. Figure 2. Pr /ect Trip Distributi n 2 Alf Christians n Seed Site with N rth Access Skagit County (ail :acility Transportation Concurrency Review Page 8 Figure 3 shows that most of the pro/ect-generated trips from the Alf Christianson Seed Site with the south access off S 8th Street are present on S 8th Street, C Section Street, and S 3rd Street.
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